The Lunas Blood

By Lumira_Reign

93.3K 4.6K 909

"If I have to sacrifice my life for the ones I love...for you, then I will." She says with authority. "And no... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Really important!
Chapter 13
Before I post Ch. 14(*Important*)
CHAPTER 15 (Teaser)
Chapter 15
Sneak Peek(Not edited)

Chapter 5

5.5K 346 40
By Lumira_Reign

"Well at least it's not infected..." I whisper to myself. Counting slowly down from three, I pinched my index finger and thumb on the piece of cloth I had partially ripped off.




"Ah fuck!" I hissed loudly, biting a hole in my lip to keep the pain from becoming too great. Tossing the dried, bloody bandage on the floor, I grabbed the small bowl of saline-took the cloth and began to wash the wound. The stitches were still closed and intact, but some blood leaked through, and the little petty scratches around the closed gashes were bleeding as well.

Maybe kicking a door open wasn't exactly the best thing to do....

I sighed while looking over my shoulder. Half of the door was completely gone, shattered dark cherry wood splattered over the floor, silver hinges laying right next the dresser...on the other side of the bedroom. Groaning loudly, I spit out the blood from my lip out of my mouth. The coppery taste took its stay on my tongue and in the crooks of my teeth. Taking a deep breath, I quickly wrapped a clean gauze around my calf, hissing a bit as the wound began to sting.

"Jesus! What the fuck happened here?" Sighing I turn around to see Chris, with his mouth wide open and eyes bugged out of his head. Grinning with bloody teeth, I chuckled lowly, "what do you think happened Chrissy boy?" Looking between me and the destroyed door, Chris leaned his head back and groaned loudly.

"It's not that bad," I mumble, turning half my body towards his direction, his mouth hangs open, " Not ba-half the fucking door is missing!"

"The dramatics," I mutter, and he scoffs. "If you knew what happens when he gets piss, then you'll understand why I'm about to shit myself." He groans again while holding up a piece of splintered wood. Running my tongue over the front of my teeth, I spit out some more blood into the bowl.

"He shouldn't be upset at you. I was the one who did it," I shrug. Chris shook his head and sat down right next to me on the bed.

"You don't know him like I do," he urged. I raised my brow and scoffed. I know enough...

"Trust me Chrissy boy," spitting out another round of blood, I groan quietly, "he is nothing to go and shit on yourself about." I chuckle softly while shaking my head. Chris frowned, giving me a look that shouted 'what the fuck is wrong with you'. But then his eyes narrowed and his mouth slightly agape.

"You've met him?"I leaned my head back while closing my eyes then nodded. I did more than just meet him...

"For a King he's kind of a silent buzz kill," looking at his shocked face was a priceless thing to not miss, "is he always like that?" There was a long pause between us until Chris's hearty laugh fills the room hysterically.

"Most times," he chuckled, "he's actually like you a little. Sarcastic and witty but he overall really does not give a shit about anything." That makes sense of why his face is always showing boredom.

"You guys are close?" Chris nodded, rubbing his arm, he smiled at the ground.

"Been best friends since birth," he said softly. As if he was reminiscing a childhood memory, he smiles widely, completely lost in his mind.

"Then why are you afraid of him?" I asked quietly, after yawing;before I said anything it was quiet for several minutes. Chris glanced at me before shrugging his shoulders, "Not afraid but cautious. He's very different from his inner beast. Atlas may seem uncaring,and a bit dickish, but he really isn't. His wolf however...he's a force you do not want to mess with. I've seen it more than I can count and I just rather not fuck with it right now." Surprised, I nodded. Understandable. It isn't rare for a person to be completely different from their wolves, it's more common than anything.

"That's his name? Atlas?" Chris nodded while getting off the bed. He looks down at me as he holds his hand out for me to take, "You shouldn't call him that though. He is the King and nothing else more," he warned.

Nothing else more...

I scoff loudly. If he only knew just how much more he is. Instead of saying anything more about it, I accepted his silent offer and used his hand to pull myself up.


He smirks, "No problem."

"I can tell him about the door you won't bother me to get torn into pieces," I joked lightly. Rinsing my mouth out with water, I pulled my bottom lip out to see define teeth marks embedded into the skin. Sighing deeply, I rubbed a little bit of saline on my lip; it shouldn't take too long for that to heal.

