Hope in the leaf

By Kurosakiii_

1.4K 73 24

16 year old Kagome Kurosaki arrives at the hidden leaf village 5 days after the destruction of her clan and h... More

Journey to the hidden leaf
Meeting the gang
The start of something
Kagomes hidden power
A Date?
Goodbye team Kurenai
See you in a week
Persuade me
Hard work pays off
First kiss
Message from the mental world
Kagomes first mission
Zanka and the Lord of the Mountain
Meet my family
The search begins
Enter Sesshomaru
True Intentions
Ice becomes him
Sesshomarus revenge
True fear


31 3 1
By Kurosakiii_


we stood in battle ready position as the chakra presence grew closer. "Get ready, they're coming out of the woods now." Shikamaru said gritting his teeth. We watched as the persons figure came out from the brush. I stood up straight and relaxed my body upon seeing who it was. It was Kagome. "KAGOME HURRY OVER HERE THERES SOMEONE WITH AN OMINOUS CHAKRA APPROACHING!!!" Neji yelled out to her. Shikamaru turned towards him and sighed "you idiot she was the chakra we sensed, she must have experienced something when she went up to the shrine."
"How are we sure that this is Kagome and not someone impersonating her with a copy jutsu??" Neji said gritting his teeth looking forward. I began to walk towards her meeting her halfway. "KIBA WHAT ARE YOU DOING USE CAUTION!" Neji shouted out to me. I didn't need to be cautious, I knew it was her. No one could copy her scent no matter how hard they tried. It was unique to her alone.

I met her in the middle of the ruin, her presence had changed. It was as if there was something else with her. Some great power lurking within. I looked her up and down before reaching her face. Her eyes were no longer grey. They had changed to their appearance when her Suadere was activated. Dark purple eyes met a white pupil. She picked up her pace and flung her arms around my neck. She breathed deeply letting herself fall into my body. "Kiba, I guess it all makes sense now." She spoke as her face made it way into the crook of my neck. I hugged back tightly supporting her. "I'm glad you found what you were looking for." I said as she pulled back. Shikamaru and Neji approached from behind looking at her. "You've changed." Shikamaru stated bluntly looking at her curiously. "Yes, a lot of things about me have changed. To be honest I'm not really sure what all is different. But Seriyu will be there to help me understand and guide me along my way." She said slowly as she looked up. I could see it in her eyes that she was unsure of how to feel. "Wait, Seriyu as in that ancient dragon? I thought the tale of the five was a myth." Shikamaru said scratching his head thinking. Neji looked perplexed. "Tale of the five?" I asked looking at Shikamaru. "Kiba maybe if you would have payed more attention in the academy you would know." Neji said bitterly. I was about to turn to face him and tell him off for being such an arrogant jerk but then Kagome spoke up. "It's not a well known story actually. Not many know of the five." She spoke looking over at me. She took a deep breath in. Before speaking again. "Long before the tailed beasts were created there were five divine dragon beasts who kept chaos in order. They reigned over specific regions those being the oceans, mountains, tundra, wetlands, and desert. Along with them five clans were created as ambassadors of some sort to these divine beasts. They resided in the areas the dragons controlled. My clan is one of those five, the kurosaki clan was given the duty of residing in the mountains here where Seriyu remains. One person from each clan is chosen when they are born to become a vessel of some sorts to the dragons. Those chosen will become one in the same with the beasts. They will be granted with immense power and ability and can call upon the dragon in times of need. My grandfather Zanka was the vessel before. But now the dragon has chosen me.... It has been my destiny since I was a child. Now it's become my reality."

