Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

15.3K 361 71

(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 5
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 22

163 5 1
By Paranilla

-Chapter 22: Things Are Getting Serious

"Why are you here today, Kuroto?" Hiiro asks, glaring at Dan.

"I'm here because I have an announcement for you all. From now on you will have a new rider joining you. Kara will be joining you guys as a Kamen Rider. She does meet all the requirements so please don't ask why she was selected. She is perfect for the job." And he's perfect at being evil and a liar.

"When did you decide to select her to become a Kamen Rider?" Hiiro asks, actually looking shocked.

Emu stares at me in shock. "Huh?"

"Why are you two so confused?" I ask. "I'm perfectly qualified to be one. I have been here for a while now so it makes sense. Right, Kuroto?" I look at Dan, forcing a smile on my face. Gosh, this is completely awkward right now.

Dan nods his head, smiling. "Absolutely, Kara. You two are going to have to get along with her. Also, where is Poppy at right now?"

"She's busy," Emu answers. "She went off to handle something for the Minister of Health."

Hiiro looks at me. "Congratulations, Kara," he tells me, sounding absolutely ticked off. Does he not trust me right now? Or does it have to do with Dan? Oh, he's jealous! I almost forgot he was like that towards Dan.

"Thank you, Hiiro." I smile, staring straight into his eyes. "Anyways, Dan, should we talk about this a bit more? I think I'm going to need some training on the whole entire system."

"I will meet you at Genm Corp later. I will hook you up with as much data as you need in order to see what you need to do good in. I will base everything off of what the other Riders have done." He looks over at the door and I turn, eyes stopping on Miyuki.

"Hey, what is up everyone?"

"Hello," Dan answers. "You are Kara's friend, right?"

"That is correct!" Miyuki exclaims cheerfully, clapping her hands together. She is totally adorable! She's really, really adorable!

"It is great to see you once again. What is your name?"

"Miyuki," she answers, smiling warmly at her technical father.

I look at Dan, glaring at him a bit. I don't like how he is talking to her. Not that I'm jealous or anything because she wouldn't want to be with her father at all. Also, I doubt he wants to be with his own daughter.

"Kuroto, can we please talk?" I ask him.

He looks at me, taking his eyes off his daughter. "Yes, we can talk. If you're asking, it must be very important."

"It is very important." Of course, I'm lying about it being important.

"Alright, let's leave the room then."

"Alright. I'll see you all later." I bow my head a bit and step forward.

Miyuki moves forward, stepping towards me. When did I turn my body to walk straight? I guess I do things without thinking about it much. Or noticing it.

"Goodbye, Kara! Goodbye, Kuroto!" Miyuki says, smiling warmly. She's so sweet!

"Goodbye." I step out the room and Dan follows me, heading towards the elevator with me.

I stop at the elevator and press the button as Dan moves directly next to me. I look at him, hair sort of blocking my vision. Well, not really blocking my vision. Just covering my face a bit to the point he doesn't notice me looking right at him.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he asks me.

"I just wanted to leave the room with you."

"Wanting to do something now?"

"Don't think like that. I meant it when I said it was a onetime thing." It may have happened twice but that is it. Still, it was all in one night so it was a onetime thing.

"Sure it was." He smirks.

"Don't get cocky now." The elevator opens and I step forward, entering the elevator.

He joins me in the elevator, pressing a random button. I can't see which one it is at all. He also pressed it way too fast for me to catch. Great! I don't know where he is taking me to!

"I have a lot of reasons to be cocky." He's right on that. He's really good at what he does and is really, really intelligent. He should find a way to make me smarter.

I nod my head, staring at the elevator door. "If I was like you, I would be able to feel as cocky as you."

"Haven't you ever been cocky?"

"At one point." When I was really good at stealing from others.

"You were a thief, right?"


"I can see why you were at that time period. You were excellent weren't you?"

"How did you figure out so much about my past?"

"I have my ways, Kara."

"I can tell." He's worse than Kiriya Kujo.

The elevator stops and the door opens, revealing the outside. I see he picked the outside to go to. Maybe he's going to go and handle some business elsewhere.

I move closer to him, looking him in the eyes. "What are you truly up to, Kuroto? What are you doing exactly? You have been looking into my past haven't you? Why?" I cross my arms, glaring at him.

Dan looks at me. "I'm not up to anything, Kara. I am only looking into your past because I'm curious about you and what makes you so special to Hiiro and everyone else you meet. I think there is something about you that naturally draws people to you."

"Are you implying there is something wrong with me?" What could be wrong with me besides being torn between two different sides of myself? One that wants Dan and the other that wants Parad. It is so wrong.

"No, I'm not saying something is wrong with you. Something about you is very interesting and can draw people to you somehow."

"Maybe it is my looks? I probably look super kind and very, very innocent."

He steps out of the elevator and I follow him, staring at the back of his head. I look down, staring at his long legs. He is absolutely perfect in the looks department. Much like Parad.

He stops and turns a bit, staring me in the eyes. "Staring?"

"No." How can he tell that?

He turns fully and moves towards me, closing the gap between us. He leans down a bit and places a hand on my cheek, smiling. He presses his lips against mine and I look at him, eyes widening. He's kissing me right outside the hospital! Sure, no one is going to see back here but still!

He breaks the kiss, smiling a bit smugly. "I enjoy kissing your lips. You look cute when you don't expect someone to kiss you."

