Chaos' son [Percy Jackson Sto...

By Yours_only_fangirl

617K 13.2K 3.8K

Percy Jackson, hero of Olympus, is betrayed by the gods. they claim that he is too powerful and must die. He... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
not rlly a chapter but still awesome
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note (MUST READ)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
The End
Epilogue[I'm not that evil!]
Anwers to your questions
Hey wanna help?
Hi Guys!
Apparently...I died!

Chapter 9

24.8K 512 94
By Yours_only_fangirl

Jake's p.o.v

While Nico was explaining to Thalia-girl, I could tell he liked her. I observed him very carefully while he was talking to her. His eye's shone with care and humor. He wasn't this happy till he saw me which wasn't like 5 minutes ago but I can't help feeling we have known each other for years. Next to Thalia was the most beautiful girl in the world. Her chocolate brown hair decorating her face, her beautiful ocean-like eyes which I could stare into every day. Her eyelashes bordering those blue eyes. Her skin is gorgeously fair skin. And her soft pink lips completed her stunning face. She caught me staring and smiled at me, I just blushed hard and clumsily returned the smile.

 "Hey Jake HELLOOO!" Nico said waving a hand in front of my face.

 "Earth to Jake." I slap his hand away from my face.

 "Ya Nico, I'm alive". Nico chuckles and replies.

 "Anyways I was telling Thalia that about our meeting. I should prob-"someone cuts off Nico yelling "NEWBIE!" at first I think they were talking about me, but I see a black-haired boy being carried to the infirmary.

 I look at Nico, his mouth is slightly twitched upwards. He grabs me by the arm saying "You have to meet Chiron. I've got to check the newbie. You see that awesome looking hut, ya, go there and you will either see a guy half horse- half man or a person in a wheelchair. He will be Chiron. Tell him you are new and he will tell you this long lecture yada yada yada yada anyways just meet me at our cabin. The black one with skulls. I got to talk to you about something. Bro time, k? bye see ya later" Okayyyyy...well... here I goo...."

Lucy's p.o.v

Nico introduced his brother who looked like him, but if you looked closely I would say Jake was more muscular. His messy black hair looked adorable on Jake, maybe hot. His olive skin suited him soo well. His black eyes weren't sunken as much as Nico, but what Nico has been through, I see Nico recovering. His rigid jaw matched his looks. I glanced at him every like 5 seconds. His dark pink lips were soo cute. He was the hottest person I had ever met. I always had a tiny crush on Nico, but when I knew Thalia like Nico, I stepped off because I knew that Nico also liked her back. Whenever they talked to each other, it looked like a light bulb switched on. But when Jake came, he was like Nico, a little bit shorter, but much more attractive. I caught Jake staring at him and smiled. He blushed and grinned back. His smile was dazzling and he had a dimple. 

So adorable. "NEWBIE" Someone said and I raced to see who it was. Some black hair person, wow the last black haired person I ever saw in this camp was Percy. I inwardly sighed. He was such a nice guy. Him and Annabeth had such a relationship going, even love couldn't cover it. It was like they were part of each other. I always wanted a boyfriend like that. I was so happy I got immortality. I was titled to be goddess of kindness and care. I loved my role, it was something that represented me so well.

                 I rushed to the infirmary to help the new kid, but I already saw Piper beat me to it. I sighed and made my way to my cabin, when I saw Jake heading towards Chiron's office, I decided to make a little visit with Jake.

 "Hey...umm...I didn't really catch your name back then" I heard a soothing voice. I turned and saw Nico and I smiled. LUCY say something.

 "Huh, ya. Its Lucy Faye. I guess you are Jake DiAngelo. I should probably take you to Chiron's Office" He does a mock imitation of a gentleman, bows to me and grins.

 "Yes madam. Lead the way!" He says in a horrible imitation of a British accent. I giggle at this childness. I start walking to the office, and Jake races to me holds my hand while we go. I feel electricity when he touches me. I look down at our connected hands. He notices me looking, blushes and pulls his hand away. He smiles nervously and fiddles with his fingers.

 "Sorry sorry sorry, ugh this is stupid..." and he rambles on timidly. I hold his hand and smile at him. 

"It's alright Jake, I don't mind" he sighs happily and wraps his hands in mine. Our hands match perfectly. We reach Chiron's office. I knock at the door and say.

 "Chiron! We got 2 new campers. One with me right now and the other in the infirmary." The door opens and reveals Chiron in his wheelchair position, smiling warmly at us...

A/N: you guys like the romance in this chapter. If its cheesy, I know. I like cheesy stuff like this. It melts my heart. How do you feel about Lucy's and Jake's relationship? Ship name? you guys come up with it. Lake or Jucy. Both are real words. LOL XD! Anyways PEACE!

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