
Keeleigh_Saunders द्वारा

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"We're so hopelessly screwed in our own fucked up reality of a Shakespeare play" "That we are. Hopelessly sc... अधिक

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Keeleigh_Saunders द्वारा

Oliver and I sat for the rest of the afternoon, not talking about much, but I found myself comforting him a lot as he repeatedly went back to talking about how his parents treat him now. I couldn't understand it, Oliver tells me he's innocent, he must've told his parents the same thing. How could your parents not be your biggest supporters? I know my Mom would've been my biggest supporter throughout every hurdle in my life.

We were similar in that way, I had lost my mother and in turn my father had lost himself. I no longer had that strong family standing behind me, I had to be strong for myself knowing that the only people in my corner are Ashton and Henry, my father was so distanced from us now. Whereas Oliver might as well have no parents at all, his parents have as good as disowned him. Their snobbery overcoming their love for their children, their pride and ego holding firm over any other emotion they may feel towards their son's imminent death.

It was near seven pm when I finally left Oliver, he had fallen asleep on the bed as I crept out the cell. I walked back to my office and rubbed my temples, it had been such an emotionally tiring day. I entered the office and sat at the desk, quickly pulling my pen and note pad out, making brief notes to expand on when I got home.

I packed up and shut my office up ready for my return in the morning. I walked down the now quiet hallway, my shoes the only noise. I looked at Oliver's cell as I passed and sighed deep, leaving the death row unit I bid goodnight to Jerry on the desk. Henry was just coming through the doors, ready to start his shift.

"Only just finishing?" He smiled as he saw me, holding his arms out for a quick hug.

I nodded and wished him luck for his shift, pulling my phone out of my pocket I called Ashton, it rang continuously before he finally picked up.

"Hey baby" He almost shouted a little too enthusiastically

I laughed "Hey, you up for some company tonight?"

I heard him groan on the other side of the phone "I'm still at work baby, I'm sorry"

"It's no worries" I smiled, I was disappointed of course "We're both racking up the hours"

I said goodbye and dialled a taxi number to take me home, I waited for another ten minutes for it to arrive. It was cold whilst I stood there, I looked back at the doors. I wished I could go back in and just speak to Oliver, I felt bad for just leaving him and not being able to let him know that I was leaving.

The taxi pulled up in front of me and I climbed in, giving him my address before we set off. I pulled my notepad and pen out my bag and began expanding on the brief bullet points I had already made. I carried on doing this until the driver informed me that we were here and he needed his payment, I pulled the change out my purse and handed it to him before thanking him and packing my things away. I stepped out and walked up the drive, I took my shoes off as I came through the front door. I called out to Dad to let him know that I was home, he shouted back that my dinner was in the oven.

I walked in to find Dad lounged out over the sofa watching the tv, he didn't look up at me as I walked past and into the kitchen to fetch my dinner; spaghetti and meatballs. I grabbed a fork and headed up to my room with my bag. I set my plate down on the bed and began getting myself ready for bed, a quick shower and change into my pj's before slipping into bed and taking a bite of my food.

I pulled my notes back out and carried on again, noting everything that had happened today making sure not to miss anything out. I finished my plate and put it on the bedside table beside me, my phone vibrated in my bag on the floor. I pulled it out, hoping it would be a call from work telling me that Oliver wanted me in.

It was Ashton, I answered it and pressed the phone between my ear and shoulder whilst I continued with my notes "Hey baby"

"Chloe" He slurred, clearly drunk "I really miss you my baby"

I frowned in confusion, only a few hours ago he told me he was at work "Are you drunk?"

I heard him laugh "Only a little bit, I'm sorry I lied to you... I was down the pub and I reeeeealy didn't want to leave"

My heart sunk as I heard him say this, my voice cracked as I answered him "It's okay... I had work to do anyway"

He groaned loudly "All you do is work work work"

"Well yeah" I sighed, I was getting frustrated with him now "If we want to make our dream a reality next month we need to work to get the money"

"Oh" He laughed "Yeah, I forgot"

"I'm going now" I informed him, annoyed with his actions "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Uh no" He laughed "I have a date... I mean not a date but a friend over"

I bid him goodnight and just hung up. I had tears in my eyes, I wiped them away angrily. I know it was only drunken words but they still hurt. I put my pad away and turned my lamp off, laying down in my bed I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come... And it came sooner than I expected


My alarm went off at four, I had purposefully set it this early. I was going to go and see Ashton quickly before work and try and find out his excuse for last night. I jumped out of bed and got dressed quickly, I pulled on my leggings and a grey sweater dress. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and packed my bag. I left dad a note explaining that I had took the car for emergency purposes, I locked the front door quietly behind me. I got in the car and started it up, I began the familiar drive to Ashton's. I pulled up outside his house ten minutes later and turned the engine off, it was still dark and so cold. I got my keys out and unlocked his door before quietly walking in, the lights were still all off. I looked at the time four thirty am.

