Star wars the clone wars one...

By Mlpjokershobbit

55.3K 1K 956

A collections of one shots that will be days in the lives of and also ships (if your a nerd you will know) an... More

Rex imagines
Rex's birthday!
rex and cody random talk!
Random talk with the star wars characters!
Starting our new life
Random talk with the star wars Characters #2 XD
Ask the star wars characters!
Random chat with the star war characters 3...i think!
The star wars characters answering questions!
The start of it all
After i left/After she left
College Dorm Mates. Part 1/?
College Dorm Mates part 2/?
College Dorm Mates. Part 3/3
Random chat with the star wars the clone wars characters! #4? I think....XD
Random chat with the star wars the clone wars characters 5!
Answering more questions!
Answering even MORE questions! :D
Random Chat With The Star Wars The Clone Wars Characters 6!
Day Off!
Random chat with the Star wars the Clone wars Characters 7!!!!
Random Chat With The Star Wars Characters 8!
The Pain of Death
Through The Years
Cooking with Cody!
Answering EVEN MORE questions! :D
Hall of Heroes.
Comm Calls
The Rain, And Pain
Training on Onderon
More questions to answer! :D
Daddy's girl
Cooking with Cody, episode 2!
Life Story: Part 1/3
Cooking with Cody, episode 3!
Q&A Celebrating over 7.5k readers!
"I'm Your New Padawan!" AU
Cooking with Cody, episode 4!
Life Story: Part 2/3?
Cooking with Cody HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!
Christmas Decorating (Rexsoka)
Life Story (part 4/9?)
Life Story (Part 5/8?)
Life Story (Part 6/8?)
Life Story (part 7/7)
10,000 reads!?
Late Night Caf
13,000 reads mini Q&A
Happy Birthday Snips!!!
Shopping with Cody #1
Roxy's Heart (part 1/?)
Roxy's Heart (part 2/?)
Roxy's Heart (part 3/?)
Roxy's Heart (Part 4/?)
Roxy's Heart (part 5/?)
Roxy's Heart (part 6/7)
Roxy's Heart (Final Part)
Unhappy Anniversary
18.3 thousand views!? Q&A
Date Gone Wrong
Pre and Post meeting Benjamin, Roxy Headcanons
Past Emerging (part 1)
Past Emerging (part 2)
The clone wars characters as Vines/Tiktoks/memes
Old Memories
Broken Again
Random Roxy head canons
Modern AU! (Short)
Fractured Future
Cooking with Cody: St.Patricks day edition!!
Prompt One-shots #1
Found Family

Life Story: Part 3/4?

198 5 0
By Mlpjokershobbit

A year had past since Roxy's first mission, she'd been on many missions now, and had earned the rank of Corporal. But now the 501st and General Skywalker, along with General Kenobi and some of the 212th had been shipped to Christophsis to help out, and keep the Sepratists from taking over the planet. And today, everyone was in for a surprise.

"Jetpacks ready! We're good to go sir!" Rex shouted to Anakin, and they lept off the building and landed right in the middle of the droid battalion. The men and Roxy began shooting droids left and right, Anakin was on top of a spider walker, hacking and slashing away at it. He got the top open, and pulled the droid out, killed it, and destroyed the walker. The Clones had gotten rid of most of the droids, when they called for reinforcements, the men had to fall back, there were too many droids. 

Once they were back at the base, Obi-wan and Anakin held a small meeting, and decided they needed to call in reinforcements. " you read me?" Anakin said into his comm, no answer. "Damn, communications are out." Anakin said, Obi-wan and Cody tried as well, nothing. Roxy approached the table where they had the hologram of the area, she looked over it and saw all the red dots, which indicated the enemies. "Uh, Generals, their getting closer, we need to get some reinforcements otherwise we're all toast." She stated, "Their sending a small squad around another side for an ambush!" She yelled, "Come on!" Rex yelled, and took her, and a small squad of their own.

