
By Keeleigh_Saunders

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"We're so hopelessly screwed in our own fucked up reality of a Shakespeare play" "That we are. Hopelessly sc... More

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By Keeleigh_Saunders

I sat with my back to him and heard him laugh, I felt him sit back on the bed. My heart still beating erratically in my chest as I sat there desperate to calm myself down before I look at him. I took several deep, calming breathes. My eyes closed as I finally sat back with my back against the wall, I turned my head and looked at Oliver.

His left eyebrow raised and that stupid smirk stuck firmly to his face "What do you say, Chloe Coulson?"

I shook my head slow; I knew exactly what my answer was going to be despite what it should've been "How can you be sure that no one will find out"

Both of us spoke quietly, just in case prying ears were waiting outside. Oliver laughed and nodded his head to the door "You know the perks of being in this part of prison are the ultra-security doors, and I don't know about you but I haven't seen many people intrude whilst you're with me"

I had to agree, the door beeped when someone was coming in, and even then whilst I was in with him we were very rarely interrupted. I swallowed hard "Doesn't this just complicate everything?"

"Do you evaluate your whole life?" He rolled his eyes "Have you never lived on impulse? Can you not see how down right sexy this is? The risk of getting caught only makes me want it more"

He shuffled next to me, taking a piece of my hair in his fingers "Knowing that the chief's daughter is in here with me... Not know what exactly she is doing with the convict who's mind she's supposed to be picking apart"

He leant forward again, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke "You have a diploma in psychology Chloe, you're a smart girl... You can see how you make me feel, see what you do to me"

I caved, I leant forward and kissed him. I felt him smile before kissing me back, his arms wrapping around my back and pulling my body into his as we sat there once again lip locked. I pulled away and pushed him back "You're driving me crazy"

He laughed "Clearly I am having the desired effect"

We both sat back against the wall, he took my hand and laced his fingers in mine. "What the hell am I supposed to write in your notes now?"

"Exactly as you have been" He looked at me "You still have a job to do... We'll just have a little fun while we're at it"

The door beeped then and we both jumped, quickly taking our hands back and watching the door as Henry stepped through. He glared at Oliver and then at me "Dad wants to see you... Now"

I said goodnight to Oliver and followed Henry out of the cell, it beeped again to signal that it was locked. I sighed as we walked away, licking my lips for any of the last taste of Oliver's lips on mine. Henry walked fast, I struggled to match his pace as he strode off ahead of me "What's the emergency?"

"Dad's a jerk, that's what" Henry spat as we walked towards dad's office. I sighed and continued to walk in silence, we finally reached Dad's office. It takes centre stage at the entrance of the prison, we walked in and found dad sat behind his dark oak desk, the floor a cream carpet and many certificates lined the walls.

Henry and I sat in the two chairs on the other side of the desk that Dad sat at. He had his hands folded over one another on his chest, a stern look on his face as he looked at us both. He sat forward and brought his hands together as he leant over the desk. This didn't look good, I braced for what was to come.

"I will be accepting the retirement offer the governors have proposed to me" He spoke "Henry will be resuming my position in the new year"

I looked at Henry, he didn't look at me. He continued to stare hard at Dad and I waited for the bombshell to drop. I looked back at Dad and waited for him to speak again

"But I will be requiring you to both find your own places to live" He said this without a hint of concern in his voice

"What?" I stood, the chair I was sitting on fell backwards "You're kicking us out because you're too old to work here now?!"

"Chloe" Henry put a hand on my arm, I flicked his hand off me.

"No!" I shouted "You're pathetic Dad, you're spitting your dummy out all because even the governors can see how outdated your style of running this place is"

I could see the anger in Dad's face as I said this, I wasn't stopping there "Do you know what?! I was planning on leaving this month with Ashton, we had planned to leave, completely move away and leave all this behind us! To start fresh without the bad things here looming over us! And I didn't tell you because you would only have stopped me from having my happiness, because if you can't be happy none of us can! Do you know what Dad?"

He stared at me, I could see Henry watching me, both of them waiting for me to finish. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "It would be so much better if it was you that died that night! Mom would never have turned her back on us the way you have. You should be disgusted and ashamed of yourself, call yourself a Dad... Yeah, you were a Dad, now you're just pathetic"

I flipped the pile of brown file folders sat on his desk, they landed over him as I spun around and left the office. I was absolutely seething. I heard Henry call me, I turned around to see him jogging over to me. He pulled me into a hug "That was incredibly brave"

"It's about time he knew the truth" I pulled away from him "What now?"

Henry shrugged "Now we look for our own places"

I agreed and watched as he walked off, just starting his shift. I walked to my office, I had no intention of going home tonight. I entered my office and turned the laptop on, I loaded up a website for home rentals.

I spent all night searching for one bedroom homes to rent near-by, I had sent a few emails requesting a viewing. My phone alarm went off in my bag at five in the morning, it wasn't until then that I realised I had been up all night and I was absolutely shattered. I turned my laptop off and my eyes were suddenly heavy, there was a knock on the door and Henry came in.