"Too late, I already told him," he sighs. I sighed as well, walking out of the bathroom Chris stood outside of the broken door. I clicked my tongue and frowned.

Can't let him get in trouble can I?


"What?" Confusion written all over his face, Chris dropped the rest of the door on the floor.

"Leave before he comes. I can handle him," I urge. Chris vigorously shook his head, pointing his dark grey-blue eyes at me, "Are you crazy? No."

"Look. If he wanted to kill me,he would have already done it when I told him to go fuck himself earlier." I said nonchalantly.

"You what?!" He exclaimed, looking at me like I've lost my mind. I shrug once more and pushed him further into the hallway.

"He tried to use his influence on me to control me," I explain, "didn't work to well. I got mad and told him that he can basically shove a dildo up his ass if he thinks he can run me like a dormouse." Not quite what happened, but close enough, I think.

"How are you not dead?"I ask myself that way too many times...

"Just go!" I growled softly, pushing him even more into the hall, with both hands on his sturdy chest-I pushed my feet to try and drag him away from the door-room. I was struggling miserably by the time I got four feet away. Breathing harshly, I looked up at Chris's quite amused face and smirking lips.

"Why are you so fucking heavy? Geezus!" I scowl, while his loud chuckles bounced off the walls.

"I'm not heavy Ness. You're just...weak as all hell!" He laughs all over again, holding his stomach as his body jolts with rolls of laughter. I scoff, "Yeah, yeah douche dick laugh it up. At least I'm the one trying to help. Gosh, you help one guy and he just shits out laughs like a fucking hyena right in your face." I groan while swiping my hand down my face, "Typical." Chris slaps the wall and laughs even harder, falling down to the floor, his face beet red; his eyes were teary and his boisterous laughs were crazy loud and obnoxious.

"Oye! You mind shutting the fuck up?" Some random yells from down the hall. I roll my eyes as he laughs louder while shaking his head. Not able to stay 'angry' at him, I smile, chuckling softly as I shook my head.

His laugh is contagious...

"Oh man," he laughs lightly, wiping away his tears. Smiling widely, he stands up and pats me on my back, "that was a good laugh...really." Then he turns to take his leave. My mouth falls open as I watched his muscled back retreat down the hall, "So you're just gonna laugh in my face and then leave?" I shouted. Looking over his shoulder he yells back, "I am only leaving because your MATE....told me too," he practically screams the word, disappearing around the corner. I narrowed my eyes at the spot he once stood, dumbfounded of how he knew.


Possibly. Then again, Chris did say that they are best friends, maybe there is another side to him I have yet to see.

Tilting my head back a bit, with eyes loosely closed, I stood there and waited for my body to tense up deliciously. For the small time I've seen and known our bond, the pleasures of our inner beings sensing each other is breathtaking. It is almost like reuniting with a loved one for the first time in decades, that spark that you thought was gone, blows up and ignites every hidden passion all at once and your mind can't handle it all but your body can. That is when lust overpowers us and the hard passion between each soul becomes magnificent and addicting.

I know what I said to him early about him controlling me and I meant it. That necessarily does not mean that I don't want this. It isn't like I have a choice in the matter, but after seeing what little he is like-this was no doubt going to be complicated and stressful. He is a bullhead and a secretive, manipulative, prickish, antisocial man that takes pride in the power he has. A man that I can handle. He is my mate, so there has to be something in me or about me that matches his intensity if not, challenges him in some way.


She whispered, purring softly in the bounds of my head. I groan quietly as I begin to feel that same pleasure of knowing he was going to be near, soon touching my skin with his smooth fingertips. How delighted she must be. Yet, I must keep myself together. He is a powerful male and once they realized that you are submitted onto them, then all your rights as an independent woman are gone. And I can not have that.


She purred louder. Struggling to keep my stance and not pounce into a run heading straight for him; he must be close. Since I have not shifted physically, my beast has taken doormat in the inner bounds we share, concluding me has the more dominant being. When I finally shift however, that may not be the case anymore. Which is brilliant.


Whispers of her desires echo in my mind, the increasing will to see him accelerated rapidly, causing my foot to move unconsciously to her will. I shook my head and fought against it, putting my foot right where it was before.

