Right Next To Me

Oleh urbanstargazer

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They say true love comes just once in a lifetime. Cate Ryan never stayed in one place. Her childhood was spen... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1 My Summer Begins
Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer
Chapter 3 Derek
Chapter 4 I am going.
Chapter 5 Topless Boy
Chapter 6 Seth
Chapter 7 A Day at the Fair
Chapter 8 The Lake House
Chapter 9 Cranky Boy
Chapter 10 The Inside Story
Chapter 11 My Kind of Summer
Chapter 12 A Family Dinner and A Box of Memories
Chapter 13 Always You
Chapter 14 At the White Luncheon
Chapter 15 The (Polo) Playing Field
Chapter 16 Dylan
Chapter 17 That (Awesome) Anniversary Dinner Party
Chapter 18 Operation Bring Back That Lovin' Feeling
Chapter 19 The Beautiful Ones
Chapter 20 A Day with Prince Charming
Chapter 22 Surprise!
Chapter 23 His Point Of View
Chapter 24 One Stormy Night
Chapter 25 A Lovers' Quarrel
Chapter 26 One Last Hurray for Summer
Chapter 27 Another Summer Ends
Chapter 28 The Birthday Celebrations
Chapter 29 Whose Birthday Is It Anyway?
Chapter 30 The (Best) Morning After
Chapter 31 On Courage and Sleeping
Chapter 32 Merry Christmas, War Is Over
Chapter 33 Happy New Year Dear
Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine
Chapter 35 The Love Intervention
Chapter 36 The Sweetest Thing
Chapter 37 The Birthday Boy
Chapter 38 On A Night Like This
Chapter 39 What Happens in California...
Chapter 40 Decisions...Decisions...
Chapter 41 A Promise I Make
Chapter 42 Right Next To Me
Chapter 43 Cheesy Lines and Perfect Words
Chapter 44 Endless Summer
Forever Summer Series

Chapter 21 Summer Getaways

2.9K 37 1
Oleh urbanstargazer

Chapter 21 ~ Summer Getaways

I heard my window being pelted with small stones before my alarm rang. I hurriedly took a shower and changed into my bathing suit. I put on a tunic to cover up then I headed downstairs where I found Aunt Lily already lounging by the pool. She was talking on the phone. Derek is doing laps. Seth is by the breakfast table Jessie has set up. I don’t see Dylan anywhere.

 “Hey, Seth! Where’s Dylan?” He turned to look at me and scratched his head.

“He went to get something. Cate, I am sorry about yesterday. I teased you too much.” He smiled apologetically.

I took the chair beside him. “Don’t worry about it.” I smiled back. 

 “Actually, I wasn’t teasing you about being inexperienced. I was teasing Dylan because I thought finally he got laid again.” Seth babbled, laughing. When he saw my surprised expression, he stopped. “Uh-oh. I said too much. Crap.”

 I was still thinking about what he said when someone kissed the top of my head. “Good morning, puffy.”

I looked up to see Dylan standing behind me. “Good morning, cranky.” I said, smiling. He handed me a bouquet of white and pink tulips. In my excitement and happiness, I stood up and hugged him almost causing him to lose his balance.

He laughed and held my waist to keep us steady. “If I had known you will be this excited over flowers, I would have given them to you every day.” Dylan said kissing my cheek.

I still can’t get the smile off my face. “You’re so sweet, cranky.” I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. I have received flowers from suitors but they do not know my favorite. They have given me roses. I appreciate white roses but nothing beats tulips. My family once went on a holiday in the Netherlands and I fell in love with the windmills and the tulips.

“Oh, Dylan that is so sweet. The flowers are really beautiful. ” Aunt Lily said. She is also holding a bouquet of flowers too. She got stargazer lilies, irises, roses and carnations in her bouquet.

Dylan scratched his head, smiling. “I heard Dad ordering flowers for you so I ordered Cate’s favorites, too.” I am still looking up at him dreamily. Is he for real? He waited for me to return and now he is showering me with so much love. I couldn’t help it. I kissed his face and gave another smack on his lips in front of Aunt Lily and Seth who were just laughing at the scene.

We were suddenly showered with water. Derek has surfaced from the pool and hit us with a splash of pool water. “Cheesy.” He teased but he was grinning from ear to ear.

