Teen Wolf Imagines

By Etherealist_x

470K 8.7K 623

A whole compilation of Teen Wolf imagines consisting of Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Aiden, Liam, Parrish, an... More

Welcome! :)
Unrequited Love - Scott
Car Trouble - Stiles
Rescued - Derek
Stay Back - Isaac
Love Bite - Aiden
Jealousy - Liam
The Sheriff's Station - Parrish
Blue Eyes - Scott
You've Always Been There - Stiles
You Keep Me Going - Derek
The Bad Boy - Issac
Betrayal - Aiden
Find Your Anchor - Liam
Don't Leave Me - Parrish
My Hero - Scott
Say You Believe Me - Stiles
Thunder Storms - Derek
I Hate You - Isaac
Unwanted - Aiden
Gone (Pt. 1) - Liam
Gone (Pt. 2) - Liam
The Werewolf and the Hellhound - Parrish
The Enemy - Scott
Living Color - Stiles
Sourwolf - Derek
I Don't Have Anyone - Isaac
Betrayal (Pt. 2) - Aiden
Secret Lovers - Liam
My Happiness - Parrish
Him?! - Jackson
Omega - Scott
Not Over You - Stiles
The Return - Derek
Nightmares - Isaac
Was It Real? - Aiden
Was It Real? (Pt. 2) - Aiden
Beat Up - Liam
Freezing - Parrish
Popularity Contest - Jackson
Pressure Test - Theo
Supernatural - Scott
Movie Night - Stiles
You Came Back - Derek
Miss Alpha - Isaac
The New Kids - Aiden
The Shy One - Liam
I'm back :)
By Your Side - Parrish
You're Good - Theo
Coach's Niece - Scott
All Yours - Stiles
My Turn to Save You - Derek
A Connection Like No Other - Isaac
"Studying" - Liam
Visits at Work - Parrish
Chimera - Theo
Coach's Niece (Pt. 2) - Scott
Overwhelmed - Stiles
Magic Bullet - Derek
Outside the Window - Isaac
His Jersey - Liam
Happiest With You - Parrish
Look at Me Now - Theo
A Little Extra Help - Scott
The Argent Twins - Stiles
Care About You - Derek
It's Still You - Isaac
Second Chances - Liam
More Than Friends - Parrish
I'll Keep You Safe - Theo
Bitten - Scott
Written in the Stars - Stiles
Not the Alpha Anymore - Derek
All an Act - Isaac
Running With the Wolves - Liam
A Deep Connection - Parrish
Horror Movies - Theo
Bitten (Pt. 2) - Scott
Standing Watch - Stiles
Below the Surface - Derek
Almost Gone - Isaac
Borderline Stalking - Liam
Jail Break - Parrish
Goody Two Shoes - Theo
Rainy Days - Scott
Unexpected Powers - Stiles
Getting Along - Derek
Unleashed - Isaac
Premonitions and Pick-up Lines - Liam
Mind Control - Parrish
Feeling Alone - Theo
Status Asthmaticus - Scott
Busted - Stiles
Getting Along (Pt. 2) - Derek
Bad Memories - Isaac
Gossip - Liam
I Rescued You, Now We're Friends - Parrish
You're Cute When You're Mad - Theo
Tattoo - Scott
Busted (Pt. 2) - Stiles
Puppy Love - Derek
Lovefool - Isaac
New Pack, New Love - Liam
Hellhound Training - Parrish
Rescue Mission - Theo
Bloodlust - Scott

Win You Over - Brett vs Isaac

4.3K 77 7
By Etherealist_x

An imagine where Brett and Isaac are both trying to win you over was requested by @LouieJay240217
I didn't know who to choose as the winner, so I wrote an ending for each boy. Pick your favorite! Enjoy!

Every time there was lacrosse practice or a lacrosse game, you were there. You were always there to support your brother, Scott, and best friend, Stiles.

You began to notice that one of the boys on the team had taken an interest in you, which was great and all, but one of the boys on the Devenford Prep team had taken an interest in you too. You knew that Devenford Prep had been Beacon Hills High School's biggest rival for years, but the boy was so cute and sweet. Now it came down to the decision of: which one do you pick?

The boy on the Beacon Hills HS team was Isaac, Scott had told you about him. He came from an abusive home so he was pretty shy, but he was very sweet and always talked to you when he had the chance. Isaac was cute and a complete sweetheart, he was perfect.

The boy on the Devenford Prep team was Brett, you didn't know too much about him, only what you picked up from your conversations. He was pretty confident, so every time there was a game between the two teams he would come right up to you and talk. He flirted with you a lot, and every now and then you could catch him blushing a little. Brett was handsome and confident, but real sweet too, he was also perfect.

One day there was a home game at Beacon Hills HS against Devenford Prep, and of course you were there. You were sitting on the bleachers with your friend, Kira, while the boys practiced and waited for the Devenford bus to arrive.

