My Husband Is Gay <16>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..16..~


"Wow. . . This is nice, you sure she will like it?" Pete asked.

After the day that Julia went shopping with my card, we always text each other. Not every day, but once we start to text, it will only end when the night call. Most of the time, we always start with asking what we were doing and her answer always with simple text saying she bored as hell, or saying that shef busy playing a game call candy crush.

From the text message, I know a little about her and her family. I know that she likes blue because, to her blue is like a sky or sea and when you look at the blue sky or sea blue, you will feel calm and all problems will be gone, that's why she likes the color. She feels calm whenever she look something in blue.

I know about her mother, who love to paint and fail to be a perfect mother, but still always trying to be the best of mother she can have. She tells me how her mom always burns everything that she cooks. Either that or her mom ends up burn the whole kitchen and from what Julia says, her kitchen already been remodel for more than ten times already because of her mom.

I know about her dad, who also loves to paint, but not like her mother, her dad still manages to do what a father's duty is, but no so much of fatherly duty when he way to absorb with paint or when he choose to go out and gambling.

When she mentions about the gambling part, I can feel that she mad at her dad for that, because that's how they lose everything to grandma. Just through the text message I can feel it and I know she tried to pretend like nothing at all.

I also know a little about her cousin, Katherine, but not too much, such as why she stays with her and her family or where this Katherine parent is.

"I don't know, but I hope she will like it. . . Do you think she will like it?" I ask Pete.

From the text message, I know a little about her, but at the same time, I can't help, but want to know more about her. She also did ask a little about me, but I didn't give full answer to any of her questions. I want to tell her everything, but at the same time, I feel like don't want to and that's why I choose to not to tell her anything too much.

"If I was her, I'm going to like it." Pete answers my question and from the shine that form in his eye, I know he meant it.

And because of her text message, I choose to decorate one of the rooms in my house for her. She will stay here after all and I want her to feel comfortable when she stay here, and Pete not mind at all with this idea. He even go and help me find stuff to put inside the Julia future room.

And throughout our shopping for Julia's room, I feel like Pete is more excited than me. I don't know whether it excited for shopping together or he excited for Julia to move in. I don't know if he's excited is the good kind excited or the bad one. He kind of, hard to read at the time.

"Don't you think this kind early? I mean, your wedding day is next month and you still have a long time to do, but you have already done it this week." Pete asks while look at me, but even his word say different, his face show different, because his face showed that he don't care if we done early at all, because he totally enjoy it.

I know that this is early and I know that I done this only in a week. . . Actually less than a week, but I can't help, but feel like wanting to make it to her and we have done it less than one week not because of me, but because of Pete. With his excitedness, he manages to make everything done early, but I doubt that he realizes that.

"Yeah, I know it's still early, I have a lot of free time this week, so why not do it before I fall to the busy day like always." That's a total lie because actually, I don't have that much free time and like I say earlier, this is done in less than a week because of Pete and don't realize it at all.

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