"You shouldn't fight her," his strong, monotone voice bounced off the walls. I couldn't see him but I could feel him just as if he was standing right here in front of me, "she'll become more resistant if you do and it'll hurt less if you just give in." I faintly tilt my head at his words. There was some truth in what he was saying, yet he does not understand the connection I have with her nor does he know about the barriers between my beast and I.

"Giving in means defeat," I mutter lowly, knowing full and well he could hear me, "and who would I be to be defeated by my own beast so willingly for a man who wouldn't do it himself?" I turn my head slightly over my shoulder. His dark figure glooming, hiding within the shadows of the hall. Leaning against the wall with his hand in his pocket, the other arm hanging by his side, his glowing gold eyes burned like a light, like a predator in the night.

The Dark King of all those who bare the blood of a wolf...

"I never said to do it for me," he stepped forward, coming out into the hall. His obsidian ink hair curled on his forehead, pale olive skin glistening with sweat, he stood at his full height shirtless. I held in a breath as I took him in. Drinking him with my eyes, slowly raking them over his stature. There were no signs of any open wounds or broken bones, and bruises and for that, she was less worried and more calm. He takes another step and crosses his muscled arms over his broad smooth chest.

"Kicking half a door off wasn't really a wise thing to do."He raises his brow, voice full of void. I scoff lightly, shaking my head at this ironic situation. When he speaks, his voice sounds like he's completely uninterested, like Chris said 'he really does not give a shit about anything'; but then his words contradict that with a twist.

"Well..." I begin, looking into his eyes as I spoke, "when your mind is clouded with frustration beyond this world, you tend to not give a fuck about anything you do in those short few moments" I smile quickly, but not anywhere near amused. Truth is, I was still a bit pissed at this man; more of the fact that I'm stuck with him until my last dying days.

"Well.." He mocks with a higher pitch, stepping closer and closer until he was directly in front of me, "your short few moments has cost me a door...and you're going to fix it." for a moment I almost laugh, but the searing gaze he had on me was a fierce one, one that said 'Move an inch and I'll kill you'or 'Try and test me little girl..'. I dare not to. I know my place and I am quite well aware of his and if I want to live...

"Very well." I spoke bravely. Without looking at him the eyes. He is the King after all, and a King always demands his respect.

"I apologize for I will fix it right away your grace," I then bow quickly, swiftly turning to walk away. Not bothering to look back, or dispute what I really thought about his unfortunate door, it is in my best interest to just stay calm and collected until I can find a safer tactic to get out here and find my grandmother.

"Stop!" I ceased all movements and stopped right before I turned the corner of the hall. Turning around slowly, the brooding King took his time to meet me foot by foot until he was only mere inches away from me once again.

"Your grace?" I asked as politely as ever. Looking up at him with questioning eyes, I was not prepared to be lifted up with his hand around my throat and pushed into the wall with a his body weight holding me in place. I internally groaned.

Second time he has done this...

Only difference now is, the lust and passion were nowhere to be found in his eyes. Only something far more dark and cunning."I never dismissed you pup" He whispers darkly, his hand moves up to my jaw roughly turning my head to the side; I sigh painfully. Clenching my teeth down, I buried the arising growl and kept my hands and eyes down at the ground. I loathe being called a pup. As far as I was concern, nothing about me physically or mentally seemed puppy like.

"Put. Me. Down." I seeth. A short chuckle came from him in the most wicked way, showing a preview of a side of him I believe Chris warned me about. Gold bright orbs becoming darker with each passing moment, glaring hard and deeply at me. I felt like his prey. Vulnerable and clueless to his next move. His face held no emotion and was very bland-I could tell nothing from him or what he was thinking.

"It angers you to be belittled doesn't it? Hmmm?" He hums lowly. Skimming the tip of his nose across my cheek, I held in a sharp breath as he started to slowly lick the shell of my ear.

What the fuck is going on?...

"Wouldn't it angered you if I called you a dog?"A loud cavernous growl rumbled from him, shuddering my bones immensely. My breaths quickened shortly becoming erratic the closer he got. Carefully he lowered his head down, peering at me through hooded eyes.

"I'd watch what you say little never know when I just might-" he leans down even more, his sharp canines out to play; capturing my bottom lip with his pearly whites he stole my breath. With a little nibble, he then quickly released my lip and a dark impish smile crossed lips.










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