The Person Next Door

De Jamie_Charles

3.5K 103 157

You can read this if you want, but there's no plot, just warning you now. I OWN NOTHING RICK RIORDAN DOES!! Mais

Meeting the neighbors
Who is she?
Seeing Him
Meeting Her
Meetin' my teachers
Meetin' the 7
The party (part 1)
The Party (part 2)
Thank the Gods- What did I do?
Telling Piper
I don't need her
Goo-goo eyes
Found Guilty
Surprise, surprise
It Was Only Cartoons Guys!!
A Kiss


100 4 2
De Jamie_Charles

Annabeth POV

What was she doing here??

She was supposed to be dead!!

At least, that was what I thought....

My mom stood in front of me, staring at me.

Then she spoke.


I winced at the nickname.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

My mother winced at the coldness in my voice.

Then I noticed the person standing next to her.

He looked exactly like Will. The bright blonde hair, the crystal blue eyes.

He was hot. (Hehe)

But, not Percy hot.

I watched as my mother took a step towards me.

I held my chin up higher and gripped Percy's hand.

My mother noticed the sudden movement, and looked down.

When she saw my hand. She frowned and took a step back. Then she looked at Percy for the first time.

She gasped when she saw him and her gaze turned cold.

"You. You're the one that broke my daughters heart-"

"I'm sorry, but who are you talking about? If it's Annabeth, you're no mother to her."

Percy stared directly in her eyes when he said that.

She sneered and spoke up. "You have no word in what my-"

"Stop right there." I said. "He has more of a say than you. I don't even know who you are."

She turned to look at me. "Its me, your mom."

I bet she expected me to gasp and run into her arms, happy to see her at last.

Not going too happen.

"No, my mother died giving birth to me."

She opened and closed her mouth, trying to form words, but nothing can out.


"And my name is not Annie."

She frowned. "What do you mean, your name is Annabeth so a logical-"

"And what is your name?" I questioned her and crossed my arms, pulling away from Percy.

He put his hand on my shoulder.


"Your real name."

She frowned sadly and sighed. "Athena."

"And thew guy standing next to you?"

"I'm Apollo, but you can call me d-"

"Apollo it is then." Percy spoke up.

I smiled at Percy, glad that sentence wasn't finished.

Athena glared at Apollo too.

"Don't you even dare."

Athena turned to look back at me.

"Annabeth, I'm-"

"You're what? Sorry? For leaving me to get abused, beaten and hit everyday? To leave me broken, that was all your fault."

I was almost in tears, and I didn't even care that Percy was there.

He looked shocked for a second, then he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm so sorry. I wish I could've helped."

And he kissed the top if my head.

We slunk to the ground, me bawling my eyes out, Percy whispering reassuring words to me.

Athena took a step closer and reached her hand out.

Percy pulled me closer. "Stay away from her. You have no right too even talk too her after what you did."

I looked at Percy and back to my mom. "I want to leave. Where do I go?"

Athena winced. "The only way you can leave, is by going through the maze."


Also, I'm going to start asking questions, because I feel like I don't interact with you guys enough.

First question!

What is your favorite show?

Mine is Supernatural. (Favorite character is Dean)

Also, I wanted to start a story.

Its about a guy that can't move. If you wanted to read it, its down below.

The voice surprised me. I had never heard a voice before, nor had I ever spoken before. The only sounds were feet moving a papers flipping.

"Mrs. Jensen, Mr. Jensen, I'm sorry too say, but your son has been like this ever sense he was born, the odds of him waking up, are, well astronomical."

I heard someone sniffle. "How much does it cost?"


"How much would it cost for him to stay here?"

I heard some shuffling and papers moving.


"How long is he allowed to stay here?"

"Well, considering the fact that he can't move, or hear or even think, he wouldn't be allowed too stay long."

Many years later

I heard the doctor talking.

Talking to my parents about pulling the plug. I have been apparently brain dead for 25 years.

At least, that's what I've heard.

And remember.

I heard my parents walk out of the room, with the doctor following them.

When you haven't seen anything in 25 years, your hearing gets quite good.

The guy next to my snickered.

"I told you, you're a baby in a grown man's body. You haven't even taken your first steps yet.

I felt hatred fueling up inside of me.

He had been tormenting me for two months now.

All because he didn't think I could hear him.

I heard my parents walk back in, I could tell by the sounds of their footsteps, but there was a new pair of footsteps.

Ones, that I didn't know.

I listened to her speak, her sweet soft voice, gliding over me like a soft breeze.

"Hello, Andy was it? You're going to be released today!"

And she was talking to the kid next to me.

I felt my toe twitch. What?

My toe twitched.

Then my nose.

Then my arms moved on their own and I was sitting up.

And then my eyes opened.

Continue lendo

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