All Of Me - (Islamic fiction...

By MarwaaMalik

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*Sequel to "Starting Over"* Follow Maggie and Zayn's journey More

All Of Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 84

201 15 4
By MarwaaMalik

The weekend came fast and with it came Ella's move to London. After hours of talking on the phone, I finally convinced her to stay with us at Zayn's place till she finds herself a nice apartment near the place she will be working.

"Woah, this place." Ella was amazed once she sat foot in Zayn's place. Everything in there was breath taking to her, the huge piano, the modern furniture, the rebellious backyard with the huge tent and random spray paint on the walls. The skating area, just about everything. "If you hadn't already been engaged to Zayn I would've had my go with him. God this house is like my dream house being both elegant and a bad mother-"

"Should I be worried then?" I chuckled cutting her before she cursed. It seemed stupid but I wasn't comfortable anymore with swearing. It didn't fit my new life style.

"Not after everything you did for me, " She laughed entering one of the only spare rooms left untaken by us. "It feels like one of them fancy hotels."

"Kind of," I shrugged sitting on the bed while Ella explored the bathroom a bit leaving me alone.

Feeling a vibration on the bed, I grabbed my iphone seeing that it was a text.
'Tonight at 8.'

What? Who was that? It was a number. I pressed on my home button to open the phone and try to know who that was, but it wouldn't open. Pressing it one more time, again it vibrated and asked for my code. Stupid phone.

Entering my numbers didn't work. Confused, I flipped the phone on it's back to see the cover only to realize that this wasn't mine.

Something wasn't adding up, Ella just got back in the city today and as far as I know she had no one else here but me. So who was she meeting?

Hearing the bathroom door knob twist, I threw the phone on the pillow and pretended to be interested in the ceiling while trying running my hand through my tangled hair.

"That was a much needed shower." Ella walked out of the bathroom having nothing but a tightly wrapped towel on her slim body.

"Thought you were only looking around." I tried to be casual as I contained my urging questions.

"I was but that bath you have is heaven on earth. Almost forgot you were out here." She laughed as she grabbed her phone, took one look at the screen then closed it and went to change.

Curiosity was taking the best of me but I didn't want to seem like I was snooping on her phone so I decided to be a bit indirect, "Do you have anything later tonight?"

"I just came today." She chuckled like I just asked the dumbest question ever which got me even more curious. I read the message, and so did she. Why wasn't she forward with me?

"So you are free the whole night?" I asked again giving her one last chance. I didn't understand why she didn't just tell me.

"Yeah. Why are you asking?" She seemed so unfazed that I began to doubt what I read. Was it just a wrong number and I was making a big deal out of nothing?

Of course it was. Ella won't lie to me. I was too paranoid, I needed to get myself together.

"It's just, I had to attend someone's birthday, if you are up to it you can come with." I covered up fast and technically I wasn't lying. I was going to Seif's sister birthday. They won't mind if I brought Ella.

"Sounds fun, sure." She tied her wet hair in a ponytail. "Lets go eat."

Having Ryan drive us there was expected but him insisting on staying was plain annoying. I wasn't a child who needed a chaperon, I understand the danger I was in with the whole Eric situation but I was going to a friend's birthday in a restaurant, it would be so freaking awkward having him around.

After about thirty minutes of pure pressure and nagging, Ryan gave in to driving us there and waiting in the car while we finished. Although I felt a bit guilty about it but it was better than having him hang around all day long.

"I think its quite cool having Ryan around. It gives us a gangster vibe." Ella stated when we were on the way as she checked her phone.

"You don't know Seif's family. They might be insulted or something." I replied checking my own messages seeing that Zayn had sent me a picture of himself in what looks like a hotel room with a sleepy emoji making me giggle. He was such a dork.

"You are so cute when you texting your bae." Ella cooed snapping a picture of me.

"Delete now." I threatened with nothing really but I was mad. I hate having my picture taken without my approval especially when I looked like crap.

"Nah, you look cute." She shrugged and continued playing on her phone.

"Delete or its war." I didn't back down.

"Meh," She shrugged knowing I won't really remember this tomorrow, "So, who is that Seif guy?"

"A friend, I think you saw him before." I said planning my master revenge but I had nothing really.

