Someone's Forever

By NeelamMenghani

594K 27.9K 6.3K

*Long Listed for Wattys 2018* E-Awards 2017 Winner *Best Hooked Story * *COMPLETED* Life, love, hate and b... More

Someone's Forever
1. Goodbye Normal, Hello Miracle
2. Let The Mystery Begins
3. Past, Present and Future
4. A Vow to Protect
5. Questions, Confusions and Amusements
6. Test of Patience
7. Deal that sealed Our Destiny
8. Consequences of Negligence
9. A Night of Dilemma
10. Faith and Myth
11. Enlightening Darkness
12. Breeze of Change
13. His Pain, His Relief
14. Old Pain, New Wounds
15. Shock One After the Other
16. Morning Mayhem
17. Stepping in the Arena
18. Calling out the Soul
19. Chaotic Afternoon
20. Just a Glimpse
21. An Evening Maze
22. A Little Further
23. A Spark in the Dark
24. And He Found Her
25. Conflicting Deception
26. Do Not Speak
27. Ancient Legends
28. Arrival of the Grey Sky
29. Closer to Appraisal
30. Meeting Mr. Mycroft
31. To Save the King
32. Check'Mate'
33. Defiance in Acceptance
34. Losing Her Chance
35. A Call from 'Treasure of Heart'
36. A Walk Unexpected
37. A Meet to Remember
38. Curve of Guidance
39. Conceptual Claws
40. Instinctive Step
41. Healing Wound
42. Webbing Deep
43. Reiterating History
44. Turned Table
45. Expectations Unexpected
46. You are Not Alone
47. Assurance from Guardian
48. Reaching the Surface
50. Lost and Found
51. 'Queen of Hearts'
52. Marvelous Majestic Meet
53. Old Rust but Gold
54. The Will of Time
55. Two Purposes, One Arrow
56. Apart from You
57. Mystery and Miracle
58. A Celebration so Special
59. Hide and Steal
60. You and Us
61. The Night Falls
62. Trust is Essential
63. Tussle to Throne
64. A Word with Divergent
The Slave
65. Your Answer awaits You
66. Privilege of Acceptance
67. Two Names in One Breath
68. Fire: A Lethal Game
69. Peace and Storm
70. Sweat in Smirk
71. The Mate Bond
72. Shield Defends, Sword Attacks
73. Heard Unsaid
74. Rational Rage
75. BitterSweet Sky
76. Defeated Victory
77. Knows More than Told
78. Desperate Diversion
79. Fragile Trust
80. Gust of Rush
81. Howling Heart, Quiet Eyes
82. Damsel in Despair
83.1 Dark of Light: Alicia
83.2 The Rising Dawn: Alicia
83.3 Balance of Nature: Alicia
84.1 The Preface of Pain
84.2 This Finally Concludes
85.1 Sparks & Pains
85.2 Is Pain an end?
86.1 Always Behind of You
86.2 Behind the Maze
87.1 Sealed Secret
87.2 A Fate Sealed
88. The Rise of New Dawn
89. Closer and Far Away
Whispers of Forever
Someone's Forever
Sacrifices of Sapphire

49. 'V' for A V

3.2K 224 29
By NeelamMenghani

Happy Forever Sunday 'Again'!


Enjoy the Double update! 

For the lovely and amazing NorthKnight 

It's always a pleasure to read your lovely words. Lots of Love Friend!


"Feelings do not grow old along with the body. Feelings form part of a world I don't know, but it's a world where there's no time, so space, no frontiers."

— Paulo Coelho, Brida


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Reaching the Surface]

Sir Gerard's POV

The words escaped his mouth allowing different reactions to settle on different faces.

While Black seemed puzzled, Dexter shared a look of understanding with me whereas Theo. kept an expression which assured us he is going to pull out his hair from his scalp.

Majesty showed no response whatsoever.

"Sorry to interrupt but am I ask something?" Black asked breaking the layer of stillness from the environment.

"You may Black." I allowed him.

"How Niera—I mean Miss. William was there in the shield unharmed." He voiced his words turning our direction of comprehension.

"Revin!" Majesty called Revin who showed his surprise squealing a little before presenting himself in front of him.

"She is in the motel accompanied by Miss. Dovin and Tiara. She is safe." Revin provided bowing without any further delay.

