One Step Closer

By lonelycauliflower

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"What do you want?" - I asked hesitantly. The boy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and he just shook... More

CHAPTER 1. - The Office
CHAPTER 2. - The invention of cellophane
CHAPTER 3. - Turnstile troubles and sexy hunks
CHAPTER 4. - How to get a coffee date
CHAPTER 5. - Flourishing flower business
CHAPTER 7. - Hot chocolate and marshmallows
CHAPTER 8. - Another hot chocolate
CHAPTER 9. - Misfiring misfortune
CHAPTER 10. - How to execute a perfect coffee date
CHAPTER 11. - Warm bodies and boyhood dreams
CHAPTER 12. - Instant noodles and locksmith
CHAPTER 13. - The audacity of a lawyer
CHAPTER 14. - How to get cornered and make a run for it
CHAPTER 15. - Changing locks and pecking soft lips
CHAPTER 16. The wellbeing of a skittish lawyer
CHAPTER 17. Being an adult is not so easy
CHAPTER 18. How do you like your eggs?
CHAPTER 19. A trip down memory lane
CHAPTER 20. The history of Butterfly Riverdance
CHAPTER 21. A teenager vs The House of Lords
CHAPTER 22. Cheerios and a free meal ticket
CHAPTER 23. Letting someone adore you is courageous
CHAPTER 24. Falling fast, feeling deeply
CHAPTER 25. Defusing a nuclear bomb needs expert knowledge
CHAPTER 26. The battle is not tough if you team up
CHAPTER 27. Having you is what I need
CHAPTER 28. Your desire is paramount
CHAPTER 29. Having a friend is the best thing that could happen to you
CHAPTER 30. Chinese takeaway and who knows what's under the cushion?
CHAPTER 31. The art of conspiracy
CHAPTER 32. There is discount in every business
CHAPTER 33. Complications of a busy morning
CHAPTER 34. Maintain your stance at all costs
CHAPTER 35. Curious detective and the burnt lasagne
CHAPTER 36. Saving lasagne and the scent of innocence
CHAPTER 37. The case of lost innocence
CHAPTER 38. The fight for your homies
CHAPTER 39. Deeper and faster is the new trend
CHAPTER 40. Sealing the deal
CHAPTER 41. Winning against rabid wolves
CHAPTER 42. Time to organise a party
CHAPTER 43. Going deep, feeling deeper
CHAPTER 44. Getting his trust
CHAPTER 45. In the name of an orange duck
CHAPTER 46. In the need of a locksmith again
CHAPTER 47. A hot piece of cake is a hot piece of cake
CHAPTER 48. The case of a cold cappuccino
CHAPTER 49. On the brink of a meltdown
CHAPTER 50. Where is a beginning there's an end
CHAPTER 51. Tardiness is sexy
CHAPTER 52. A stammering boy and the grand entry
CHAPTER 53. Slippery fingers get deep
CHAPTER 54. The agitated Cairo is pissed
CHAPTER 55. The case of a toy boy and a tricky father
CHAPTER 56. The great escape to the unknown

CHAPTER 6. - An eventful lunch break

329 38 114
By lonelycauliflower

Cairo POV ~

I was mentally and physically exhausted by the time I got to the office.

My very first day as a chief executive, started out quite awkward. First of all, had to cancel my first appointment with a very important client, then that super awkward moment in the florist.

I mentally facepalmed, as I remembered how I reacted in front of the shop assistant guy. I have no idea what was wrong with me this morning. I have never stuttered in my entire life and no way I'm going to start now, so I better man up next time when I go and get the morning bouquet every day. Because I am damn sure I won't let my stupid allergy to get in the way and control my life. By all means I am going to take my allergy medications and if it's not working I need to find a doctor who can give me stronger ones, it's a must but until then I have to figure out how to deal with it.
I'm really upset about the way I acted in front of this guy, I'm still gobsmacked about it, never acted in such a way before.

"It must be the jet lag."

I concluded in myself as I rushed towards to reception area.

I shoved the deadly flowers onto the desk and my eyes roamed around.

