Saved By Her Idol... | Demi L...

By sarahhh_lovatic

43.9K 672 122

Alex Green has been bullied, abused, and has many more issues. What happens when she meets her idol at a meet... More

Saved By Her Idol
The Beginning
Heart Attack
Authors Note
Don't Forget
On The Line
Authors Note
This Is Me
I Hate You Dont Leave Me
In Case
Get Back
Catch Me
Authors Note
Believe In Me
Falling Over Me
For the Love of a Daughter
Give Your Heart A Break
Authors Note
Behind Enemy Lines
Until Your Mine
The Middle
In Real Life
Fix A Heart
Who's That Boy
Give Me Love
Small Bump
Kiss Me
Authors Note
Lego House
Authors Note
Finally Back
A New Beginning
Discovering Feelings
The End

Heart By Heart

514 8 2
By sarahhh_lovatic

Demi's POV

It was 3am but I had to call him.

-Phone Call-

Nick- Hello?

He sounded like I had woken him up. I missed his voice so much...😞

Demi- H-hi.

Nick- Why do you sound like your crying. Demi what's wrong?

Demi- It's Alex...

Nick- What happened? Is she ok?

Demi- She's fine but something happened and now she's mad at me.

I sniffled into the phone and heard him sigh.

Nick- Dem I'm sure she'll forgive you.

Demi- No Nick, I did something really bad..

Nick- Demi I can't stand this...Hold on I'll be right back.

He hung up the phone and I sat there crying more.

I thought that it would just be a joke.

I thought that I would be sitting with Alex all curled up loving each other more than we ever have before.

I was about to go up to bed when the doorbell rang.

Demi- Nick?

What the heck? God he's gotten so hot, and those muscles jesus!

Ugh! Demi it's not the fucking time to be thinking about this!

You need to get Aprx back.

Nick- I couldn't stand to hear you cry so I came over.

I pulled him into a hug and just cried on his shoulder.

Demi- Thank you so much.

Nick- So tell what happened?

We walked over to the couch and he sat next to me.

I snuggled into him and told him what happened.

Demi- So that's the reason she hates me and I don't know what to do?!

Nick- Demi just take a deep breathe, I think that I know what to do. I know it's hard right now, but just trust me. She doesn't hate you. Your her mother she loves you.

Demi- Ok...thanks.

We layed there as Nick came closer to me. He rapped his arm around me and made me feel secure.

We were heart by heart.

The beats of his heart calmed me and I started to fall asleep.

I know this doesn't seem like what two people would do but...Nick is my best friend and he's always there for me.

He's...he's always been there for me...

_________________________________________________________________________ Hey guys! So just as a little thank you for all the readers I decided to do a little early update.

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