Majesty nodded losing himself staring at the center table.

No explanations were needed to find the answers for his lost stance.

The horror of finding his life in the field of danger was still fresh on his conscience.

Though he saved her risking his whole being yet the chances were still there.

But again the same question arises how shield never harmed her at the first place when it wouldn't have allowed her to enter.


The question erupted in every mind presented in the hall.

How she was protected in the shield which never allowed the King himself to enter and breach the aura of Princess Alicia.

"The shield allowed her to enter." Majesty whispered looking at his wounds which were still healing. The burns were deep but the burns of his soul were deeper.

"Wasn't she supposed to? I mean she did." Revin muttered meekly earning a steely glare from Theodore.

He bowed at Majesty before taking his position back.

"It is another form of impossible Revin," I stated rising from my seat. Other followed but I gestured them to sit.

I left the seating arrangement to pace toward the vacant area while Raymond and I explained.

"The shield was guarded with the spell to save the people from the effect it casts. Since being the more crucial part of the fortress, the vault was protected under one of the ancient spell of Guardians which kept the vault safer in shield but the aura it emits is completely unbearable for any supernatural entity to face." I spoke as the flashes of past invaded my mind.

"That's why we guardians spelled it again in the mirror shield which cocooned the effect of shield to affect the people around." Raymond provided stepping out to stand on the other edge of the hall. Our powers emitting our body; seeking a release.

"It was another reason; the restriction on entrance of any entity in this floor and the floor below this one became a law of this fortress." I provided to who which were unknown.

"Not to protect the vault because we knew no one can reach it but Majesty wanted to protect the people who cross the limits as nescient." I glanced at Majesty with others; who was listening to our words but not ready to accept the respect and pride our eyes gleamed for him.

It was his decision to keep people away from the shield saving them from the effect it reflects.

Always lived for others; never gave a though to self. A kind heart beating in the cage of ice!

"Princess's spell—"

"It was another shield that her aura created restricting the entrance to a fewer entities." Raymond concluded looking at Majesty with a blank expression.

Other followed but their gaze was carrying different emotions for our King.

"I still wonder how she was able to stand on this floor, in front of the emblem. For goddess's sake, she is mere human." Theodore busted his frustration gaining our attention; especially Majesty's.

He turned to look at Theodore before rising from his seat turning toward the Emblem engrained proudly on the wall.

Raymond shifted from his position speaking.

"That's not real question, the real one is how she crossed the spell shield, today," he took a determined step toward the mirror Shield and continued "And came out unharmed."

"That's very simple she is the Queen." Black grinned but his words earned him a dead glare from most of the people present there.

"She is not the Queen until she proves herself as one." I corrected him sighing.

"Then being the Luna." He extended the word unsure to voice them out.

"No, even if she is our Luna, she can't cross the Emblem's shield. It's highly impossible." Raymond answered exasperated.

"Then how?" he asked defeated to provide any valid explanation.

That's exactly we want to know; how Niera crossed the spell which was supposed to harm her just like it harmed Majesty.

My dejected gaze went to Majesty's wounded arm, his pain wasn't written on his face but we can feel his pain through the bond we shared. I knew he would never show but this wound has burned him not physically but again, it own family had wounded him in his soul.

I could only feel his pain but we can't share it.

My Majesty wanted to cherish this pain as it was the only bond he shared with Princess Alicia.

I took a breath as my gaze penetrated through the small bandage wrapped on his wounds. The anti inflammatory cream coated his wrist as I recalled Black's word about Niera's presence.

She treated him!

My anxious breaths found a wave of refreshed relief as I was grateful to the holy souls for being there for both of them.

"Majesty, I must ask you, was your words of accepting her proposition to solve this mystery of Royal Vault. Is that true?" Theodore broke the ice asking the question which I knew was revolving around his conscience. Majesty's gaze shifted back to his wrist from the Emblem. He spoke without turning.

"I accepted her proposition Theo." That was Majesty's crisp response.

"But how we are going to comply with her, I mean we can't take her to the shield nor we can explain her about this matter and our true identity—" Theodore went further; his strict mind was restricting him to accept the other side of the coin. The motive behind keeping her engaged.

At his words, Majesty turned to face him while Dexter shared a contact with me. I assured his insecure mind through my assuring nod before Raymond gained my attention through his smirk directed toward Majesty's direction.