We all stood shocked in front of her. She had become a vessel? "So let me get this straight....you are now the vessel....of a powerful ancient dragon???" Shikamaru asked slowly. "Yes, as silly as that sounds I guess that sums it up. I'm sorry I don't know much else about the situation right now. It will take time for me to understand. I hope you all can understand that." She asked looking down.
"It may be confusing now but I am certain that with time all will come together." Neji said in a matter of fact tone. I looked over at her standing among the rubble of her village. She was nervous of what we would think that was obvious. "Hey you guys head back down we will catch up." I said looking at the two behind me. They gave me a weird look before I narrowed my eyes at them and signaled in the direction of the path leading down the mountain. Shikamaru sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets walking down while Neji gave me a bothered glare as he followed suit. Once they were gone I turned back towards Kagome. She was looking down at her feet, her hands fiddled nervously behind her back as she bit her lip. I moved her hair out from her face causing her to look up at me. "Hey, it's ok...I know you're confused and nervous about all of this. But if anyone can do it it's you. And if you feel like you can't I'll be here to remind you, you can."
She smiled up at me her eyes drawing me in to them. "I want to show you something." She said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards a hill with a building (what was left of it) sitting on it. A giant tree stood beside it, burned and damaged. I watched as she let go of my hand and walked the steps leading to where the door would have been. She motioned for me to follow her. She stood on the rubble and looked at me. "This was my home.... and now look at it." She motioned to the area around her as she walked forward. "I do not fully understand what power I have been given. But... I do know that with its help I will kill the man who did this." She turned back towards me and walked my way. "When I do, will you return here with me and help me rebuild what was lost?" She asked grabbing both my hands. My heart began to beat faster with her words. She wanted me to stay by her side and be with her along this journey. I was unable to speak for a while her words put me in a trance. Here she was standing in the ruin of her home and village strong and hopeful for the future. I admired her spirit so much... all I managed to get out was a simple "yes" she reached her hand up and traced the shape of the marks on my face. Her touch sent a chill down me every time. "Thank you." She said before leading me back down to where Shikamaru and Neji were.


they wouldn't understand, I knew that. It was the fact that they were trying their best to bear with me that mattered. Especially Kiba, he listened to me on our nights back to the village endlessly about my grandfather and the experience I had at the shrine. Despite this being bigger than all of us he was patient with me through it. It was out last night on the way back to the village Shikamaru and Neji had already gone to sleep leaving Kiba and myself by the fire. The cool summer moved in blowing the fire around. Kiba sat across the fire staring at me. I looked up to meet his eyes "what?" I asked laughing lightly. "Hm?" he raised his eyebrows looking at me. "What are you staring at me like that for?" I asked looking away from him shivering. "You cold?" He asked sitting up straight. I looked down at a sleeping Akamaru and laughed looking back at Kiba "last time you asked me that you kissed me." I stated rubbing my arms. He stood up and walked over towards me. "If I remember correctly you kissed me. My memories not the best though... why don't you remind me." He stood in front of me looking down at me smirking. I laughed at his comment and stood up to face him. "Hey what's so funny?" He asked laughing at my expression. I couldn't contain my laughter at this point "oh nothing, just you." I said as I pulled his face down to kiss him. At the last second I turned my face and instead of my lips he met my cheek. I laughed and fell backwards at his expression. He stood in front of me with the most disappointed look on his face. I pointed at him laughing soon his face turned and he started laughing as well. "What a tease damn!" He said laughing with me. We sat beside the fire laughing until a voice from Shikamarus tent startled us "SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP YA KNOW!" He shouted to us we both looked at each other and tried to contain our laughter. I put my finger over his mouth snickering "I better head to sleep now too. Goodnight Kiba." I stood up and pulled my hand away from his looking back at him as I went inside my tent "goodnight" he said softly smiling at me. Tomorrow we would be back in the leaf village. Soon I felt a sensation and a voice bellowed from inside my head. "I wish to speak with the Sannin Tsunade. She resides in the leaf does she not?" It was Seriyu. Now I knew what he was talking about when he said he would always be with me. I closed my eyes and soon found myself in the same place I was when my grandfather reached out to me.

"What? This place again?!" I asked looking around. "This is the mental world. It's a look inside your mind. We can communicate here." I heard Seriyus voice boom out to me. "Wait no! Last time I was here I was out for three days!!" I said looking around me frantically. "Do not fret. We are one now. Time is passing normally, I do not have to stretch it this time." I sighed in relief and heard his laugh echo around me. "As I was saying... the sannin Tsunade. She is the Hokage of the leaf yes?" He asked. "Yes. Why do you wish to speak with her?" I questioned him.
"She grew up with Orochimaru did she not? She knows much of him. I wish to know more about the one we seek. Don't you?"
He was right. I didn't know much about Orochimaru. I needed to know what we would be up against. My trust in Seriyu would have to be put to the test in that moment if I didn't learn more about him and those who work for him. I heard him laugh once more before I opened my eyes and found myself back in my tent. I looked around. He was right I was still in present time. I sighed and flopped down onto the makeshift bed. This was only the beginning of a long and difficult journey. I had to put all my hope in the leaf.

(A/N I know this is a really short chapter! I apologize for that but as I was writing last night all my work was deleted so I had to start over from the beginning of the chapter!)

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