My Husband Is Gay <15>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..15..~


"Where have you been yesterday?" Ask Kat, my cousin.

You see, I'm having a great relaxing day today, after the tiring shopping day yesterday and not to forget, after that, I have a great time with Chris again. Yes, we spend time together again yesterday. Can't blame me for that, he paid for my shopping spree yesterday.

"And once more, you didn't present at dinner yesterday and this is the second time. Oh, don't forget that you also that you always suddenly just gone. Like a minute you here and in the next, you are gone. Where have you been gone too, and what have you been doing?"

Playing my candy crush and next, none other than Katherine Mathew show up to babbling at me. See, actually neither mom and dad nor Kat know that I've been going out with Chris lately.

When I went to his office last week, they don't know and they just thought I just go out to drive. When I go out on Friday and spend most like whole day with Chris, they don't know too. Lastly, yesterday, when I go out to buy that gorgeous new limited edition bag, they totally have no idea as to where am I going.

"And you have also been shopping. Don't lie to me and say no because I saw you bringing home something yesterday and on last Friday, you come back with a dress instead of jeans that you wear earlier before you go out. I want to know every single thing now."

Kat almost screams at me with her demands to know everything tone and she also been charging me a spotlight that I swear will kill everyone like what Cyclops did, shooting everyone with his eye.

"No, I-" before I could state my next word, then I remember there this dress I bought yesterday. Chris said it doesn't look good on me when I send the picture of me in that dress, but I still buy it. It doesn't look good on me, but doesn't mean it will look bad on Kat.

"Hey, Kat, why don't you check my wardrobe, the first dress that you saw with a light pink color, that for you, you can have it." I say, not removing my eye from the game.

"Wow. . . This is beautiful. . . You bought this for me?" Kat asks, looking at me with a big shining eye and her face are shining like a star once she saw the dress.

I don't buy that for her, I bought that for me, even when Chris say that not look good on me. If, lying to Kat mean she will walk away and leave me alone, then that's what I will do.

"Yeah, I bought that for you and now do me a favor, please get out of my room." I lie to her, not even remove my eye away from the game.

She looks like a little kid who just got a bag full of candy with glowing faces. Walking slowly while admiring the dress in her hand to the door, but before she even got in front of my door, she realizes something and with that her face change from those glowing to frowning.

"Nice job Julia Adeline Mathew." She looks at me angrily.

"What?" I said innocently look at her than focus back on the candy crush game.

"You trick me with this dress, you just want to run away from being questioned. Am I right?"

Uh-uh, busted. "No, why would I do that?" Well, let just say I do this, so that I can get a peaceful day today without any drama.

"Okay, why don't you tell me, first where have you been every time you go out, then tell me where you got the money for this dress and the one that you wear last Friday?" Kat asks while look at me expectantly.

"Someone give it to me." That's all I tell her and I tell her the truth, but I can't tell her that from Chris, not because Chris say so because he didn't say anything at all, but because telling her than it mean a full story on everything which mean a big no because I'm lazy to tell her everything.

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