Cinderella My Ass

By Shanixbae22

146K 6.8K 446

Life for Miranda Burke gradually got worse since her father died. Having to live with that evil woman she has... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Author's Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Author's note
New Book Alert

Chapter 5

4.1K 199 9
By Shanixbae22

    "Miranda, get your ass up" I hear somebody say beside me. I jump in fright and fall to the floor. I look at the criminal responsible for that heinous crime only to see the neon purple hair of my best friend.

    "Sarah, how did you get in here?" I asked, hurriedly going to close my door before any of the twins see that I got a visitor. "Don't worry, Wicked Witch of the West along with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are gone. I watched them leave" she said as she flopped into my bed and made herself comfortable.

    I let out a breath of relief. "So, what time is it by the way?" I asked. Sarah checked her phone and told me that it was 7:14 a.m.

    "What! Why would you wake me up so early? On a Saturday!! Why are you even here?" I asked exasperatedly. She scoffs before she mumbles "Wow, what a warm welcome" then she asks out loud "Did you forget that you have to be at school by 8:00?"

    "Oh" I said as the thought came back to my mind. I went to my bathroom and took a nice shower before I returned to my room, wrapped in a towel to see Sarah half asleep. I snuck up beside her and bent down to her laying level and shouted "Sarah".

   She flopped off the bed and landed hard to the floor. "Karma's a bitch" I said while laughing boisterously. She glared at me as she repositioned herself on my bed.

    "What kind of fundraiser is it?" I ask as I went over to my closet to find something suitable. "It's for the foods department. It's sort of a bake sale but not only will there be pastries but food as well" she said absent mindedly while she was tapping away on her cellphone.

   I took out a pair of black ripped jeans, a plain white T-shirt and my black and white converse. I put my hair into a ponytail and put on a small amount of lip gloss.

    When I was finished I grabbed Sarah by her arm, resulting in her falling once more, before I ran down the stairs laughing maniacally with her trailing me with anger filling her.

     "I hate you" she said through gritted teeth when we reached her van. She had on similar jeans as me, but she had on a pastel purple blouse with 'I'm a unicorn' written across the front.

   "You wish" I said before blowing her a kiss and getting into the van with her.


   "Take this apron, you will be helping out by handing out some samples to passers by" said Mr. Powell to me, while handing me a red apron with 'Kiss the Cook' written on the front.

    I tie the apron around me as I went over to the booth entitled Sweet Treats. I lifted a tray filled with colorful glazed cupcakes.

    "Hey, try one of these sweet treats" I say lamely to a girl that was passing by. She took a small cupcake with blue icing and took a bite out of it. She smiled and went over to the booth and bought 3 cupcakes and 4 scones from what I could see.

    "This isn't so bad" I whisper to myself. "Hey you, come try one of these" I shout out to an old lady that was passing by with what appears to be her grand daughter. She passes by without even acknowledging me. How rude.

   "Hey you" I heard somebody say. I turned around to see Crystal smiling at me with a tray of her own in her hand and had on a black apron, no surprise there. On her tray there was a variety of meats, ranging from chicken strips to mini hot dogs. The booth behind her read 'Meat Mania'.

    "Hey, what's up?" I asked with a smile of my own. "Not much, I can't wait till this is over" she says while a boy takes a mini hot dog from her tray.

   After about 10 minutes I see Sarah make her way towards us. "Hey Sar, would you mind holding this for me while I go to the restroom?" I ask her. "Sure thing babe" she says while she takes my tray, but not before helping herself to one of the cupcakes.

    I run off to the direction of the bathroom and hurriedly do my business. As I exit and am looking down at myself I bump into somebody. I look up to see who exactly the person is, only to be met with a pair of wintery blue eyes.

    "Ashton" I sneer. He glares at me before his eyebrow raises with amusement. "Kiss the Cook, seriously? Who would wanna kiss you?" he says while he smirks. "For your information I am not the cook and on the other hand I would care less if you would want to kiss me" I said while gagging at the thought of it.

   He glares at me then I realize that he too had on an apron. His apron was pink and had confetti designs all over. "It looks like a unicorn barfed all over you" I laughed and he walked away after he glared at me.

   I took my post from Sarah and she got lost in the crowd. She ditched me, after she already told me she was gonna help me today. After the next 30 minutes, I had only one cupcake left on my tray. Deciding that it wouldn't hurt anybody, I ate it.

    As I chew, I realized that the middle of the cupcake was chunky. When I took a closer look, I saw that the centre was filled with chucky peanut filled peanut butter.

   My breath hitched as my throat started to tighten. My hands flew to my neck while I grasped it and fell to my knees, fighting for air. My face became itchy while my fingers felt sore. I felt sore and itchy all over.

   I gagged and gagged as I fell to the floor fully, laying in a foetus position while clutching my throat. The last thing I saw was feet running towards me before I blacked out.


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