They found the droids trying to sneak into the supply room, which was emptying quick anyway, and shot them all down, and destroyed their trackers. When they were walking back, Roxy and Rex noticed a Togrutan, talking with Anakin and Obi-wan. They approached, and stood quietly, waiting to be spoken too. The Togrutan noticed them, but didn't say anything yet. "I don't have time for this! Take Obi-wan as a master, I don't want a Padawan!" Anakin complained, "Sir, I thought you said you'd never have a Padawan?" Rex asked, "I don't want a Padawan, but this kid keeps insisting that Yoda assigned her to me!" He shouted. 

After calming down, Obi-wan convinced Anakin to take her in as his Padawan. He agreed. "Alright, Ahsoka, this is Captain Rex, and Corporal Roxy. Rex, Roxy, this is my padawan, Ahsoka Tano." Anakin introduced them to each other, Rex and Roxy nodded to her and she returned it and smiled. Rex smiled under his helmet. Rex went to show her around, and that's when they saw it, the droids had a shield. 

"Time to get that experience you wanted, kid." Rex said as he looked down at Ahsoka. The battle began, Anakin and Ahsoka were under a box, and trying to infiltrate the droids shield bubble, and take down their generators, and Obi-wan was 'negotiating peace' with the General of the droid battalion, while the troopers kept on fighting. They had to fall back again, "General Skywalker and Ahsoka had better hurry the hell up!" Roxy shouted as she took a blaster bolt in the arm, and shot back again. 

The Clones were having a hard time holding their ground, their numbers were dropping fast, and they couldn't break the shield. They were nearly captured when, finally, the shield went down! "Hold your ground men!" Rex shouted as they ran forward and began fighting again. They killed all the droids, they shot them, ripped them apart, whatever they had to do to win. Obi-wan had captured the General, and Anakin and Ahsoka were walking back to the base. Rex looked at Roxy and side hugged her, then noticed as she hissed in pain, he looked at her arm and side, and saw the wounds. 

"Roxy!" He yelled, "You're hurt." He stated, "I'll be fine, I'll get Kix to bandage me up when we're on a ship back home." She replied and patted his arm, and smiled at him through her helmet. Ahsoka and Anakin walked towards Rex and Roxy, "Nice work, Kid" Rex said to Ahsoka, She smiled gratefully, and saw the bullet holes on the Corporals armor, "Are you okay?" She asked, "I'm fine." Roxy said, Ahsoka noticed something off about the Corporals voice, "Is something wrong with your helmet?" She asked, Roxy removed her helmet and looked inside of it, "Seems fine to me." She stated and looked at Ahsoka who was completely dumbfounded.

"Y-you're a woman!?" Ahsoka shouted, "I mean, I'm pretty sure I am, yeah." Roxy laughed, Rex held back a laugh and told Ahsoka, "Roxy was an orphan, and I took her in when she was thirteen, raised her as a solider. She's our sister." He explained. A ship finally showed up, and everyone boarded the gun ships and got onto the cruiser. The Clones all went to the mess hall for a well deserved meal, Rex invited Ahsoka to join them. They got a large table and ate like they hadn't in weeks. Which was almost true.

"So how long have you been here?" Ahsoka asked Roxy, "six years, I've been in the 501st since I was eighteen, but I had to train for almost four years." She replied, "Do you mind if I ask what happened to your parents?" Ahsoka asked, Rex looked away from his food and eyed his sister and Ahsoka, he hadn't heard the full story of what happened to them either. "Uh, well, They were drunks, and abusive. They just up and left me when I was ten, so I made my money, and lived alone for three years. Then Rex found me with a gun to my head, and saved my life." She said, and looked at Rex and smiled.

"I'm so sorry your parents treated you like that." Ahsoka said sympathetically, "Don't be. That was the best thing that happened to me. If they had stayed, I'd be dead, so it's actually a good thing that all that happened." Roxy explained, Ahsoka nodded. 