I kept the lights off and noticed the empty wine bottles on the table, I crept silently up the stairs and turned towards his bedroom. I pushed the door open and looked at the bed, my heart shattered into a million pieces and sank to the pit of my stomach. I flicked the bedroom light on which only confirmed what I was seeing, he laid there with his arm hanging lazily over a red haired girl who was sleeping soundly beside him.

I watched as they both woke up confused until Ashton finally looked at me, the tears in my eyes made my vision blurry. I blinked and let them fall, his face was a mix of pure horror and embarrassment.

"Chloe" He started to get out the bed, the girl beside him had finally come round enough and looked at me. Her expression was nothing but fear.

"Oh my god" I laughed cruelly "Oh my god"

Ashton got out the bed, realising he was wearing nothing but his birthday suit. My heart ached as I looked at them both, he quickly picked his boxer shorts up off the floor and put them on, holding his hand out "Chloe please"

"Don't. You. Dare" I closed my eyes and stepped back "Don't you touch me! I-I...What are you doing?!"

"Please Chloe" He begged, quickly looking back at the woman in his bed.

She looked at me, holding the covers over her naked body, I laughed at her and stepped towards her. I picked her clothes up off the floor and shoved them in her face "I believe these are yours!"

She cradled the clothes and went to step out the bed before remembering that she had nothing on "Oh don't be shy about sharing now dear, we've already shared my boyfriend!"

"Chloe" Ashton pleaded "Please listen to me... What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?!" I laughed at him again "What am I doing here? Visiting my Fiancé" I shoved my hand out to the woman in the bed, showing her the engagement ring glistening on my finger.

I pulled the ring off my finger roughly and threw it at the woman, it gave me some satisfaction to see it bounce of her freckled forehead "I suppose you want to share that too? I'll have it back tomorrow and be sure to drop it off to you tomorrow evening!" I screamed at her

"I-You- This thing here" I pointed between Ashton and I "This is done, finished, over, caput" I rambled

Angry tears fell down my cheeks as I looked at him, he didn't argue with me. He hung his head in shame as I said this, I looked at the woman in his bed "You don't have to be his dirty little secret anymore! He's all yours!"

"Chloe!" Ashton shouted "Please, I don't want this"

"Don't want this?!" I shrieked at him, again my laugh came out cold as ice "Well you should've thought about that then shouldn't you? How long has this been going on for then? How long have a been the brunt of your sick little joke?"

Ashton rubbed his forehead "Chloe I don't even know how I can tell you any of this... It was only supposed to be once; it was never meant to be anything more than that"

"Oh" I laughed "Clearly your worth it" I said this to her

He shook his head "It's been going on for about two months now, I'm sorry you were just always so busy, you never saw me"

"Don't you even dare pin this on me!" I screamed at him "I've been working my absolute hardest to give us what we wanted. I worked all those hours, I exhausted myself for us... Or had you forgotten about that" My voice broke as I spoke to him now, the pain getting to me

"I-I" He stuttered "I didn't think you wanted it anymore... I don't even have the money anymore... I spent it... On our dates" He gestured to the girl still frozen in the bed

That was it, that was the point. I nodded my head and turned around, almost sprinting out the house, Ashton called after me. I could hear him trying to keep up, I threw the front door open, not bothering to shut it before getting in the car and throwing it in reverse. I looked in front and saw Ashton stood in the light from the car headlights, both his hands behind his head as he watched as I drove away.

It was over between us; I couldn't believe he would do that to me. After everything we had been through together, how long we have known each other, what we went through while we waited for one another. Flashbacks of everything we had done together, every memory we shared. All our dreams, all our plans.

I drove through the tears that fell, my heart was broken and it was a physical pain. I drove to work; I didn't want to go home. I parked the car and almost ran towards the double doors, I didn't even say hi to Jerry at reception. I went straight through towards my office. I reached the door, my sobs the only noise in the quiet unit. I got my keys out and tried desperately to get them in the door to no avail, the tears made my vision so blurry my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I punched the door in frustration turning round and slamming my back into it, the sobs rattled my body as I slumped to the floor. I brought my knees up and hugged them close to me, I put my head on my knees and sat there letting the pain and devastation out.

