The Bad Boy's Journal

By HeyItsJovana

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"Have we met before?" Those were the words that seemed to echo through the very depths of our souls. Elena Sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 27

195 26 67
By HeyItsJovana

Elena's POV

"YAY!" I tackle Mia into a bone crushing hug. "We're going to London girl!"

"How amazing is that?" She shouts and we jump up and down like little toddlers.

"I'm so excited!" I squeal and she gives me an approving nod before leaving my house.

"Woah careful," Diego chuckles as Mia flies out of my porch. "Hey neighbor."

It's been a week and Diego has been making sure I was never upset. I barely got time to dwell on things because of his 'get busy and stop thinking' agenda he planned out. It either involved all of our friends or just him and I. And my feelings for him may or may not have gotten stronger, shh.

"Well hello sir, come in." I fake a surprisingly good British accent and gesture for him to step inside.

He stares at me before furrowing his eyebrows, "Or how about this." He picks me up bridal style, blowing a raspberry in my neck. I arch my back and dip my head backwards in laughter.

"Hey put me down!" I say in between laughs as we ascend the stairs. "We didn't even close the front door."

"I don't care about the front door." He says as he places me on the bed and hovers above me leaning his body weight on his arms.

"And what do you care about?" I grin at him and he nears in closer, very close. His proximity sends shivers down my spine and butterflies go off in my stomach.

He gives me a dazzling look, staring intently into my blue eyes. His hazel grey ones are hypnotizing, it's easy for one to get lost in them. Thank the heavens I'm laying down because I feel weak. He's making me feel so weak, like I'm at his mercy.

"You, I care about you." he begins. He closes his eyes gently and lifts my chin upwards. Our lips brush and my heartbeat is increasing into worrying levels. I feel like I'm floating helplessly in heaven. On a cloud, with the guy I now call my crush. With the guy I'm willing to risk getting hurt for, with the man I'm allowing myslef to fall in love with. That's just the thing, falling in love is inevitable.

I tried to stay away, I tried to forget him but no matter how smart my brain plays trying to protect me, my heart is begging me to realise that Diego is my one and only one protector. Just that one lip brush accelerated feelings I never knew I possess. A love I never knew I could hold for somebody. A love that's reserved for him and only him.

I open my eyes and find that he's doing the same before leaning in once again, cupping my cheek into his palm, breathing gently.

"Hey Elena I forgot my keys!" Mia says and the door flies open. Diego jumps off of me in an instant and I place a hand to my heart because she scared the hell out of me. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Nothing at all." Diego grumbles from beside me and Mia mouths a 'sorry' before taking her keys and exiting the room in a hurry. Great now you just left me and it's all awkward, thanks girl!

I could've kissed him! I should've kissed him! Did he want to kiss me?

"Hey princessa," Diego begins awkwardly and I fiddle with my fingers. "I'm auditioning for a role of the angel, can you tell me what it's like?"

My face breaks into a smile as I laugh.

"What time do you have to get back to heaven?" He laughs with me making the situation a whole lot lighthearted.

"Hell is my residence actaully." I smirk.

"That would explain why you're so hot then." He smiles and my heart wants to jump out of my chest. He's just fooling around, he doesn't mean it.

"Okay I'll go get some ice cream for us to cool down, stay here." I say.

"Awh princessa thinks I'm hot too." He smirks.

"Nah you just need something cold to keep that icy heart going." I wink as he places a hand over his chest faking hurt.

"I happen to think I'm very hot too, hotter than you. You're like glitter next to me being the diamond." He says and flicks an imaginary strand of hair. I smirk not giving him and his words two flying fucks. He's about to get wrecked.

"Oh yeah and because I'm so 'not hot' that's why you got a boner when I was drunk," Yes I remembered the memory after a few days. He stands there slack jawed and tongue tied. "And at the beach." I raise my eyebrows smirking while he goes pale.

"How? Shit how did you find out?" He inquires scratching his neck nervously. I'm smart but I play dumb.

"And that night when you thought I was passed out but secretly woke up. You know when you were debating on a shower or waking me up, out loud." I deadpan and he stands there in disbelief as he goes red.

"And here I was thinking I hid that like a pro." Diego chuckles.

"So I am hot." I give him a cheeky smile before leaving to get ice cream.

"Never said you weren't." I hear a faint mutter from inside the room and I smile in glory.


"Seven tickets please." Daniel asks from the other end of glass as I drool upon the popcorn.

"You're drooling." Diego starts laughing from next to me.

"Can you blame me?" I shrug and we all go to get popcorn.

Once we enter the theater and receive hushes and deadly glares from others the movie begins. Unsurprisingly I'm sitting next to Diego who insisted that I sat next to him. I don't have any objections to that of course.

Half way into the movie Diego drapes an arm around my seat.

"Just stretching." He whispers innocently and I nod smiling inside.

You have to pee. You're gonna explode. But it's the most interesting part of the movie! Fine pee yourself in front of the guy you like. Ughh I groan inwardly as I excuse myslef and head to the restrooms.

"Got stood up?" A male voice addresses me and I see a guy around my age approach me.

"Actually," I begin but he cuts me off.

"It's alright love so did I." He strokes my hair and his bracelet gets tangled with my preciousness.

"Ow!" I yelp as I pull his shoulder closer otherwise he'd tug on my hair and get me bald.

