We're Meant to be Together

By NekoM_

1.2K 78 92

|| COMPLETED || Monica, a 16 year old girl that lives a simple life in the world, until she found out her par... More

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Ch 9

47 3 9
By NekoM_

Without knowing it, he was with Claire. And she didn't bother to tell me. I am her best friend, so I would've been the first person to know. I clenched my fists once I saw him. "Claire." I said firmly. The two looked at me, but they had different expressions: Claire was smiling happily while Mat had no expression at all. "Yes, Mica?" she answered with a high pitched tone at the end. I shook my head "Can I talk to you for a moment?"


She rested her head at Mat's shoulder for a second and followed me.

We stopped by the school garden. The smell of nature calmed me down a bit. I took a deep breath and spoke "Is it true that you're dating him?" Claire gave a cheeky grin, to me it was a crazy and sarcastic one. "Pfft! Heck yea I'm dating Mat! Why ask? Is there a problem?" When she said that statement, it sounded like a drunk person. Claire waits for an answer, tapping her foot on the grassy ground.

"N-no. But well yeah, there is a problem. Why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

She chuckled. "Of course, it was supposed to be a secret, until this psychotic girl saw us." Claire said as she shoved her arms as if there was a swarm of flies or bees around her. I sighed "I thought we were supposed to tell our secrets to each other..."

"But this is a different kind of thing, Monica. You just don't understand the--"

"I understand completely. Don't think that I'm a dumb person without a life. Because in truth you--" I sighed, tears forming on my eyes. But I hesitate to cry in front of her. "Oh la la, my darling. You didn't get my answer. You will NEVER understand the real meaning of love if you don't even KNOW how to love." This made me offended. Before I could slap her, and before she could lay a finger on me, Mat came to us.

"Monica? Claire?"

We looked in disbelief. "Mat! This was supposed to be a private talk, remember?" she flirted, flinging her arms around his neck. Instead of hugging or kissing her back-which I do not want to see-, he carefully shoved her away. By seeing Claire's and Mat's eyes, I know for sure there is something happening between the two. Claire gasped by his attitude "Huh?! What the hell do you think you're doing Mat?!" I watched the situation like I was going to write an article on the school newspaper about them. "Let's sort thing out ok? Let's sort things out..."

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