The Bad Boy's Journal

By HeyItsJovana

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"Have we met before?" Those were the words that seemed to echo through the very depths of our souls. Elena Sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 11

217 33 51
By HeyItsJovana

"I was thinking the conjuring." Caleb whines and the rest of us girls disagree. It's been ten minutes and we still can't pick a single movie.

"For chrissakes give me the CDs!" I shout drowning out everybody's voices. I take the whole pile and dump it into one of the store bags. "Diego since it's your place come here, close your eyes and pick one."

Yes we're doing this the nursery way because this is where it's come to.

"I think that's fair enough." Daniel says and leans back into the couch. He's wearing a classic white v neck shirt with black jeans. His blonde hair styled to perfection as always.

"Yeah I can't believe it's come to this." Mia sighs and Diego closes his eyes lifting a CD case out of the bag. His face fills with horror and his nose crinkles in disgust.

"The notebook."

Caleb and Steven start protesting almost immediately while Daniel starts laughing at their reaction. His laugh sounds like angels singing but I prefer Diego's.

"The notebook it is." I say and grab the CD putting it on play.

"Can we have a re-draw." Steven begs and Mia gives him a seductive look and a lip bite causing him to shut up and plant his lips onto hers. Kira and I glance at each other and gag at the sight.

"Well movie's starting. Kill me now." Caleb remarks and Diego adds "Me too bro me too."

"Will you guys shush it already!" Kira exclaims from the couch in between Daniel and Caleb. She gives them an intense glare and they raise their hands in surrender. The way Diego's living room is planned out is with a long couch for three people, one for two and a sofa. Diego being on the sofa, Mia and Steven on the two seater and the rest on the 3 seater that leaves me standing.

"Elena you can sit here if you'd like." Daniel smiles my way and I nod gratefully. We do need to squish in a bit but it's alright.

"You can have the sofa and I can sit there if you-" Diego interjects and I stop him. "I'm fine here, thanks."

"Alright pass the popcorn then." He adds and I pass him a bowl, taking one for myself as well. Kira grabs a third and Mia snatches the fourth.

"Easy babe." Steven chuckles and she grabs a handful of popcorn shoving it straight into her mouth. That's my best friend and her werewolf instincts alright.

"Ughh." Diego groans out.

"It's not as bad as you think dude." Daniel says and Diego just shoots him a blank look.

After half an hour of the movie Mia managed to get emotional leaving Steven to calm her down. Right now she's passed out on his shoulder. It's almost unbelievable how fast that happened.

I shift in my seat awkwardly trying not to go any closer to Daniel than I already am. Caleb is slouching and he took up most of the space! How's that even fair? That idiot-

I stop muttering colorful words in my head the second Daniel slings an arm around me, pulling me closer to his chest. My muscles tense up because this is not somewhere I want to be. It feels weird when I'm in his arms. I relax a little bit knowing he's probably contemplating on letting go. I don't want him to think I don't trust him or anything so I lean my head on his chest and he smiles down at me. I return the smile before looking at Diego's steely gaze. He lifts his eyebrows and shifts a little in his seat but remains quiet.

The movie continues on and Mia woke up from her slumber when Steven tried to place a discreet kiss on her neck.
Needless to say, not so discreet.

Daniel extends his arm further down my shoulder and slowly to my waist. Keep your cool Elena. Keep your cool. It's not until the palm of his hand reaches my thigh and he strokes it gently that my heart rate starts going up. I remain motionless trying my best to stay calm and get rid off this uncomfortable situation as soon as possible.

He leans his head in the crook of my neck and his minty breath fans it. My nerves are going to explode any second now. What the hell is he trying to do. He inhales my scent and murmurs something inaudible before closing his eyes.

I shut my eyes praying that I'm dreaming but nope still here. Still in the arms of a man I don't want to hold me. Still in the arms of someone I don't trust. Still in the arms of the wrong person. Still not in Diego's arms. As if on cue Diego looks at me, eyes boring into the side of my head and I don't know what to do. His jaw is ticking and his fists are clenching and unclenching as he looks away.

