The Bad Boy's Journal

By HeyItsJovana

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"Have we met before?" Those were the words that seemed to echo through the very depths of our souls. Elena Sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 17

233 32 47
By HeyItsJovana

Elena's POV

"Good morning students. You're all probably wondering why we've got a senior assembly taking place." Mr.Escott, our school principle, begins talking.

"No one cares blondy!" Caleb shouts in an elderly woman's voice and the whole gym erupts in silent laughter and giggles. That's Caleb alright.

"Shut up dude." Daniel hisses when he notices that the principle heard the noise from our direction. Caleb shoots Mr.Escott two thumbs ups like they've known each other for years.

"Mr.Banister stop by my office afterwards." Our principle declares through the microphone and Caleb laughs. "Thanks for the shoutout blondy!"

"Isn't it more of a baldy?" Diego asks and I nudge him in the ribs. He doesn't need a trip to the office too.

"As I was saying." Mr.Escott continues but Caleb just has to intervene, "Yee haww." He shouts in the granny voice and security are on their way.

"Hey hey guys please if you're gay don't worry there's plenty of Caleb to go around. Hands off." He chuckles and one of the men brings Caleb's arms behind his neck threateningly. "No, not gay? Alright cool, we good fam?"

"Follow us." The other guard says and Caleb smirks. "Whatever you say, baby."

And that is when he was kicked in the stomach. That guy will really piss people off until the last second. The people all around us are enjoying the fiasco meanwhile the principle keeps rambling words into the microphone.

"Let's hear some karaoke!" Caleb shouts one last time before exiting the gym. The whole student body starts laughing and the principle shouts into the mic, "Order!"

"One Big Mac!"

"Large fries with sprite!"

"Chicken tortilla!"

Students start placing their orders and somebody messes with the mics causing a high pitched noise. I grab my ears before my eardrums have the chance to explode.

"Now that I've regained your attention," Mr.Escott begins and looks at us all daringly. "As this senior year has been doing better than all of our previous generations, we've decided to treat you." The whole gym erupts in cheers and whistles. "Not all of you."


"Cheap fucker!" Brittany's voice shouts and the principle is fuming at the comment.

"We've decided to send 35 students to London, 25 to Paris and 25 to Tokyo. A raffle has been held fair and square. The results are posted on the exits. If you happen to be one of the people chosen you may collect your permission slips at the administration office. Thank you for your time."

"Woah careful." Diego shields me from the oncoming mob who want to see if they've been picked. I slam against him as some slut shoves past me. Staying there on his hard chest, a smile tugs on my lips and he laughs. "You like it here don't you?"

"Yeah it's cozy." I chuckle and he pulls my hand to check the board.

We shove our way past some ecstatic and very disappointed people before reaching the poster.

"Elena your name is under London!" Diego exclaims and I jump up and down clapping my hands in joy. I check to see if it's true and the first name I see is Diego's. He's with me!

"So is yours Diego!" I shout over the countless seniors chattering away. We both double check and he hugs me, twirling me around in the air. We both start laughing like crazy and make our way out of the crowd.

"I can't belive we're going to London together!" Diego says with a wide grin plastered onto his face.

"Me too! This is awesome!" I reply and wrap my arms around his neck, drawing him into a tight hug. He snakes both arms around my waist and we just stand there enjoying the moment.

"London? Me too." Daniel intervenes and I look at the ground. How dare he act like yesterday never happened? I hate what he did. How could he? Diego holds me tighter and I notice his jaw is ticking.

"Us too!" Mia and Steven reach us and I'm thankful to be put out of my awkward misery.

"This is unbelievable!" Mia squeals and hugs me tightly.

"Caleb and I are hitting Paris," Kira says excitedly. "Though he's probably hitting the principles office right now."

We laugh at the idea and I'm overjoyed. I'm going to London with most of my friends! I'm not too happy that Kira and Caleb aren't joining us but I know that Kira has always been wanting to visit Paris one day.

"Daniel what about you?" Steven asks and Daniel grins. "London."

Diego looks down at me cautiously and gives me a tight smile. I force myslef to smile back up at him. "So if you've got nothing planned after school I was thinking you could watch our practice." Diego asks and I smile nodding.

"Can we come too?" Kira asks as Dennis slings an arm around her.

"Of course babe." He kisses her cheek and she blushes in front of us all.

"Perfect so we'll see you girls then?" Daniel asks and I manage a small nod whilst Mia and Kira are gleaming with happiness.


"Touchdown!" Mia yells and the bleachers erupt with cheers. Even though it's just practice we have so much school spirit. The big game is in a week!

"Awww baby you were great!" Brittany pushes past everyone and goes to suck James' face off. I glance away and my eyes land on Diego. Sweaty as hell yet sexy as fuck. He winks and goes to get some water. Practice is over for the day and I'd 10/10 go again. I mean the amount of abs in front of me shouldn't even be legal. A girl can drop dead.

"Kira!" I notice Dennis shout and she darts towards him in an instant.

"Mia!" Steven calls out for Mia and she smiles brightly before running off and into his arms. Well guess it's just me myslef and I. I make my way to the top exit of the bleachers before a hand tugs on my wrist.

