My Husband Is Gay (On Hold)

By _HaniGemini

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(Not a GAY story/ not BxBxG story/ not BxB story/ not RATED 'R' story) ~Mathew Sister Book I~ How can Christo... More

My Husband Is Gay <1>
My Husband Is Gay <2>
My Husband Is Gay <3>
My Husband Is Gay <4>
My Husband Is Gay <5>
My Husband Is Gay <6>
My Husband Is Gay <7>
My Husband Is Gay <8>
My Husband Is Gay <9.a>
My Husband Is Gay <9.b>
My Husband Is Gay <10>
My Husband Is Gay <11>
My Husband Is Gay <12>
My Husband Is Gay <13>
My Husband Is Gay <14>
My Husband Is Gay <15>
My Husband Is Gay <16>
My Husband Is Gay <17>
My Husband Is Gay <18>
My Husband Is Gay <19>
My Husband Is Gay <20>
My Husband Is Gay <21>
My Husband Is Gay <22>
My Husband Is Gay <24>
My Husband Is Gay <25>
My Husband Is Gay <26.a>
My Husband Is Gay <26.b>
My Husband Is Gay <27>
My Husband Is Gay <28>
My Husband Is Gay <29>
My Husband Is Gay <30>
My Husband Is Gay <31>
My Husband Is Gay <32>
My Husband Is Gay <33>
My Husband Is Gay <34>

My Husband Is Gay <23>

2.9K 85 88
By _HaniGemini

~My Husband  Is Gay ..23..~


Last night I heard Chris and Pete fighting or something like that because they were shouting at each other. Actually, I think I heard it more like Pete shouts some word at Chris. I can't really tell what they are shouting about, because I'm in my deep blue paradise, sleeping at my beautiful and soft cloud.

Don't run away and think I'm going crazy because I just found out my husband is a gay, what I'm saying is I'm in my room, the room that I call blue paradise because that's what the color is, my favorite color and it make me feel like I'm in my own room back at my parents house and currently I'm sleeping in my bed, which is felt so soft like a cloud.

How do I know that cloud is soft?

No, I don't know, but that's what people said about cloud and I just follow what others often said.

So, back to the main agenda, my husband is a gay. . . To say that I'm shocked over that new is an understatement. I'm totally and utterly shock where I feel like I just move into a new planet and I'm an alien at this new  planet and I'm set by earth to take over this new planet. And did mention that this new planet is full of gay people.

Yeah, and now I'm totally and utterly gone crazy.

So, for the second time, back to the agenda of the day, my husband is a gay. . . Am I arrived yet at the new planet? I thought I was already there. Isn't that an alien just flying outside my window? Wait, no it's not, it's just some bird. So, I guess I'm not there yet.

You guys get it right. Julia Adeline Mathew slash Kayden is currently in mental hospital. The doctor there trying to fix her brain due to the shock-ness she receives after knowing her husband is a gay.

So, for the third time and for real this time, let's get back to the main agenda, my husband is a gay. . . When I first saw Pete kissed Chris like there no tomorrow, I faint and that when my dear brain start to play back the dream I had a few weeks ago, the day after my dear mother-in-law first visit at my house.

The dream that came two little kid, a boy and a girl saying that they saw their father kissing another guy and I'm as their mom need to stop it.

But then when I'm awake, in the arm of my husband, I thought that whatever that happen is just another dream and I'm having a second dream of it because of how tired I am. So I ask the first thing that comes out of my mind and praying that he will ask 'what am I talking about?' and saying that there nothing happen and there no Pete kissed Chris.

And the first thing that my brain can progress to ask is 'why he hasn't told me he is a gay?' and instead of come a confuse voice saying what I'm talking about, like I thought he would ask, he only said 'he doesn't know' which mean whatever happened earlier, happen.

Despite of how scared am I that time, I still manage to look into his eye, waiting for an answer. Despite how sad am I thinking that my dear husband is actually gay, I still manage to push him to tell me. Despite of how broken I get when the answer out, I still manage to let him know that I will be there for him no matter what.

And despite of everything, I still manage to cover my face and show him that I am fine and will always support him. I guess I'm a grade 'A' class actress, that manage to act like I'm fine with everything, even when the truth is I'm definitely not fine.

Why is that, because he is the only one who never turn three hundred and sixty degree just to get to know about Kat or the one who never ask about my dear cousin or want to do anything with her.

