Kamen Rider AOE (Kamen Rider...

By Paranilla

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(Edited Chapter 16. Anything after that is not edited yet) Kara Amor is chasing down her lost love when she... More

-Chapter 1
-Chapter 2
-Chapter 3
-Chapter 4
-Chapter 6
-Chapter 7
-Chapter 8
-Chapter 9
-Chapter 10
-Chapter 11
-Chapter 12
-Chapter 13
-Chapter 14
-Chapter 15
-Chapter 16
-Chapter 17
-Chapter 18
-Chapter 19
-Chapter 20
-Chapter 21
-Chapter 22
-Chapter 23
-Chapter 24
-Chapter 25
-Chapter 26
-Chapter 27
-Chapter 28
-Chapter 29
-Chapter 30
-Chapter 31
-Chapter 32
-Chapter 33
-Chapter 34
-Chapter 35
-Chapter 36
-Chapter 37
-Chapter 38
-Chapter 39
-Chapter 40
-Chapter 41
-Chapter 42
-Chapter 43
-Chapter 44
-Chapter 45
-Chapter 46
-Chapter 47
-Chapter 48
-Chapter 49
-Chapter 50
-Chapter 51
Chapter 52
-Chapter 53
-Chapter 54
-Chapter 55
-Chapter 56
-Chapter 57
-Chapter 58
-Chapter 59
-Chapter 60
-Chapter 61
-Chapter 62
-Chapter 63
-Chapter 64
-Chapter 65
-Chapter 66
-Chapter 67
-Chapter 68
-Chapter 69
-Chapter 70
-Chapter 71
-Chapter 72
-Chapter 73
-Chapter 74
-Chapter 75
-Chapter 76
-Chapter 77
-Chapter 78
-Chapter 79
-Chapter 80

-Chapter 5

305 8 1
By Paranilla

-Chapter 5: The Race and the Mysterious Stranger

"Woohoo! I cleared the level!" I exclaim, standing up. "I did it!" I'm finally a real gamer, right?

"What are you doing?" Miyuki looks at me in a judgmental way and I clear my throat. Now this is totally embarrassing. "Is that the latest gaming console? And is that the new game that was released called Mighty Action X? How did you get it?" She wants to know how I got it?

"Parad gave me it as a gift earlier. He's that cute guy I have seen around the hospital," I state, my lips curving up a bit. Why am I smiling like a complete idiot right now?

Miyuki gasps. "You found out his name?"

"Yeah, of course I did! He promised to tell me it when we would meet up again. And we did like two times now! Anyways, do you want to try it out? It is a lot of fun!" I am in love with the game right now.

"I rather not right now." She looks down, pouting a bit.

"You seem bummed out. Did Taiga bother you again?" She doesn't like him that much and I know he doesn't like her all that much.

"No, that isn't it..."

"Then what is it?" I have to know what is bothering her.

"I think Taiga is full of sadness," she says, looking down at her shoes.

She is worried about that? "Miyuki, everything that happened to him has happened for a reason. He isn't working here so he isn't our problem. It is as simple as that now move on."

"I can't move on from it. I want to know what has caused him all this pain. He seems so angry all the time and it is probably from all that he has experienced."

"You shouldn't worry about him, okay? He's dangerous." He's nothing but trouble and she should avoid him anytime she sees him.

"I know, but still."

"You know what, Miyuki? Do what you feel is right. I shouldn't tell you what to do because I don't listen to what you tell me to do most of the time. I still go and other Hiiro because I want to be with him again."

"Alright, I will do that! Thank you!"

"No need to thank me! I didn't give you any good advice on this."

"You did."

"I guess so. Hey, I wonder if Emu has his gashat back from Taiga yet." I almost forgot about that!

"Hey, you!"

I look over, my eyes catching the eyes of Taiga Hanaya. He moves towards us, face looking ticked off as it usually does, and he stops. He looks away from me and stares at Miyuki. Miyuki looks down instantly, causing Taiga to smirk.

"What do you want?"

"I'm here to give a warning to your friend here," he tells me, pointing at Miyuki. "Don't you dare get involved in my business again, okay? Also, do you know where Kiriya Kujo is? He challenged me and I lost where he was at."

"He is right over there staring at us." I point. "I just noticed someone looking at us with a creepy expression on their face." Kiriya seems like a creep, so I guess I should refer to him as one.

He nods and he looks at Miyuki. "Don't interfere, got it, woman?"

"I got it..." She nods her head. She sounds so pitiful right now. How can he be so mean to her?

"Miyuki, do what you feel is right. Ignore this huge jerk," I state, glaring at Taiga. He is so rude! I should slap him and hope he gains some sense from it.