"Awh princessa didn't want a hug?" Diego smirks and I laugh before lunging at him like a crazed monkey.

"You're sweaty." I chuckle and he informs, "You know maybe that's why we have these things called showers."

"Yeah maybe." I smile at him and we walk towards the changing rooms.

"Princessa you can't go beyond here, I mean you'd pass as a guy but..." Diego says and I swat him on the shoulder. I haven't noticed that we had arrived and I was definitely going to walk right in there. Would the guys be screaming like little girls?

"Shut up." I mutter.

"Make me." He challenges and winks.

"I will." I smirk before walking away. I've got a trick up my sleeve.

"Not sure how you're making me shut up." Diego calls out.

"You didn't specify when. Oh and Matthews, watch your back." I wink and he stands there with an amused expression.

I run out of the building in hopes to put my little plan in action. Revving up my bike I make my way home.

I open my door and run straight to my room. Letting out an evil laugh I rummage through some drawers before finding the packet. I plan to put this whole thing into his toothpaste. The finest powder on earth. "Haha that'll shut him up." Oh God no I'm not drugging him, it's numbing powder. Being friends with Kira has its benefits. She uses this on extremely rude customers, to be honest I don't know how she's not fired yet.

I grab the packet and go outside in front of Diego's house. I really hope no one's home, I've probably got some 15 minutes to break in. Seeing that the window to his house is open I try to climb the fence somehow.

"Shit, that's gonna leave a bruise." I look at the spot on my leg that's now tuning green, blue and purple. I finally manage to scamper onto the fence and I eye the balcony. If I could somehow jump and grab the railing I could hoist myslef back up.

I close my eyes and say a little prayer beacuse it's not like my 'skills' will get me anywhere. The adrenaline is pumping through my veins and the excitement it too great. I push off the high fence with my legs and hug the railing as hard as I can. I did it! Fuck yeah!

Climbing over the railing I jump through the window like a ninja. Jackie Chan would've been proud of me right now. I see his bed and smile subconsciously. I've spent two nights here with him.

Snapping out of my reverie I get back to work. I open the bathroom door and stand there in shock. This bathroom is the cleanest one I've ever seen. Towels neatly stacked and all the shampoo bottles in check. Is he really a guy?

I see the toothpaste and grin like a maniac. Putting it carefully over the sink I dump the whole packet into it. I close the lid and squeeze it to mix everything equally. Next, I stand in the mirror to admire my hair, it's looking spectacular.

I see Diego's perfume and it smells like heaven, like him. I spray a whole lot before I start gasping for air. This stuff is strong! I barge out the bathroom and out of his room into the hallway before stopping dead in my tracks as I hear a door shut. It's him. I'm screwed.

"Yeah you will? Alright maybe the next time you come over." He chuckles into the phone and I wrinkle my nose in disgust whilst backing away into his room. "Yeah you know I love you."

He's got a girlfriend? What the hell? No wonder he's been in a better mood. Wait he's got a girlfriend... who is that bitch? Must be some slut. He's such a manwhore! He's been hugging me all day and he's got a girlfriend. For hells sake.

"Tell mom I said hey." He sighs into the phone and my heart drops. Thank god. Wait, I don't really care. I just don't want him to get cheated on like I did. He can't trust anyone just like that.

The doorknob to his room shifts and I hop into the bath pulling the curtains in hopes he won't see me.

"Diego you sexy beast." He boasts to himslef in the mirror and I cover my mouth to stop laughing. I can't believe he just said that.

I hear the water running and the sound of him brushing his teeth. I figured he does that often since they practically glow! The water stops after a minute and Diego is slapping his face. I peak put of the bath curtains, carefully positioning my feet so I don't fall over, Diego's mouth and lips are swollen!

"What the acthaul hell." He tries to speak. "Catheb thath fuckerth!"

"Fuckinth heth!" He nears in closer to the bath and I gulp stepping backwards. I slowly crunch down and that's when it happens, he removes the curtains in one swift motion and I shut my eyes.

"Princetha?" He furrows his eyebrows and I bite my lip to prevent myslef from laughing. "Do you think this is thunny?" He points to his swollen mouth. So maybe I put a little too much. "Whath are you doing here?"

"Oh you know just having a shower." I chuckle nervously and he raises an eyebrow.

"You did this!" He shouts and I laugh until I cry. "You goth the shower parth righth."

He turns on the shower head and soaks me until I'm dripping wet. I yelp as the cold water comes into contact with my skin and jump out of the shower. He thinks he's getting away that easy. I leap on his back and drench his clothes too.

"I hathe you." He remarks sighing and I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you too."

What the fuck did you just do!

"Did youth justh-" He points to his cheek with an amused smile and I blush. I don't know why I did that. But that tiny little gesture was enough to set my adrenaline levels soaring.

"Yeah I well got to go." I smile and make my way out.

What the hell did I just do?

More importantly, why the hell? Probably wasn't thinking.

Hey everyone!
Thanks for reading
As always tell me what you think and yeah until next time.

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