After they had finished eating, they could finally rest. They all got changed into sweat pants and t-shirts, and sat around in their common room. "How long till we get back to Coruscant?" Ahsoak asked, "A few days." Roxy said as she sat down on the couch next to Rex and ran a hand over face. Roxy had showered and gotten cleaned up, nobody had showered in over a week so they were dirty to the bone. Ahsoka noticed Roxy's long brown hair, and the blue tips. "I like your hair!" Ahsoka complimented her, Rosy looked at her hair, "Oh, thanks!" She replied, and rolled her sleeves up, Ahsoka also noticed the scars on Roxy's arms. 

Roxy saw Ahsoka's eyes gaze at her scars, Roxy rolled her sleeves down, "Their from when I lived alone" She answered the question she knew was coming. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be so nosy.." Ahsoka apologized, "It's fine.." Roxy brushed it off. Hardcase walked in with a bunch of drinks, and handed one to everyone in the room. "I can't drink.." Ahsoka said, "Well I can!" Roxy said and took the beer from Ahsoka, she laughed. "Do you have any tattoos?" Ahsoka asked Roxy and Rex, "Yeah." They answered at the same time. 

Roxy punched Rex's arm, Ahsoka noticed the bond they had, she could sense their closeness. Rex lifted his sleeve to reveal  a tattoo of 'Jaig eyes' on his shoulder, and the number 501 on his wrist, "Everyone in the 501st has 501 tattoo'd on their wrists." Rex said. Ahsoka then looked to Roxy, "Oh boy, ok, I've got a few." said Roxy, She showed the sunglasses on her hand, the 501 on her wrist, the quill on her fore-arm, the musical staff around her upper arm, and the moon on her upper back near her shoulder. "Wow." was all Ahsoka said, Roxy laughed, "Yeah, It's a lot but they have a special meaning to me." She explained. 

After sitting around and drinking for a few more hours, everyone went to their cabins, and fell into a deep slumber. 

*Time skip to three months later*

Roxy walked to the gym, and began her routine workout, no one else was there so it was quiet. It was times like this, she enjoyed the most, peace and quiet. She had just began lifting weights when she heard a scream outside the barracks, she ran to the door, and saw a small building burning, she threw her armor on as quick as she could, and ran to the building, "Is anyone still inside!?" Roxy asked a woman, "My neighbor!" She shouted, Roxy ran into the flames, and tried to find as many people as she could, everything was being engulfed by the flames, and it was starting to collapse. 

She saw a man, coughing, she hoisted him up and ran him outside, and went back in to find anyone else, when she had brought another woman out, she saw Rex running her way, she ignored his pleas for her to stop and wait for the fire department, but she had to save these people. She ran back in and found two kids, and someone's pet, the air resperater in her helmet was starting to give out, it was getting hard to breath. "Roxy!" Rex yelled when he saw her on her knees, "I'm fine.." She panted and got back up, and searched the building again. 

They both ran out of the building, and it collapsed behind them. Roxy took off her helmet, and took a deep breath of air, she looked at Rex who was fuming. "Are you crazy!?" He shouted at her, "You could've died you idiot! You could have been in that building when it collapsed!" He yelled, "But I wasn't. And I saved everyone." She said, Rex frowned, but hugged her, "Don't ever do that again, I can't lose you, your my only sister." He breathed out. Some news people had gotten the whole thing, and now they wanted Roxy to pose for a picture, Anakin had showed up and said it was ok.

She posed with the people she had saved, but she didn't know that someone she knew would see that picture and turn her world inside out, so she thought there was no harm. 

*Time skip to three days later*

"Kix, stop yelling at me! I'm nineteen and I know what I'm doing.....for the most part!" Roxy shouted to the panicked medic, "You breathed in a lot of smoke, your lungs could-" Roxy stopped him from talking by shoving some gelatin into his mouth, and he shut up. Roxy's comm bleeped, "Corporal Roxy here." She answered, "Roxy, uh, there's some people here, they're looking for you.." Anakin said. Something sounded wrong in his voice, it sounded like sadness. 

Roxy began walking to the Jedi Temple, Rex soon joined her with Ahsoka by his side. "We heard your going to the Temple, what's up?" Rex asked, "I don't know, Skywalker says there's some people who wanna see me?" She replied, not completely sure herself. They arrived at the Temple, and saw Anakin talking with two people, Roxy approached with caution, but nearly fell down the stairs when they turned around. 

