One Step Closer

By lonelycauliflower

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"What do you want?" - I asked hesitantly. The boy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and he just shook... More

CHAPTER 1. - The Office
CHAPTER 2. - The invention of cellophane
CHAPTER 3. - Turnstile troubles and sexy hunks
CHAPTER 4. - How to get a coffee date
CHAPTER 5. - Flourishing flower business
CHAPTER 6. - An eventful lunch break
CHAPTER 8. - Another hot chocolate
CHAPTER 9. - Misfiring misfortune
CHAPTER 10. - How to execute a perfect coffee date
CHAPTER 11. - Warm bodies and boyhood dreams
CHAPTER 12. - Instant noodles and locksmith
CHAPTER 13. - The audacity of a lawyer
CHAPTER 14. - How to get cornered and make a run for it
CHAPTER 15. - Changing locks and pecking soft lips
CHAPTER 16. The wellbeing of a skittish lawyer
CHAPTER 17. Being an adult is not so easy
CHAPTER 18. How do you like your eggs?
CHAPTER 19. A trip down memory lane
CHAPTER 20. The history of Butterfly Riverdance
CHAPTER 21. A teenager vs The House of Lords
CHAPTER 22. Cheerios and a free meal ticket
CHAPTER 23. Letting someone adore you is courageous
CHAPTER 24. Falling fast, feeling deeply
CHAPTER 25. Defusing a nuclear bomb needs expert knowledge
CHAPTER 26. The battle is not tough if you team up
CHAPTER 27. Having you is what I need
CHAPTER 28. Your desire is paramount
CHAPTER 29. Having a friend is the best thing that could happen to you
CHAPTER 30. Chinese takeaway and who knows what's under the cushion?
CHAPTER 31. The art of conspiracy
CHAPTER 32. There is discount in every business
CHAPTER 33. Complications of a busy morning
CHAPTER 34. Maintain your stance at all costs
CHAPTER 35. Curious detective and the burnt lasagne
CHAPTER 36. Saving lasagne and the scent of innocence
CHAPTER 37. The case of lost innocence
CHAPTER 38. The fight for your homies
CHAPTER 39. Deeper and faster is the new trend
CHAPTER 40. Sealing the deal
CHAPTER 41. Winning against rabid wolves
CHAPTER 42. Time to organise a party
CHAPTER 43. Going deep, feeling deeper
CHAPTER 44. Getting his trust
CHAPTER 45. In the name of an orange duck
CHAPTER 46. In the need of a locksmith again
CHAPTER 47. A hot piece of cake is a hot piece of cake
CHAPTER 48. The case of a cold cappuccino
CHAPTER 49. On the brink of a meltdown
CHAPTER 50. Where is a beginning there's an end
CHAPTER 51. Tardiness is sexy
CHAPTER 52. A stammering boy and the grand entry
CHAPTER 53. Slippery fingers get deep
CHAPTER 54. The agitated Cairo is pissed
CHAPTER 55. The case of a toy boy and a tricky father
CHAPTER 56. The great escape to the unknown

CHAPTER 7. - Hot chocolate and marshmallows

297 38 112
By lonelycauliflower

James POV ~

I was standing at the corner of St. Patrick's and Gallard street, contemplating what I should do next.

The beautiful lady from earlier, with the gorgeous chocolate brown hair told me to meet her at 2pm at this cafe just a few min stroll away.

I was nervous. I didn't even know what was this, should I call this a date or what? I wasn't sure at all. The way her eyes bore into mine made me think that it was a date. I couldn't be mistaken, I didn't want to be humiliated and embarrassed by a girl. Or anyone generally.

I tapped my foot on the ground, trying to release some excess energy with little to no result. I still had about 10 minutes to show up at Bobò's Cafe, I glanced at my watch. At the same time I checked my nails again. I hated if my nails were dirty, so I spent a lot of time in McDonald's restroom to clean them, also tried to manage to make myself look more presentable. Well, I admit it, I wanted to look good.

To be honest, I don't even know what I am planning to achieve. This lady is definitely older than me. I guess she just saw me as a hopeless teenager and wanted to pay back my help. On the other hand, what did I help with really? I picked up a few documents from the floor and untangled her jacket from the turnstiles. It wasn't a big deal at all. But if she thought she needs to repay something to me, well, fine, I go with it.

