I Should Have Kissed You (A O...

By shockeychick614

138K 977 106

Brianna's ex, Matt, was abusive. After their breakup she's made high walls around her heart. But when her bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 30

3K 21 2
By shockeychick614

AHHHH ALMOST 10,000 READS!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING I LOVE YOU <3 alright so this chapter is pretty long (well i think it is... for me). i hope you guys like it!! don't forget to comment, vote, fan and whatnot. again, I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! enjoy!


Holly’s POV

                Liam and I were sitting together, holding hands and screaming our heads off as the roller coaster whipped around every turn. When we finally pulled into the roller coaster station, I saw Brianna bolt out of her seat, her face red and her hands balled in angry fists. Louis yelled her name, chasing after her. I gave Liam a quizzical look.

                “The news…” he said, suddenly jogging my memory. They were leaving tomorrow and Bri hadn’t known. Niall, Zayn, Harry and Vanessa caught up to us.

                “Guess he told her?” Niall said, slinging an arm around Vanessa’s shoulders. She smiled at him, placing her arm around his hip. I glanced up at Liam,

                “I should probably go talk to her.” I stated, starting to walk off in the direction Brianna and Louis had gone. Liam snagged my wrist however and pulled me back towards him.

                “How’re you gonna get home love?” He winked. I sighed. I’m really not in the mood for his cheeky suggestions.

                “You’re gonna give me your keys so I can take your car. I have a feeling I’ll be spending the night with Bri. I’ll come over tomorrow morning before you leave to drop it off and say goodbye. Vanessa you’re welcome to come if you’d like.” I smiled, looking from Liam to Vanessa.

                “I’d love to but I have to work tonight.” she frowned. I raised an eyebrow at Liam and stuck out my hand for his keys.

                “Ok fine.” He reluctantly slapped them into my palm and kissed my forehead. “So I’ll see you tomorrow then yeah?”

                “Absolutely.” I grinned, pecking him on the lips and walking off. I turned and waved at them as they headed towards the parking lot. I walked along the path, seeing children with candy and balloons, skipping gleefully alongside their parents, smiling from ear to ear. And then there was something that didn’t fit in with the happy atmosphere of the park. A boy was sitting on a bench outside the restrooms, his head in his hands, fingers frustratingly tugging at his messy hair. His eyes were slightly red and puffy, most likely from crying. I sat down next to him and rubbed soothing circles on his back.


                “She hates me.” He mumbled.

                “Lou she doesn’t hate you.” My heart was breaking for him. he really cared about her, I could see it in his eyes, but now he was broken, torn up about her sudden mood change.

                “One minute she’s being all adorable and happy with me and the next she’s yelling at me, crying behind a bathroom stall door. It’s all my fault.” His body bean to shake with sobs, and all I could do in comforting was to hold him.

                “I’ll talk to her okay? Why don’t you head back with the others? They’re on their way to the car now.” He nodded solemnly and stood up. I gave him another bear hug and watched him shuffle towards the exit. Poor Lou… I approached the bathroom, hearing sniffles coming from inside, no doubt it was Brianna. “You okay?” I asked, standing against the door frame. She shook her head. I opened my arms, motioning her to give me a hug. She willingly squeezed my waist, burying her tear stained face into my shoulder.

                “How could he… he do this to me?” she murmured.

                “Hey you’re not the only one they’re leaving behind.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

                “Yeah… I know,” she chuckled, “it’s just… I don’t understand why he didn’t tell e.” I pulled back and shot her a smile.

                “I’m thinking you and I have a date with the Notebook and two tubs of ice cream. We can just have a deep girl talk night. Liam left me his keys so we can just head to your house ok?” she nods, wiping her eyes and giving herself one last look over in the mirror before following me out of the bathroom. We arrived at Brianna’s house later that evening. We had stopped and gotten ourselves each a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, Chocolate Therapy for Bri and Moose Tracks for me. We plopped ourselves on her couch and watched the Notebook, crying on each other’s shoulders.

                “I think I’m all out of tears.” Brianna giggled after the movie.

                “Yeah me too.” I sniffed.

                “So why do you think Louis didn’t tell me they were leaving? Did you know?” I clicked the TV off and turned to face her, my facial expressions betraying me. “You did know? THAT ASSHOLE!” she fumed, throwing her ice cream tub on the floor.

                “Bri, wait.” I heard her door slam. I grabbed her ice cream off the floor and threw it in the trash along with my own. Ugh now what do I do? I whipped out my phone and dialed Liam; he’d know what to do… he always does.

                “Hey babe.” He answered.

                “Hi ok so Brianna just locked herself in her room because I knew about you guys leaving for the tour and she’s angry that I didn’t tell her and angry that Louis didn’t tell her. What do I do?” I sighed.

                “You want me to explain to her?”

                “Can you?”

                “Well I can try.” I shrugged; I guess it’s worth a try.

                “Ok hold on. I’m gonna slide the phone under her door and have you on speaker so just start talking when you hear me cough.” He chuckled, but agreed. I tiptoed up the stairs and hit the speaker button on my phone, quietly slipping it under the door and coughed before running away. I heard Liam’s muffled voice coming from inside Brianna’s room. She screamed, obviously surprised, but soon I couldn’t hear Liam anymore, only Brianna’s quiet responses. A minute later she came out, phone in hand and started for the stairs. “BOO!” I screeched, jumping out from behind the bathroom door.

