The Bad Boy's Journal

By HeyItsJovana

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"Have we met before?" Those were the words that seemed to echo through the very depths of our souls. Elena Sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 28

164 26 81
By HeyItsJovana

Elena's POV

"Yeah sure Diego and I'll get the drinks." I say and the rest all give us approving nods.

"Starbucks it is." Diego laughs and we make our way into the queue. His phone rings and he gives me a small smile, "I'm sorry I have to take this."

I nod understandingly but I'm way too curious. I notice he slipped into a less crowded hallway so I follow suit.

"Hey, no we're still waiting for departures. Oh yeah? Well I'm sorry I know we were supposed to hang out this weekend." Diego sighs into the phone and my mind instantly associates it with the person he was texting in the taxi. "Alright I promise I'll be there first thing when I come back. Yeah we'll have lotsa fun." He chuckles. "I love and miss you, you know that. Adios, take care."

My eyes are a little watery.

'Lots of fun.'

'I love and miss you.'

'Take care.'

He's got someone and he has been playing with my feelings for so long. It's what I get, I allowed myslef to fall. Running back into the queue I quickly wipe some tears onto my t-shirt.

"Hey I'm sorry it was rather important." He says and smiles brightly whilst I nod glumly. Must've been important.

"Diego place the orders I don't remember a thing." I say and go sit down on one of the chairs.

As soon as he finishes blabbering our long order to the cashier he pulls a chair and sits next to me, "You don't look too good, what's wrong princessa?"

How many others do you call princessa!

"Nothing's wrong." I say in a shakey voice. I'm glad I eavesdropped well more like 'observed my surroundings' as I like to call it. He has somebody and he has been awfully close and flirty with me all this time. Fuckboy Elena you picked yourself a fuckboy, both you and the girl!

"Who did this?" He asks with a stern and angry tone.

"None of your concern." I spit it's not like he cared anyway.

Turning around to leave he grabs my wrists, "Tell me who did this Elena, I care about you."

I look at his angry, stormy hazel eyes. Something inside me breaks, like glass shattering into a million pieces. If he cared about me he wouldn't be with someone else. And if he cared about the other girl he wouldn't be treating me the way he is, we spent so many nights together. We looked at each other a little too long to just be friends. I picked a total manwhore and I let him care and I let him inside. Well you're broken again, is that wanted for yourself?

"No." I shake my head and gulp as I break free from his hold. I liked him and all this time he was with someone else, I was never his priority. More like his option, a second choice, a plan B.

Me: Meet me in the restrooms close to our gate. He's such an idiot and I'm an even bigger one for believing all his lies.

Mia: Oh hell naw I'll be there asap, don't worry girl I'll throw the punch if you don't want to.

This is why, ladies and gentlemen, you need yourselves a friend like Mia. Your best daydream and worst nightmare.

"Hey." I smile at her sadly and she wraps her arms around me.

"What did the fucker do!" She whispers a little too loudly and some old lady smacks her with her purse. "Oh you shouldn't have done that sista I'm not all too sane. You'll be getting the punch instead of him." Mia snaps at the woman.

The woman lands a pretty strong slap for her age right accross Mia's face. Oh shit, hell in about 3...2...1

"Oh no you didn't!" Mia lunges for the woman and I pull her back, she's raising her claws and all. I'm trying my best to restrain my psych best friend from inflicting damage and winding up in prison but holy shit is she fidgety. In only a matter of seconds Mia yanks the woman's hair and the whole bathroom screams as Mia holds the wig.

"Run." I whisper and we bolt towards the door.

"Oh right here's your wig!" Mia shouts and throws it back at a mortified old man. Oh well buddy, your problem now.

We continue running as the old granny beats around people with a cane. For her age damn can she run! We turn a sharp corner and lean against a wall.

"I think we lost her." Mia pants looking behind us.

"And I think I've lost him." I see Diego and some blonde chick smack to smack lips. I run backwards and Mia screams like we're on the titanic.

"You're going back to the devil?" Her voice booms and I turn around to face my best friend who just understood why I couldn't stay there.

She runs to the old man, snatching the wig as the old hag chases her again. Mia turns the corner and I can't see what's happening anymore.

"Run Elie run! It's Diego's problem now! Granny Mc psych is beating him." She grins and we run until we reach the rest. "I'm surprised security haven't caught us yet."

"Talk about the devil." I whisper and Mia snatches someone's newspaper. We bury our heads in it. Eww couldn't there have been a 'cleaner' page. Mia and I give the old man a disgusted look and he winks. "Keep the paper close and suck it up."

"Excuse me but have you seen two teenage girls, one being Elie, tall, long hair, crazy?" Hmph I'm not crazy! The security guard asks Steven and they turn to us. Steven yanks his arm.

"Excuse me sir do you have a minute to listen to my freestyle?" Steven asks in a shakey voice and gives us a 'get the hell out of here' look.

"Uhh er kid..." the guard starts but Steven cuts him off.