"It's not like I can go to a cafe everyday to consume something."- I thought bitterly in myself.

With that thought swirling in my head, I took off in the direction off Bobò's on Gallard street.

I hoped for a cookie or cake at least, you know. I didn't even know when was the last time I had something like that. It wasn'ta necessary food item, and my allowance barley covered my expenses, so buying unnecessary sweets, cookies were out of question.

After a short walk I arrived to the cafe, I hesitated a bit,then I saw people are leaving the cafe, so I stepped forward and held the door for them. I waited til the two girls left, saying thank you for holding the door open for them. I stepped in and let the door to close behind me.

For some strange reason, I felt I am a lamb and walking into the wolf's territory. I looked around with interest, as I have never been in this cafe beforwm. Tthe room was medium sized, with quiet corners, a few secluded places, successfully devided with huge indoor plants, and contemporary statues. It all looked quite modern, there were abstract paintings on the walls, and the wall itself was stripped off all paints and plaster. It had a feeling of some underground club rather than a cafe. I liked it.

Despite being just after lunch time, there weren't many customers in the cafe. One staff was collecting the dirty cups and plates from the empty tables, another one stood behind the counter. I observed the customers again as I didn't notice my date yet.

My date, yes. I refused to call it something else.

I was just about to go and sit at one of the tables at the most secluded area, someone tapped on my right shoulder. I turned slightly and froze in my movement.

"You are here." - she said, and her mesmerising green eyes were staring back at me. She stood next to me, her right arm full of documents again, and the same bag on her shoulder that I saw previously.

"Yes, I'm here." - said the only logical answer to her statement. I didn't dare to move, I was afraid this is only a dream that this beautiful lady is going to disappear into the thin air if I just move a fraction.

She smiled, her teeth were super white, and suddenly I felt conscious about mine. I smiled back at her, but made sure with just my lips.

"Are we going to sit down?" - she asked, and started to move towards one of the tables beside the window.

"Uhm, sorry, could we sit there instead?" - I replied and tried to point awkwardly towards the secluded area that I previously chose.

"Sure, of course, we can sit there, in fact, that looks much better " - she said and walked towards the area I showed to her.

As soon as she got there, she throw the heavy documents on the table from her arm, and placed her handbag on the floor, beside the chair.

She sat down with a heavy sigh, and looked at me, because I was still standing in the middle of the cafe.

I quickly moved myself and pulled out my chair, and dropped myself onto it. I was already embarrassed.

"Maybe I should have pulled out the chair for her." - thought as I felt my face is warming. That's what you get with white complexion. I always so easily get flushed, and of course it's all on display for everyone's amusement.

Her greens eyes sparkled back at me, I looked at her face and decided she is not that older than me. Well, of course she is legally an adult, but not that old. I was mentally debating what should I do. Should I say something? What's next? I was so inexperienced in talking to girls, that a sudden realization hit me like a freight train.

I was shy.

I was blushing.

I felt my palms are started to sweat.

Suddenly my throat got dry.

I heard my heart thumping in my ears.

I wanted to stand up and run.

Instead I stayed put and mentally steeled myself. I had to have that cake. I might seem to be selfish but I was hungry. I needed a nice cup of hot chocolate and a slice of carrot cake.

Yeah, I was that selfish on top of being shy.

I managed to smile at her, shyly of course and I hoped she is going to be true to her word and pay for whatever I'll order. Man, I couldn't be a gentleman in this case.

"I'm so tired, I need my sugar fix, let's order some cake and coffee!" - she spoke up, observing the small menu card stuck to the table.

She was breathtakingly beautiful. No doubt about that. Her hair was just an amazing mass of warm chocolate brown and I'd love to run my fingers through it. She pouted with her plump lips, probably searching for the best dessert to order. I'm sure she wasn't aware of her own beauty, she didn't acted in a strange way, she looked so real, so genuine. I wanted to pay my fingers on her, just to touch her to feel her skin underneath me, and I'd die happily after that.

"Yeah, first, I need to get rid off my shyness,before I do anything like that." - I shook my head and I told her what I'd like to order.

"Oh, do you know if the carrot cake is good here?"- she kept her eyes on the menu, and somehow I got the sense that she is as nervous as I am. She didn't wait for an answer.