                “Holy shit Hol!” she shouted, dropping my phone on the ground.

                “Hello…? Bri? Hol?” I heard Liam’s frantic voice coming from the floor.

                “Oh hey sorry babe just decided to scare Brianna.” I laughed.

                “Gosh I thought someone had died.” He laughed back. I smiled, he’s such a dork.

                “Well I’m gonna go I’ll see you tomorrow okay? Love you. Bye.” I hung up and threw my arm around Brianna’s shoulders, grinning cheekily at her. She shrugged me off in a huff, “Hey it was just a joke.” I say, raising my hands in surrender.

                “Haha you thought I was mad?” she returns my cheeky smile and waltzes down the stairs.

                “Little git.” I mutter, following her.

                “So now what do we do?”

                “Well first of all you seem to be in a better mood. Did Liam explain everything?”

                “Yeah he did but I mean I’m still mad at Louis. I understand it now but I… I don’t know.” She yawned, leaning her head against my shoulder. “Why did I come downstairs? I’m tired and I want to go to bed.”

                “You’re an idiot.” I joke. She just extends her arms out to me

                “Give me a piggy back up the stairs?” she pouts. She knows I’m a sucker for her pouty face so I oblige, hauling her onto my back and stomping up the stairs under her weight. I drop her on the bed and walk around to the other side, lying down beside her. “Mmm night Holly.” She whispers, her voice getting thick with sleep.

                “Night Bri.” I say turning the light off and snuggling into the pillow, gladly welcoming sleep.


                My phone alarm went off at eight the next morning. I groaned inwardly basically falling out of bed. I threw on a pair of Brianna’s shorts and my t-shirt from yesterday, being as quiet as possible not to wake her up. I grabbed a pen and her notepad off her desk, leaving her a little note. Well maybe I should ask if she wants to come? I shook her gently,

                “Hey Bri I’m going to give Liam back his car and say bye to the boys you wanna come?”

                “No Louis is an asshole I don’t want to see him.” she mumbled into her pillow, turning her head away from me. I still decided to leave a note, she probably won’t even remember this conversation when she wakes up. I jogged out to Liam’s car, driving to their house as quickly as possible, I didn’t want to miss them. I pulled into the driveway, thankfully the tour bus had parked in the street this time. I let myself in, walking into an empty kitchen. That’s an unusual sight.

                “Liam? Guys?” I called.

                “UPSTAIRS!” I hear at least three of them yell. I take the stairs two at a time, walking towards Liam’s room. He’s got his back to the door, his wardrobe laid across his bed and his duffle bag empty on the floor. I sneak up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, going up on my tippy-toes to kiss his cheek.

                “Well hello to you too.” He says, spinning around and planting a kiss on my lips.

                “You’re still packing? Aren’t you leaving in like twenty minutes?” He shrugged.

                “Yeah but I’m just organizing.” I smirk, looking at his duffle bag. “Ok I haven’t packed.”

                “Well I don’t want to distract you,” I say heading for the door.

                “Maybe I want you to distract me.” he winks kissing me again.

                “Hey Hol is Bri… oh c’mon guys really? This is what the second time I’ve walked in on you two almost having sex?” Louis groans.

                “Oh please, kissing is not sex.” I quip. He just shakes his head.

                “So is Bri with you?”

                “No… she erm… didn’t want to see you.” I say awkwardly. His face falls almost immediately. “I’m sorry Lou. Maybe you can make it up to her after the tour is done.”

                “But you two are going to Oxford next week. What if she gets over me and finds some other guy at school. Then what do I do?” I grab his shoulders and shake him.

                “You don’t know that and she still has feelings for you, you just messed up. Girls like sappy cute stuff. Do something cute, like… I don’t know get her a puppy or something.”

                “A puppy. That’s the best you could come up with?” Liam chuckles.

                “Hey it’s early. My brain is not functioning.” I say slapping him on the arm.

                “Cute… I’ll have to think about it.” Louis says, wandering in thought. “Oh and Liam, Paul says he wants us downstairs now. The bus is leaving in five.” Liam nods and Louis leaves, probably heading for the bus.

                “Well looks like your ‘organizing’ failed.” I say, grabbing handfuls of clothes and shoving them into his duffle.

                “Yeah so much for that.” He slings his bag over his shoulder and grabs my hand, entwining our fingers as we head out to the bus. The other boys see us and attack me in one big group hug.

                “We’re gonna miss you!!” Harry shouts.

                “Who’s gonna cook?” Niall whines. I laugh at their banter, giving them all a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

                “Oh you won’t miss me that much. Now go and make me proud. Sing your hearts out at every concert!” I say waving as the hop on the bus. Liam lingers back a bit, entangling me in a hug and giving me one last, kiss.

                “I love you.” He whispers, his breath near my ear sending shivers down my spine.

                “I love you too. I’ll talk to you soon.” I smile, ushering him onto the bus. I wave again, as the bus pulls down the street, all five boys’ heads sticking out the windows waving like we’re in some romantic film. Once they’ve disappeared I realize I returned Liam’s car for absolutely no reason, but since the house is locked and I’d used his keys (which were now inside) I started walking back to Brianna’s house. Physical activity this early in the morning is so not my thing. I sigh, this is going to be a long walk.

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