"Out of my way," he says, moving over to Kiriya Kujo. "So, this is for Mighty Action X, right?"

"If I win, Emu gets it back. He needs it." This is wrong. Mighty Action X shouldn't be up for grabs like this. They should be helping people instead of fighting over it.

Taiga laughs. "Tick, let us just get done with this so I can take whatever you have and move on with my life," he says, sounding cold and very harsh.

"Let's go then! I got to beat you!" Kiriya exclaims. "You will lose."

"Don't get cocky," Taiga snaps. "Come on."

Kiriya nods and turns, walking ahead. Taiga follows him and I look at Miyuki. We should probably follow them, but I'll go with whatever Miyuki wants to go with. She's important to me and I can't just ditch her and leave her to the side like trash.

"Ignore whatever that Taiga says, okay? His words have no merit," I tell her, smiling. "You're fine. You always do the right thing."

"I know but I'm worried about something right now."


"I'm worried about you right now! You should be all over this Parad guy instead of Hiiro! Hiiro is no good for you!" Miyuki tells me, sort of shouting. "I think that Parad guy is into you and thinks highly of you." I don't think one can judge that right away. But he seems interesting.

"Why are you so worried about my love life right now? Those two are about the fight over who gets Mighty Action X!" I can't believe she is more worried about who I want over the gashats. "Besides, Parad doesn't want me to be worried about dating Hiiro."

Miyuki tilts her head a little. "Did he say that to you?"

"Somewhat I think." I can't remember right now. I'm more worried about that gashat and what will happen to it.

"Okay, fine! We can go and get that gashat!"


That's a good idea.


"Hiiro, don't!" I shout. "Taiga is very dangerous! He might take your gashat from you!"

"Are you worried about me?" Hiiro asks me, looking at me as he pulls out his gashat. "I'm going to start the operation. Kara, stay back."

"You fool!" I drop down to my knees as he places the gashat into his belt looking thing and pulls the lever. He transforms. I am so going to kill him for doing this against my pleas.

"I hope they don't go crazy with this," Miyuki says, holding her hand over where a human heart would be located. Well, she may have a heart. She could mimic humans. Hiiro rushes towards Taiga, attacking him while Kiriya approaches.

"I hope they don't. This is driving me crazy."

"Here, catch this!" Kiriya shouts, tossing something at Emu. Did he just snatch that?

Emu catches it and I gasp. "He got that so easily!" I exclaim.

Miyuki nods. "He did."

"Look, the patient is okay!" I rush over to the guy that came with Kiriya earlier and look him over. "Are you alright? You seem to be alright but that is just what I can see on the outside."

Emu appears next to me. "Yeah, are you alright?"

He nods a bit and I help him up. "Emu, take him to the CR. I'll break up the fight between dork and Doctor Darkness," I order, turning away from Emu. I move towards Hiiro and Taiga, who are up getting in each other's grill.

"Where is Kiriya?" I ask, stopping to look around.

"He rushed off."


"Boys, watch out!" Miyuki shouts as something hits Hiiro and Taiga.

I look over at someone in the same suit as Hiiro and Taiga. Wait a minute! It looks like it is Emu's suit. But how? It is a totally different color! Is that a color swap?

"Taiga!" Miyuki must be rushing towards him. She's probably super worried about him while I'm worried about Hiiro and that color swap.

I move forward, going towards the color swap of Emu's suit. The person looks at me, holding their arms out away from them. Are they going to attack me?

They hold up something and I look over, eyes connecting with Hiiro. I rush over to Hiiro, blocking him. I'm not going to let that thing attack him. Hiiro doesn't deserve to get beaten up by some random recolor of Emu's suit.

"Kara, what are you doing?" Hiiro asks me. "You're being reckless." When did he pull out his gashat?

"I couldn't leave you to be attacked. Not after all we have been through," I mutter out, getting onto my knees. "Are you already, Hiiro? You look like you're in so much pain."

"I will be fine." He looks over at Taiga, who is now standing up with Miyuki holding onto his arm. Is she trying to check on him? She's only going to get hurt! "Taiga, this isn't over!"

Hiiro moves towards him and I grab his legs, keeping him away from Taiga. Taiga shoves Miyuki's arm away, moving away from her. He storms off, leaving her standing there like a fool, and my mouth drops. How can he do that to her when she's trying to be helpful and kind to him? She just wants to understand him.

"Kara, thank you for holding me back. You should go and check on Miyuki. She looks so pitiful right now," Hiiro says. I nod and step over to Miyuki, leaving Hiiro's side.

"Miyuki, are you okay?" I ask, looking her over. She seems fine on the outside, but I know she's not fine on the inside.