Coach told the boys to take a break and save their energy for the game, so Isaac ran over to you.

"Hey (y/n)!"

You smiled at him, "Hi Isaac! Ready for the game tonight?"

He smiled back, "Oh yeah! We're going to crush those preppy boys!"

You laughed a little, "Hell yeah you are!"

Isaac was about to speak again, but he was cut off by someone who saw the bus pull up, "They're here!"

Everyone looked over and saw the Devenford boys walking off the bus. They made their way to the field and began to walk towards the locker rooms, but Brett stayed back to talk to you.

"Hi (y/n), how've you been beautiful?"

You looked down to hide your blush and smiled. You looked back up at him, "Hi Brett, I've been good. How're you?"

He smiled, "I'm great, and I'm ready to win the game tonight. How about after I crush the competition you and I could hang out or something?"

Isaac had been standing there quietly tolerating Brett, but now he became mad, "How about after you lose I'll take (y/n) out to do something and you can just go home?"

Brett looked at him like he was crazy, "Are you kidding me? Not only are you going to lose the game tonight, but you're never going to win (y/n) over. She'd never go out with a loser like you, Lahey."

You looked over at Isaac who was fuming, "(Y/n) would never stoop so low as to date you, Talbot. You're a rude, cocky, arrogant asshole!"

Brett threw his stuff on the ground, "That's it! Come on Lahey let's go! Right here, right now! Come on!"

Isaac went towards him but you stood up and grabbed his arm. You pulled him back to where he was standing originally, and then you walked in between them, "That's enough! You both want to take me out on a date, fine, but you're not going to decide who gets to by hurting each other!"

Brett looked at Isaac and then at you, "You're right (y/n), that was stupid of me. How about this, whoever wins the game tonight gets to take you out on a date?"

You sighed in relief, "Yes, that's perfect."

Isaac huffed out of anger and looked at Brett, "Fine. You're going down, Talbot."

They both grabbed their gear and went opposite ways to the locker rooms. You sighed and went to sit back down next to Kira, but Scott ran over to you, "(Y/n)! (Y/n) is everything okay? What was that yelling about?"

"Scott I have two boys fighting over me. Isaac and Brett both like me and they were arguing over who got to ask me out. They decided whoever wins the game tonight gets to take me out on a date."

He sighed, "Okay, that's not a bad solution. Just let me know if stuff gets out of hand, I'll fix it if it does."

You smiled and gave him a hug, "Thanks Scott, now go get ready for your game."

He smiled back, "Of course (y/n)! And well I guess I should."

He ran off to the locker room and you sat down next to Kira. She laughed a little, "Some boys are just stupid, huh?"

You laughed a little too, "Yeah they are, it's a good thing they're cute."

~Game Time~

You watched Brett and Isaac pretty much the whole time, they were out to get each other. Every chance they got they were tackling each other, stealing the ball from each other, and just basically attacking each other.

The game was intense, and both teams were putting up a good fight. Now there was only two minutes left in the game, and the teams were tied. Whoever could score first in the next two minutes would win the game, and your heart.

As the timer ticked the boys were fighting for the ball like mad. Finally someone got it and threw it into the opposing team's goal. You looked over at the scoreboard and saw:

*Brett's Ending*
Devenford had won. Everyone in your section of the bleachers was upset, but you couldn't help but smile. You've like Brett for awhile now too, it was just difficult because you had feelings for Isaac too. But seeing how hard Brett worked to win you over made your decision a lot clearer.

You turned to Kira, "I'll be right back."

She smiled, knowing exactly why you were leaving, "Okay!"

You walked down the bleachers, squeezing through and pushing past people. You made it down onto the field and ran over to Brett. You gave him a tight hug, "You won!"

He looked at you and smiled, "Yeah, I won the game, and more importantly I won your heart."

You couldn't help but blush, "You did, but you've already had it for awhile."

He cocked an eyebrow, "Oh have I? Well that's perfect because you've had mine for awhile too."

You both smiled wider at each other and locked your hands together. You walked off the field and entered a beautiful relationship.

*Isaac's Ending*
Beacon Hills had won. You turned to Kira and gave her a hug, winning this game meant the boys were going to the championship. It also meant that Isaac had won your heart, he was yours.

Isaac has been a friend of yours for a little bit now, and you knew how sweet he was. He went out of his way for you, so you couldn't be happier that he won.

Everyone was cheering and beyond excited. You and Kira ran down the bleachers and over to your boys.

Isaac saw you coming towards him, so he took off his helmet and smiled. You ran over to him and right into his arms, "Isaac you won! You're going to the championship now!", you blushed as you continued, "And now, I'm yours."

He smiled even wider, "That's all that matters, you're mine and I'm yours."

You stood on your toes and kissed his cheek, "I wouldn't want it any other way."

This was obviously a lot different than my usual imagines, so I hope I did good job and I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading! <3

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