No, let me make this clear, I'm not hating her, will never ever hate her, but when you spend your day and having for almost everyone in town asking a thing about her, sometime, someday you will feel like what I'm feeling. Especially when you have your bad day and then come a group of people telling how great your cousin look in that new dress she wear, not why are you sad.

And yes, people notice every new dress or shirt or jean or anything that scream new and she wears it.

The feel of thinking that everyone wants her more that want you. Even your parents can't live a day without asking about her even when she actually right in front of them. Somehow, deep inside you, you feel a bit hurt too, one day.

But Chris is different, he not even once asking about Kat, not even once asking how Kat is at home or anything that have a thing to do with Kat. And again for you guys information, I don't hate Kat, I'm just envy of her because people talk about her all the time and always take notice of what she doing or how great she look.

So, instead of turn around and leave everything behind, go and hide in a cheap hotel or motel and after a week send him a divorce letter and a week after getting a divorce from him, go and scream at the top of my lung to the world saying that Christopher Lucas Kayden is gay and his boyfriend is none other than his co-worker, Peter Rickett, I choose to just stay with him.

I know that there is something inside me growing up when I look at him, a small little butterfly starts to fly when I look at him and I know that this little feeling that I feel for him is start after our honeymoon and now knowing that he is gay, I think it's better to stop thinking about it and just be a good friend of him.

After all, I always want a gay friend and now I get one.

But, unfortunately for me, the gay friend has happened to be my fake husband, who also now is the guy who I happen to envelope some feeling.

'Kill the feeling, just enjoy being a best friend with him. . .'

Yup, that's right, I have to kill the small butterfly before they turn into a big dragon shooting fire in my stomach whenever I look at him.

'Be friend is it, then let make a great friend with him'


"Well, well, well, Mrs. Kayden, what do we have here?" Pete says, standing at the doorway to the kitchen.

"Oh God, I have no idea that you are blind Mr. Rickett. Can't you see this? This is thing is called food and this thing we normally eat earlier morning or as in other words is called as breakfast." I say, my words full of sarcasm.

Since I wake up earlier today, because of how earlier I sleep last night, due to how tired I am after an eventful day, I was thinking to prepare some breakfast meal for Chris and because of Pete also stay here, it ends up with I prepare him a breakfast meal too.

And here he is, my husband's boyfriend, earlier in the morning with his work outfit, on Saturday? And with a smug looking face that slightly making me feel annoyed at him and feel regret that I made him some breakfast.

Why can't it be my dear husband slash new gay best friend who wake up first? Why it has to be Mr. Evil McDevil, who also is used to be Mr. Flirt McFlirty who wake up first?

Oh, yeah, if you guys happen to be having a brain problem, just like me and forget about the past and wonder why am I calling Pete Mr. Flirty, remember when I first meet him, at Chris office, he flirts with me and that how he gets the nicknames.

Thinking about the past makes me remember how he kissed me that one day and how we got caught by none other than Chris and how he get mad and not speak to me until the day we suppose to get married, and now I know why he got so mad about it.

"What day is today?" Pete suddenly asks.

"Huh?" Surprise with his question, I mean why he suddenly asks about what day is today, when we clearly been talking about what am I doing. Maybe he lost his mind already. After all, he wears an outfit to go to the office on Saturday, the day that he suppose to be office free. 

"Is today sarcasm day? I mean I can sense a lot of sarcasm through your words." He says smirking at me.

Looking at his lips, the lips that I kissed  few weeks ago and the lips that cause both Pete and I to be caught by Chris and the reason why Chris mad and make those silent treatment at me. When at first I thought he get mad because I kissed his best friend and I, who is suppose to be his soon to be wife at that time.

But now I know I'm wrong. He gets mad because I kissed his boyfriend. His beloved boyfriend and I bet that he might not even care if I kissing any other guy at all, I mean he is gay and have a boyfriend, so why should he care what I do.

And why do I have to feel hurt because of it? I mean, I did said early in the morning today that I will think of him as my best friend from now on. So, why does it hurt so much?

"You should eat it now while it's still warm. It won't taste better when it's cold." I say to Pete and then turn my stare at other place instead of him.

He must be shocked with my sudden mood changing and come next to me and the best part is, because of I'm way too deep with my though, I don't even realize he came next to me and only realize when he put his arm on my shoulder and turn my body around to face him.

To look at his eye, the eye that already looks at me. Looking deep into me and somehow I feel like he cares about my mood changing or maybe it's just my weird feeling or maybe I'm still tired. He is gay, so why he should care about me?

