Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 36

165 6 0
By Paranilla

-Chapter 36: Origins

I touch Parad's face as he stares at the ceiling of the warehouse. He's so handsome. How can someone like him exist in this world?

He turns his head, looking me in the eyes as a smile grows on his face. "What is it?"

"Parad, how did you come into the universe?" I ask as he sits up a bit.

"Did Kuroto leave us already?"

"He went out to mess around."

"I had fun."

"Answer my question."

He laughs. "Why do you want to know that about me? I already told you enough about me," he states, chuckling. "Is it that important to you?"

"I just want to know how you came into this world. Is that so wrong?" I want to know all about the man I love. What is wrong with knowing things like that about him?

"Well, I was born into this world like most Bugsters. I came from my host who was a Human like you." He smiles. "You don't need to know about my host. It doesn't matter."

"Why can't I know about your host?"

"They're not important to you." He moves closer to me and puts his arms around me, pulling me closer to his body. "I love you, Kara. I really, really love you despite what I want to do with my life. No matter what, Kara, I won't kill you. You're someone who is untouchable in my mind. I don't know what you did to me but you did something."

"It is my wicked charm."

"What charm? You were playing innocent most of the time."

"Then it was the mystery behind me."

"Okay, it might be that. I just know you were very genuine towards me. You can't fake how you felt when you first saw me."

"I wouldn't be able to fake that much. When I gave myself to you it was real. It was a pure moment of happiness and love for me." How could I possibly fake anything I feel towards Parad? Getting involved with a Bugster is dangerous and plain wrong.

"Anyways, I do have my host's memories. I remember a lot about my host but it isn't anything you need to know about because you don't need to know everything about my host. It is the same thing as Graphite. He remembers everything Hiiro's deceased lover knows."

"Why are you referring to Graphite like he is alive?"

"Because he isn't truly dead to me. I still feel like he is with us." Parad kisses my cheek gently. "Kara Dan, I will be with you for the rest of my life."

"Are you sure you want that?"

"I am sure about it. Why?"

"No reason."

"What are you two going on about? Hurry up and get off the floor. I need to wash the blankets," Dan asks and I look over to the entrance of the warehouse. When did he come back?

"I'm not comfortable with you two watching me get dressed," I state.

"You got undressed last night so stop acting shy," Dan replies coldly, tossing a bag at me. "Put that on. I got you fresh clothes since you didn't think to bring any." Why is he being so rude? Does he hate sharing me with his little Bugster buddy?

I remove myself from Parad's arms and pull the blanket up as I pick up the bag at my side. "I'll put it on." I open it and pull out a variety of clothes. "You bought me an entire outfit. Why did you get me a pushup bra?"

"Your chest isn't very huge so I wanted something to make you have that little push. Don't worry, I don't mind your boobs not being so big. They're perfect enough for me."

"You're a pervert." I look at Parad. "Are you fine with my boobs?"

"Considering they're not that important to me, I'm fine with them."

"Just admit that you care about the size, Kuroto."

"I don't care about the size. It'll just look nice in the outfit I got you. I had to pay in cash and wear a disguise just to get you that. Next time you better bring your own outfit," Dan tells me. "I'm not going to keep sneaking around and buying stuff for you."

"What is wrong with you this morning? Didn't you have a goodnight with us?" I ask, looking at Parad. Parad shrugs and I turn my attention back to Dan.

"Don't worry about it. Just hurry up and get out of here before you get into trouble. If you get into trouble, I'm not going to be able to do anything for you."

"Okay, I'll get dressed and hurry on out of here. Parad, will you come see me later?"


"Take that necklace off next time you're here. I don't want to see it. If it isn't something from me, don't wear it."

"You don't have the right to demand that." I glare at Dan.

He looks at me, eyes narrowing into a cold stare. "You do what I want you to do or else."

"Will you kill me the way you killed Kiriya Kujo?" I ask.

"Do you want to find out?"

"No, I don't." I remove the blanket and get up, holding the clothes against my body. "I'm going to go and get dressed over there. I'll be back some other time when my husband isn't all over my butt."

"Alright," Parad says. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."


"Get your head out of the clouds."

I turn and look at Hiiro. "What?"

"Stop staring at nothing."

"Sorry, I am thinking right now. It is important." What is wrong with Dan this morning?

"I don't care if it is important or not, Kara. You don't get to think about whatever you want at work. I dictate everything you think about here and you will deal with it. Now get back to thinking about the patients," Hiiro orders, stepping away to probably go to do a surgery. I wonder where Emu is at.


I turn and look at Poppy in the face. Oh, she's being Asuna right now! I better address her as such.

"Asuna, what are you doing here?" I ask, moving over to her. "Where's Miyuki?"

"She's hanging out with Taiga right now. She's having a romantic lunch with him while some girl is busy glaring at them. I think that girl is jealous," Asuna tells me. "I didn't get a good look at her though. She is probably your height but you definitely have more boobs than she does."

"Asuna, I don't need to know about that kind of thing. I can careless about who is hanging around them. I only asked about Miyuki."

"Why are you in a bad mood today? Usually you're a bit bubblier." Well, that would be my fake personality to use in front of everyone.

"It isn't anything important. Don't worry about me." I force a smile onto my face. "Do you need help with anything though? I can help you out if you need it. Is something going on with Emu? Why aren't you with him?"