"We won't Theo. Neither she'll lurk around this shield nor will she be explained about the real matter. She challenged to solve the problem. She must do her efforts. Her knowledge about this matter and the degree of her involvement wasn't specified in the deal between us." Majesty explained Theodore penetrating his anxious demeanor leaving him surprised.

"You mean—"

"It is the only way to keep her busy until we solve our matters in hand, right Raymond?" Majesty stated shifting his gaze to Raymond who stood beside me.

While others sat stupefied not grasping the core of Majesty's word.

The thick layer of stress and tension that was ruling the atmosphere was now swaying in the fragrance of stupefaction.

"Yes Majesty." He nodded equally astonished at Majesty's words before a smirk broke on his lips just like mine.

Though, I concealed it Raymond didn't felt the need to do so.

Other, apparently were still perplexed at his words and stood awaiting an explanation.

I distinctively caught a glimpse of a faint smile on Majesty's face.

"I suggest Majesty; you should let me do dressing of your wound. Your healing powers aren't responding and the wound will take longer to heal." Dexter pierced the fog of dazed silence.

Others who were until now astray in the maze came back to reality with Dexter's voice. I met his eyes were seem impassive but hold a distinct emotion called concern.

"I'm fine Dexter." Majesty answered looking at his cream coated wound.

"I'm healing." He concluded staring at the wound as a ghost of smile crawled over his lips.

Now I believe you're healing! Finally your heal is here!

"I'll leave. Continue further detailing and update me in the morning, Gerard." He announced looking at me. I nodded without asking further but a small smile of contentment crawled upon my face which didn't unnoticed by him.

Giving a last glance at the emblem, he left leaving us bowing at his retreating figure.

"Where is he going?" Black asked puzzled.

"To his heal." I whispered smiling at the lost boy who is finding steps toward his destiny!

His Heal!

His heart!



Sometimes life surprises you; sometimes it's just life leaves you craving for surprise!

But here my tongue and heart's mutual understanding left me surprise.

What is hell Niera?


The same phrase of apology never came across my mouth as I was busy comprehending my own state of mind.

Why if people call him something inappropriate why I feel angry?

The question was floating like a lone boat in the middle of my Ocean conscience before I asked myself.

"Why he is like this?"

"Life does this to you dear." Miss Mahriyah's deep words reached my ears; helping me regaining the conscious of the present.

I raised my gaze to meet her deep eyes which weren't displaying the joy of life but lost in some dusty emotion behind her words.

"He is the diamond struggled through the pressure of time and life." She continued looking lost and intense.

"Indeed he is a diamond." I agreed; every cell of my body agreed.

She smiled looking at me before sighing and continuing.

"About Beta Theodore, he is always like this but after Michael he went more stone and hard." She provided piercing the potato in her plate with a brutal fork attack.

"Michael?" I shifted my eyes back to her face; not tolerating the murder of potato from such a lovely lady.

"Yes, his brother." She answered nonchalantly before the depth of her words settled to her finally. She was reluctant and anxious to continue.

I kept my half eaten plate back on the table before speaking to her in a soft assuring tone.

"It's fine Miss. Mahriyah if you don't want to continue but I assure you whatever you'll discuss won't reach another ear. You can share with me; I won't spread to a soul." I assured her with sincere eyes.

She sighed before continuing, "It's not like, I don't trust you dear. I don't know the details myself neither I would have told you, but the wrangle between the two brother was initiated after Michael was failed to keep his responsibility given to him." She touched the core of the matter.

Not fulfilling responsibility caused differences in brothers?

Something new to hear!

"He expected Beta to support him in front of Majesty but Beta didn't." she sighed again; keeping her plate back on the table.

Seems like we are losing our appetite with the discussion proceeding.

"And that's where this all started. Both of them created difference between them."

"Beta Theodore because he was ashamed for what happened because of his brother's mistake and taken out his anger and frustration on Michael and Michael was already depressed with what happened and his grief increased after how Beta treated him leaving him completely shattered, disheartened and disappointed on his brother. So they separated and from then the differences only lengthened." She concluded the core of the story taking a long sip of the water.

So anger and consequences ruin another relation!

Seems like the whole world is facing the same cause and effect phenomenon.

I was forced to avert my eyes, or more precisely hide my eyes which however displaying the consequences we faced in this life ruining anger.