The movie keeps playing and I try my best to wriggle out of Daniel's hold but he just holds me tighter. I can tell for a fact that Diego's eyes haven't left us for a second. Through the corner of his eyes he has been watching us like a hawk. I appreciate it Diego but seriously you're creepier than him right now.

Daniel places a light lingering kiss on my neck and Diego shoots up from his seat alarming us all. He looks at me and Daniel warningly before shaking his head and adding. "Right I'll be going home I've got a headache."

He proceeds to the front door and I look at him totally dumbfounded.

"Diego... this is your house." Caleb looks at him uncertainly before adding. "You know in case you forgot." He scratches the back of his neck nervously and Diego nods and heads upstairs without a word.

I turn to the rest and they're all as equally confused as I am meanwhile Daniel just shrugs and grins at me grasping me into his hold once more. This time I have half a brain to get out of it and leave him dumbstruck.

"I'm going to see if he's alright." I say worriedly and Steven gives me an approving nod. I quickly make my way towards the stairs but as soon as I start ascending them I feel more nervous. What if he doesn't want to talk? It's me, of course he's going to talk.

With that little bit of hope I slowly turn the doorknob to his room and find him standing on the spacious terrace. There's a single kind of lamppost in the right corner and as for the rest it's being illuminated by the moonlight. He stands in the corner leaning both hands on the stone railing. His hair ruffled from the night breeze and his navy blue t-shirt is wrinkled. Holy shit.

"Diego," I ask and he doesn't bother looking my way. "What's wrong?"

He's giving me no answers so I push on, "Diego if it's about that kiss he gave me I, I didn't want to be in his hold I should've moved away when I first the chance."

He puts his hands into his pockets and turns around, his face stone cold yet his eyes are blazing with emotion. "Why should I care? You can do whatever you want. Now leave."

"If you didn't care then why did you leave when he gave me a kiss, why were you so unnerved?" I press on even though he doesn't want to hear any of it.

"Princessa you need to fucking get lost!" He growls, eyes seething with hatred. What happened to the Diego I knew? I don't move away, instead I look at him with a hurt expression. What the hell is going on?

"I said leave! I never want to see your face again!" He shouts and slams his fist on the railing. I flinch at the volume of his tone. He looks at me threateningly and I force my legs to move. Once I'm in the dark hallway a tear slips from the corner of my eye and I quickly dry it off.

I cant believe he's saying all this, the same boy who took care of me and laughed over pizza. Cried with me, now never wants to see my face again. The worst part? I don't know why. Even worse than that? He matters in a way nobody does, he saved me. It hurts because it matters. His words stabbed at my heart without an explanation but I'm not going to ask for one, what's done is done. I'll stay away from the boy whom I thought different. I'll stay away and try my best to forget him and his actions. I'll stay away and not make up for the years we've missed.

I scurry down the stairs and reach for my purse quickly, hoping nobody will notice my tear stained cheeks. I want to tell them I have a headache and provide an excuse but I can't, my voice will come out squeaky and shakey like it always done when I cry. Instead I just leave through the front door and dart towards my house.

"Elena!" Kira's voice booms through the quiet street.

"I'm alright I promise." I shout confidently and step into my house. "At least I will be." I whisper faintly.

They know better than to chase me here. They know I prefer to stay alone. I take my shoes off and clamber up the stairs to my room. I open the window inhaling the smell of fresh air before my eyes land on him. He's sitting on one of the rocks clutching a glass bottle. He turns around and looks at my window. He notices I'm here and doesn't tear his glance away. He's staring right at me. I close the window and shake my head. Slowly I go grab my pajamas. I've had enough for the night and apparently he's had enough of me.

Hey hey
So yeah that's pretty much it, I'm not a world class author but I try my best.
It would mean the world if you could give me some feedback on my work or perhaps even vote.
Until next time...
Thanks for reading love you all

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