"Where is .....what's her name?" - I looked around impatiently, checked my watch and I saw it was already 9.20 am, but it was still too early for coffee break.

I scraped my scalp with my fingers and my irritation exponentially grew with my splitting headache.

I sighed out of frustration when I realised that the door adjacent to the staff kitchen was slightly ajar, so I approached it slowly, a bit hesitantly as I didn't know what to expect.

I peered in and I gasped quite loudly, my first instinct was damn right. I shouldn't have looked in in the first place.
Why, oh why did I not just go to my office straight away? Why do I have to investigate everything myself? I shook my head and I closed the door as quietly as I could.

Our lovely receptionist, the lovely 21 years old Hannah was currently nailed by the cleaner guy, whose name was still unclear to me. Dylan or Dean, one of the other. I cannot unseen what I just did.

I sighed in frustration, and ran my hand over my hair in an attempt to calm the raging anger in me.

No wonder why the office is so untidy and started to look unkept. Obviously these two good for nothing people are way too busy with messing with other.

"Where is my new assistant when I needed?" - I looked around desperately, hoping that some sort of miracle will happen soon and save my horribly wrong morning.

I got my phone out of my pocket and scrolled down in the contacts, searching for the name I saved under PA.
"Oh,there it is!" - I smiled faintly, despite my throbbing headache. Her name is Marian.

I'd like to give her the honour to fire the culprits right away. It may seems childish, but I want to keep our reputation spotless. If this gets around, that the employees are screwing each other in the closet, well my Dad might just get another heart attack. I mentally laughed at the irony.

I pressed the call button.

Marian, my newly hired PA by Mrs Lloyd, picked it up right after the first ring.

"Hello, Marian Madsen's speaking." - she answered promptly. Her tone was light, but somewhat crispy and oozed confidence.

That's what I wanted in my PA. Someone who is confident, knows what she is doing, not afraid of taking responsibility. If she was easy on the eye, well, that was an added bonus.

"Morning Ms. Madsen, it's Mr. London." - I said briefly, then I explained her that I need to have a meeting with her, as soon as she gets back from the district office.

Every morning the PA needed to drop and collect any ongoing case's files. It was a long existing practice and worked very well for both parties.

"I'm on my way back, will be there in ten minutes." - she replied courteously and ended the call.

I looked at the phone in my palm incredulously. Did she really hung up on me? Well, at least she is efficient, I thought and I made my way towards my office.

Finally I sat behind my desk and looked at the agenda that probably Mrs. Lloyd or my PA left on my table.

Glanced at the clock on the corner of the table and realised I have to pull myself together really quickly for my next appointment. I hoped I could have a word with my new PA too. She just started to work last week but I had no time to have a meeting with her yet, I was so busy to organise my apartment, and other business related meetings kept me out office most of the time. Today is going to be the first day in the office, when I finally meet this young lady, I believe she is in her twenties. She magically organised my desk for each morning and with Mrs. LLoyd help she draw up my daily agenda.

She was indispensable for now. I hoped I will be able to be more independent with my daily task on my own and not to be relying on her so much in the future.

A sudden, sharp knock on the door brought me out of my deep thoughts.

"Come in!" - I answered quickly, and stood up from my swivel chair as I waited for the person to enter.

The door knob turned and a young, relatively attractive woman entered the office. She looked a bit shy at first, and her porcelain white skin was slightly pink, maybe she was in a rush or something, I thought as I observed her in a few seconds.

"I am Marian Madsen. " - she said and put her hand forward for a handshake.

"Oh, nice to meet you Ms Madsen, I'm Cairo London." - said to her and shook her hand briefly.

"Thank you for coming back from the district office so quickly. I actually have a personal favour to ask."

"How can I help, Sir?" - she said it in a low voice, her voice actually sounded rather quite low and somewhat raspy.

"Let's sit down first." - I motioned her towards the corner sofas, that I cleverly covered with a new cover last Friday. Who knows what happened on it? I refused to let my mind go there. My Dad wasn't a saint, I know that but I never asked him, and he never brought his affairs up thankfully.