“You’re just jealous because you don’t have a girlfriend, player.” Dylan retorted. Derek scowled and splashed us again with water when he went swimming the other way. We just laughed at him.

“I’ll put these in a vase.” I said, turning to go inside the house. “We’ll take that one, too.” Dylan said to Aunt Lily, asking for her bouquet. “We’ll put them in your room.”

We went back to the patio to have breakfast after fixing the flowers. We discussed Aunt Lily’s upcoming trip to Greece. Aunt Lily and Uncle Aidan are so excited to go. They have travelled extensively but not for leisure. Most of the time, they travel for business or they got Derek and Dylan in tow.

“Maybe now we would have a little O’Connor.” Seth teased.

Aunt Lily laughed but was shaking her head. “I don’t think so Seth. If we would have little O’Connors, they would come from these three.” She said pointing at me and Dylan and Derek.

“Aww, don’t expect anything soon from Cate and Dylan. They have zero se…” Seth started to say but Dylan cut him off. “Shut up, Cohen!” I grinned smugly at Seth and stuck my tongue out. He turned his nose up but he was smiling.

We went swimming after breakfast. “Seriously Cate, is there any chance you’d ditch Dylan and date me instead?” Seth inquired for the nth time, giving me his version of the puppy dog look. He has been pestering me all morning.

I am sitting poolside with Seth. My legs are dipped in the water. “Nope. I only have eyes for Cranky.” I declared, ruffling Dylan’s hair. He is resting his head on my lap. Dylan smirked at Seth.

Seth frowned. “You’re so perfect for me.  How do I find another you?”

“Oh you’ll find one who is just perfect for you. Don’t fret.” I assured him. He is still not convinced.

Jessie came by with a plate of grilled hotdogs and sausages. We easily devoured them, washing them down with smoothies. We’re spoiled little brats this summer. Jessie loves spoiling us since we usually do not stay at the villa. Heck, I was even away for six years.

“Jessie has agreed to come with us to Manhattan.” Aunt Lily said. She is sun bathing in the corner. “I finally got her out of her comfort zone and agreed to look after you while you’re in the city.” She continued turning to me.

“Wow, that means I get to have fantastic breakfast each day.” I said happily.

She nodded smiling. “You know she loves spoiling you.” I nodded in agreement. I love Jessie. She is like a mother to me.

We swam and sun bathed the whole day.


“I want to go somewhere else next summer.” Seth suddenly said. A week has passed with us spending each day swimming by the beach or on the pool, riding our bikes, wasting time by playing video games or just chatting.

I read books or sketched while Dylan and Seth played billiards in the game room. We have also driven back to the city to go to fairs and watch movies at the park and even a concert with their friends. We are running out of things to do.

“Any great ideas, Seth?” Dylan asked raising an eyebrow.

Dylan and Liam have told me a story where Seth dragged everyone to Spain to chase after a Spanish senorita. She happened to give him a fake address so they never really got to see her. They ended up backpacking across the whole of Spain the entire summer. At least they enjoyed the view, the beach, the food and its culture. They went home without any senorita for Seth.

“Why don’t we go to Tuscany next time or in Saint Remy?” Seth suggested. “Or go to some other beach. I’ve seen all bikini babes in the Hampton area.” He whined.

“Hmmm. We could go to California.” I suggested. “We have a house there and we can drive to Malibu or any other beach.” I added smiling. Dylan looks like he is seriously considering my suggestion.

“Let’s do that next time.” Seth said happily. “We don’t have to mope in the lake house anymore just ‘cause you’re already together. Right, cranky?” He turned to Dylan who just smirked.

“Right. We should plan our next vacation. There is a vacation for all of us and there should be a vacation just for us.” Dylan said, pointing to himself and me on the second part.

“We’ll go on a trip? Just you and me?” I asked excitedly. He nodded, smiling.

“Ian allowed me to go before, right?” I wondered aloud. I actually think he did. He knows Dylan and he knows how responsible he is. I just have to remind him that he already allowed me to travel with the boys.

Dylan scratched his head. “We need to wait ‘til you’re 18 before we could go. During the Christmas break maybe? I think I could convince Ian to let you go.” He said confidently.