"And what was the real reason?" I asked as the mist of my past faded composing me for the further inquiring mode.

Miss. Mahriyah gave me a pointed look before shaking her head negative.

What she doesn't know or she won't tell.

I gave a closer look to her and my reading people instincts took it as second option which was cleared once she confirmed in her verbal words.

"We don't know dear. Matters that relate to Authority or Princess are never disclosed to Princess are never disclosed to us." she clarified; a hint of curiosity I caught in her disappointed tone.

"It was related to A V?" I asked in pure disbelief and shock and as I result my pitch was a little louder causing the two ladies around me whip their head and gaze at my way with a little discomfort.

Baby, be a little observant. They aren't unconformable but they are shock at your outburst and calling the name A V minus respect. My brain's conscious part made me realize the depth of the situation.

I bit my inner cheek while they bowed or more precise Miss. Mahriyah bowed while Tiger retrieved the glass of water from the table bowing in the process.

Did she just bowed to get the glass of it was her trick to bow and work simultaneously?

"Dear!" Miss. Mahriyah shrieked in horror once her bowing task completed.

I apologized as she drank the remaining water from her glass while the observer in me went into active mode.

Her breathing was raged, harsh like she was running marathon and her left hand clutched into a fist pulling extra pressure on her palms through her manicured nails. The whole scenario made me frown and kept muddled until she was normal again.

"Yes, it was related to the A V." she stated deadpan bowing at her words.

All I did was forming a silent 'O' in my mouth.

"He did mistake conducting his job and faced consequences but Majesty wasn't wrong either; he loves Princess and can't tolerate any negligence when it comes to her." She stated continuing to fill information while defending Mr. Majesty.

Hmm! I guess, I understand.

His love and passion for his Princess can be seen on every corner and wall of this place.

His princess?

"Princess A V is related to Mr. Valentine closely?"

Again my question killed the relative comfort of the surrounding leaving complete silence of eeriness and awkwardness.

Miss Mahriyah gave me a 'Please not again, I'm not allowed to spill the beans' look while Tiger found this the correct time to head over the washroom.

"Yes they are." Tiger's retreating form said while she rushed toward the washroom closing the door shut leaving a baffled me and palpitating Miss. Mahriyah.

We shared a comfortable silence before my mind drifted toward the discussion with Jerry when he told me about A V being the identity of this place and his deep definition over it.

It means all my theories over it are utterly preposterous.

A V is not an old aged senior citizen but someone of this generation. She is a close relative of Valentine, a core unit of A V Empire and a Princess.

Valentine's are Royal, she is Princess. That means she is a Valentine.

A V is a Valentine.

'V is Valentine'

The drums of triumph and rhythm of victory rang inside my mind where the cells of my intelligence came back solving the half mystery of this name and the curiosity muscles were welcoming them with garlands of blood platelets.

Finally the A V is revealing itself in front of me.

You just wait and watch A V: No, 'A Valentine' how I unveil your complete identity in front of my curious self.

I thought in mind while staring at the glorious A V dangling on my wall.

For the first time in the day, I felt proud of myself.

My promising stare from the A V shifted when Tiara emerge from the washroom with her serious pouting face.

Well will someone tell me why she is behaving so detached today?

"I guess we should clear this. What's in the other bag, Honey?" Miss Mahriyah suggested while asking Tiger who engrossed herself collecting her plate.

"Tiger?" I called her when Miss. Mahriyah got no response whatsoever from her.

She looked into my eyes with a deep pool of sorrow in hers.

My heart wrenched staring at her sad face.

"I'll clean this." Miss. Mahriyah announced softly, perhaps the sadness in Tiara's eyes was noticeable to her too.

I nodded absently before picking her up in my arms and heading toward the bed while Miss. Mahriyah resumed her job of cleaning.

I patted her back while she hid her face in my neck.

"What happened baby? Won't you share with you Aunt Bambi?" I cooed her but received no response but she only tightened her grip on my neck and shoulder.

I let her while soothing her back and patting her head in a comforting manner.

"Is anything happened in school, did someone bullied you?" I ranted the possible factors but she kept still in my arms.

I shifted her in my arms before settling my back to the headboard.

"Tiger!" I softly cooed and it did the trick, her grip on my neck loosed and she raised her eyes to look into mine.