"We are here." Ryan said parking in front of the restaurant.

  Ella and I got out of the car, I adjusted my clothes while Ella looked around the place inspecting the neighborhood. "Lets go in?" I asked putting a hand on her shoulder for support.

  "Yeah," Her voice was distant as she kept looking around the corners and the other way. It was really creeping me out but I chose to ignore it. She properly wasn't comfortable in this neighborhood, it was rather close to where she used to live with Eric. I would be a little freaked out If I was in her place.

  Once we entered the restaurant my head snapped to the loudest table and sure enough I found about 15 arab talking and laughing among themselves. A smile appeared on my face when I saw Seif messing about with his younger sister trying to force her to wear a silly looking hat. They looked adorable.

  "Maggie, you made it." His face lit up once he saw me by the door and he quickly made his way to where we were standing.

  "I told you I'd come." I smiled at him then noticed he was a bit uncomfortable with Ella so I decided to do the formal thing and introduce them, "This is Ella, you met her before."

  "Yeah, how are you doing?" Seif tried to be polite.

  "Good thanks." Ella put on her nicest act which was hilarious because she never was comfortable around proper people. And if anything Seif and his family were the most proper people ever.

  "I hope you don't mind I brought her. She just moved back to London today and I didn't want to leave her on her first night."

  "No of course not, any friend of yours is welcome." Seif said genuinely which warmed my heart. He was so sweet.

  "Maggie, glad you could make it." Maha appeared from behind Seif with an uneasy smile on her face. I just don't like her.

  "Anything for Noor." I replied with a smile intentionally using the name only Seif call his little sister by to annoy her. I don't know why I did that to be honest, but it felt good.

"And you brought a friend." She smiled fakely eyeing Ella up and down with her pink hair and ripped rock clothes.

"Are you the birthday girl?" Ella replied with the same tone as Maha, if anyone played girl games it was definitely Ella.

"No, I'm-"

"Lets go say happy birthday to the girl of the hour then, I didn't come all the way from York to stand by the door." Ella took my hand and Seif's and literally dragged us past a shocked looking Maha. It was hilarious to witness.

Once we got over to where they all sat, Seif took his hand from Ella quickly when his mother gave him a stern look, only now realizing she was holding it. He spoke a bit nervously, "Um, mama? Maggie and her friend Ella came to wish Mahinoor a happy birthday."

"Thank you for coming." She replied politely giving us both quick hug. She was a bit uneasy, I felt it but I just figured she didn't like me that much to begin with.

  "Maggie," Seif's sister hug me tightly not giving me room to breath.

  "Noor stop she is going to suffocate." Seif said sternly.

  "Let her, she is the birthday girl." I honestly felt happy that I came, seeing the smile on her face made my day.

  "Thank you so much l. You really made me the happiest birthday girl ever. You know you are the one of my friends who came." She beamed dragging me along to where she was sitting, and I dragged Ella behind me so she won't feel left out.

  "And what am I? A chair?" Maha chuckled interrupting us.

  "You come to every family outing we have, my birthday is not special." Noor shrugged.

  "I didn't realize Maggie was your friend." Seif teased his little sister.

  "Of course, who do you think I came for?" I said to tease him instead.

  "Ha ha, joke's on you." Noor giggled.

  "Oh thats how it is." Seif pretended to be hurt, clutching his chest where his heart is dramatically making us all  laugh at his silliness.

  "Aw don't be sad. We will let you in our squad." Noor cooed.

  "See how kind we are?" I teased him.

  "Such an honor." Seif rolled his eyes but was enjoying the banter.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Ella whispered in my ears getting her bag and standing up.

"Do you want me to come?" I asked as any good friend would do.

"Nah, I wont take a second." She said she went to the back.

"Your friend seem nice, how do you know her?" Maha asked in the most judgmental tone there was. She was getting on my last nerve.

"Childhood friend." I replied not giving her a second look. I didn't want to seem more irritated with her.

"She seems in good shape now, healthier." Seif picked up the conversation.

"Yeah, she went home after that incident and got all better, al hamdulillah." I smiled proudly of my girl.

"You are a good friend. Stuck by her side through it all like they say." Seif smiled complementing me.

