My Husband Is Gay <12>

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~My Husband Is Gay ..12..~


Four days of avoiding people. It's been almost four days I avoid meeting or seeing few people. The few people that I saw on  last Monday. The day that fill with a lot of events. I've been successful in avoiding them until now, on Friday, after almost four days.

After the lunch that I have with mom that day, I make sure pretty much not to see or call her. I even make sure that every day will always be busy, so I don't have to see her and when she call, I make sure Paige the one who answer it and she will tell mom that I'm busy or in a meeting.

The Monday with a very pretty eventful day and all of it come from one root and the root is Julia. The main root of the eventful day is none other than Julia Mathew. So, I try my best not to keep in touch with her at all and thanks to dear lord, everything seem easy because she seem to have no other question to ask about our fake wedding.

The best friend who finally back and this time is for real and not for a visit, Jace, who also have a feeling for Julia, I've avoided from seeing or meeting him also. Especially after I almost beat him up. If Julia not there, I'm sure Jace ends up leaving my hotel with a bruises face or even worse is ending up in the hospital and maybe right now still there.

That's how much I want to beat the crap out of him and why, honestly I have no idea. There something been growing up inside me for Julia that cause me to act like that when I saw both of them hugging like that. That's another reason why I want to avoid her.

I don't know what actually been growing inside me, but I know for sure that I can't lose her. Losing her is like losing the chance to take over Krystal Kayden Hotel and lose the chance to take over, is like lose half of my life.

Truth to be old, I only have half of my life now because I have already lost the other half when I was a kid and if losing the other half now, that's mean I'm losing myself. Which is why I'm trying my best to fight for what half of me need and if fight for it mean to have Julia, then that's what I will do.

The last person I've been avoiding is Pete. I don't know why I avoid him, but I don't want to see him at all. Not for forever but at least for a few days or a few weeks, which is of course the hardest thing to do since we stay together in the same house.

But I guess, God is helping me because on that day, the day the eventful day, one of Pete relatives is here in town and Pete left early that day to spend time with her and he has been staying at her apartment since that day which left our house alone for me.

Since she always here, she bought an apartment and whenever she came, Pete will go and stay with her. Not a big matter to me, since she is his relative and every time she here, they will spend time together and this is not the first time. So, I don't really mind at all.

Just like on Monday, the day where after a few days I see Julia and been trying my best not to think about her which end up mom asking for a stupid lunch which is ending up me meeting Julia and the eventful day, today is the same. Mom calls early this morning asking to have dinner with Julia and me.

Isn't that great? When you're trying your best not to see these people, then suddenly you have to meet them and hopefully just the two of them. Who knows I might end up meeting the other two later. But that's not the point, the main point is since mom been thinking Julia and I is actually in love with each other, I have to make sure that Julia can go on with acting since this is the first time mom meet Julia with me in the presence.

Speak of acting, the cell in my brain brings me back to the eventful day when Julia suddenly kisses me on my cheek. It's totally caught me off guard, I don't expect she will do that and to be honest I don't even expect she will go on with what I'm doing. I though she will deny it, but no and to my surprise she kissed me.

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