The wide eyes of my fragile Tiger were brimming with sadness and a strange pain. She left my shoulder and her hand fled toward her pendent hanging from her neck, clutching it with her life.

Is she remembering the nightmare like morning?

Tiger just shook her head in response before lowering her gaze.

"If you won't tell, how am I going to help you?" I whispered softly; the innocent face of her and the shield of sadness over it were making it difficult to keep my calm but I knew I have to be patient dealing with her.

"Is it about Jerry?" I shot the arrow in darkness and it hit the target when I witnessed the change in her facial expression and she finally nodded.

"I won't celebrate my birthday." She whispered; her voice softer than a feather.


"Birthday. When is it?" I asked; I asked as a deep scowl of question marred my face.

"Sunday." She answered lowering her gaze to her knotted fingers.

How her birthday celebrating and Jerry are connected?

"Tiger did Jerry denied to cel—"

"Dada is busy in his work. He always works and then whenever he is free he spends time with me but then he is tired. I don't want to celebrate my birthday and bother him." She told me the reason twisting my heart with her soft whisper.

Why parents forget that their pressure indirectly affect their family especially children.

Of course! Jerry is always surrounded and summoned in his work, sometime his work responsibilities, sometimes the deal details between me and A V Inc. he is always on his heels to help and assist me.

Not only this; I too am responsible. I have been a huge headache and responsibility to him.

They have accepted me as family but here I'm the reason of the sorrow of my Tiger.

My gaze lowered in grief I caused to the duo.

"That's why you behaved rude with him on call." I asked her in a mere whisper as my vocal cords allowed me this much.

She just nodded affirmative.

"He said we'll celebrate my birthday but I know he is tired and always busy and I don't want—" She was going on her rant only to be cut off by me.

"Tiger, one thing I want you to know as you Aunt. Children never bother their parents, parents love their kids unconditionally and we love them too. The word 'bother' can never come between parents and their children and I want you to forget this word. Never mention it in front of Dada, you will hurt him and Tiger don't want this, right?" I tried to explain.

She shook her head instinctively.

"About your birthday, you don't want to celebrate it because you think Dada needs some rest, right?" I asked her politely as possible.

Her head moved vertical at my words.

"You know why we celebrate birthdays and anniversary?"

"No." came her monosyllable response.

"Because these days are the mark of something special happened in our life." I stated and her eyes went curious to be explained further.

"We usually do our job, studies and follow the routine but on these special days, we invite friends, family and enjoy with them. We don't celebrate birthdays we celebrate the life that day." I explained and saw her eyes widened slightly.

I cupped her cheek in my palm before continuing, "Tiger, you birthday celebration will give Dada his much needed relief and break from his routine stress. He'll be happy watching you happy, isn't it?" I raised my brow asking her.

"About him stressing over on the preparations all alone; then dear he is not alone, your Aunt Bambi is here for you too. We'll help him and make this day super special and amazing for both of you. Is that okay Tiger?" I asked her with a soft smile.

Her answer was a huge grin that broke on her face before she tickled me into a hug.

I reciprocated the feelings with a genuine smile crawling over my lips.

Miss. Mahriyah was the witness who had her unique grin on her face and a distinct expression of adoration she flaunted at the moment.

"Now, shall we know your answer?" I asked breaking the hug and gestured Mrs. Mahriyah to take a seat bedside us; she chose to sit across facing us.


"Are you going to celebrate your Birthday on Sunday or not?" Miss Mahriyah enunciated for Tiger.

"Yes!" she squealed before laughing in pure joy.

Her laughter was the fuel for our happiness as we joined her and I tickled her. Her giggles erupted and rang throughout the room and apparently corridors of the vacant Motel.

The discreet awkwardness I felt some time ago in this very place was now gone and vanished; and a strange sense of belonging came back to me, knocking at my heart.

With heart in dilemma, I allowed the feeling to reside for a while as I enjoyed the laughter of someone innocent and company of someone with great heart.

Once the delightful laughter around us subsided; I tucked Tiger on the bed; much to Miss. Mahriyah's concern for me to let her shift in Jerry's room. I insisted to keep her with me.

I wasn't going to allow her to sleep alone in a room situated in this mystified haunting Motel even if for a few hours.

We already have our share of 'haunted night' last night and it is sufficient for us at least for this lifetime.

