My Husband Is Gay <9.a>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..9:a..~


"Julia, you look really beautiful. Oh God, I still can't believe it I got the most beautiful girl like you as my daughter in law." Said Chantelle, soon to be my mother in law in just a few minutes. She looks really beautiful wearing light blue dress with sweetheart neckline that end up just above her knees.

"Oh em gee, cousin you look like a princess in some fairy tale story, who about to get married to her prince charming and then they will live happily ever after." Squealed Kat which end up with a giggle. She looks really hot today with red strapless skater dress she wears. It is a bit weird because she suppose to wear a dress in turquoise colour and not something in red, to match with me as my maid in honor. But at the same time, why can't I say a thing at all.

So here I am, in my wedding dress. A dress with lace overlay waistband and a bow in the waistband that come in turquoise colour and with sweetheart neckline. I look really pretty today, but something not right.

I can't give any response to them. I just stood there, frozen and with a big smile that seem like were glued to my face. I'm like a mannequin today in a mall and not like a bride who about to get married in any minutes. No other expression have on my face and no one seem to notice that.

Then suddenly run a little boy who age is around four, I guess, follow up by a little girl who age around five or maybe six, to me.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy." Scream the little boy.

Why is he calling me his mommy, I don't know. Is not that I can't ask him or response to him, I'm a mannequin today, so other than smiling at everyone, I won't have any other expression.

"We saw daddy." The little said after the little boy. She maybe his sister. They look alike.

"Daddy outside, kissing someone else." Continue the little boy now.

I don't really know what they mean with 'daddy outside, kissing someone else'. Heck I don't even know who their daddy is, so why should I care with who their daddy kissing right now. Or is it Chris that they been talking about? Are Chris is their dad?

"Mommy, daddy kissing a guy outside there. You have to stop them." The little girl says now.

"Oh God, my son is gay?" Chantelle say or more like she asks the little kid and somehow look like she about to faint or might even look like she about to get a heart attack.

Katherine, my dear cousin at this point having a blast of giggling like this thing is some sort of a joke to him.

While mom and dad look like any moment they will past out and the two little kids still trying to make me go and stop their daddy.

But all that I do is just . . . smile . . .


"Holy shit." I jump out of my bed, sweating like I just run around town and not to mention, my breath was so hard right now. I feel like I can't barely breathe at all.

What a dream. No wait, what a nightmare.

Last night Chantelle did mention about me and Chris has a kid, maybe I'm to carry out what she said until I bring it in my dream. Having two really beautiful kids. Just like Chantelle, I will have a beautiful kid with Chris and in my dream those kids look really beautiful. The little boy having a blonde hair like me but having a blue eyes like Chris, while the little girl has black hair like Chris with my green eye. They both look adorable in their way.

Chris is a gay? What the heck am I thinking and those kids saw Chris kissing a guy. Oh my God, what a ridiculous dream. I mean, I don't really mind with people who like or even love someone who is the same gender as them or in other words is preferred as gay or lesbian but having them showing their business in front of innocent little kid, is a big no-no to me.

'Oh God, oh God, what am I thinking.'

That just a stupid dream come after way to many thinking and non of them is real. I mean me having a kid with that Christopher 'freaking bastard' Kayden? That's, my dear friends are another big no-no. Will never ever, ever, ever happen. Not in this life and not in another life.

'But if he really a gay, isn't that is fun. I mean, imagine if I go and post it on the media. I'm so sure the media will like it and then, the mystery Christopher Kayden will be not so mystery anymore because his biggest secret is out.'

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God what the heck am I thinking. Dear brain pleases stop thinking all this nonsense thing that involve Christopher 'freaking bastard' Kayden and when I stop. it means stop it.

But of all the things that happen in my dream, why in the hell am I only have one expression and all that I do is smile like a stupid girl, like a stupid mannequin. I mean, am I that bad actress who know nothing other than smiling even when she supposed to cry.

'You already are a puppet, Julia Mathew. You are your parent and Nicole's puppet.'

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up brain.

Knowing that I might even thinking more even when I say to not think about it anymore, I walk to my bathroom to wash my face. Hoping the cold water at least helps me a bit to calm down my nerve and my temperature too.

After cool down my face, I look my reflection on the mirror. The girl in the mirror didn't look like the girl a few weeks ago. This girl looks more pale than before and her eye looks so red coming from enough sleep everyday and she also looks tired, not cheerful like everyday. All this happens after she found out she have to sacrifice everything for her family's sake.

Lately, sleep also start to betray me. Before this, when everything happens, I just thought that marriage just turn me down and choose to be my enemy since I have forced to marry Chris. Actually no one force me, it's me the one who agreed, so I can really blame anyone on this. After everything that has happened, I found myself hard to sleep lately.

When my body already starts to calm down and my heart starts to beat in a normal pace, I walk out of bathroom to sleep but stop before I could lay down on my bed when I hear a soft knock on my door. It kind of surprised me, because it only two in the morning right now and could have been awake at this time?