Marian took a few steps and carefully deposited herself on the edge of the sofa. She looked a bit nervous, I could already see it on her face. Did she think I'm going to fire her? I better clear this up, so I quickly explained her the situation that I encountered this morning.

"Oh my God, I can't believe they were getting it on so early in the morning!" - she said and her face flushed, her white skin got even more red. She intertwined her fingers, and placed them on her lap.

"So what would you like me to do, should I discipline them, or what is your plan, Sir?" - she asked me directly.

"First of all, please drop the Sir, I'd like you to call me Cairo." - I told her and tried to sound as friendly as I could. - " I know, this is a work place, but we are going to have a close working relationship here, so I wouldn't mind if we could become friends." - I told her, and I hoped it reassured her that I do not want anything other than working relationship.

She gaped at me, her eyes went wide and she was hesitantly looked at me in the face.

"Uhm, I can't do that, it's really inappropriate." - she replied nervously. She didn't look at me and I sensed that I really offended her somehow.

"Oh, I didn't mean to be inappropriate, I just thought maybe, it will be easier to work along each other, my apologies." - I said nonchalantly and I regretted to bring this matter up.

I leaned back to my desk and told her that I want the receptionist replaced by the end of the week. Also, research on office cleaning companies, and compare prices. I didn't want the cleaner guy to be fired yet, we need to keep the office generally clean.

"Certainly, Sir, I will get on to this matter, and make sure personally, Dylan will clean up properly each day. If this is all you needed me for, I'll excuse myself now." - she said and started to stand up.

"Of course, nothing else to be discussed at the moment." - I also stood up and walked her to the door.

"Ms. Madsen, I apologise again, I need to get used to the British office manners." - I told her in a sincere voice and opened the door for her.

"Thank you, and will be in touch via phone the rest of the day." - I added and looked at her waiting for her response.

"Of course, Mr. London, I'll report back as soon as I found a replacement for the position." - she replied and stepped out of the office and I felt instant relief because I certainly felt awkward since the moment she refused my offer to be called on our given names. I didn't know the Brits are so stiff in this area. Anyhow, I felt a bit of sorrow, somehow I felt lonely these days, surely it would have been nice to make a fried. But what was I expecting really? My PA as my friend? How desperate I can get for a few kind words?

I closed my eyes for a brief moment and turned back to my desk, and tried to prepare myself for a difficult meeting ahead of me.


Despite my best efforts, I wasn't able to convince my client to keep us as his primary consulting firm. For some reason they pulled out as soon as they got to know that I will taking over the branch. I'm sure they would have taken their business somewhere else, they just needed an excuse to take actions.

I returned a few calls, then leaned back in my chair, clasped my hands together behind my head. It was lunch time but I didn't feel that hungry yet, so I opened up my laptop to go over some older, ongoing cases.

Last night I went through briefly one of them, and found it interesting. It was worth taking the case up pro bono. I might just get a head start on it. I thought it will be good for our firm to offer pro bono work, it would be good advertisement, and free.

I opened the documents, typed in the password to open the certain file I was looking for. It was about a boy who got emancipated by court when he was just 17. The problem was that his maternal uncle was suing him for damages, and certain properties that he clearly owned. It would worth taking him as a client and serve justice. It looked certainly an easy win, maybe I can pass this onto one of our junior defence lawyer. I contemplated which one of them would be the more suitable one for the job. The problem was that I didn't know them too well, therefore I had no clue, which one of the three junior staff would be the best for this case. I guess, I just ask them who is willing to take up pro bono cases.

I researched on the emancipating law in Ireland and Great Britain too, as I realised the boy was born in Ireland. It took a while until I got through the legal wording but thankfully it wasn't as different from the american practice.

An hour later I decided it's time to eat something, because I knew I need to get on top of all of the ongoing cases today, meaning I probably end up going home very late.


I exited our building to the street and took a left, as I already knew, there is this little lane up on the road. It had a few eatery and pubs, so I thought I might as well just grab something to eat in one of them. I walked fast on the pavement, as I gave 1 hour to my staff, I wanted to make sure my lunch time won't take longer than theirs. That just wouldn't be fair.

