Fast Times At Clairemont High

By MusicIsMyLife7121415

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Vic is an English teacher and guidance counselor right out of college. He's focused on caring for Mike and ge... More

Fast Times At Clairemont High


209 2 0
By MusicIsMyLife7121415

One month into school. One. Month. ONLY ONE!? Oh god kill me... I have one year left if school and it insists on going by as fast as my grandfather drives. Of course seeing my favorite teacher everyday makes life a little easier.

Mike said he would talk to Vic for me. Did he?? Oh my gosh I love him so much it hurts. I am literally in pain right now because my heart just died a little. That is the kind of thing my friends beat people up for saying. Thank god they're my friends! Except Andy. Ugh, he's so annoying! can he just not be in my life anymore? That would make life a lot easier.

At least he doesn't take art, which is the class I'm in now. I love this class, but my teacher hates me. Ms. Evans thinks I'm a slut and hates me for it. Like seriously lady, get over yourself! None if these guys are ever going to hook up with you, they're in high school! that like really hypocritical? But it's different for me. I don't want to get Vic to like me just so I have a boyfriend to flaunt around, because let's be honest, any guy in the school would go out with me just because people know who I am, I want Vic because I want Vic. Anyway, Ms. Evans hates me and doesn't eve try to hide it. Literally ask anyone and they'll say she hates me. She takes off points on my projects for not being original. Like are you kidding me?? Making a chandelier out of spoons is not original? How many spoon lights do you see hanging around, huh? None.

Ms. Evans was staring at me while I was working on my project and it pissed me off. I was about to yell at her to mind her own damn business, but I decided it would only make her hate me more, so I turned to Lily who was in my class.

"So did Mike ever talk to Mr. Fuentes for you?" She asked me. I shrugged.

"I talked to Mike a while ago and he never reported back to me. So I guess that means no...? I don't know."

"That's too bad. He's so hot! Maybe if you start dating Mike, Mr. Fuentes will get jealous and fall in love with you." I scoffed.

"Yeah, and then we'll make out on the roof!" I said sarcastically.

"No talking." Ms. Evans scolded. Are you kidding me? It's art class. I groaned and Ms. Evans called me up to her desk. I assumed it was that I was going to get another detention for being disruptive. "Cam, I just got an email, go to your guidance counselor. Bring your bag, it's going to take the rest of the period...hopefully." She whispered the last part, but I still heard it. I skipped back to my seat and gathered my stuff.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked.

"Guidance for the beginning of the year appointment thingy." I said before running out the door towards the office. I wondered whether or not I should knock, then decided, that Vic just sent the email so he was expecting me. I walked right in to see Vic sitting at his desk tapping at the keyboard. He glanced up, surprised I guess that I just walked in.

"Oh, uh, have a seat, Cam." I grinned and walked towards his desk and hopped up right in front of him.

"Kay." I said, cheerfully. He groaned and rolled his eyes.

"In. The. Chair." He said, enunciating each word. I shrugged and slid down off the desk. Then I sat on his lap like I did on the first day of school, with my arm s around his neck. "Cam...!" He stood up so I slid off his lap and was standing in front of him with my arms still around his neck, only now, our faces were much closer and I was pressed up against him.

"What?" I asked innocently as I pouted at him. He pushed me away and walked casually to the other side of the desk. I knew it was just to put some distance between us, which I obviously would not let happen.

"How have your classes been?" Vic asked before turning back towards me. I was already right behind him so he jumped a little to see I was so close.

"Fine." I stated simply, taking another step towards him.

"Yeah? That's good. Which is your favorite?" He was showing no emotion except a little annoyance. I knew he was growing uncomfortable though.

"English." I said seductively as I reached out towards Vic. He looked confused, but then I reached behind him and took a book off the desk. "Othello?" His face brightened a little.

"Yeah, it's a Shakespearean play." He took it out of my hand and flipped threw it.

"What's it about?" Vic walked back to his side of the desk and leaned against it. I sat in his seat and mindlessly spun around in it.

"Othello is the general in the military and promotes Cassio as his lieutenant. Iago is an ensign and wants the lieutenancy for himself so he convinces Othello that his wife is cheating on him with Cassio to get him fired."

"Did it work?"

"Yeah, until Iago's wife speaks up and almost everyone in the play dies."


"It's a tragedy; what did you think would happen?" I shrugged.

"Anyway, sounds good."

"I'm glad, we're starting it next week."

"Coolios." Vic chuckled. He looked back at me and put the book down. I stopped spinning and stared back at him. "What?"

"This is supposed to be a check-in and I don't want to end up like Cassio."

"Dead?" Vic shook his head and his hair waved around while he did.

"Fired. He doesn't actually die. Just gets stabbed in the leg."


"So how are things going?"



"Stop being all Englishy." He sighed.

"Cam, have you thought about college?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're a senior and need to think about where you're going to apply and maybe even what you want to major in."

"Oh...I don't know, where could I actually get accepted?" My grades had never been great, but who cares? I was just planning on doing random little jobs here and there. Vic clicked on his computer screen a few times and a list of my grades popped up."You creep on my grades? Scketchy." He laughed.

"No, here, look." I looked at the screen. "You like English right?" I nodded. "That's your best class, besides Art anyway."

"Even with Ms. Evans."

"What do you mean?"

"She doesn't like me and takes off points for no reason."

"Do you do things that annoy her?"

"No, she just thinks that I'm like one of those people who doesn't even try and everything comes easily to just because I'm better at art than she is."

"Well, Cam, to be honest,--"

"Yeah, I know, I'm failing most of my classes."

"Cam, what do you want to do for the rest of your life?" I looked at him and shrugged.

"I don't know."

"You don't have any idea? Not even a general topic?" I sighed and sat back in the chair.

"Ugh, I don't know. I know I don't want to be sitting in an office for the rest of my life. I hate school..."

"Okay, so probably not something academic?" I nodded. "So maybe something more creative."

"So art? I'm good at art, Vic, but I don't know if anyone would actually want any of my paintings."

"Art isn't the only creative career out there. There's music, architecture, even acting." I scoffed. I suck at all things music and the others just sounded boring. Vic sat on the desk. "Well, what about writing? You love English." I thought about it for a moment.

"Do you think I would be able to be a writer?" He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, of course. If you have any writing that you've done, I would love to read it."


"Sure. Just let me know." I smiled and thought about my notebook (which I should probably use for actually taking notes in) full of pages and pages of a story I had been writing.

"Uh, well I do have...something..." I said, shyly. Damn it! Shy? Cameron Stewart does not get shy.

"Really? What is it?" He asked. I pulled my purple notebook out of my bag and paused for a minute before handing it to Vic. He grabbed it but I didn't let go.

"Just...don't laugh, it's not that good." He nodded, and I let him take it. He flipped threw the pages and smiled. "It's just a story I've been working on..."

"Is this what you're always doing during your SVIP period?" I nodded. "Wow, you've written a lot." There must have been almost fifty full pages filled up in that notebook. "You want me to read this?" I shrugged.

"If you want..."

"Yeah, of course." He continued to flip through the pages but stopped and looked at the clock."But right now you need to get to class." I threw my head back and groaned.

"Ugh! Can't I just stay here with you?" I begged. Ugh, no! Cameron Stewart also does not beg. What's wrong with me? Vic chuckled.

"No, because we both have English now, come on." I jumped up, realizing this was my favorite class and followed Vic out and up to our English class.

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