She nods her head. "He's just hiding his pain..."

"Hey, girls!" Jacket boy?

"Kiriya?" I look over, our eyes connecting instantly. He smiles warmly, holding up a hand at me. Is he trying to play nice right now?

"Hiiro left already, right? He was so jealous of this guy you met up with earlier," Kiriya states. Hiiro was jealous and he did see me with Parad?

"He saw that? It was me with my American friend." Yeah, I'm going to hide who he is.

"Yeah, he saw you with your friend. I saw him turn away and look down at the ground. He had this harsh look on his face," Kiriya tells me, smirking. "I didn't expect to see him act that way. It is weird seeing him act like that due to how cold he usually is. He completed ignored me standing there so I was able to get away before you came up the stairs."

"You really know everything don't you?" I laugh. "It looks like you weren't lying after all."

"Did you see me earlier? I was a bike." He is acting like that's a cool thing to be. A bike? I don't even want to become one.

"Are you changing the subject?" I ask.

"Yeah, I hate talking about Hiiro Kagami. He isn't fun to talk about. Besides, I don't have any juicy information on him to share with you and you're not giving me anything to keep a secret. Did I say I'm good at keeping secrets?" I have a feeling he's not that trustworthy with secrets.

"Well, I didn't see you because I was busy focusing on Hiiro. I swear, he's going to get himself seriously injured!" I cross my arms over my chest. "He is so stupid..."

Kiriya sighs heavily. "And I thought everyone was getting pumped up..."

"Well, you're wrong so deal with it!" I uncross my arms, removing them from over my chest and I stick out my tongue at Kiriya. "You should go and find Emu now. I need to track down Hiiro before he goes and does something absolutely stupid."

"Don't you want to stay here and go with me to get Emu?" he asks.

"Knowing you, you'll be able to get him easily," I answer, smiling. Gosh, his attitude makes me want to laugh. Kiriya kind of looks like a cat now that I think about it. Don't cats like him get nine lives? "Emu needs to befriend you so you two can ride off into the sunset together."

Since Kiriya is a bike, he needs someone to probably ride on him to make himself fully useful. And guess what? That isn't going to be my job at all.

"Fine, go and be with him. I'll get Emu all by myself." Kiriya looks away from me, sighing heavily. "I don't know who to take with me to get him."

"You can try asking Miyuki," I suggest.

"She's busy worrying over Taiga." He looks away from me. "And she is gone. She probably went to chase him down and give him medical treatment. She is a nurse, right?"

"Yeah, she is one. She's new to it though." She actually hacked into the system to get her that position. After all, one has to take a test to be a nurse and get through all the other requirements. Too many to list and it isn't my job to do so.

"She's wasting her time on him. He isn't going to want her help out all. He'll probably think she was working with me to get the gashat off of him." I agree with him on the Miyuki wasting her life but that is her choice and I should respect it. After all, she lets me go after Hiiro all the time.

"She's just really worried okay? Some random guy attacked him along with Hiiro so she has the right to be worried about someone who may be a patient to her. She's just watching the check on his wellbeing and nothing more," I say, trying to convince him Miyuki isn't into Taiga. She's just intrigued and besides, she's character from a game. She can't be with him.

"Sure, I can buy that if I didn't see the look in her eyes when she stares at him. It is like she is seeing her first love," Kiriya says, laughing. Can I punch him right now? I doubt I'm the only one who wants to.

"Kiriya, stop assuming things just because she went after him. I'm going after Hiiro and nothing is romantic between us."

"But Hiiro doesn't see it that way."

"You're seeing things. Besides, you just said not long ago you have nothing on him, right?"

"I did say that. And you're hiding something." He moves towards me, stopping in front of me. He is only inches away from my face. He's creepy!

I have nothing to hide. "Get away!"


I move my hands forward and push his face a different direction from mine. "Just go and find Emu! You're wasting time on this stupid little thing! I don't have anything to talk about with you besides what is going on with the CR. You know, virus stuff?"

"What stupid little thing? Do you have a secret I can keep?" He doesn't get the picture does he?

"Kiriya, are you being serious right now?" I raise an eyebrow. Not like he can see it. My eyebrows are totally covered right now by my wig's bangs.

He grabs my hands, pushing them to the side and getting even closer. "Yeah, I'm being serious right now. I'm always serious."

"And you're probably nothing more than a liar. How did you even get to be a Kamen Rider?"

"I was selected because I was qualified to be one. Does that answer your question?" Yeah, that's doubtful.

"Be a good bike and go find your owner! He probably needs a ride right about that." I am seriously tired of Kiriya's crap already and I haven't known him for too long.

"Alright, I'll go."


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