I turned into the lane and I suddenly bumped into an enormous chest. I was about to lose my balance when two arms shoot out into my midsection and grabbed me roughly. I honestly thought I'm going to get mugged but the person just steadied me. After the initial shock, I looked up nervously, only to come face to face with the guy from the flower shop.

"Whaaaaat the heck....." - I stammered out and I felt instantly a clench in my stomach as my eyes bored into his. I stepped back, well, wanted to take a step backwards but I realised, the guy arms were still around me, holding me quite tightly.

He noticed my discomfort and let me go immediately, and his hand went up to the side of his head to scratch his wavy dark blond strands. I stare at him openly, momentarily stunned that my stammering is back on full force.

He looks at me with inquisitive eyes, his golden brown eyes flickering in the faint sunshine. I suddenly realise how awkward the way we are standing, less than an arm's reach from each other, so I try to take a step back but he grabs my shoulder and I feel my knees buckle as soon as I feel his warm fingers on my shoulder.

"Are you alright, Sir?" - his voice sounds like warm honey and I have no idea how or what make me make this comparison, all I know I just can't take my eyes off his face. There is something in his accent, and those twinkling eyes, so I just nod, out of fear that I might stutter in front of this guy. I certainly don't want to embarrass further myself.

He lets my shoulder go and his hand falls back his side. We are still too close to call it appropriate and finally the guy steps to the side to let another pedestrian walk by. I stand there awkwardly and I try to decide what to do, he doesn't seem to be walking away either, he just stands there, beside me and I'm wondering what should we do. I have never felt this weird, and this feeling makes me feel so giddy inside somehow, so I want to explore more of it.

Thankfully the guy makes a move and I think he is going to walk away, solving this utterly embarrassing moment, but instead, he extends his right hand:

"I'm Greg, nice to meet you again, Sir." - his words initiate something strange in my belly, so strange that all of a sudden I feel I might get sick. But at the same time this feeling is so annoyingly sweet that I just stare at him, not knowing what to do. His eyes grow wide, and all I can think of how particularly golden brown his iris, not to mention his plump lower lip forming words that barely reach my grey matters.

He grabs my hand, and shakes it lightly. His touch is gentle but I can feel his skin is rough, and this moment, I think I'm going to drop dead because I have some serious illness. I stare at him, in fact, I couldn't tear my eyes of him, and look down our touching hands.

As strange as it gets, I feel my co*k twitch in my pants. I immediately let go of his hand and take a huge step to the side. I tear my gaze away his face and start to walk away as fast as I can. I don't care if I am rude, I know something is awfully wrong with me. I feel embarrassment washes over me, and quickly enter the first cafe on my left side. My eyes looking for the toilet sign and dash towards it as soon as I notice it. Once I'm inside I lock myself into one of the cubicles, shut the toilet seat and sit down, my knees are weak and I have this strange shivering in my stomach. I touch my semi erect shaft through my trousers, lean back in the small enclosed place. What the fuck is happening with me, did I just get horny by touching a guy? This is something new, it's been such a long time I had any kind of excitement, and it never happened with a guy at present. I always know that I am not very sexual, but never thought more of it. I just thought this is the way I am, and I had only a few experimental in college but never had a serious relationship. I touch my co*ck again, and I can see those golden brown eyes in my mind, the warmth of his rough fingers, the way he held my waist. My co*k is now a raging boner and I don't know what to do. I just sit there, it seems hours but I know it's only a few minutes passed by.

My thoughts are all over the place but I slowly open my flies and reach into my boxers. My fingers wrap themselves around my boner and slowly start to tug at it.

I close my eyes firmly and try not to think of that sweet sounding accent but my mind refuse to cooperate. My willpower ran its course for the day, so I just give up, and focus on those beautiful eyes and the strange feeling in my belly when his hands touched me so firmly. It doesn't take too long and I'm shooting all over my hands, experiencing such a relief that it is over now.

I just sit there, the energy suddenly deflated from my body, my hands are sticky from my cum.

"What did I just do on my lunch break?"

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