"Julia, are you okay? You look pale, are you sick? Are you still feeling tired from your journey back home?" Pete asks in one breathe.

Okay, now not just he looks concerned, but from his voice I can tell that he cares. But why? Why he cares about me or is this just some act.

Yup, that's it. He is a grade 'A' actor, just like me and right now he acting like he care about me when the truth is he doesn't. This might be his other game. Like before when he flirt with me or when he kissed me.

'Such an asshole'

But why do I feel like he not acting this and I feel like he sincere with his feeling. Like he is honest with his feeling. No no no, no, that's not true. He faking this, like Chris and I faking our relationship.

Before I could answer him, come another voice. The oh so familiar voice a. k. a. the voice that belongs to the third person that stay in this house slash the voice of my husband slash the voice of Peter Rickett's boyfriend.

"What's happening in here?" Chris asks while glaring at. . .


Actually, it looks more like Chris glare at Pete hand, which currently at my shoulder and isn't that weird, I mean he suppose to glare at me and maybe thinking that I'm trying to seduce his boyfriend, but he now is glaring at Pete.

Weird, weird, weird. But what's weirder is Pete, who I feel like having a bipolar disorder. One minute he with his smug face and the next minute he with his concern face and now he with his smirking face.

"Nothing happens here. Why you think there something happen?" Smirking Pete say.

And then the glaring contest happens between the two contestants who is non other than Chris Kayden and Pete Rickett and the judge for this game is non other that Julia Kayden a. k. a. me. No no no, not the glaring contest because only Chris is glaring while Pete with his smirk.

And I'm really sure Pete really has a bipolar disorder because then he pretend like nothing happen and went to the kitchen island at where I put the food and eat it.

"This is so great Julia." Pete moans while looking at me.

By this time, I swear I can feel like Chris is burning with fire and I swear I saw the smoke coming out from his nose and ear. So, me as his new best friend, trying to reduce the burning tension that I feel from him a little, went to where he is and hold his arm.

My movement, surprise him a little and I thought he will snap at me, but instead when he saw that it only me, his eye start to soften a little before then he smiles at me and do something that now make me surprise by it. He kisses my forehead and the little butterfly that I try to kill early and thought that I already killed them, is now flying freely in my stomach.

Clearing my throat, I then say to him, "We should eat now before the food cold." I say and then turn around and look at Pete who look at us with a look that I can really read.

Well, who cares about Pete. After all, he is having a bipolar disorder, so why we should take care about what he fell. . .

And how am I suppose to kill the small butterfly when every move Chris made only makes the butterfly start to evolve into something else. . .


"So, care to tell me what happen this morning?" Chris asks.

After we finish eating breakfast and Pete went to work, Chris helps me do all the dishes. Then I notice how mess the house is, the thing that I not notice yesterday because of how tired I feel and how moody I am because of the dream, which I kinda forget about it due to thinking about my husband who is a gay.

So, after clean the kitchen, I went to clean the house and Chris gladly helps me. With both of us do the house chore together, I kinda feel like a real husband and wife instead of a fake husband and wife.

"Nothing happens." I says nonchalantly.

Now, we are enjoying our time, our relax time after finish do the house chore with watching a movie together.

"It, doesn't look like nothing at all to me. Did Pete done something to you? Did Pete hurt you?" Chris asks, worry flow through his words and at that moment, I just want to scream yes, because who know, Chris might get into another fight with Pete.

But I choose not to, because at the same time, who know, Chris might hate me because I argue with Pete over something stupid. Wait, are we really argue over something this morning?

Don't care, I mean it involve Pete, so why care about it?

"No, he don't. Don't worry about this morning, there nothing happens and if something really happen, I will tell you first." I tell him.

"Okay, if you say so. But remember, whatever happen, you have to tell me first, okay?" Chris asks me.

"Yes, sir." I answer him and my answer earn me a kiss on my temple.

"You know, you still owe me a story about-" Chris starts to talk again and I know where this will go, so I cut him before he could reach for it.

"Chris, not now. Please." I plead at him. "I will tell you when I'm ready and not now. There too much thing happen in just one week and I don't want to make my head spinning in much more force on it." I say.

I know that he will ask about the dream that I have. The dream about uncle Nate and aunt Trina and I don't want to talk about it. I mean, come on, I just know the biggest news about my husband who is a gay and now he expects me to tell him about my painful story of life.

