Falling For A Berry (Error x...

By ArtyBone

58.3K 1.7K 1K

When Blue told Error that the reason Error had been doing this because he was lonely. Error took the opportun... More

{Chapter One} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Two} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Three} (Error Pov.)
{Chapter Four} (Error Pov.)
{Chapter Five} (Ink Pov.)
{Chapter six} (Ink Pov.)
{Chapter Seven} (Dream Pov.)
{Chapter Eight} (Dream Pov.)
{Chapter Nine} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Ten}
{Chapter Eleven} (Blue Pov.)
{Chapter Twelve}
{Chapter Thirteen}
{Chapter Fourteen}
{Chapter Fifteen}
{Chapter Sixteen}
{Chapter Seventeen}
{Chapter Eighteen}
{Chapter Nineteen}
{Chapter Twenty}
{Chapter Twenty One}
{Chapter Twenty Two}
{Chapter Twenty Four} (Fell Pov.)
{Chapter Twenty Five} (Fell Pov.)
{Chapter Twenty Six}
{Chapter Twenty Seven}
{Chapter Twenty Eight}
{Chapter Twenty Nine}
{Chapter Thirty}
{Chapter Thirty One}
{Chapter Thirty Two}
{Chapter Thirty Three}
{Chapter Thirty Four}
{Chapter Thirty Five}
{Chapter Thirty Six}
{Chapter Thirty Seven}
{Chapter Thirty Eight}
{Chapter Thirty Nine}
{Chapter Forthy}
{Chapter Forthy One}
{Chapter Forthy Two}
{Chapter Forthy Three}
{Chapter Forthy Four}
{Chapter Forthy Five}
{Chapter Forthy Six}
{Chapter Forthy Seven}
{Chapter Forthy Eight}
{Chapter Forthy Nine}
{Chapter Fifty}
{Chapter Fifty One}
{Chapter Fifty Two}
{Chapter Fifty Three}
{Chapter Fifty Four}
{Chapter Fifty Five}
{Chapter Fifty Six}
{Chapter Fifty Seven}
{Chapter Fifty Eight}
{Chapter Fifty Nine}
{Chapter Sixty}
{Chapter Sixty-One}
{Chapter Sixty-Two}
{ Chapter Sixty-Three }
{ Chapter Sixty-Four }
{ Chapter Sixty-Five }
{ Chapter Sixty-Six }
{Chapter Sixty-Seven}
{Chapter Sixty-Eight}
{Chapter Sixty-Nine}
{Chapter Seventy}
{Chapter Seventy-One}
{ Chapter Seventy-Two }
{ Chapter Seventy-Three }
{ Chapter Seventy-Four }
{ Chapter Seventy-Five }
{ Chapter Seventy-Six }
{Chapter Seventy-Seven}
{ Chapter Seventy-Eight }
~ Author's Note ~

{Chapter Twenty Three}

586 19 13
By ArtyBone

Team Name - [Unknown]

Blue Code Name - Reverse

Fell Code Name - Dark

Sci Code Name - Lab

• Edge/Fell Pap
• Alternative Human
• Fresh
• Frisk
• Core Frisk
• [Unknown]

Chosen Victim {second one} - {Maybe Fresh, Team haven't decided}

Blue: 17¾

Error: 18

Ink: 18½

Fell: 19

Frisk: 14

Edge: 17¾

Stretch: 19⅔

Sci: 18

Outer: 17

Fresh: 16

[Other Characters will be added here IF they are in the story]

Error speaks In italics cuz I'm lazy.

Enjoy the story Chapter.

The next day Ink group up everyone who's in the investigatation.

"Thanks for everyone to come today. Fresh here have important news to tell everyone." Ink spoke giving the light to Fresh to speak.

"Well okay then my radical Inky, anyways there's someone out there who is going to different Aus to murder a particular person." Fresh started as everyone looked at each other before looking at Fresh.

"We MUST stay alert now, known that this person goes to different Aus at a time. They also is similar height with Blue, and no, I'm not saying Blue is the one. I'm just saying the murder is the same height as him." Fresh informed.


After the huge conversation they all left in pairs or in group. Sci left with Fell, Blue, and Dream.

"Do you really believe in the way how this murder is able to teleport to different Aus?" Fell question.

"I certainly do." Dream answer as Blue nods. "I agree with Dream." Blue said.

The four walked together until Dream left leaving the three alone.

"So where do ya wanna hang? My place? Sci's place? Your's?" Fell asked the Blue.

"Uhm...my place!!" Blue answered happily as Fell nods.

"Your place it is." He spoke.


"So... you're saying I need to watch Blue more carefully?" Stretch or known as Swap Pap spoke.

"Yes, for the sake of your brother." Fell answer.

"Nyeh, well then thanks for the heads up Fell." He said making Fell nod.

"You're welcome."

Blue was playing a board game with Sci. Stretch phone rang as he took the call, leaving the building.

Fell sat down on the couch and sigh, as Blue looked at Fell. "Felly! Come join us in this game!!!" He chirped

"Nah, I'll pass." Replied Fell.

"Oh okie!" Blue cheerfully said as he went back playing the game once more.

Soon later Error came to visit Blue. While Sci left to his place.

"So, how do you guys feel about this other person who is murdering?" Error asked.

"I'm kinda afraid that they might harm me, you know since... I'm easily manipulative." Blue answer Error.

"I kinda agree with Blue, he's really weak against whatever monster we're talking about." Fell said before continuing, "and for I? I'll be fine." He finish.

"I'll make sure I keep you safe, Blue. I'll also make sure that Fell will keep you safe when I'm unavailable." Error spoke as Blue nods.

"Okie Error!!" Blue chirped as he hugged Error.

Just watching them made Fell feel jealous but he knew that Blue loved Error and there was nothing that he could do to separate Blue love interest. Fell just stood up and walked out of the building, lifting his hood and covering his eyes. He walked away to some place away from Blue, no, away from Error. The person who stole Blue's heart.

A/N: Yes we have a jealous Fell. Now tell me. Do you want the next chapter be in Fell view or anyone view

Oooor like these past few chapters (No one perspective but show at times in the Chapter)??

Anyways hopefully you enjoy this chapter! So stay tuned for Sunday's update!!

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