"Come in." I say, way to lazy to walk to my door.

Normally, mom or dad or Kat just walk in my room if they happen to need something that have in my room. But right now, whoever it is out my door is knocking before enter my room and that kind of a bit weird.

'Maybe whoever the person is behind the door want to check me first whether I'm sleeping or awake.'

Most people must think my room is in girly-type-of-girl-room who's room is actually full with cloth, but no. My room not in a girly colour. Not in pink and never been in pink colour at all. I have my room blue, my favorite. Three different blue. The bottom I put a dark blue and above it before the ceiling is in sea colour blue and ceiling is in very light blue.

This colour makes my room look like a big sky or a big sea and it somehow always helps me feel free like a bird that flying around the sky or like a fish, swimming around with no problem at all. I feel free to do whatever I want.

Even with my maids not here, my room always clean. Mom always tell me and Kat that a girl can't be a slob. Even she the worst house wife who doesn't know how to proper clean her house and cook for her kids and husband, back at the old day, when our house still have no maids, mom always try her best to make time between cleaning, which is of course end up with house not so clean at all, cooking, let me tell you, you don't ever want to eat her food because anything that she touch will be burnt and painting, this is the only thing she do better.

Even she fail to it, but we always know she already does her best and that's why we don't really mind at all and that also why we always help do the house chores when there no maids in the house and that's also why our maids like to work here, because the two girls in the house not really act like a lazy princess when they are home.

"Are you okay, honey? Why are you awake? It's already past two." Mom asks frowning at me when she saw I'm wide awake.

Lying is so useless right now, so I just have to tell her the truth but not all the truth like when I have the secret meeting with that freaking bastard. If that comes out, that means there will be more explaining on Chris rude behavior and right now, I'm not really in the mood for any mother and daughter talk at all.

"I'm . . . not really okay . . . but don't worry it's nothing happen, it's just a bad dream." I shrug like this actually not a really important thing at all.

"I remember when Kat always have those bad dreams, it really terrified her and every time it happens, I always told her the same thing and now I will tell you the same too." Mom stop to sigh.

Honestly I have no idea what mom is saying and I have no idea that they always talk about Kat's dream.

"No matter what kind of dream you have, always remember that it's just a dream and don't ever let dream win over reality. We can't stop dreaming from happening but that doesn't make that dream should be invading our reality life. Let's dream stay in bed only and reality is real to us." She stops to sigh again.

"Honey, you know I'm not really good with words and what I'm trying to say just forget about whatever your dream is and go back to sleep. If you keep thinking about it, it sure will come back to you again." Mom says with a small smile now.

Her long speech makes me roll my eye. She really is not good with words like how good she is with paint, brush and canvas. When it comes to talk, she either will make simple talk to a long speech or she starts to stutter because she can't make any words in her mind at all.

'Now I know why Kat always looks grumpy when they have this heart to heart talk.'

"Yeah, you right. I just go to sleep now." Actually the real reason I'm saying that is just to make her walk out of my room but I guess that's not working because she start talking again or more like preparing another speech.

"Honey," Mom looks serious now.

"I know you've been thinking about what happen in just a week before too much. I'm sorry for not being a good mom to you. A good mom who will stop this thing from happening. I should have stop you from agree to this but I didn't, greed got the best of me that time, and now, after the visit from Chantelle and after I think about everything again, I realize now is to late to stop this."

Mom stop again and now she looks down. Her face shows how much she cares about this. After what happen in just a week, I realize how old she got right now. Maybe come from thinking too much.

"They are the Kayden and we don't want to mess with them. We might have money . . . before, but we don't have power like they do. So mess with them is like ruining our future life. Now I guess I just have to do like what other mother will do, pray for your happiness. I wish you that this marriage will bring something positive in everyone's life and not a pain in anyone's heart."

She stops again but not to sigh or look down, but to wipe a few tears away. I'm not even realize she was crying right now.

"I love you so much Julia. You are my only daughter, even thought you already twenty but to me, you always a baby and if thing doesn't go right when you stay with them, you know that you still have me and your dad and Kat too. We always be there for you whenever you need us. Don't afraid to come home, whatever your decision is in the future, we always be your family to support you."

She then kisses my forehead before stand up and walk out of my room.

The way she said for the last part of her speech make me think like tomorrow I will move out from my house to go and stay with Nicole, Chantelle and Chris . . . wait a minute, isn't that will happen when I married to Chris?

I have to stay with the witch, the jolly lady and the freaking bastard when I get married. I have to left my family after the wedding. Why I never thought about this before this day?


This chapter is not edited. So, ignore the crap out of this chapter mistake such as grammar mistake.

This chapter is kind of so long so I make it two part. So I make author note really short. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.



My Husband Is Gay (On Hold)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora