Princess Thief [✔]

By xxsoteria

82.4K 8.1K 4.3K

A princess in name, in body, and in blood but when her mask is on, she becomes the thief who's the enemy of a... More

Writers's Note
01. At Present Time
02. Magic of Disguise
03. Fedor Manor
04. Little Damsel
05. An Invitation Sent to Ace
06. Willow
07. The Gem and the Stone
08. Twilight Party
09. Reichen
10. The Second Day
11. The Brazen Knight
12. Haunted Past
14. The Royal Family of Ezriel
15. A Price To Pay
16. The Oubliette
17. White Bandits
18. The Encounter at Mt. Grisly
19. Never Ending Confusion
20. The Amica
21. Verdari, The Magic of Barrier
22. The Siblings
23. The Selection
24. Enchantment
25. The Princess and The Knights
26. Welcome to Deliora
27. Reid
28. The King and His Brides
29. Silverious
30. The Crusaders
31. Carline
32. Hypocrisy
33. A Liar
34. The Mark of Deliora
35. Renounce
36. The Goddess, The Fallen God, and The True God
37. Lost Treasures
38. Reichen's Earring
39. His Identity
40. Resonance
41. Sun Month
42. The Goddess Temple
43. Linosas Kingdom of the Far East
44. Arvory Manor
45. Willow's Party
46. A Reaper
47. The Real Monster
48. The Last Treasure
49. Xenon
50. The Magic of Ace
51. The Dead Prince
52. Selfishness
53. Choices
54. The Fallen God's Curse
55. The Goddess' Blessings
Ending Note
Side Story: Cannaria
Side Story: Night
Side Story: Erodessa

13. A Visit from Carrion

1.4K 177 36
By xxsoteria


It had been five days since the Twilight party. Everything returned to normal as if the visit to Deliora was just a fleeting dream. I settled myself on the couch facing the balcony door with a book in hand. Cindra regularly snuck some novels in the basement from time to time to help me appease my boredom.

In the past, I used to silently stare in space since the servants were not allowed to talk to me unless needed. To enlighten further, the workers assigned to me were mere puppets that were simply decorations blending into the wall until their master ordered them to move.

Not to mention, I only spent days waiting for Father's punishment. Speaking of that... Father had not called me after we got back.

I thought I would totally endure another tribulation right after we came back but there was nothing. He may not have too much free time to punish me every day but he never forgets to do it once to thrice a week.

Someone came knocking and I quickly hid the book underneath the throw pillow. Once I gave my permission, the two maidservants entered with my luncheon. They were followed by Gustav who bowed and greeted me.

"Princess, an envoy from the Carrion Kingdom would arrive. Your presence was requested by his majesty," said Gustav as the other servants laid my food on the small circular table that served as my dining table.

I just nodded and transferred to the wooden seat matching the table. He, then, bid his goodbye, leaving the room as fast as he came.

Taking my time to eat, I wondered why Carrion would visit our kingdom. Mayhap that was what kept him busy? 

Nonetheless, there was one thing that was bothering me. Although a visit from another kingdom was not an unusual occurrence, I was never allowed to meet them before even if it was an important figure. Willow was the only guest so far who could meet me in the palace but that was understandable so I was feeling somewhat perplexed about what changed.

I put down my utensils and took a long deep puff. If one thing remained unchanged that was how I was frequently overthinking when it came to Father's actions. I may not completely understand how his brain worked but based on the time we spent together in that hellhole, I knew he always had a scheme in mind.

He may appear amiable but he held a deep grudge for those who tried to defy him. He was a meticulous planner and most of all, he was the type of person who loved to serve his revenge cold. 

From what I remembered, the most recent person who incurred his wrath was the royals of the Deliora Kingdom. Gustav had also mentioned the alliance between Deliora and Carrion, now Carrion would come. Maybe my speculation was right. Father was really plotting something.

I did not notice the plates had been removed while I was in deep thought. I turned to the maidservants on the side and the freckled one gestured me to the baths.


Cindra's gift was truly a blessing. I finally had the proper dresses to match any occasion. The maidservants did the finishing touches and we left. As usual, Xenon was waiting outside.

"Good afternoon, Princess." He bowed and I caught a glimpse of his neck.

That was a familiar sight. I had seen it in the mirror countless times beforehand. It was the same mark that sometimes appeared when Father was enjoying too much.

A gash from one of Father's favorite whips. It was similar to a stockwhip but it was made from intricate strands of metal braided together. One strike and it felt like a sword slicing through your body.


I heard him but I was breaking into cold sweats. I was accustomed to him not visiting once or twice a week that was why it never really occurred to me that he was punished because of me again.

I still could not forget the first time he was chastised just because he helped me. In order to save me, he crossed the line even if he was one of the people favored by Father.

Xenon could be considered Father's protégé. He personally trained him then he was assigned as her personal knight. Together with Gustav, they were the only servants allowed to freely talk to me.

"Did you go there?" I asked pertaining to the hell below this palace. My voice became stiff from uneasiness.

I thought of a reason and there was only one thing I could think of.

"Was it me?"

I was the sole person who can cause him to be punished. He was my knight and that was the first time they were outside and he failed his duty. Of course, there was no doubt it was because of me.

"You're a tragedy personified, Princess. You are our misfortune."

My nanny's last words echoed in my head. Truthfully, there was an advantage in how the people who served me acted. It helped me not to grow too attached to them. And at present, only Xenon could be considered close to me and if the past recurred, I would be a lost cause. 

The memory of his bloodied body still plagued my dreams. I had too many people's death on my back and I didn't want his to be one of them.

"Of course not, Princess. It was because I was too inept," said Xenon.

Back then, I thought I would be the one who will be punished but Father played his card well and it was Xenon who took the brunt.

"No. It was because of me. You were just being lenient and I keep on exploiting you," I rebutted his statement since it was far from the truth.

I knew how talented he was. He wouldn't have been promoted as the captain of Knight Circle of Ezriel if not for his strength. I had seen him fight and nobody could defeat him, furthermore, he was not even using his full strength. Even I didn't know who would win between him and Night.

"It is time, Princess. His majesty awaits us," he spoke after checking his pocket watch.

It was his other way of changing the topic again. This time, he was ahead as I was too distracted to even walk straight.


The entrance to the palace was decorated with freshly picked flowers as the servants and knights lined up to their positions. The carriage of the Carrion was fast approaching and stopped right in front of them in no time.

The royal crest designed on the door stood out from the white-painted carriage. The shield at the center was colored gold and white with a balanced scale at the center having a crown and a sword. It was supported by golden deers and the mantle was similar to the pure white wings of an angel. At the bottom was the bolded font that read 'Goddess prevails above all'.

It was truly remarkable since it was larger than most regular families' crest that decorated the carriage. The coachman opened the door and two men stepped out. I immediately recognized Crown Prince Lander Carrion. Beside him must be the older brother, Prince Asher.

It actually floored me since I knew what happened to them. It was truly a scandal of the year when the supposed to-be Crown Prince Asher was demoted to a regular prince last year. I did not know many details but Cindra confirmed that it was a unanimous decision of the kingdom.

"Greetings, your majesty. Prosperity to the king. Peace to the kingdom," they paid respect simultaneously and kneeled to Father.

"Greetings, Crown Prince Lander, First Prince Asher, welcome to the Ezriel Kingdom. You may rise," said Father.

"Greetings, your majesty, Crown Prince Yves, Third Princess Erodessa, Fourth Princess Lian, Fifth Princess Carline," they addressed each of us and bowed after getting up to their feet.

"Greetings, Crown Prince Lander, First Prince Asher, welcome to the Ezriel Kingdom." We returned the bow and simultaneously spoke.

The guest straightened up and Father signaled the palace door to be opened. "Now that the formalities are over. Let's go inside, shall we?"


All of us proceeded to the drawing-room at the Central Wing. Inside, the seats were arranged to help create an engaging atmosphere to socialize. 

The carpeted floors absorbed all noises of footsteps and the beige wallpaper brightened up the room much more as the curtains were slid away. Three humongous crystal chandeliers hung while magnificent paintings of various landscapes decorated the wall.

It had been a long time since I came here but it was still the same as before. I remembered coming here when Mother was alive and she spent her time here having tea with us.

Father sat at one of the armchairs while we, three ladies were seated together on the sofa with Erodessa at the center. The rest of them also found a chair. Seconds later, the refreshments were served as we get comfortable.

"I am glad that the King of Carrion had agreed on your visit to our kingdom," said Father, opening the conversation.

"Of course, your majesty. We are more honored to be invited by you. I had been admiring how you had reigned and made the Ezriel Kingdom one of the Great Five. It was an achievement that a king of mere twenties was able to do in such a short time. Ezriel is truly blessed to have you as their king," Prince Asher was undoubtedly an eloquent speaker as he showered Father praises after praises.

"Then you must be aware of why you are here," said Father.

"Yes, your majesty. That was why I had brought my brother as a witness," Prince Asher replied and gestured towards Crown Prince Lander who was quiet in the corner.

I kept on listening as Erodessa served the tea, being the eldest woman in the room. Prince Asher did all the talking while Crown Prince Lander was sitting in the corner. The air around him was rather different from the person I met at the ball.

My eyes wandered between them. They were alike, so much, that they could pass off as twins. They both had brown hair and a lean body with a face that was carved with a chiseled nose and hardened jaws paired with deep-set eyes under full brows. The difference was the mole right beside Crown Prince Lander's lower lip and Prince Asher had dark blue irises.

He was sipping his tea and our eyes met. He raised his cup and gave a small smile. I did the same.

"Won't it be haste? Your fiancée passed away a week ago. It was a pity you didn't even have the time to mourn for her because of the Twilight Party," said Father, looking worried.

"May her soul rest at peace. She was too young to die from poison."

"Truly a shame. Then we shall wait until the mourning is over to formally announced your engagement with Erodessa, Prince Asher."

Father's announcement was followed by delicate porcelains that met the floor. Three continuous thuds resounded. It seemed like it was not just me who was dumbfounded by his statement, even Lian and Erodessa were gaping at the two men.

It would truly be a comical scene from a theatre if not for the fact that we were respectable ladies of the high society that was known to be taught etiquette and elegance. Letting go of a teacup in surprise could be considered a disgrace.

It may be an overreaction but it was real for me. Father not even once mentioned marriage until now. Most royal children were engaged when they were still young like Yves and Willow but I and my sisters never were. It was surely not because Father cherished us or something. It was basically because all the powerful families' sons were either married or betrothed.

Father was the king and we were purely his pawns. There was no way he would give us up if it would not benefit him. Come to think of it, I would not be even surprised if the late fiance's death was his Father's doing. This was too much to be a coincidence. Deliora and Carrion's alliance, the death of Prince Asher's fiancee, the Twilight Party, and now his engagement with my sister.

"Father! I do not want to marry him!" Erodessa abruptly stood.

To be shocked was an understatement. My mouth literally hung open as I gawked at Erodessa's sudden outburst. Has she gone nuts? They were still in the presence of the princes.

"Sit down, Erodessa." Father faced the guests. "I had to apologize, Prince Asher, Prince Lander."

"There was no need for, your majesty. I understand the Princess's sentiment. She must not have been informed," said Prince Lander. He was truly a silver tongue.

"Of course not. She is completely aware."

"You told me it was the crown prince!"

Really, her sister never picked a place to have a fit. I actually felt the temperature dropping despite the fiery temper of Erodessa.

Father ignored her and gave a sign to Gustav.

"It seemed like we had a relatively long talk, my daughter had become weary. You must be tired, too. Why don't we let the palace steward guide you in your chambers?" said Father, trying to smooth things out but openly insinuating that we needed to be alone.

"Of course," said Prince Asher, "Let's go, Lander."

They left with Gustav and when the door closed. The cold glare reserved to me was now directed to Erodessa.

"What on damnation were you thinking, Erodessa?!" His voice boomed and I shuddered.

"But Father you told me I would be marrying the Crown Prince!" Erodessa retorted, not backing down.

If that was me who raised my voice like that, I was sure it would not just end with a scolding. Nevertheless, I had to applaud her bravery. Last time she was even frightened but she didn't even cower at the present. She must really like Lander, then.

"Of course you are. Prince Asher will be Crown Prince," he said, a deep emphasis on the word will.

"How? He is just a damaged good," criticized Erodessa.

The blood-curling smile was plastered on Father's face. I knew it. There was really something wrong when I pondered about this whole thing. I actually thought it was the marriage but it appeared to be far worse than I expected. That smile only meant the Crown Prince Lander's disappearance from the face of this world.

I scanned the room and Lian was frowning as well as Yves. They were not too dumb not to know what Father meant. Politics was never an untainted game.

"A headless body will have no crown," he voiced my speculation, practically admitting he will murder a person.

Lian was undoubtedly baffled to hear it from Father's own mouth while Yves's impassive face may remain unshaken but he must be in deep thought. This was the kind of Father he idolized. Still, I was more surprised by the fact that Father was showing his true colors.

"Well, as long as I become queen, Father," stated Erodessa.

Ah. And here I thought she was upset she was being sent to marry. Without a doubt, they were real flesh and blood. I glanced at Lian who slightly quivered as chills ran down her spine. At least, now I knew the majority of people here still had some conscience.

"Well, of course, dear. I would not let any of my daughters be a mere lady."

"Thank you, Father."

They continued their sickening exchange. The frigid air before had evaporated and replaced by a pleasant one like they did not just talk about killing a person earlier.

"Now that we settled it. Let us meet for dinner," said Father and left the room, satisfied.

Gone with the intense anger and back to being a bonhomous man. While Erodessa was now smiling gleefully, obviously pleased at herself. How swift their mood changed. It seemed like our family certainly had a reputation to uphold.


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