Harmony [Lauren/You]

By ezeywolf27

274K 8K 2.4K

You avoided the limelight that your brother- Brad Simpson, always get, hence making the people know a little... More

Welcome to Harmony!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Upcoming story!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
*Special Chapter*
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Epilogue: The end and The beginning
Out Now!

Chapter 17

6.4K 266 85
By ezeywolf27

Troy sneakily glanced down to his side while he munched the last bite of his food. His eyes landed on the bowl of wings Normani was holding in her arm. Not being able to feel satisfied on his snack, he turns to Normani and opened his mouth to speak.

"Can I have one?" Troy asked while chewing his food, but not after reaching out to take a piece.

Normani moved the bowl away before Troy could get one and slapped his hand away with her free hand making Troy clutch his hand out of pain. She gave Troy an evil glare.

Troy pouted like a child. "That hurt..."

"Don't ever touch my wings." She told him.

The two came out of the kitchen finished getting food for their midnight snack and headed up the stairs to their own rooms. As they silently trudge in the hallway in silence, they muffled noise coming out on one of the closed doors. Normani and Troy looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

"Where is that coming from?" Troy wondered, his face scrunched thinking about the possibilities of what that noise might be.

They leaned onto their ears and listened closely, sneaking from door to door as they continue to walk towards their journey. Normani tapped the boys arm as her ear picked up where the noise is coming from. Troy moved closer to her and pressed his ear against the thick wooden door.

"It's in Ally's room." Normani whispered to him.

Troy hears muffled voice on the other side, he won't lie, it kind of hurt him for thinking somehing inappropriately that Ally and her boyfriend would be doing.

He heave out a breath, retreating back. "Let's get out of here before we get caught." Troy grumbled, frowning as he head on to where he was suppose to go.

Normani ignored him and continued to listen what was happening inside Ally's room.


Your heard the blinds pulled open and before you know it the bright sunlight was like burning past the skin of your closed eyes. You eyes shot open, regretting afterwards due to the light painly blinding your eyes before hastily hopping off your bed and rushed towards the window.

The burning sunlight dissipate when your hands successfully pulled the thread and closed the blinds, you look around the room, your eyes landing on a certain cuban glaring at you with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Leave me alone." You stated in monotone voice, walking past her.

Camila huffed uncrossing her arms and turned around to grab you by the wrist, stopping you again before you could even return back to bed.

"Stop being so immature, Y/N." Said Camila, gazing up to your eyes. "Stop running away from your problems."

"I'm not running away." You pulled your hand away from her as if she was a stranger who just touched you. "I just don't see the point in fixing things."

"Just try and talk to Laur-"

"Nope." You cut her off. "Don't you even dare to say her name." You told her, climbing on the bed again facing the wall and pulling the duvet up to cover your head. "All she had to do is to talk to the media and clear up all those false accusation that her boyfriend's band mates called on me but what did she do? She stayed quiet about it."

You felt the bed dipped behind you followed by an arm placed on your back, the duvet being the only boundary between the two of you. Camila sighed.

"Talk to her, Y/N. Please." Camila says again, smoothening her hand up and down your shoulder. "Everything has a reason, Y/N.Lauren has a reason."

"Then what a fucked up reason she has Camila." You snapped at her, scooting away from her touch.

Camila watched you with a pained expression, you never called her by her name, you always call her monkey. And by that, she sensed that you're serious about the situation. She hated seeing you like this and as your best friend she had to make sure you're alright, but how could she if you always keep shutting away from everyone.

With closed eyes pretending to sleep, you hear the bed creak and footsteps slowly fading away. The door creaked open with a slight pause. "Breakfast will be served in a few minutes Y/N." Camila reminded. "Don't forget to eat alright?" She said lastly before your hear the door closed softly.

You exhaled, opening your eyes as you turned around. You watch the closed door where Camila came out, a slight regret on what you've made her feel. You stared at the door with your lips pursed into a tight line, parting your lips a little.

"I'm sorry, Monkey." You muttered before closing your eyes again.


You felt a cold sensation pressing simultaneously on your lips, slowly waking you up from your deep slumber. You shift in your bed and opened your eyes to see Angelina's face closer to yours, looking at you closely with a small slice of pancake on her hand.

Your eyes switched down to the food then back to her eyes again. "Are you trying to put that in my mouth?" You yawned as you asked her, lifting your torso using your forearm as leverage.

"You didn't eat your pancake, so big brother Troy ate it." She told you, bringing the cold pancake closer to your mouth again. "You might be hungry so I brought you mine."

