Tough Love

By Sly2Turnt

131K 5.6K 1.3K


18 (Lani and Carmen
19 (Lani &Alex)
36 {Final}


2.4K 115 9
By Sly2Turnt


"Bye ma I love you." I kissed my mom's cheek hoping on my crutches. All eyes are on me yet again. People who didn't even know my name are starting to stare at me.

"Hey, girl." Some girl said walking up with me. "Umm hey," I mumbled opening my locker.

"So how do you do it?" She smiled putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Do what?"

"Get in bed with Alex Fernandez." She chuckled flipping her hair.

"Well, I'm her girlfriend." Are you stupid or??

"No way! Alex slept with every girl in this school so you can't be her girlfriend."

"Then why hasn't she slept with you?" I asked as she scoffed slamming my locker on my fingers.

I groaned in pain but kept it pushing, no matter how bad I want to cry I can't.

"Bestfriend what happened!?" Lexi said kissing my fingers and taking my books.

"It's nothing I'm fine." I gave her an "I'm serious" smile and we walked side by side

"I heard what happened between you and Alex." She refreshed my mind on how the whole school knows what my body looks like.

"It's over now and there's nothing I can do besides put it behind me." I sat down in the chair next to Lexi while everyone talked about me.

Girls pointed at me and boys licked their dry ass lips. I'm the topic of everything I guess.

"Hello, handsome." Lexi said blowing a kiss to a boy looking at me "You're a mess." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Bestfriend you know I got you." She winked at me."What are we doing tonight?" I did my classwork and put my head down.

"Whatever you want."

I nodded my head looking at the door waiting for Alex. All I want is her to be with me and that's it. Yes, I'm putting her in the friend zone for a while because she deserves it.

Even though Alex has been doing her best trying to be by my side 24/7. Just try to put yourself in my shoes for a quick minute then tell me what you would do.

People might congratulate Alex for getting me naked and then leaked me. Which isn't okay, Alex is already well known so people will kiss her ass.

"You okay?" Lexi asked putting her pencil down. "Yeah, never better." I weakly smiled flipping through my notes.

Alex could have any girl so losing me wouldn't bother her at all. I know Alex has had many girlfriends and she could get another one right after me. I'm playing it safe, I'd rather have my life together than worry about the moves I make with one girl.


"Gone beat up my girlfriend and she doesn't even want you!" I swung my bat at Carmen listening to her wince in pain. She was tied up hanging by her hands where her feet could barely touch the floor.

"I made you! Nobody else but me!" I screamed swinging at her repeatedly."I'm sorry." Carmen cried looking at herself in the mirrors that covered the room.

"You were nothing before I meet you. I gave you everything when we were younger and I still do! I'm the hand that feeds you just make sure you don't bite me." I kicked her in her stomach looking at the rope rub against her now bruised wrist.

I sat down in a chair sipping Hennessy, Lani went to school today but I got some unfinished business with Carmen.

"You can have anything, Why you want what I have?" I dumped the ashes of my blunt into the ashtray.

"Why can't I be happy? Why can't I have something to myself? I give you my friends, and now you want my girlfriend?" I finished my drink and broke the glass cup.

"If you scream I'll do it all over again," I said pushing the glass pieces into her stomach.

"Please, stop!" She screamed while I rolled my eyes pushing a piece into her face drawing blood.

She sniffled gazing at me with tears in her eyes. "Oo hold on my girlfriend calling me." I accepted the call holding the phone between my shoulder and ear.

"I miss you too baby." I wrote my initials under Carmens' cheek with a piece of glass. It was getting really messy with all this blood getting on me.

"Yeah, I'm bringing Trey to the airport after school." I looked at my small table covered with tools, deciding what to use next.

I hung up sliding my phone back into my pocket. "I'll see you soon." I gently patted Carmen's face and left.

It's true I gave Carmen everything that she has now, I made her a whole new person. I made her with confidence.


"Class today we have a new student. She's very shy so think of your first day here and make things easy for her."

Niah and I smirked looking at a short girl with crazy hair and eyes covered with big framed glasses, along with black colored braces.

"Hun you can sit right between Alexandria and Niah, Alex raise your hand."

I raised my hand watching her walk over but she fell over some boys' foot.

"What's wrong with you! I should kick your face in you piece of shit!" I yelled pushing him on the floor and my teacher grabbed me by the arm but I yanked away.

"Girl get up off this floor." I stuck my hand out and she grabbed it allowing me to help her up.

"Thank you." She looked down walking to her seat.

"Alex we don't use foul language with our peers so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

She's joking, right?

"No." I sat back down looking at the girl.

"Where you coming from?" Niah tossed her arm over her but she didn't say anything.

"Now that were situated I'd like for everyone to take out their notebooks and folders."

She didn't move a muscle just sat down looking at the floor.

"Here." I gave her all my school supplies earning a smile from her.

"You got a lotta teeth." Niah teased as we both looked at the smile plastered on Carmen's face.

"Whatever you want I gotcha," I mumbled listening to the teacher run her mouth.


We became the greatest of friends throughout the school year. We Ended up finishing middle school together and she was just so different but a good different.

I walked through the school doors going to my third-period class. I honestly don't want to be here, I'm tired of all this nonsense stuff that I'll never use in life.

"Wassup ugly." I sat down next to Niah in math class.

"Nothing man just trying to go home and shit," Niah mumbled putting her feet on the desk.

"Mr.Thomas the science teacher is asking for you," Lani said hanging off of Lexis' back.

"I'll see him after class." He erased the board writing down new notes.

"Both y'all ugly," Lexi said earning a laugh from Lani while they walked back to their class.

"Did I miss something?" I asked looking at Niah, she shrugged being clueless as can be."I don't keep track of her, that's yo job." She patted my back leaving me speechless.

Are Y'all niggas fucking?


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