"Roxy!" The man yelled and tried to hug her, Roxy backed away, "What the hell are you doing here!?" She screamed, the couple looked taken aback, "We've missed you so much!" The woman said, "Get away from me!" Roxy said and back away even more, "Roxy, we're your parents, don't we deserve a chance to explain ourselves?" Her mother asked, "No, you don't! Because I don't care! As far as I'm concerned, I don't have parents!" Roxy yelled back.

"These are your parents?" Rex asked, "They were." Roxy replied coldly, "Roxy, please.." Her father started, "No! You abused me! You left me! I had to  kill people to make a living, when I was ten! I nearly killed myself because of you people!" She screamed, hot tears making their way down her face. Rex stood wide-eyed, he'd never seen her this way. "Roxy, that was a mistake, we're sorry." her mother added, "How did you even find me?" Roxy asked, "We saw you in the news, you saved people. We wanted to get you back, and apologize." Her father added. 

"No, I won't accept any apology from you people, your dead to me, and I was doing just fine until you showed up, now get out of here, and out of my life forever. I never want to see you people again." She said through gritted teeth, "But-" "I said leave! Before I fucking make you!" She screamed, they looked at each other and walked away, "You'll regret this!" Her mother yelled, "Uh-fucking-likely!" She yelled back, and turned to Rex.

She ran to him and hugged him, Anakin patted her back, "I'm so sorry, Roxy. I would have sent them away if I knew they would have done this." He said, She shook her head, and looked to him, "It's okay, I think I needed that, the closure, and to know they're gone for good." She replied, he nodded. Ahsoka and Rex walked her back to the base. "How dare they!?" She yelled, "I could've done without having to see them again in my life! They're the reason I became a bounty hunter, they're the reason I held that gun to my head!" She said as she fell to her knees and cried. "I- i can't do this right now....I feel so stressed, I can't even think right now, I just need to fucking kill something right now.." She mumbled, and stood up, dried her tears and took a deep breath.

"It'll be okay Roxy.." Ahsoka reassured her, "You're probably right." She replied, "Just calm down." Rex said, "We'll get you something to eat and drink, and we'll get Jesse if you wanna shoot paintballs at his head." Rex stated and they went to the Kitchens, "Ahsoka, I've never seen her like this, I've never seen her so angry. Honestly, it scared me." Rex admitted, "I know, but I'm sure she'll be okay, we'll just keep an eye on her, make sure she'd okay." Ahsoka told him. He nodded, and grabbed a plate of food, and a glass of water. They walked back to the common room, and saw Roxy staring at her scars, bruises and scratches. 

"They're ugly, I can't go anywhere without a long-sleeved shirt. I can't feel completely confident...I-" Ahsoka cut Roxy off with a hug, "Roxy, listen, your an amazing woman, I've never met anyone like you. Your the only female solider in the entire Clone army! Those scars, they aren't ugly, think of them as chapters, in the story of your life, though it may have been hard when you were young, their the reminders of the hardships you've made it through. Those scars made you the person you are, and I think that person is pretty damn incredible, and inspirational. Your scars aren't ugly, their beautiful." She told Roxy truthfully, she left a few tears slip and stood up.

"Thank you, Ahsoka." Roxy said and covered up her scars. She looked at Rex and smiled, and accepted the food and water. "I just wish I didn't have to see them, they just brought up so much rage, I'm sorry." She said, "It's alright." Rex told her and rubbed her back. After she ate, she went to sleep, replaying Ahsoka's kind words, and she smiled, she had some amazing friends, and she'd do anything to protect them.

To Be Continued...

A/N: Alright! Ahsoka is in, and Roxy's parents came back, that was dramatic. This took an hour and a half to write, that's how much these chapters mean to me! So I really hope y'all like this short story about Roxy! Enjoy! Next chapter will be, maybe next week? Also look forward to some Halloween themed chapters! Pumpkin carving on cooking with Cody, and some spooky stuff happening on Spacebook! See you in the next chapter! ~Mlpeej :)

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