My Husband Is Gay <11>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..11..~


After both Mr. Flirty a. k. a. Peter Rickett and Mr. Grumpy a. k. a. Christopher Kayden left the cave a. k. a. Chris's office I take a look around his office again. His black and elegant but lifeless office.

There a lot of files here and there and a lot of books here and there too but there have no living thing in here like a flower, but since he is a guy, to have a flower in his office might look weird, so a plant might work. At least it's giving him a free oxygen but nope, he didn't have it.

On his office wall have no picture at all. I am the only daughter of a painter so in my house have way to many painted frame with a lot of picture special made from either my mom or my dad and sometime when you are stressed with life and look at those pictures, it brings a little calm to your life.

On his desk have no family picture or picture of the loved one. You know like some normal people put at least one picture of their girlfriend or their wife or their mother so that when they are having a bad day and they look at the picture and remember the moment when the picture is taken, it might bring a smile on their face.

But no, he doesn't have it because he is not normal. His desk is left with nothing other then file of his work and book here and there.

Since there no frame picture on his desk, I might expect him to have a family picture with his grandmother and his mom on his computer, from what the other say - he doesn't have any girlfriend so I don't expect him to have any girl picture, and since he left his laptop on, I get a chance to take a look at it and let me tell you, there nothing special there and the background picture is a picture of a big green field.

So it just proves more that he is not normal and I bet you his phone might be no background picture too and maybe there no self picture on his phone and to make it worse, there might be no picture taken from his phone at all.

A minute has past but there still no return of the owner of the cave. Since there nothing I could do or watch in this cave, I walk to the big window to look outside which in this cave, I believe this window is the only thing that look interesting to watch.

His office window is facing his hotel garden and greenhouse that he store a lot of flowers which I don't know how he got it there and next to the garden is a big pool. From where I am, I can see very clear down there. I can see the people who stay here around the garden.

I look at outside for quite a few minutes and only turn to look away when I hear the office door is open and I know it's Chris who enter but what surprise me is the person who enter doesn't really look like Chris. He is still Christopher Kayden but not the Chris I have met before.

He looks so pale that I almost thought he already dead and with the way he walk, with not focus on where his foot been set, he looks like a zombie. But instead of walking toward me and wanting my brain like what a zombie suppose to do, he went to his chair, so I know he is still Chris and not some zombie wanting my brain.

With that I went back to my seat, to stare at him. A few minute past but he still look pale and his blue eyes still look unfocused. That when I choose to stop staring at him because the way he is right now is really scaring me.

I don't know how long I've been calling for him or what the heck I've been saying to him, but what did I know is, this situation totally scares the shit out of me. With the way he is, just make my brain not work properly and whatever comes across my mind, that will come out through my mouth while my hand keeps shaking his shoulder.

Remember when mom gives me the long nonsense speech?

I think I'm turning to be just like her. Right after Chris comes back to life, I keep rambling a lot of stupid things that I'm sure if I record everything that I say, I will definitely say that not me the one who speaking or I will say that some alien just take over my brain and that why I speak nonsense.

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