She just smiled at my concern and didn't argue further.

Tiara drifted to sleep; taking my hand in hers whilst other clutching her pendent in other. Soon smile flaunted on her face in her peaceful slumber.

"Such a mature child." I heard Mrs. Mahriyah speaking.

Running my hand over her forehead I rewind her words from a while ago.

Indeed, this girl is quite mature for her ago. She has always surprised me with her maturity level.

"She seems very close to you." Miss. Mahriyah commented; I averted my eyes from Tiger's face to look at her finding her looking at her with a soft smile.

"Yes. We both are very close to each other. And to be honest who won't be, Tiger holds the magic around her." I spoke back smiling down at my little bundle of Joy.

"Indeed. I have seen her this happy after a long time." She whispered back gaining my attention.

I frowned at her words while she continued to removing the hair from her face which is irritating her from quite a long time.

"She never gets attached easily; only a few know faces. In fact I have seen her this much understanding only with Majesty."

Her whole piece of information came quite as a shock to me.

She was quite welcoming to me. From our first meet, Tiara and I created this bond together.

"Mr. Majesty?" I asked raising my brow over my forehead to depict the height of my disbelief.

"Yes. They are very close. You must see them. They don't meet often because of his hectic schedule but from what we see, they are very close to each other and now you."

Yes, I suppose Tiger has the magic in her to bind hearts with her charming nature.

I truly agree.

"You are an exception apart from Princess. He seems different around you. I have noticed and heard whispers, he isn't Alpha when you are near him but he becomes a different person." She murmured; her voice reached my ears earning my undivided attention. I shifted my gaze to his finding her staring at the design of quilt Tiger was wrapped in.

"Like your presence change something around him." She said more to herself than for me to listen.

Her words swiveled something me; I was afraid to even put a step in this perilous field and now her words have forced me to think over them again.

"It's nothing like this Mahriyah, I mean Mrs. Mahriyah. Perhaps, you are saying so because you haven't seen him conversing with me." I justified; providing justification to her as well as my eccentric being which was lost in a treacherous fantasy.

"I have dear and also the way he saved you that day, perhaps every time. I won't ask you to believe me because you won't trust me but you'll see by yourself one day." She concluded with a smile and an expression of frowning confusion for herself.

I just sat reminiscing her words; not being able to comprehend my own thought process.

"So, how are you going to arrange everything?" She diverted my mind with her next query.

I frowned before her gaze went to Tiger and her indicated question made sense to me.

"I have to talk to Jerry before anything. We'll do arrangement after that and he knows her better so only he can guide me." I muttered recalling the promise I made to this Little bundle of Joy.

"She is very lucky to have you."

No, I'm lucky to have them.

"So, what happened after that? Mr. Theodore never tried to solve this difference between them?" I asked drawing her attention toward the topic which we left in my victory to find out the 'V' of A V.

Miss. Mahriyah gave me a look before shaking her head.

"Michael had to leave; he shifted in Prague and was handling business from there, I suppose. No one cleared and we never were allowed to ask or pry." She provided with a shrug.

So he left because of the difference between the brothers.

Why Mr. Theodore let him leave?

"Mr. Theodore never tried to contact him or tried to reduce this difference or clear the misunderstanding?" I asked incredulously.

"Beta takes his tour there; but I don't think there is any improvement between them." She said; stretching her stiff body.

"Is this because Mr. Valentine, is—"

"I don't think so dear. If Majesty was still angry over this matter, he wouldn't have allowed Michael to come back in the Kingdom." She cut me off; reducing my anxiety level.

I heaved a sigh before firing another question.

"So Michael is here?"

"Yes he came back with Beta few days back."


Why don't he just take the initiative?

The one question remains haunting.

"Ego in men, dear. His ego never allows it." she stated a universal statement.

Ego or guilt?

"But he seems genuinely sorry; it seems like wanted to clear the difference." I murmured recalling the incident of today.

She seems astonished hearing this so I told her the filtered incident.

"Heard him talking to Dr. Baron about related. So just tried joined the dots." I provided sheepishly.

"Eavesdropping isn't something very encouraged here dear." She stated firmly not pleased to hear my argument.

It isn't encouraged anywhere but I won't say a word since I'm more interested in the current topic.

I gave her blank look.