Give me a break because I definitely not ready to tell him about that and now that I think about it, I might will never tell him. Honest is, before I feel like I will tell him one day, even when I say I won't.

But now knowing that he is a gay, I think it's better never telling him at all.

"Just tell me when you ready Julia. I will be there for you no matter what." He sigh before talking to me and when he finishes, he kisses my forehead and let his lip linger over it for a few second.

Am I going to tell him?

Should I really tell him, even when I say I won't?

Maybe I should, after all, he tell me about his life. . .


"Where's Chris?" Pete asks, when he enters the living room.

"Sleep." I answer him.

Yesterday, after the breakfast event, after what I claim Pete is bipolar, everything went fine. Right after the breakfast, Pete went to work and left only Chris and I at home and we spend on that day together. From watch movie together to clean the house together and prepare lunch and dinner together and eat it together, like a couple, but we are not.

We are friend only.

There is something that I notice. That is when Chris is around me and Pete is there too, Chris will always glaring at Pete whenever he gets the chance to do it and while Chris is glaring, Pete will smirk and grin at him and from their weird behavior, only prove that the night before yesterday, the first night I got here, they really have a big fight.

Why? I have no idea.

But when I'm alone with Chris, he always focuses on me, only, with a sweet looking and when I'm talking, his eye always shows that he really interested to listen and that somehow make me feel a little weird.

And this also happens when I'm alone with Pete, he also changes from the arrogant asshole name Pete, that he put when Chris is around to I'm-a-sweet-and-lovable-guy-and-will-treat-you-nicely when Chris is not there and only me with him.

So, tell me how am I not supposed to call him having a bipolar disorder?

"It's still early and he already sleeps?" Pete asks me again, now already settle into the comfy couch next to me. Really close to me and I can feel his body heat from where I am right now.

"Yeah, he said he is tired and need some sleep and he have to go to work tomorrow." I reply him in a bored tone.

See, he all nice to me, there no glaring, no sick comeback, nor anything that make me feel annoyed and when Chris is here, he turns into a jerk and start to make me feel really annoyed at him. I still can't guess whether this is his game to play me or this is the real him. I mean I can feel that somehow he honest with me when we alone, but a few parts of me tell me, that's that might be a part of his game.

"Do you like Chris?" Pete suddenly asks, remove his tie and put it onto the coffee table and focus his eye on me.

Today, is the same as yesterday. Pete again has another important meeting and left after breakfast. Chris and I spend time together, we went to buy groceries, then went to eat an ice cream at the same ice cream parlor he bring me a few weeks ago and then when we got back home, we spend our time by watching another movie together.

Right after dinner and we only eat it together because Pete has another work to do, Chris claims that he feels really tired due to our grocery shopping and from a little walk around the park after we finish eating the ice cream and also from the time we use to cook dinner, so he went straight to bed after that.

While he went to bed, I stay awake and watch some drama that's being shown on the TV, because I don't feel tired not even a bit at all and plus, I don't have work to do to or place to go tomorrow, so I can sleep in tomorrow if I want to. I don't really know what I watch because my mind keep thinking about everything that happen to me.

"Why you ask?" I ask Pete back, I mean why he asks that kind of question.

"Just want to know. He is your husband after all and both of you spend a week together alone, so there might be some feeling growing up inside both of you." Pete answers me.

'Is he is a witch now? Or maybe a bipolar disorder witch?'

Instead of watching him with a shock face, I manage to keep my face blank with no expression show and keep watch the stupid drama that I have no idea what the title is. This is the time to play a great acting, after all I am grade 'A' actress.

But before I answer him, I was thinking that why not tell him the truth, but at the same time make it look like I'm trying to play him and my dear friend, that's what I'm doing.

"Yeah, you got it right, Pete." I say, smirking and turn to look at him.

"Well then, lets play a little game? Let see who will get Chris?" Pete asks me with the same smirk that I have on my face.

Okay, I say early that when we alone, he always nice and never make any attempt to annoy me. I take that back, he will annoy and make me feel sick at anytime he want and then change to care and concern about me anytime that he wasn't.

"We'll see who will win this game then." I answer him, not bringing down the smirk.

If that's what he want, then that's what I will do. Who knows Chris might leave him in the end and be 'straight' after that and be with me. But I also need to remember that whatever I done, never put my one hundred percent hope in it.