"You would do the same if it were me in her place." I shrugged like it was nothing but in my heart I knew that Seif always had my back. He was such a good friend, almost like the brother I never had. If it came down to anything bad, I knew I would count on him.

"So, Mahi, presents time?" Maha jumped in giving me a look then putting a gift's bag in frint of her with a smile.

Opening it, Noor got out a white cotton hijab. It was nice, basic but nice, I would wear it but Noor wasn't a hijabi, so that was weird. "Aw thanks Maha." Noor got up and gave maha a quick hug and kiss in the cheek as she put back the gift.

"I know you want to wear the hijab this year so I wanted to be the first want to buy you a hijab." Maha smiled proudly.

"Oh Maha dear, thats so lovely of you. Jazak allah kheiran. She is going to start wearing it soon in sha allah." Seif's mom butt-in from the head of the table.

"She would make a beautiful hijabi." Maha's mom joined the conversation. And I noticed Noor shift uncomfortably in her chair as she looked at her hands. I didn't know the whole story but I decided to safe her this time around. I knew how awful it was to have your mom embarrass you in anyway.

"I didn't know what to get you honestly, so I hope this is okay." I gave her my gift bag which basically was Pandora bag and a bow.

"I always wanted to have loads of rings and bracelets and be cool. Maggie thank you so much, you honestly have a taste in gifts lie Seif said." She smiled happy giving me tight hug.

"How would you know?" Maha asked raising an eyebrow at him trying not to show her anger.

"She got him the perfume you loved." Noor replied so innocently.

"The one you have on everyday?" Maha said in disbelieve.

"Not everyday, I mean. It smells good and I put it on like every other day." Seif said awkwardly making me chuckle. He was such a dork when he was trying to act cool.

"So you liked it, huh?." I teased him giving him a wink making him blush a little.

"You got good taste." He chuckled nervously.

"I know. Next time when I get you something don't make me run after you to take it." I chuckled embarrassing him about the fact that he made me beg him to actually accept my gift.

"So Maggie. How is your boyfriend?" Maha said interrupting us and I noticed Seif stiffen next to me a little.

"Fiancé actually. And he is good." I replied not knowing why she actually cared about my life. She didn't seem to like me that much.

"Fiancé? Who's getting engaged?" Maha's mom interrupted our conversation the same way her daughter just did a second ago.

"Maggie is engaged mom, did you know?" Maha smiled widely raising a brow at her mom and giving Seif a weird look.

"Oh really? Mabrouk. Hanaa, did you know Maggie is engaged?" Maha's mom called after her nest friend, Seif's mom telling her the news.

  "Oh yeah, Seif told me." Seif's mom pulled a smile that didnt really touch her eyes.

  "Where is he then? Why didn't he come with you?" Maha's mom asked suddenly interested. What a weird family.

  "He is touring."

  "Touring?" Maha asked raising a brow.

  "She is engaged to Zayn Malik." Noor explained and Maha's eyes widened in shock.


  "Yeah." I pulled a smile proud and honestly happy that Maha was stunt like that. Yeah I got me an amazing man. Take that.

  "Wow you are lucky."

  "Who is he?" Seif's mom asked.

  "A famous singer, auntie." Maha explained as Seif was shifting uncomfortably next to me.

  "Really? Is he a muslim? If you dont mind me asking." Maha's mom asked.

  "Yeah, of course." I chuckled, what do they take me for. I'm a hijabi but would marry a non muslim and go to juhanam?

  "How is he like? I bet its hard with his traveling." Maha asked suddenly way to interested with my life as she had this weird look on her face. I bet she was a fan of Zayn's.

  "Yeah it is, but we make it work talking whenever we can and traveling to see each other when there is time." I explained with a hint of a smile. I can't help how talking about Zayn makes me smile like an idiot.

  "Is Ella bot coming back? She's been away for too long." It was Seif's time ton interrupt this time.

  But he did have a point, Ella was gone for too long.


Hey there guys, missed you loads. Sorry im all gone again I have an important exam in 6 weeks and its so hard to manage time. This is a long chapter to properly apologize 🙈 hope you like it and I will try my best to write as soon as possible 🙏🏻🙏🏻 love you all please pray for me to pass this exam

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