The simple yet heartwarming action melted your heart. "Come here." You pulled her by the arm, guiding her while she climb on your bed. You lied back, pulling Angelina into a warm embrace.

"Thank you little one." You muttered, tightening your arms around her.

Angelina pulled away. "Are you going to spend new year's Eve with us big sister?" She asked, curling her body into a ball while she absentmindedly placed the pancake on a forgotten corner of the bed.

You squinted your eyes playfully, humming as you thinking. "I don't know..." You trailed off, shrugging your shoulders.

The little girl whined, rolling over on her stomach and look towards you with an adorable pout on her lips. "But everyone will be there."

"I'm a bit...busy at the moment.." You lied. "And besides, you guys will all be okay without me."

"But Lauren will be sad again."

You should be Angry at Lauren, you should never cared about her, but after what Angelina said you can't help but to feel concerned about her.

"Again?" Your head tilts. "Why?"


You cut her off. "How come you call me big sister while you only call Brad by his name?"

Angelina looks down, her pout falls down. "Brad said he doesn't like me and he always treat me badly." She replied and looked back up to you again. "And when mommy told me I have another big sister, I thought maybe I can have a playmate since nobody in school likes me."

You placed your palm on her head and ruffled her hair. "Don't worry now little one, I'll make sure that I would be the best big sister you'll ever have."

Angelina's a very energrtic and playful little girl, she can lit the whole room with her contagious laugh and fun games that adults can automatically join in with her. But knowing she had that type of experience that you didn't knew she had, it changed the way you see about her.

The girl vigorously nodded her head, crawling towards you with excitement and wrapped her sticky syrupy hands. "Lauren was sad because her and Brad haf a fight." Angelina pulled away, still looking at you as she answers your first question. "And Brad said something about break up."

Your eyes blinked at the person before you. Break again?. You tightened your eyelids when you closed your eyes. Words of 'just forget about her' and 'you should be mad at her' ringing repeatedly in your head.


"Y/N's going to join us this new years eve right?" Troy asked, plugging the jack in the speaker that has been assembled at the backyard. "You sure?"

Sergio nodded. "Dude, I told Normani to ask help from Angelina, so I'm hundred percent sure she'll come."

"Good," Troy jot his head, scanning the wires and plugs before looking up to his brother. "We can't just let her lock herself up in her room, I get scared when she does that."

Sergio shook his head. "The Y/N we know is strong, she'll never thing of hurting herself, Troy, don't worry."


Troy turned to the voice that was calling him and saw Normani rushing in swerving to avoid hitting other people that is working fot the incoming event. Normani reached to the two, her eyes followed Sergio.

"Good, you're here too." Normani begun. "It's Ally."

Troy paused, his aura turning serious as Normani mentioned Ally's name. He and his brother looked at each other briefly before turning to the dark skinned woman in front of them.

"What about Ally?" Troy asked, leaning his head closer to her.

"I don't if it's only me but, she's acting very strange and when I accidentally touched her she just..." Normani trailed off, her eyes slowly moistened. "I've never seen her so frightened."

Frightened. Those words sinking in Troy's mind caused something in him to set off. His body slowly stiffened at realization, even though in his mind he prayed that what he is thinking was false.

"That son of a b-"

Sergio interrupted, placing both hands on his brothers shoulders. "Why? What do you think?"

Troy looked at his older brother, his face contorted with a worried expression. "It's like happening all over again, Gio." Troy mumbled quietly, but lucky for Normani, she heard it.

"Again? What?" She looked at him puzzled.

Sergio's lungs hitched. No, it can't be. He thought to himself. Looking to his brother again. "Don't worry, Troy, we'll save her. You'll save her, I know you will."

No matter how much positivity Sergio tries to put in his head, he can't help but to feel a sudden chill running up his spine. Cold air nipping at his face was as cold as the days he remembered how suffering was to him. The flash of memories of him hugging his small body, how he tried to ignore the coldness of the floor hat he was instructed to sleep on.

Abuse, it was scary for a person who is going through with it.


"You did an excellent job, Angelina, and by that I'll let you pick any gift you want." Normani giggled halfheartedly, averting his gaze from you and down to the little girl who has your finger on her small ones.

Night came and everybody were outside and decided that they'll celebrate outdoors. Scarfs and thick jackets were the only thing keeping them warm in the bitter cold night. Red cups and buzz of the crowd were muffled by the lound music blasting from the speakers, the fire crackers were leaning on the bushes at the side.

You admit, you were kind of regretting that you came out to celebrate when you can relax in your quiet, warm room.

You and Troy watched as Sergio took the little girl that was holding your arm away from you. You switched your gaze towards Troy arching a brow at him.