I might get a broken heart if this never turns to what I'm hoping it be. Chris might will never fall in love with me, like what I want him to be. Plus, he has a boyfriend and don't forget that his boyfriend is not a plain looking and boring guy, but a hot one.

And yes, I admit that Pete is hot and good looking with a great body smell and if I not forget, that's also the reason why I kissed him a few weeks ago. Because of his smell. His cologne or perfume, I don't know. What I know is, that thing makes him smell great. And because of how close he is to me, I can smell to great perfume slash cologne of his.

Back to the topic, with a boyfriend like Pete, what make other people think that Chris will leave Pete, just for me. I doubt he will do that. So Julia Adeline Mathew. . . Wait Kayden now, you need to remember to never put to much nope in this game.

"We'll see. Good night then little J." Pete says, getting up to go upstairs to his room, but not before flash me his smirking face and a little that look like amused face.

'Hopefully he will lose on his own game.'


After staying here, sometimes I feel like I'm actually their head chef and not Chris Kayden's wife. Oh, if you guys wonder why I'm saying that, so here I am, on Monday morning and both of the gay boys have to go to work today and me in the kitchen preparing their breakfast.

Last night after the small talk I have with Pete, I always put my game face and keep in my mind to annoy the hell out of Pete when he around me or at least make him feel like he jealous of me.

"Morning?" Pete, again the first one who wakes up. It's like every day he will wake up first.

Before I could greet him back, the main project for Pete and I walk in the kitchen with his office outfit and looking professional with it and his face is serious like how he is when he at work.

How do I know it? Remember that I visit him twice when he is at work. That's how I know it.

"Morning, Julia?" Chris says.

Let the game begin. Game number one. I walk to Chris and kiss him on his cheek, near his lips and make sure that Pete is looking at me and greet him back. "Morning, Chris." Oh, don't forget with a voice that sound sexy.

Turn back to walk at the kitchen islands and if you guys wonder why not eat it at the table in the dining room, let just say I'm lazy to set the table and from what Chris tell me, this is where they always eat, at the kitchen island.

"Hope blueberry pancake is okay with both of you." I tell them and hear both of the guy reply with the same answer which is, that sound great.

I don't even look at Pete to know that he is looking at me. Well, he asks for a game and that's what I will do. Play the game with him.

When both already sit down and start to eat, I walk to where Chris is and seductively ask him at his ear with the same sexy voice I use before. "Chris, can I sit on your lap, baby?" That, my dear friend is my game number two.

Smirking, when I notice that Chris shiver a little when I whisper at him. Look to his right, I saw that Pete already looking at me with a confuse face and not waiting for Chris answer, I went and sit on his lap and eat the pancake that I put on his plate and feed him with it too.

"Hope you don't mine I sit on his lap, Pete." I turn to look at Pete when I finish feeding Chris with his pancake while sitting on his lap. Oh, did I mention that I put an innocent face when I say it to Pete.

And, let me tell you guys this, Pete looks really mad at this and I bet you guys if Pete actually Cyclops from X-men, my head might already be smashed by his powerful energy beam eye, just by the way he glares at me.

Not just that, I also swear that there is some smoke coming out from his nose and ear and his face is now turn all red, especially when he notice that Chris hand is now on my waist to keep me in place on his lap.

"That's great pancake you make, Julia." Chris say and thank god he finally say something, because I know that if Pete the one who start talking, he might insult me, but then, that means another game for me to play.

"And is today my birthday? I mean, you make me some breakfast and then you feed me with it?" Chris ask again.

Finally, I choose to look at him, Chris and saw that he already look at me, expectantly, waiting for some answer. He also has this amuse look and confuse look at why suddenly I behave like this. But I just shrug it all off of me. I'm on my game play now.

Kisses his cheek before I say, "Nah, I just want to save your energy for your work. Today is your first day back to the hotel and there might be a lot of work waiting th-" Before I could finish, Pete cut me down.

"I already done all of his work while both of you spend your time together." Pete voice dangerously low, like whisper but it's not and it sound like a dagger shooting to my ear

Again, no need to look at Pete to know that he is looking at Chris and me.

"Chr-" And again this son of a big capital 'B' cut me off.

"We gotta head to work now, if not we will be late." Pete say and now he have this smirking face when I turn to look at him.

"Yeah, Pete is right and I don't to be late." Chris kisses my cheek before bringing me down to my feet like I'm weigh nothing at all. "I, see you later." He continues, when he already on his own feet and kiss me again, but this time on my forehead.

