The Shifter

Af teamseth97

72.7K 3.1K 269

Myra Evans is a sixteen year old. At her first shift in front of the whole pack with everyone else, she shift... Mere

The Shifter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 10

2.6K 125 10
Af teamseth97

Myra's P.O.V.

Damen was uneasy when Rick left. He hugged me for several minutes, refusing to let go. "We need to finish packing," I said, gently pushing him back.

He didn't want to let go but I didn't give him a choice. "Okay." He walked away to finish packing. It wouldn't take long but I was anxious to get home.

I missed my family and friends, but I was afraid of they would react when they found out that that I'm a shifter. Surely, they wouldn't kill me, right? I thought. I'm the only heir. Killing me will eventually cause the pack to deteriorate. I told myself. I was trying hard to reassure myself but it wasn't working well, so I pushed it all to the back of my head and walked into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the floor-length mirror and lifted up my shirt. I didn't see much of a difference, if any, until I turned sideways. There was an ever-so-slight bump. I didn't think there was going to be anything until I was a month pregnant, which is about five months of a human pregnancy. I haven't been pregnant that long! It may have been about ten days, if that. Maybe, shifters have a shorter pregnancy than wolves. I honestly wasn't sure how long it had been, especially because Damen was so mesmerizing. I haven't known him that long but I have known him since the beginning of time. It's strange. We are soul-mates, bound to each other for an eternity. But it doesn't seem like we have been together an eternity.

Time is a funny thing. When you do certain things, you lose track of it and think that it is much earlier than it is, but when you are bored or don't have anything to occupy your time, it seems to take forever for a minute to pass. This was different in a way. Time was going by so fast, but I felt like he has been mine for months, years, even!

I looked down at my belly and felt all fuzzy and warm. I was going to have Damen's baby and we were going to be so happy. "You ready, yet?" Damen called.

"No," I squeaked.

Damen walked into the bathroom as I was pulling my shirt down. My vision was blurry with tears but I knew that I was smiling. Why am I smiling? I'm sixteen for god's sake! I scolded myself.

He looked at me in awe. "What's with the happy tears?" He chuckled, glancing at my hands that were resting on my tummy protectively. He stepped closer to me and smiled slightly. "So?" He urged.

I lifted my shirt slowly. He eyed my tummy. "Already?" He said. "That mean that your pregnancy will be shorter than we thought."

I nodded, grabbing his hand and placing it on my belly, hoping for a kick or some kind of reaction. "I haven't felt anything from her yet," I whispered.

"Her?" He laughed. "What makes you so sure that he'll be a girl?"

I smiled. "A mother's instinct, I guess." I felt a flutter and watched Damen's eyes widen.

"This is really happening to me. I'm having a baby! And soon, too! Oh god! We've got to get to your pack before the baby comes!" He said frantically.

"She moved," I whispered, pulling my shirt back down. "Calm down, we'll make it to the pack. We should be there by tomorrow night. Then we can get an ultrasound!" I squealed. I reached up, putting my hands on the nape of his neck, and gently pulled him into a kiss. "Now, I'm ready!"

We walked hand in hand until we were a good distance from any cities. Damen stripped down and handed me his clothes. He shifted in a matter of seconds into his beautiful white wolf. I pulled the bag back over my shoulder and pat his back. "Let me up!" I whined.

You're not gonna shift?

"You told me that it has to be an emergency!" I reminded. "Kneel down, Damen!"

He bent down, just enough to let me onto his back. I crawled up slowly and carefully, mindful of my stomach. Once I was comfortable, Damen started to walk forward. He was going very slowly, nervous about hurting our baby.

I ran my hands through his soft fur, smiling. My wolf was purring and reminding me over and over again that he was ours forever. "Speed up a little, would you?"

He did as told, but was still going a little slow for my taste. I bit back any more complaints and just dealt with it. I love you, Myra.

I laughed. "I know."

Damen kept at a steady pace, despite the rough terrain we were enountering. Smiling, I drifted to sleep. I don't know why, exactly, I wasn't tired.

Myra! We are almost there! Wake up! Damen yelled through my thoughts.

I sat up, gripping his fur. "We are? How long was I asleep?" It was dark.

He yipped. Only four or five hours. You didn't miss much, only my epic battle with a rabbit!

I laughed at his sarcasm. "How exciting!"

Damen slowed down a walk before he told me to get off and get his clothes out. I shuffled throught the bag pulling out a nice shirt and clean pair of jeans, boxers, and socks. I pulle out the boot and set them upon a thin winter coat.

He shifted and pulled on the clothes. "I would have woken you earlier but I figured that you need your rest," He said.

I looked around and immediately recognized the area. It was about a quarter mile from our pack house and even closer to our territory. "You should have woken me earlier, just in case but it's okay. Let's go!" I pulled at his hand and started walking, slowly building up into a sprint until we passed through the border. Everyone would know who I am, but they would be weary of Damen, especially if we were running. His scent would be unrecognizable, since he's a hybrid. Lucky for me, there is almost no difference between the scent of a shifter and the scent of a werewolf.

The lands were pretty silent, being early morning. There would only be the guards and possibly my father. He was expecting me so he'd want to be up whenever I got to the pack. We slowly made our way throught the pack lands until we ran into a guard.