Wish I could tell you; I was an honorary guest who was invited for the place and somewhat conversation.

"Perhaps they were talking over this." I muttered to self.

"Then why don't he go and talk and resolve this matter." I'm now frustrated with him.

Just go, talk and resolve. Why prolonging this agony of theirs' when he genuinely wants to make up.

"Someday he'll." She muttered answering before heaving a sigh.

Perhaps he needs some push.

I am sure he needs one.

With the statement, I took it as the conclusion of the conversation.

I asked her to take rest but she squealed again stating she has to call her 'Butter Half' while she pronounced herself as his 'Beauty Bread'. Saying this, she rushed out to her room bouncing her way out.

I heaved a sigh, finally allowing myself to relax in silence while wondering how she comes up to such innovative synchronizing names for their couple.

Shifting my gaze and attention at the sleeping form of Tiger, I recalled her words from some while ago.

Her maturity and sense of understanding is quite competing. Whenever I have noticed her, she has surprised me with her mature and polite behavior.

How at such level she has gained such maturity.

Because maturity never comes with age but life teaches you. My subconscious answered as Prince's thought crossed my mind.

The ping of my cell distracted me; I averted my gaze and weight to the other side retrieving my material baby.

The notification of new message gained my attention.

I opened it checking the name. It was from Prince.

I frowned while reading which eventually made me smile.

Have checked the mails. I'll keep an eye over it.

Don't respond before discussing to me.


I bit my lip at his activeness. Since I haven't sent him the mails, he checked my mail and got his required information.

I responded continuing the assault on my lips.

Yes Brother. You take care and take rest.



Throwing the mobile to the other side of the bed, I adjusted the quilt on Tiger before getting up from the bed.

Only place that gives me comfort and that was the window inviting the cold breeze of nature in my room.

Jerry isn't here. What's taking him so long?

The thought invaded my mind pushing me to another concern.

Glancing at the clock, I checked the time.

11:53 AM

It's almost midnight.

If the laws are enforced to all, then Jerry being out will bring him under the wrath of Mr. Valentine.

But he is in the office for his work; I guess he'll get exemption.

Well I hope so.

Dear lord! Help my over stressing super working friend.

My prayers to almighty were interrupted in the darkness of night when I heard the rustling of dry leaves followed by slow thumping sound resonating in the surroundings.

I frowned as my auditory nerve took all the energy to concentrate on the weird noise piercing the subtle quietness.

The sound only increased with passing seconds like something was coming closer. The thumping increased; it also increased my heart beats. I found my heart beats was coordinating with the distinct thumping.

With curiosity picking the levels, I shifted my gaze in the murky night.

Only the breeze rustling the tree and buzzing of night crisckets leaves with the same sound were dominating.

I squinted my eyes further in the hope to find the reason of this distracting thumping but the black color obscuring everything from my human gaze.

Soon, only the thumping sound ruled the night defeating the breeze of night under its dominance.

There in the murk of night; I found a small spark of light.

My gaze transfixed on the source; while my grip on the window panel tightened, I forgot how to breathe.

The spark ignited, spreading bright glow in the darkness.

My breath stopped in the anticipation as I waited for it to be closer to look over the source of this spark.

The source came closer in the same ground of helipad near the Woods, allowing me to take a clearer view of the spark apparently two sparks of golden fire in the dominating night.

Though it wasn't clear, I felt the two balls of fire rising toward the sky.

The same time, a bright thunderbolt ignited across the sky.

The lightening spread the light in the sky but miraculously the thunderbolt was silent, emanated no sound whatsoever.

The friction of second was sufficient to snatch away my focus from the fire balls but my desire and curiosity were powerful.

I focused on the sparking balls and my breath hitched at the view.

The fireballs were glowing in the thunder lightening, dominating the thunder with their powerful glow.

I gape at the figure holding the fire balls.

It was a wild figure of a commanding creature.

A proud figure of a wild enormous Wolf!


An enormous dark glowing Wolf!!!


September 10, 2017

A Surprising Sunday!

Well the spark ruling the dark of night!

So, let's start the question session.  

Any guesses what it could be?

A wild creature: Mystery or Destiny?

The core details of the vault are here, in the Previous Chapter to be precise, the discussion will continue with some twists.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Would love to hear from you.

In case of any confusions and query, feel free to contact. 

Don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share. It'll be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


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