Run Like a Rogue (Under Const...

By HalfAwake

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Alana is a rogue on the run. Or at least she would be if those annoying pack wolves didn't keep trying to tie... More

Chapter One: For the Love of a Wallet
Chapter Two: For the Love of Beef Jerky
Chapter Four: For the Love of a Creep
Chapter Five: For the Love of the Fight
Chapter Six: For the Love of Pants
Chapter Seven: For the Love of Sleep
Chapter Eight: For the Love of Kicking Ass
Chapter Nine: For the Love of Food
Chapter Ten: For the Love of Edward
Chapter Eleven: For the Love of Little Rogues
Chapter Twelve: For the Love of Milk and Cinnamon
Chapter Thirteen: For the Love of Friend
Chapter Fourteen: For the Love of Jump Rope
Chapter Fifteen: For the Love of Kittens
Chapter Sixteen: For the love of Sweaty Hugs
Chapter Seventeen: For the Love of an Angel
Chapter Eighteen: For the Love of Zombie Guts
Chapter Nineteen: For the Love of a Jukebox
Chapter Twenty: For the Love of Ice Cream
Chapter Twenty-One: For the Love of Tears
Chapter Twenty Two: For the Love of a Suitcase
Chapter Twenty Three: For the Love of Steve
Chapter Twenty Four: For the Love of Little Villagers
Chapter Twenty Five: For the Love of Sandwiches
Chapter Twenty Six: For the Love of Knives
Chapter Twenty Seven: For the Love of Storms
Chapter Twenty Eight: For the Love of Adventure
Chapter Twenty Nine: For the Love of Crazy

Chapter Three: For the Love of Clarey

3.1K 65 6
By HalfAwake

Alana’s Pov

            If someone was screaming things that you didn't want to hear what would you do? You could punch them in the face. That might shut them up…or it might make them scream louder. I like to plug my ears and sing on the top of my lungs “LITTLE BITTY PRETTY ONE I LOVE WATCHING YOU GRO-OOO-OW”. But what if that voice was screaming in your head? What would you do then?






            Shut up! I heard you the first 500 times!


            Fine! I get it! He’s our mate, but it doesn’t matter. We’ve got to get out of here.


            Arguing with my wolf was almost impossible. She lived on instinct. I decided that the only way to get out of this was to appeal to her motherly instincts. I thought of my brothers and sister. I imagine them scared and alone in the car. Cubs? she asked with a whine. Yes, I replied that’s why we have to go.

            While I was having this internal argument, I still hadn’t looked away from him and he hadn’t released my arm. I knew that he was an Alpha. I could sense it. It was unusual for me. I wasn’t used to feeling a wolf’s power. My instincts were telling me to break eye contact, to lower my head, to submit. That made me angry. I was a rogue. I didn’t submit to anyone. I narrowed my eyes at him and lifted my chin. An Alpha wouldn’t miss the fact that I was challenging him.

            "My Luna," Sam said in awe. He was staring at me. He lowered himself onto one knee and bowed. I jerked my head around when I heard when I heard three men and two female voices echo the words. Before I could see their faces, they all went down on one knee as well. Then Sam stood and pressed his fist over his heart and each of the wolves followed, one by one. They seemed to be waiting for me to do something. Okay…so this is probably some kind of pack wolf tradition, right? So I should say something serious and…wolflike?

               “Umm….Remember the Wolf is a Hunter -- go forth and get food of thine own. Keep peace with Lords of the Jungle -- the Tiger, the Panther, and Bear.”                             

               “Are you quoting ‘The Jungle Book,” Sam asked. “That may be the best acceptance speech ever.”  

            “What are you talking about? I’m not accepting anything," I cried, "I have no idea what’s going on. It’s just you were all bowing and I felt really awkward and I figured if I said some serious wolf shit you guys would stop acting all creepy.”

            Sam smiled a crooked smile. “Well, I guess I’d better explain. You, sweetheart, are our Alpha’s mate. That makes you our Luna, our leader. We have pledged our lives to you.”

            "I don’t want your lives!” I shouted, sounding hysterical, “I can barely handle my own. So…umm… bye.”

            I ran two steps before realizing that the Alpha was still attached to my arm. I’d like to think my faceplant was more graceful than the average faceplant, but who am I kidding? My kidnappers all laughed at me. I glared. But one good thing happened when I fell. The Alpha let go of my arm. I stood and dusted the dirt and grass off with as much dignity as I could manage. I turned to make a break for it and froze. My car was there in all its rusted glory. I half ran, half stumbled over to it and desperately pressed my face to the window. Clarey! Jacob! Dare! My siblings were here, sleeping peacefully in the backseat. Happiness replaced my confusion and frustration instantly. I yanked the door open and shook them.