"Maybe I'll have a triple chocolate brownie and we can share." - she added with a sigh.

Thankfully a waitress approached us, successfully saving us from more awkward moments.

We ordered a hot chocolate with marshmallows and carrot cake for me and an Americano and the brownie with cream on the side for her.

The thought of carrot cake made me salivating already, and I promised myself that I will get some extra money somehow to get a slice of cake every month.

"Maybe we should introduce ourselves." - she said softly.

She looked at me, and I think I even got redder as I remembered that I failed to introduce myself, although I planned it before, but somehow I failed to do so.

"I'm James." - I said and I hated my voice because for my ears it always sounded so raspy.

"Marian." - she answered and held out her beautifully manicured hands.

I slowly pulled my hands off my lap, quickly rubbed my palm on my jeans, before I took her hands, and shook it.

"It's nice meeting you, Marian." - I breathed out shakily.

I held her hand for a mere second and let it go reluctantly. I wanted to hold her hands, and to do so much more. I'm not really sure what, since I had no experience whatsoever with the other sex before. But let's admit it, I have a vague idea what to expect when a boy and a girl gets close enough.

I saw her pale, milky skin going a shade darker pink, and she shifted on her chair, letting her hands fall on her lap.

"What are you doing, studying or working, James?' - she asked me, propelling the question out of nowhere.

Not that I wasn't expecting it, but not this soon.

"I'm trying to get my leaving certificate, I take evening classes at the local community centre. During the day I do some gardening in the same centre." - I told her honestly and my whole inside was churning with anxiety. I didn't want her look down on me. I didn't want her to see less of me. I felt so embarrassed, I felt I am nothing, a nobody. My self worth and self confidence plummeted since the death of my parents, and all I wanted since is just someone who could see the real me. Not someone pathetic, homeless kid, wondering around in the city.

"Oh, how old are you anyway?" - She furrowed her brow, and her smooth skin wrinkled on her forehead.

"Is it really that important?" - I shot back at her, my eyes darting towards the waitress who finally showed up with our order.

We both remained silent until the waitress placed our cakes and beverages in front of us. Then Marian dived into her chocolate brownie without hesitation.

She took the first bite and moaned.

I repeat. She moaned.

Her sultry voice did something extraordinary to my coćk as I felt it stiffening in my pants I moved a tad bit forward on my chair.

"Oh, down boy."- mentally kicked myself in the balls and willed my semi erect coćk to soften down.

I just sat there, not touching the scrumptious looking carrot cake with the beautiful icing on the top. I was shaken from the event happening in my pants. I knew my face was on fire, and I felt my hands slightly trembling.

"Wanna have a bite?" - she took a little piece of brownie and smeared some fresh whipped cream on it, managed to put it on her fork and offered it to me.

She lifted the fork in between us, leaving just enough space for me to decide, what to do with it.

I wasn't in a proper state to trust with my trembling hands, so I leaned in and she fed it to me. When my lips touched her fork, I made sure to keep my eyes on her, and maintained eye contact with her although it took a tremendous effort not to look away. My anxiety reached its peak and demanded attention.

Her eyes grew wide, her orbs widened and her lips parted sightly.
She puffed out a bit of air that sounded like a little "oh" then she quickly took her fork back.

"Not bad."- I replied, smiled as I chew on the sweet, smooth chocolate brownie.

I wanted to believe that she was rendered speechless. She broke eye contact in a few moments later and shyly looked down at her plate.

"Do you want to try the carrot cake?"- I offered her politely.

"No.... thank you, I'm not really keen on carrot cake." - she trailed off and started to put sugar into her americano.

"Then why did you agree on carrot cake, I thought we are going to share,Marian!" - I asked her, raising my eyebrows at her.

She shrugged her shoulders and answered, her eyes avoiding my face.

"I just wanted to make you happy."


I was planning this meeting for such a long time.....and finally they met!

What's going to happen with them?

How a 17 years old boy is going to handle this situation?

What Marian is going to do?

How her past will effect her ability to make a decision regarding this young boy?

Where James is sleeping during the night? Anyone can guess?

All comments, votes are highly aporeciated.

Looking forward to read all your comments ..... :)

Happy reading,


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