"Y...you jerk!"

"You don't actually think that, Kara. Anyways, take care of yourself. After last night, I want you to ensure that you're in good health."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I look at him in confusion. Is he implying if I should check to see if I'm pregnant or not? How would that even show at this time?

"I know what you're thinking right now and you're not understanding it very well. What I mean is that you should get the morning after pill or something to stop any chance of being pregnant."

"I'm not going to do that. As a medical professional, I signed on to keep people alive. I'm not going to take life away from someone even if it isn't part of my job. I couldn't dare do that, Kuroto. The thought of doing that to someone else is horrible for me. I get how others can do that and I'm not going to stop them from making their choice, okay? But this is my choice and I don't believe in fixing my mistakes by erasing someone who has nothing to do with what I did."

"Did you really think it was a mistake?"

"You know it was." My eyes are burning. I think I'm going to cry.

"Kara, you know it really wasn't. You came there and threw yourself at me," he tells me. He's not lying. I went right after him like some sort of Banshee. I remove his hand from my face.

"What is going on here?" This doesn't look good.

I look over, eyes connecting with Taiga Hanaya's eyes. "Nothing is going on really. Kuroto is telling me that I suck at trying to separate my personal views from certain situations. Isn't it cruel to tell someone how to do your job when they don't even do your job?"

"I don't care since it isn't my business to know about what you two are up to. I'm busy focusing on other things." I look down, noticing a bag. Did he get Miyuki something? "This isn't what you think it is. She actually got this herself and left this at my hospital. Tell the little eyesore to stop leaving crap there." He tosses the bag my way and rushes off, leaving me with Kuroto.

I bend over a pick the bag off the ground. "He's rude."

"I can see that."

"Not as rude as you."

"How am I rude?"

"You know why you are."

"I would stand here and argue with you all day but I don't think it is worth it. If you need anything, you can find me at my office. Goodbye."


"Bugster..." I look at the Bugster in front of me as Graphite stands to the side of it, staring at someone else. Pretty sure he is death glaring Hiiro right now. Or looking at him with some half smirk on his face for murdering Hiiro's first love.

"Kara, don't just stand there!" Hiiro orders. "Transform!" Gosh, he is demanding!

I pull out my Gamer Driver and place it on me like a belt as it wraps around me. I pull out my Gashat with my free hand and shove it into the Driver, placing the other hand on the lever. I pull it, going into level one. Now, time to go level two! I pull it again and switch into level two.

Graphite moves forward, ignoring me and going for Hiiro. Hiiro moves backward, placing his sword in his way to block Graphite's attack. Those two are going to end up killing each other. Pretty darn sure of that.

I look away and stare at the Bugster in front of me as it moves to attack me. I hold out my hand, making a weapon appear. What did I get? Hey, a sword!

I block the attack of the Bugster as Dan appears to the side, staring straight at me. I put the sword to my side and I feel pain in my side. That wasn't a bright idea!

I fall to the ground and I look down at the health gauge, which is in the shape of a heart for me. Crap! I went down at least fifteen percent!

"Losing your footing, AOE?" Dan asks, taunting me. Does he actually like me or is he faking it? I'm starting to think he's faking that he is into me.

I get up and shake my head. "No."

"Wait for me!" Emu shouts, moving next to me and attacking Dan. He doesn't know it is Dan still so I can't just go and tell him to stop attacking Dan. Not like I would stop him from attacking Dan. It is just a thought.

I turn my attention back to the Bugster as Parad appears behind it, teleporting onto the stage where only I can see him. I can't really do much to the Bugster so I'm going to need an excuse to get out of this. Maybe I can get an injury or near game over?

Something hits the Bugster, knocking it over as Parad disappears. I turn, noticing an entirely different Kamen Rider. It's Miyuki!

"Kamen Rider Arcana Arcade!" Dan seems shocked. "Hand over your Gamer Driver and Gashat immediately. You don't deserve them because you're not an actual Kamen Rider like me."

Miyuki doesn't say anything and hits the Bugster again, destroying it. What a weak Bugster! Then again, the patient isn't too stressed because of Emu being so good to them.

She turns to Dan and fires at him, hitting him. He stumbles back, taking a bit of damage from it. He's going to have to flee isn't he? Miyuki isn't going to have mercy on him at all since she doesn't know who it is under the suit. Why can't I just ruin Dan's reputation?

I feel something hitting me, my health gauge going down some more. Ouch! What in the world?

"Kara, take out your Gashat!" Hiiro orders and I place my hand on my Gashat, pulling it out.

I cough, every ounce of my body aching. "What..."

"That other Rider dodged the black Rider's attack," Emu answers, taking out his Gashat.

He bends over, looking me over to see if I have any serious injuries on the outside. He picks me up, somehow carrying me. Who knew he could lift?

"I need to get you to the hospital so I can check to see if you have serious injuries on the inside."

"What is going on here?"

I look over, finally getting a taste of blood in my mouth. "Taiga..."

"I'll check her out despite her not having an appointment. Genius Gamer M, hand her over," Taiga orders, holding out his arms. "You're not fit enough to care for someone with her injuries."

Emu places me in Taiga's arms and I close my eyes, vision blurring a bit. "She looks kind of faint. Make sure she's alright," Emu orders.

"I will. She is Miyuki's friend, right?"


"Then I will do my best."

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