            “Wake up guys! Wake up! It’s me. I’m here and you’re here and we’ve been kidnapped, which kind of sucks, but at least we’re all here.”

            Dare opened his eyes and rubbed them with chubby fists. I picked him up and buried my face in his soft, blonde hair. Then I tickled him until he was completely awake and laughing. Damn, I’d missed him. It had only been one night since I’d seen him last, but being kidnapped tends to put a new perspective on things.

            “Alana?” Even half-asleep Clarey’s voice was musical and sweet.

            “Yeah, I’m here. Get up Clarey.”

            “How did last night go? Did you get some money,” she asked wearily.

            “Well, you’re just going to have to see this one for yourself. We’re in a bit of trouble.”

            Her eyes flashed open and she crawled out of the car. Jacob followed her. His hair was messed up and his clothes were wrinkled. I hugged them both. I couldn’t help myself. Dare wriggled in my arms, so I put him down and he was off running.

            “So how did you guys get here?” I asked.

            “That depends,” Clarey replied, “Where are we?” We both looked around. I noticed the large, wooden house for the first time. It  was interesting. Instead pulling back from the house, the forest was embracing it. The steps leading up to the porch were stacks of flat stone. Dark trees curled around the corners of the house and reached to the top floor. There was even a small stream on one side. My gawking was interrupted when Clarey pointed to the wolves who were all staring at us. They had been joined by a couple dozen more. Did their Alpha call them out to watch the show?

            Clarey grabbed my hand and we walked over to them. I didn’t know why I was bothering to interact with those wolves. We would be leaving as soon as possible.

            “I’m going to pretend that you aren’t all kidnappers, but are actually civilized wolves. I’m Alana. This is Clarey and Jacob and..”  I looked around and saw Dare and Driver Dan sitting cross-legged, facing each other, playing patty cake. Okay, he may be a giant but he is officially the least scary wolf I have ever seen.

            “And that’s Dare.”

            “Why do you call him Dare,” one wolf asked, trying to make conversation.

            “Well, his name is Darren. But he’s so adventurous and gets in trouble so much that we thought Dare was a good nickname.”

            “That’s awesome! He’s a cute kid. By the way I’m Jake." He stuck out a hand. I shook it quickly.

            My other kidnapper was apparently named Charlie. I turned to Sam and saw him staring at Clarey. Clarey was staring back. They're mates, my wolf explained helpfully. When it sunk in that, I realized that this was probably the worst thing that could happen. I was tougher than Clarey and could handle walking away from my mate, but she still believed in fairytale love and it would break her heart to leave him. I wondered if we could convince Sam to come with us. No, that wouldn’t work. Even if he agreed, the Alpha probably wouldn’t let him go.

            I looked around and saw the Alpha talking quietly to a beautiful girl with black hair. As if they could feel me staring, they both looked up. I noticed that their faces were similar and they both had gray eyes. She was he sister.

            The Alpha smirked at me and walked over. I yanked on Clarey’s sun dress. That was our code for “Get me out of this.” She didn’t do anything. I pulled again and glanced at her. She was still staring at Sam, in a trance.

            “So, Alana was it? You seem to be making yourself comfortable with my pack.” His voice was deep and smooth. I met his eyes.

            “I was just being polite. We are leaving as soon as possible. You can keep your pack. I don’t want them.”

            “But careful what you say,” he replied softly, “Your family might not agree.” We both looked at Clarey, still in a trance.

            “She’ll see reason,” I said angrily, “Besides, Sam is too old for her. She’s only fifteen.” I could hear the panic entering my voice.

            “Alana, please,” Sam broke in fiercely, “I won’t take advantage of her. I couldn’t. I’ll take care of her.”

            Sam, Clarey and the Alpha stared at me, waiting for my answer. How could this have gotten so messed up so quickly? Last night I was a rogue, wild and free. I looked at the two of them and nodded once. Clarey hugged me tightly. She started to hug Sam, but then pulled back shyly. He smiled down at her and pulled her into a hug. I sighed.

            “Looks like you’ll be sticking around,” the Alpha said, smirking.

            “Yeah, I guess," I answered, "Until I can convince Sam to leave your stupid pack.” 

            He laughed. “I'm Damien, the Alpha, and you, little rogue, are my Luna. You'll never leave."

          I watched my sister meeting her mate and my brothers playing with the giant and I was afraid he was right. This pack was already stealing the only thing that mattered to me.

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