She shakes her head and laughs. "Oh, nothing is wrong with Emu! Emu is busy doing something at the moment because Hiiro sent him off to handle something. Hiiro is being really harsh with him and I can't believe that he is even human with how he is acting. How could he force Emu do that stuff?"

"Hiiro is human. He did lose his first love," I state. "Give him some time to get used to Emu being around him. I am sure Hiiro enjoys him being around him. Hiiro enjoyed me for so long so I know he is enjoying Emu's presence in his life. What he doesn't enjoy is someone who is like Graphite."

Pretty sure Graphite is floating around in the air as particles. Or in some water. Yeah, he's probably in someone's drinking water right now. Maybe he was in Hiiro's drinking water in order to get revenge for killing him. I wonder.

"Yeah, you're right. I think he does enjoy Emu." Asuna smiles. "So, Kara, you seem a bit different looking today. Did you do something to make you look brighter?"

"Oh, just my usual face cleaning routine. Get a face wash that'll brighten your face," I tell her, lying. I'm not going to tell her that I was busy sleeping around with a guy who killed someone and a Bugster that lives with him. It is already awkward enough as is.

"I see! I just become Poppy when I want to have a bright face. After all, I enjoy singing and being like an idol to everyone!"

"You're the mascot for Hiiro's level three form!" I grin. "Isn't that lovely?"

"How do you know that?"

"I have my ways."

"Mrs. Dan."

I look over, meeting Taiga's demon eyes. "Huh?"

"Who is this girl Taiga?" A girl asks and I look down a bit, staring her in the eyes. Ah! She's so scary looking for someone so tiny! It is like a demon took her soul.

"Yeah, she's the nurse who is married to the man who has caused all of this mess for us," Taiga says, looking down. "Nico, this is Kara Dan. Her original last name was Amor."

"Amor means love right?"

"Yes." I nod. "Why?"

"So, you're married to the former CEO of the greatest game company ever?" Nico asks me coldly.

"Yes, I am."

Nico nods her head. "Do you know where your husband is?" Nico asks, moving towards me and grabbing me by my top, pulling me down closer to her face. "Tell me where he is so we can kick his butt! How dare he not ask me to become one of his riders in order to beat that stupid Genius Gamer!"

"Taiga, does she do this a lot?" I ask.

"Yeah, she does. She's annoying."

I grab her hand and remove it from my shirt. "Listen, Nico, don't you dare be like this in front of me again. I'm your elder and you will treat me with respect."

"This girl," Nico says, snickering. "Who do you think you are?"

"I think I'm married to the criminal who caused Zero Day. Now, if you don't mind me I'm going to go and do something."


"You can have a few minutes to talk to your visitor," a prison guard says, looking me in the eyes. "I have no idea why she would want to visit you but she is visiting you. Do you have a young girlfriend you didn't tell us about?"

"I don't know who she is," the guy says, taking a seat in front of the window separating us. He looks me in the eyes and looks me over. So, this is my husband's father? My husband obviously didn't get his looks from him.

"Masamune Dan."

"That is my name. Who are you?" he asks, looking away.

"I'm Kara Dan," I answer and he looks at me. Is he shocked?

"Kara Dan? I don't think I know that name. But your last name...did you marry my son by any chance?" He's sharp.

"Yes, I'm married to your son. He doesn't know I'm visiting you. I actually found out about you myself thanks to a little help." A phone call earlier in the day brought Masamune to my attention. Maybe he will have something to tell me since Kiriya Kujo visited him before his death.

Masamune looks away. "Why are you visiting me?"

"Because I wanted to meet the father of my husband. Is that so wrong?"

"I doubt that is what brought you here. He doesn't talk about me openly."

"Did he disown you?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I am curious about you. Aren't you curious about me? Why would someone come all the way here to talk to you? Am I up to something? Am I going to do something awful to people? You don't know my intentions, right?"

He looks at me again. "I am questioning your intentions."

"Well, you shouldn't be. I'm not up to anything. I just wanted to meet you."

"I seriously doubt that."

"So, can you tell me something?"

"What is it?"

"Is your son hiding something important from me?"

"You tell me."

"Don't be like this. You should be able to tell me all about my husband. He is your son after all." I smile. "I want to hear about your relationship with him. Where is his mother at? He doesn't talk about any of his family. He only talks about me and he didn't seem happy with me early. I don't know what I did."

"Probably lead him on about something. What are you playing at?"

"Can you see me for who I am, Masamune?"

"Of course."

"Then you should know what I am up to."

"You're after something that my son can do for you aren't you? You're American, right?"

"That is correct. I am."

"Take your ass back there."

I laugh. "You're rude."

"If you're going to use my son, you should be aware of what he can do."

"I am aware of what he can do. I have seen him in action."

"I don't need to know that."

"Gosh, you're a pervert! I don't mean that!"

"My bad."

"Let's have a chat again soon." I stand up. "I will visit you again soon, Masamune. I hope you can be a bit more open next time."

"I hope you will be more open too. I want to know what you're exactly here for. I know you're up to no good. That much I can see and I can feel."

I laugh. "Yeah, let's see if you can find anything. I can assure you that you will not, Masamune. I'm only up to good."

I'm going to have to convince him that I'm up to good only and not up to no good.

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