I sat there lost in my own world, the images of what I just went through playing round and round in my mind until a voice called out to me. I looked up and saw Oliver stood there with a two guard escort, his wrists cuffed.

"Please take them off him" I begged the guards, I had to shout at them to take them off again before they did as I asked. As soon as his wrists were free he knelt down in front of me, he took my hands as he knelt there and looked at me. The tears still splashed onto my lap as I sat there looking at him, he wiped away a few of my cheek. A small smile on his lips as he looked at me "Hey"

I sniffed and wiped my nose on the back of my sleeve "Hey"

He sat on the floor and crossed his legs "You okay?"

"I will be" I said quietly "I just don't know how much use I'm going to be to you today"

He wiped my cheek again as more tears came "It's my turn today okay, wanna talk about it?"

I sniffed and took both his hands in mine, I smiled and stood up pulling him up with me "Can we go now?"

He laughed and we walked to his cell, the guards followed us and let us in. Oliver walked in first as usual and I followed, I sat down on the bed and wiped my eyes. I already felt slightly better in Oliver's company, something I never thought would happen when I first accepted this job.

"What's happened?" Oliver asked as he sat beside me, putting a hand on my knee as I sat back and crossed my legs.

Thinking about it brought fresh tears to my eyes, I wiped them away and looked at Oliver. He was watching me, waiting for me to tell him what had happened. I didn't know where to start, how to say what I saw. I didn't even know if I could get the words out.

Oliver waited patiently for me to speak, his thumb rubbing slowly over my knee as I sat there trying to find the right words to say. I took a deep breath and found myself lost for the words again. I willed myself to speak, I just couldn't... I was completely broken. My fiancé, My soulmate, my whole world... The ache in my chest was back, is this heartbreak?

"Chloe, you don't have to tell me" Oliver said quietly beside me

I looked at him and the tears fell again, I held my chest as the deep ache returned "Ashton was cheating on me"

As I said this my whole body broke down, I screamed as the sobs left me. My whole body shook as the words left my mouth. Saying it out loud seemed to confirm the reality of it all. Oliver pulled me into him, his arms around my body as I put my head on his chest, my tears soaking his top as he held my broken fragile body. He allowed me to cry, to scream and to just let it all out on him.

His hand ran softly over the top of my head, he didn't speak he just held me whilst I let my emotions get the better of me.

"How do you know?" He asked me softly, not wanting to overstep the mark.

I sat up and wiped my face with both sleeves. I could feel my eyes were swollen and my throat hurt from the screams that came with the pain. "I caught him... This morning in bed with her"

Oliver looked shocked, he ran a hand through his hair "I'm sorry" was all he could say. I mean what can you exactly say when someone tells you they've just found their partner in bed with someone else.

"I guess it just wasn't meant to be" I looked down at my hands "Clearly my story wasn't meant to end with him"

Oliver sat back and rest his head on the wall as I did, he looked at me with a small smile on his face "A fate believer"

"Yeah" I nodded "I mean everything happens for a reason right? If I hadn't gone there today I would've been spending the rest of my life with someone who, very clearly, doesn't understand the meaning behind the word loyalty"

"True" Oliver nodded "So I guess moving away is out of the question?"

I scoffed "How could we have even done that? He spent all his savings on his fancy piece"

"I mean, what would he have done? When next month rolled round and I said to him we were going... What did he think he was going to do?" I laughed "How could I have been so stupid?"

"Hey" Oliver put his hand on my shoulder "You didn't know, and at the end of the day it's his loss. He will never find someone with a kinder heart"

I sighed "It doesn't stop the pain; the indescribable immense pain I feel in my chest. As if my heart has been wrenched out and a thousand pins have been stabbed into it. Like it's trying to beat and with every beat the pins dig in further" I sighed, tears falling again "He doesn't even deserve this response from me, but I really love him and I don't know how to stop"

"You will do" Oliver laughed softly "In time, you will forget the pain he caused you, you won't long for him as you do now"

"I guess" I sighed "I'm going to continue with you... I'm not going anywhere so I'm going to stay with you"

He looked at me in surprise "Why? You surly have enough money to move yourself away?"

"Yeah" I shrugged "But I'm too involved now... Maybe this is the reason Ashton and I ended. Maybe my goal in life right now is to help you?"

Oliver pulled me into him for a hug "You have no idea how good that is to hear. I was terrified of you leaving"

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