My Husband Is Gay <31>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..31..~


“Are you sure that’s him?” I asked Emma.

It’s Monday already and Chris is at the hotel, doing his work and Pete still not home yet. I guess something went wrong with Joanne and that’s why he still not home after one week and three days and yeah, I count it from the lasted time I saw him.

Around noon, Emma show out of nowhere in front of my house slash Chris and Pete’s house saying that he saw Pete last Saturday and try to call me, but I didn’t answer her. Last Saturday I was busy poured my heart out at Aunt Trina and Uncle Nate’s grave and has chosen to no bring my phone with me that day.

Chris and I spend a long time there just talking and poured everything in our heart and also have a super embarrassing moment when I jump on him and kissed him like there no tomorrow.

Chris tell them that he loves me and after we went home from the graveyard, he once again told me he love me before we went to bed, despite that he said two time that day, still I didn’t said it back to him. It’s not that I don’t want too because I am seriously wanted to say the same to him, because I know I do love him too, it just I’m afraid to say the ‘L’ words.

It’s been awhile since I heard the words and know that person meant it. I heard it from mom and dad, but somehow deep inside me felt like they didn’t meant it and only said the words because I am their daughter and that why when they say it, I never replied them back.

To say ‘I love you too,’ to Chris, it’s not easy for me, the words always at the tip of my tongue but still I can’t bring the words out like it’s a normal words to say.

But I know Chris don’t push me to say it because I can see it in his eye, but still there also a hurt because I didn’t reply him.

‘I hope you can wait for me to get ready, because when I will say it like a normal words and I might won’t stop myself from saying it over and over again.’

“How do you know it’s him? You never see him before, right?” I asked Emma again.

“I saw his picture in a magazine before and I saw that picture too.” She said and pointing to the picture of Pete that has on the wall in the living room.

The picture of him and Chris together when they graduated their high school and in that picture, if you see it, it look more like a best friend together have a happy moment because they no longer need to go to school. Nut there also something else, if people look carefully at the picture, they can see that there a glint in Pete’s eye that I don’t know what that mean.

It’s like he is hurt, but at the same time he is happy. I don’t know what that mean and on second thought, maybe I was just thinking too much.

“Oh.” I replied Emma, my eye still looking at Pete’s picture.

“Yeah, oh and let me tell you, I didn’t even saw this Joanne girl with him at all.” Emma continued to tell me and that got my attention, so I turn to look at her and frowning at her.

“You never saw Joanne before, are you really sure there no Joanne around him?” I question her back.

“I know because there no women around him at all and there no men too because I’ve been following him all day from morning to night on last Saturday.” She replied me back nonchalantly like it’s not a big deal to her.

Well, first of all isn’t that weird because if he not spend his time with Joanne, then with who did Pete stay and he not even come back home for a week already. Last week, when I went to the new club with Emma, I know that I saw him there and I am so goddamn it sure that girl is Joanne.

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