"I'm sorry wait I've got it." The guy says as he nears me and I fidget under his hold.

Diego's POV

I choose to go outside just to make sure some idiot doesn't stop her on the way. Turning the corner I see some hobo shifting around and she's got her hand on his shoulder! His face is down and his hand must be on her cheek, are they kissing?

"What the hell princessa?" I say as I run up to them.

"Ow you bastard focus!" She snaps at the guy.

"Hush your pretty little mouth or I'll pull this out." He deadpans and it's only then I realise what's happening.

"Let me." I grab the girly man's bracelet and start untangling the whole thing. "Right, here it is you can leave now."

"I'm not leaving, she got stood up and I'm here to replace the jerk." Hobo over here answers.

"She most certainly did not get stood up, I'm her date." I pull Elena by her waist, closer to me whilst smirking at the idiot. "Let's go babe."


Elena's POV

"Hey Ethan!" I smile at the mechanic who works by the track. Since I'm heading to London tomorrow I figured I might as well ride tonight.

"Hey badass what's up with you?" Ethan chuckles as he pats the railing he's leaning on.

"Nothing much just heading to London tomorrow." I chirp excitedly. "Anything new with you?"

"I've actaully heard an interesting rumor from Alex today." He replies and I give him a curious look. "Yeah the rumor was the I was dead."

"Dead?" I laugh and he soon joins me. "What did you say?"

"Well I had told them that I had died but unfortunately heaven didn't want me and hell was too scared so I had do resurrect and come back." He shrugs innocently and I double over in laughter. Ethan has been a really great friend throughout the years, he has aided my riding skills tremendously.

"What about Sophie?" I wriggle my eyebrows and he sighs pursing his lips.

"I missed the chance, she found someone new." He sighs and I give him a tight hug. "Thanks."

"But I thought you guys were like puzzle pieces!" I whine.

"I thought so too but I guess I didn't say what was on my mind for a long time and we just drifted. I was too scared of putting our friendship in jeopardy that I ignored the feelings and she ignored them too." He finishes and I gulp.

"So in the end we only regret the chances we didn't take." I add.

"Exactly Elie, exactly. Don't make the same mistake I did, say it before it's too late." He says and I wave Ethan goodbye as I mount my bike. I take the infinity necklace out of my pocket. I've told him about Diego, I know he was referring to him.

"In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take."

"I didn't want to risk our friendship so we ignored the feelings and drifted."

"Don't make the same mistake I did."

I need to tell Diego sooner, I don't want to hide it. He brings the better part of me, he makes me smile, he makes me happy. He's always there and maybe he's just scared too? What have I gotten from people hiding the truth? Fury and betrayal. I'll tell him, in the end it's only the things that remain unsaid we regret. For we shall forever wonder how it could've been, how it should've been.

Revving the bike up, I head for the ramps.


"Ughh." I groan into the pillow. I can't sleep, can't stop tossing and turning, can't get Diego out of my head.

Naturally I do the most logical thing my brain comes up with and I head to my neighbor. I always fall asleep pretty quickly when I'm with him so this shouldn't be a problem?

I ring the doorbell and was definitely not expecting to see his father answer it.

Being in my pj shorts and a tank top I awkwardly state, "Uh I need to see Diego."

"Upstairs second room to the oh well you should know by now. Come in dear." The man says and I give him a small smile before going upstairs.

I slowly twist the doorknob and see him sleeping, he looks so peaceful and mesmerizing. Quit staring you look like a murderer! Sheesh okay.

I climb into the bed and go in closer to him. I place a palm on his chest and bury my head in the crook of his neck when he shifts around gripping me into his tight hold.

"Hey." He kisses my forehead and I smile at him.



"I'm leaving dad." I chime and give him a huge hug.

"Have fun kiddo and stay safe." He winks and I furrow my eyebrows. Why wink?

"Oh you'll be leaving for a week, fantastic!" Rebecca beams with happiness and I raise my eyebrows at her. "You know uh London is such an awesome city so fantastic." She chuckles nervously and my dad gives an approving nod.

I roll my eyes when I'm met with Diego standing tall and handsome leaning on the door frame. He's in white jeans and a white shirt. White on white? God he sure rocks it as hell.

"Ready?" He asks and I nod hugging him in excitement.

"Pumpkin take your bag to the car while I talk to Diego." Dad says and I nod. Struggling out with the massive suitcase Diego gives me a concerned look before snapping his attention to my dad. Wonder what they're talking about?

I climb into the taxi and see Diego scurrying down the steps.

"Hey I'm back." He smiles at me sheepishly, his face tomato red. What the ...?

Mia: On our way, have you guys left yet?

Me: Yeah we're in the taxi, we're definitely roomies right?

Mia: Hell yes.

Hotel allows two people per room and we signed up handling the roommate situation at school. Mia and I, Steven and Diego, Daniel and well he's the odd wheel but he found someone.

I glance at Diego who's texting away, his screen has lots of red hearts on it. I feel a pang in my heart, "Who are you texting?" I act as if I hadn't seen the screen and he turns it off immediately.


Hey everyone, sorry this chapter may have been a little off but I was out of ideas haha, London is going to be more fun though!
Thanks for reading and stick around, love you all Xoxo
Quote of today: "Keep your face always towards the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you." Walt Whitman

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