'And the winner is me. Opps, sorry Pete but you a loser in your own game.'

Smiling while I watch my dear husband walk away, not even realize that his dear boyfriend still not moving from his seat.

"He's off to work now and you, my little 'J' at home alone and me, your husband's boyfriend, will be at work with him." Pete says before he also walks away. I guess that the reason why he smirks.

Oh, did I tell you guys that Pete is stupid. Now you guys know it. I mean, he not suppose to tell me that, but now, he just gave me a reason to stop by at Chris's office. Preferable at lunch with a lunch box for him and stay at work with him and went back home together.

And preferable went there with a taxi, so that I can come back home with Chris.

If he always east lunch with Pete, that mean today, Pete the bipolar disorder have to eat alone, because my husband and I will eat together and that my next game to do and my husband's boyfriend can't join us, because I will make sure the food is enough only for both of us.

Just wait Peter Rickett, you will lose in no time. . .

And Peter Rickett, you will wish that you never know me at all. . .


So here chapter 23 and sorry for late update. For people who follow me and saw my message I put on my message board, might already know the reason for the late update and why all of sudden this book is on hold, but to other who don't know, I will tell you guys.

After I got back home after my family holiday, one of my uncle send my grandmother here at my house, said that my grandma want to stay with my family. And at age almost 90, my grandmother also have Alzheimer.

And staying with an old women who often forget what she said or ask, really need a maximum level of patience and i be honest with you guys that there a few time I feel like snapping at her because of how many time she asking the same question, but I never do and hopefully never ever will do it.

Because of it, I kinda lost a few idea to write this chapter, and I know that this chapter is still a mess and not happen like how I want it to be :(

My grandmother currently staying in the next room from mine and I, sometime really worried about her. Especially at night, because who know what will happen at her.

So, to all MHIAG reader, I'm really sorry for late update and how this chapter might not be the greatest chapter at all.

And for the next chapter, I still don't know when will I update, but I try to make it as fast as I can and hope that it will come out next week.

Last is, to all my reader, if you guys feel really generous, please spend me some vote on this chapter :D

Oh, another thing, my best friend have this advertise book that she create on her account and then her work got more and more day by day, until she have no time to online, then instead of close the account, she hand it to me, so that I can continue advertise other people book. So I whenever I'm not online this account, that mean I'm on the other account of mine :D

Okay, that's all for now. . .


Me :- *sad* "Oh em gee, Pete?" *feel like crying*

Pete :- *confuse and concern* "What's wrong with you lady? Are you okay?"

Me :- *tear coming out and quickly wipe it* "Oh, Pete. . . I have no idea that you have bipolar disorder" *smirk but quickly cover it with tear*

Pete :- *annoyed* "WTF!! Lady, I thought you sick or something and for your information I am not bipolar, so stop assume thing on me." *mad*

Me :- *look innocent* "But, Julia say you have it." *try my best not to laugh at him*

Pete :- *look really mad* "Julia can go and screw herself and don't you ever trust her. She only !@##$%^*&*"

Me :- "Pete, stop swearing. That not good to your life. Who know what disease will attach you after this." *sigh*

Pete :- *mad, but then like the bulb on his head is light up, he smirk* "Yeah, whatever. BTW lady, you know before when I ask about me having my own story and that have to be a werewolf story?"

Me :- *confuse and wonder where is this will go* "Yeah and the answer is the same, a big no. Why you ask?"

Pete :- *smirk* "Yeah, I know you won't make it. So, I want something else in return."

Me :- "And that is?"

Pete :- "Because Julia already steal my love aways from me. . . I want a new boyfriend." *smirk*

Me :- *frown* "Are you asking me to create another new character? No, I can't do that, Pete."

Pete :- *grining at me* "Who say make a new character?"

Me :- *confuse* "Then what do you mean with new boyfriend?"

Pete :- "I want someone who already in this story as my boyfriend." *grin*

Me :- "Who?"

Pete :- "Jace." *smile*

Jace :- *confuse* "What wrong with me? Did both of you talk about me? What you guys talking about?"

Me :- *turn to look at Jace and then turn to look at Pete.*

Pete :- *smirk, then go and hug Jace and start to kiss his face*

Jace :- *Pale* "Pe-pe-pete, what are you doing?"

Pete :- *ignore him and continue to do what he do, but then fail because Jace is running away from him*

Me :- *laughing so hard when I turn to look at both of them*



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