"Did you actually go to sleep last night?" He asked when he came in, closing the door behind him

I shook my head "No, but I arranged to view some places to stay"

"Chloe" He sighed "You really do too much, you need to go home and rest"

"No way" I stood up "After what I said to him, the only time I will be going home is whilst he is here and you're home so I can change and shower"

"Speaking of which" He yawned "that's where I'm headed in a bit"

I nodded and said goodbye to him as he walked off to finish his shift. I walked into the staff canteen and made myself the usual coffee, I yawned as I waited for the machine to finish. It beeped and I took the warm drink and sat down, I took a sip and my eyes felt heavy as I sat there. I took another sip and placed the coffee on the table, I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes just to refresh them slightly.

Before long I could hear Henry calling my name and shaking my shoulder, I opened my eyes and looked at him. He smiled at me "It's seven thirty, Oliver is waiting for you"

I jumped up then "I fell asleep!"

I quickly said goodbye to Henry and ran down the corridor towards the dining hall, I skidded to a top outside the door and walked in. As usual Oliver was sat at his bench eating his bowl of porridge, I walked over and smiled at him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrow "Rough night?"

I looked at my reflection in the window opposite, I looked hideous. My hair had partially fallen out of the pony tail and I had dark rings under my eyes. Not to mention I was still wearing yesterday's clothes. I sighed and looked back at Oliver "You have no idea"

He nodded and pushed his empty bowl to the side "Wanna tell me about it?"

"I don't even know where to start" I huffed

We made the decision to go to his cell, I unlocked it and pulled it shut behind us. I looked at his bed, normally it looked so uncomfortable but right now it looked like the most inviting thing in the word.

I sat down as usual on the bed with my back against the wall, Oliver copied me and held my hand again. The same electrifying shock went through me at his touch, I looked at our hands and smiled. The tattoo's covering the back of both hands and the ones up his fingers, I smiled and squeezed his hand.

"So you need to keep this quiet" I started "But Dad is being forced to retire by the governors, they have requested that my brother Henry takes over his position."

Oliver rolled his eyes "I'm not sure which one is better"

"Hey!" I scalded him "Henry is a good honest guy!"

"Yeah" Oliver laughed "Honest"

I ignored his comment and carried on "Anyway, Dad has decided that since his retirement is not an option and Henry taking over his role most certainly isn't an option, that Henry and I are no longer welcome at home and we are to move out as soon as possible"

"What?" Oliver scowled "That man is ridiculous, no wonder they want him out of here. Turning his own children out just because he's having himself a little strop"

I nodded in agreement with him "I was up all night in the office looking for places to stay, I mean I have enough saved up to get myself somewhere seeing as my hard work was a waste of time with Ashton"

He squeezed my hand and sighed "I wish I could help you... I mean if this was different" He gestured at the cell we were sat in "I would like to think I had somewhere of my own"

"What happened that night?" I blurted out before I realised "I mean you don't have to tell me"

He shook his head "It's fine"

He moved closer to me, resting his arm on my leg our hands still together. I looked at him, he was staring straight ahead. I could see his eyebrows twitched as the formed a frown, I don't think he knew how to start, where to start and what to say. He had probably told his story so many times to so many different judges, jury's and police officers.

"Well" He finally spoke "That night, we hung out, smoked weed... A few other were sniffing lines of cocaine, taking Acid, even injecting themselves with heroin, I refused all. None of us were sober, all of us had narcotics in our system. Owen had taken a lot, more than the rest and he had taken more than one type"

He didn't look at me as he spoke, his hand held mine firmly. I sat in silence and continues to watch him, his face had paled and I could see tears starting to form in his eyes. I felt so immensely guilty for asking him, I had never meant to. He always said he was innocent and I had only ever read on side of the story, I wanted to hear it from him. I wanted his account, if my diploma was good for anything now was that moment.

I watched as he swallowed hard and spoke again "We were sat in the living room of that house, I had heard a few of the others saying how fed up they were with Owen. He would take everyone else's drugs and use them with the promise to pay them back. He never paid on time or he never gave back exactly what he took. I was still smoking when it happened, I watched as the other stood up then. I saw cliff pull a kitchen knife out his trousers"

He closed his eyes tight, biting his bottom lip before he carried on "I stood up, I tried to stop them but I was in not fit mind. I just sat where they pushed me back and watched as they grabbed him. Juke had his hands firmly around his neck, his thumbs pressed right in. Owen struggled against them, Miller and Tom grabbed his arms to stop his from clawing at Juke, I just sat there and watched as his limp body slumped out Juke's hands, when cliff came over with some rubble from the house and bashed it over his head before driving the knife into his lifeless body"

He was angry now, angry at telling me or angry at himself I didn't know "Over and over he stabbed him. I didn't stop them, I sat there and watched. I watched as Cliff came over to me and punched me clean out. When I woke up I had the blood soaked knife in my hand and was laid next to the rubble that was covered in dry blood. I panicked, they had framed me for the murder. So I ran, I grabbed a few bits from home whilst my parents were at work and I ran. I got in my car and just drove until I ran out of gas"

"The motel" I whispered

He nodded, still not looking at me "And that's where they found me. Obviously my prints were all over the murder weapon, there was solid concrete evidence that all pointed at me. I didn't do it I really didn't do it"

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