"Myra?" He said, in a husky voice. "Who is this?"

The guard narrowed his eyes at Damen, causing him to cower. I've never been this close to a bunch of werewolves before. He said.

I held Damen behind me. "My mate. His name is Damen Connery."

"Mmhhmm," The guard said. I never knew many of the guards, but they knew me quite well. When I was little, my dad always had a few of them by my sides to protect me. "Very well," He sighed, "Follow me. Your father has been waiting for you."

Damen was fearful. He was going to meet the man that turned him into a hybrid again and he didn't know that he could trust the Alpha.I squeezed his hand reassuringly and smiled weakly. We walked with the guard for about ten minutes before we reached the door to my father's conference room. He knocked loudly before the door flung open revealing a tired looking alpha.

I gasped when he pulled me into a soft embrace. Damen stepped back, fearfully. My dad had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was disheveled. The large conference table was adorn with scattered papers and coffee rings. He buried his face in my hair and let out a soft whimper. "Myra," he whispered.

I stood there unsure of what to do. "Dad?"

Damen's P.O.V.

That guard looked at me like I was a meal. I could tell that he didn't want me here. I wouldn't want me here, either, if I were him. He led us through several twists and turns until we came to a heavy decorated, wooden door. It was carved with several ancient symbols of the wolves ancient language.

The guard knocked on the door and it opened before the third knock echoed through the narrow hallway. A very tired looking man emerged from a large room. He pulled Myra into a hug and I took this as my cue to back off a bit.

I heard him whisper something and she responded, "Dad?" Her voice cracked.

She reached her hand back towards me. "Come here, Damen," She said, glancing my way.

I griped her hand and stepped closer, still trying to keep my distance from the Alpha. He lowered his head. "Damen, I-"

"Don't," I cut him off. "No apologies are needed. Show me how sorry you are through your actions." A pit formed in my stomach.

He nodded slowly, eyeing me. His grey eyes flicked back and forth between Myra and myself. "Well-uh-come on in then. Let's talk." He motioned for us to enter the room.

My feet felt like they were glued to the floor. I didn't want to be in a closed space with this man.

Myra pulled at my hand. "Damen!" She yelled. "Come on!"

I shuffled forward, while black spots flooded my vision. "Ah!" I whimpered. She walked me to a seat and sat down next to me.

My vision slowly came back. I was full of anxiety and feeling suddenly claustrophobic as the door shut.

Alpha Evans frowned and stared at her daughter. "Myra?"

Her head turned away from me and toward him. "Yeah, daddy?"

"Are you a-" He twiddled his thumbs. "Be honest. Are you a- a shifter?"

Myra went pale. I leaned toward her and gave her a peck on the cheek. Don't worry. He is your dad, right? I sent.

She nodded. towards me and turned back to her dad. She closed her eyes and whispered, "Yes."

"Can you control it?"

"I'm not sure. I know that if I concentrate hard enough, I can shift into a wolf, but I haven't tried anything else. I don't even know the extent of my shifting. So far I've got a cat, wolf, and large hawk."

Alpha Evans smiled a little. "Well until you know how to full control it, no shifting in public or around the pack. It isn't safe. There is a room about the size of a gymnasium underground that you will use to practice."

I cleared my throat. "She's not shifting unless it's an emergency in her condition."

Myra leaned towards me and rest her head on my shoulder.

Alpha Evans laughed. "You are the boss!"

I narrowed my eyes. "Now about this discussion. Can we get on with it?"

Myra closed her eyes. She sent a mind link to me. I'm listening. And be careful. Don't forget the fact that he is my dad.

Okay, love.

 "Alpha Evans?"

"Call me Sam."

I forced a smile. "Okay. Sam. We have issues that we need to discuss and I believe that I am entitled to know why you- why you did what you did in order to gain a little trust. So let's start with this; when you took me, you said that I was important. Tell me how."

He looked at me strangely. "You are supposed to be the perfect warrior for your kind. You were going to lead a mass war against our people. I have spies; most of them are hunters. They warned me of it and I posed a plan to ruin it."

"What if they attacked earlier?"

"They wouldn't have. They had a master plan to wage the war after your pairing; scheduled the November after your sixteenth birthday. Your shift is always in October. The plan was that you would shift and fight for us, rather than against us. You see- a wolf is loyal to his creator. The serum that I injected into was made from several of my packs wolves blood. The wolf in your blood makes you loyal to them but they are loyal to me. That mean that your wolf would be compelled to follow my orders as his Alpha."

I nodded, absorbing all of the information. "That plan backfired."

"Not exactly. Tell me, Damen. If the hunters attacked us right now, would you fight against them?"

"Of course! I have to protect my mate!" I yelled.

Myra chuckled. "You are so over-protective!"

"Point proven," Sam stated, leaning his back and throwing his hands up for emphasis.

I wrapped my arms protectively around Myra. "When do we take charge of the pack?"

"When the first heir to the pack is born."

Myra sat up. "When the first heir is born?"


"Dad! I'm sixteen! You have been the alpha for thirty-two years! I have a sibling?" Myra accused.

Sam's eyes widened. "Shit!" He mumbled. "I can't talk about it, Myra. Please."

"All this time, I thought I was an only child."

"Myra," I said, "Calm down."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "Is he- or she- dead?" Her voice cracked.

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