"Thanks I appreciate it man. Uh my name is Steven, I like macaroni?" He starts free styling and Mia is going to die of silent laughter, we slowly shift towards the old dude, ew. "Uh yeah macaroni," he says and does a few hand moves while Daniel fails to beat box. "And with a sauce of cheese and baloney!" And these guys are considered cool?

The guard turns to address us but Steven turns him around. "Cause that's just how I roll, speaking of rolls, wanna sausage roll? Cuz that's how we roll homie?"

Mia and I get up and make a run for it as the guard plants his head in his hands. I don't blame you dude I honestly would've done the same. Steven sucks.

"Here." Mia turns a corner and I bump into Diego. Gulping I see a look of hurt flash accross his face. An involuntary tear slides down my cheek and I withhold the crying. "Let's go Elie, fuck you Diego." She snarls and he's too taken back to speak.

"Wait," I let go of Mia's hold and turn to face him. Hurt etched into my face. "I hope you're happy but just stay away from me." I croak out unembarassed.

He runs his hands through his hair. "But-"

"No buts you heard her, you're staying away or I'll go all ape shit! Even worse than the grandma!" Mia sneers and Diego looks hurt.

"Let me explain." He begins.

"I don't want your words or explanations, I need space, respect that." I state and walk away with Mia.


"Um Elena, boarding pass." Mia shakes my shoulder a little bit. She hasn't left me ever since.

"Oh right I'm sorry." I smile and make my way to my seat. I'm sitting next to Daniel and Steven so thank goodness for that. Diego on the other hand is paired with Mia so he's going to be facing my besties wrath for a good 11 hours and 25 minutes.

"Okay well Steven can we swap seats?" Diego asks looking at me guiltily. Mia sends Steven daggers and he purses his lips shaking his head no. "Bros before hoes dude come on!"

"What...what did you just call me?" Mia stops the people from entering the aircraft and glares at Diego. "Move forward by the time I'm done with you your ears will be bleeding!"

"Well he's fucked." Steven sighs hopping into the seat next to me. I'm by the window beacuse well it's my favorite spot and the guys don't dare argue.

"Hey Elena I picked up some chocolate for you, want some?" Daniel asks offering me a bar of Lindt chocolate. Oh how I'd die for that right now but I'm not in the mood for food. This has never happened before.

"I'm good, thanks." I smile and take out the blanket. Too early? I think not. Putting the blanket over my head I lean against the window.

"Uhm Elena are your crying underneath there?" Stevens voice is gentle and soothing.

"No I'm baking a cake." I chuckle and he removes the blanket revealing a tear stained face. Unfastening his seat belt he scoots in closer to me, giving me a tight hug.

"Trust me I'm as surprised as you are, I know it's hard witnessing the guy you like make out with someone else." Steven says.

"How did you know?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"How can I not I mean look at you." He gestures towards my tears and I wipe them on my sleeve. "He wouldn't do that to you, I know him. He's not like that."

"Look I don't know, I just can't think anymore, I'm off to sleep." I say honestly and my head is pounding like there's a construction site in there. Leaning against the window I look back only to be met with his eyes. He looks at me and doesn't break away, I close my eyes shut nodding. It wasn't meant to be, it was just meant to break me and teach me a lesson not to fall for people like him.

But if it's meant to teach me something then I'm supposed to learn... learn to let him go.

I'm not learning, I'm hurting.

If he's a mistake, maybe he's one I'm willing to make?

Maybe he has a reason, maybe I misunderstood but I need some space for the time being. My brain shuts down along with the rest of my body, his eyes still haunting me. His infectious smile replying in my head and his soothing voice echoing in my mind. The sweetest melody to my ears.

Him. All of him is on my mind, I still love him. It's not a like or a crush, not some big rush. Not something I want to dive head first into but spend my time taking it slow. He may have put me through hell right there but I'm still holding on, I'm still having faith because that's what he taught me to do. Have hope.

I take the infinity necklace from around my neck and Steven gives me a puzzling look as to how I have it. Taking it into my hands and tightening my hold on it I fall asleep. Hope. Faith, he's not like this... I trust him because I love him. And I hate myself for still holding on even though he probably has someone else but that's what he taught me to do so many years back, hold on and have faith.

Maybe he had a reason?

Should I listen to it? Should I belive him?

Yes you should. It's not your brain speaking this time, it's your heart Elena. You think you have a choice, darling if you love him then you're going to believe him. Not much of a choice when it comes to love you know. You can't force yourself to stop loving someone just like you can't prevent yourself for falling for them. It's the first rule in the book darling, you have a lot to learn. He may just be the one to teach you. You both can learn together... hear him out, after all he listened when it was his turn.

Hey everyone
Do you think Blondy was the same person who was on the phone with him?
Or is there two of them?
How badly do you want to punch Diego haha? Do you think he's doing something wrong?
Hit the star if you like what you read, it makes my day.
Thank you all for reading
Quote of the day: "Just beacuse my path is different doesn't mean I'm lost." ~unknown

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