New Boy (jacob latimore love...

By mindless_jewelz

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New Boy (jacob latimore love story)
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Sorry Not A Chapter
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

2.1K 88 3
By mindless_jewelz

~ Y/N POV~

It was 9:00 when I walked in Jacobs house. my feet were hurting and I could barely keep my eyes open. I limped upstairs to my room and when I opened the door I saw Jacob sitting on the floor holding something like a picture frame. " Hey Y/N how was work" he asked me. " Ok I guess, hey what are you looking at." I asked curious to know. he slowly handed me the small picture frame not making eye contact. When I looked at the picture my heart dropped. it was a picture of me my mom and sister. Tears came to my eyes. " J-JJacob where did you find this"? I asked he sighed. " when you left for work I drove to your house to see if I could find anything that would keep some memories of your mom and sister. Nobody was home so I searched around an found a box of things." he pointed to a box in the corner. I walked over to the box and just stared at wondering if I should open it or not. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the box. When I looked in side I saw some pictures of my me and my family before my dad was abusive. Jacob sat next to me. 

~ An hour later ~

Jacob and I were putting all the photos away since it was getting late. " Thanks Jacob for everything." I said hugging him I looked into his eyes for which seemed like forever then kissed him he kissed backed. Things started to get a little heated so I stopped. " I'm sorry I got caught up" he said " No it's ok it's my fault." " Well good night." he said then he pecked my cheek and walked out. I sighed. Then I felt if I was being watched again I just ignored it and did my nightly routines then went to bed.

~Madison POV~

" I can't believe this how could he kiss that ugly lil bitch." Ugh I was so mad I felt like slapping Y/N in the face. Me and jaden were watching Y/N and Jacob in a tree by the window. Call me a creep or whatever but that's my man and no bitch is going to get away with touching him. We climbed down the tree since they went to bed but tomorrow Y/N will pay.

~ Next Morning~

My alarm went off but I Was all ready awake and dressed. I was ready to start what me and Jaden were planning for so long

(Outfit in comments)

I heard a honk outside it must be Jaden. Today Jacobs gonna be mine.

* At school *

I walked to my first period class early no one was in there so I walked in and waited for Jacob to come. Finally after waiting he walked in he looked surprised. I guess it's because I'm here early for once. he sat down across the room so I got up and sat next to him. " Hey Jacob" I said as innocent as ever. " Hey" he said without making eye contact. then Y/N walked in just great she sat next to the window sill and Jacob had the NERVE to move and go sit with her. I was furious I looked at them talking and smiling. I stormed out the classroom.

~ Y/N ~

" Whats up with Madison." I asked Jacob "I don't know you know how dramatic she is." he said I giggled and the teacher walked in the room.

~ After School ~

I was in the car with Jacob and I remembered tomorrow is April Fools Day I had the perfect thing for Ray and Chelsea. Now I need to come up with something for Jacob.

Hey guys sorry for the long update but next chapter will be here soon please comment if you have any Ideas for this story. Tank you!!! (;

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