"What?" He asked innocently, eyes narrowing.

You rolled your eyes at him.

"Lighten up, Y/N." He stated, swinging his hand, that he is using to hold his red cup, around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. "New year is just minutes away. If you're still frowning 'til then, means you've been frowning through the whole year." He joked.

You lightly push him away using your forearm. "I don't care."

He sighed, staring at the side of your frowned up face. "Love makes us do stupid and regrettable things, Y/N. I hope you'd understand Lauren." He told you, pulling his arm back to his sides.

Your face scrunched up hearing him. "What do yo-" You paused,  turning to your best friend to see him already walking towards the sea of crowd.

"One minute left!" Behind the chatter of the people as you moved around to search for Troy, you hear a voice announcing how much time left until new year.

"Troy!" You called, your eyes scanning the area. "What the fuc-" You abruptly stopped your words as you turned your head around, your eyes landing on a pair of darker shade of emerald orbs glinting from the mix of dark and dim lights.

"30 seconds!"

Lauren mumbled something quickly at her companion that she was talking to before walking towards you. "Y/N!" Lauren called under the loud music.

You spun around and begun to head on towards a different direction, avoiding her at all cost. You can still hear her voice calling out to you and you tried the hardest to avoid it even if there's still a part of you that is saying to turn around and face her.

"15 seconds!"


Your body jerked backwards as someones hand closed itself around your wrist and pulled you to face them. Lauren's striking deep emerald eyes stared deep into your soul when your eyes landed on them. Her hypnotic eyes sending a ripple in your body feeling your legs as if they were about to break down.


You managed to avert your eyes and gaze down to the both of your hands. Her fingers wrapped around your wrist tightly. You pulled your hand back with force.


"What do you want, Lauren." You stated in a monotone voice.


"Look, Y/N, I just wanted to say sor-"

"No!" You cut her off, voice raised. "You don't get to say that word Lauren! You don't fucking get to! I saved you! And what did I get? A fucking short statement that feels like a painful slap in the face!"


Lauren staggered back at your outburst. Nobody had heard your shouts due to the loud music booming out the speakers a few feet away from the both of you.

Never have ever Lauren again heard you swear, the only time she has was months ago when you two were not in good terms yet. You inhaled heavily, you can already feel your veins popping on your neck.

"Was it not fucking enough?!" You asked, hands rolled into a tight fist. "Saving you hasn't yet proved what I feel for you enough?!" Tears started to form in your eyes, but you were not weak like that, you're not going to break in front of her and blink the tears away.

"Happy new year!"

Your voice instantly dropped into a soft whisper. "Am I not enough?"

You ignored the loud cheers and fireworks from the background. Your eyes solely focused on the cuban before you as the colors of pink, blue and yellow danced along the half of her shadowed face under the dark sky.

"It's not like that," Lauren shook her head, tears already flowing down from her eyes. "I love hi-"

"Bull shit." You hissed. "After all he had put you through? You still had the mind to say that? Why do you keep pushing yourself to be with someo-"

"Because that's what love is, Y/N." She cuts you off. "It's worth fighting for."

You clicked your tongue at her while shaking your head as if you heard the greatest joke on earth. "But you can't be the only one fighting Lauren."

"That's not true, I know that he's putting effort in our relationship." Lauren shook her head at you.

"Get your head out of his ass Lauren, he's not even trying."

"Don't say that!" This time Lauren yelled at you. "He's trying his best! He's just stressed out by his band, Y/N."

You looked at her incredulously. "He effortlessly fucking broke up with you Lauren!"

"He'll be back! I know he'll be back, he prom-"

"Goddamnit, Lauren!" You cut her off, your eyes squinted as you yelled to the top of your lungs. "Stop it, would you look at yourself," You paused, your icy Eye/C eyes scanning her from head to toe. "You look like a desperate person."

There was a slight pause before Lauren responded.

"Have you felt being loved?" She whispered, her face messy from the tear stains. "And most especially, have you felt being in love?" You stared at her, wondering to yourself why did she asked you that. "If not, then you don't know how it feels to love so-"

"Love?" You cut her off again, and it seems that you've been doing it since you two had started arguing. You laughed at her bitterly. "He put you through hell Lauren and you call it love?"

This time as though you've won the battle. Lauren's lips parted but the words never came out as if she had swallowed it with a gulp of her throat.

You shook your head at her, your lips pursed. "I understand, Lauren, that we sometimes sacrifice ourselves for love," You sighed, your cold lips can feel the slight warmth of your breath. "But that doesn't mean we have to be stupid for it." You muttered before turning over to your heels and begin to walk away.

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