“I really need to get myself a girl. I am getting left out.” Seth sulked again. Dylan and I just laughed at him.


Ian made it back to co-captain the yacht with Uncle Aidan. He loves sailing because our grandpa taught him how to sail when we moved to Saint Remy. He started late at 14 years old but he never stopped sailing if he has the time. I just tag along with him, never wanting to leave his side.

Now, he is at the deck, busy checking the sails while I am here flirting my ass off with my boyfriend, Dylan. Times have changed. I finally let go of my brother.

Maybe now he could stop worrying about me and focus on finding his perfect match?  I mentally made a note to bug him about it later.

Since our parents passed, Ian has been looking after me. I know he dates but he has never introduced anyone to me. He would only mention a few in passing and then I would just hear that he has moved on to another girl after a week or two.

Dylan and I are lucky to have found each other when we were young, I thought.

“Baby, come here.” Dylan whispered and motioned for me to enter a cabin with him. I followed him inside and he instantly locked the door.

“Your parents are outside. So is Ian.” I protested half-heartedly. Whatever Dylan is planning, I am pretty sure I’ll go with it.

He frowned, sighing. “I wanted to be alone with you for a while but if you don’t want to…” He trailed off. He looks defeated and went toward the door to open it.

“No.” I stopped him and held his arm. Crap that sounded too eager. He noticed it too because he grinned and pulled me into his arms, smirking. He is now staring at my face with a naughty glint in his eyes. I gulped. “W-w-what are you planning to do?” I asked.

“Relax, I just want to try something.” He said in his suave voice. His face is too close to my face and I am holding my breath. I always forget to breathe when he is too close. He slowly closed the gap and crushed his lips to mine.

OK, now I really can’t breathe. I am too excited, too happy, too nervous, too much of everything. Oh, but I am loving this. I felt his tongue and I copied the way he invaded my mouth.

He pushed me against a wall, his body pressing into mine. My arms are draped around his neck. His arm is around my waist and his other hand seems to touch me everywhere. He lifted my sundress. I grabbed his hair when his hand reached my inner thigh and stayed there, fondling me thru my bikini bottom. I felt like I am being brought to another world.

Blood is rushing thru my head. I feel like dragging him to bed and let him have his way with me. He started kissing my neck and I heard myself moan. Shocked at the sound I made, I froze and gasped.

Dylan also stopped what he was doing and gazed at me. He is trying so hard not to laugh. I lightly slapped his cheek because he is making fun of my reaction. Then he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He was laughing but he has not let go of me. “Cate baby, you’re so cute. You were even shocked at your own reaction.” I rolled my eyes at him. He started kissing my face.

“Shut up or you won’t even get to third base. Or whatever base.” I jokingly warned.

“Hmm. Yeah. We’ll see. You might surprise yourself again.” He teased, kissing my jawline.

“Yoo-hoo. Lovebirds, what are you doing in there?” We recognized Seth’s voice from outside. Dylan rolled his eyes and I just giggled. Seth always catches us when we fool around. We looked at each other and we know what we needed to do.

We opened the door and glared at Seth.

“How do you expect me to gain any experience if you keep interrupting us?” I faked a scowl.

“How do you expect me to get laid if you keep showing up?” Dylan pretended to scold him.

Seth took a step back, looking hurt. He is clutching his chest. Dylan and I burst out laughing at his reaction.

“Ha-ha. You got me there.” He said, looking relieved. “You guys should give me a holler if you’re planning something. I could bring a video camera.” He said wagging an eyebrow. He received a slap in the back of his head courtesy of Dylan.


We reached Block Island earlier than expected. We had an early lunch and visited some shops and lighthouses. We will also check out the bluffs later.

“Hey brother, how’s California?” I was walking with Ian. I linked my arm to his. I miss times like these when we would just walk around Saint Remy looking at shops or by the beach. It is our favorite past time during our summers there apart from sailing.

“Good. The house is clean and maintained well by the caretakers. We went to Napa Valley after Rich’s wedding reception. We stayed there for 3 days. It was awesome. You should see it.” He rambled.

“Dylan and I are planning to go on a vacation. Just the two of us.” I looked up at him, hopeful that he would allow me to go. He smirked. I need to remind him he already said yes before if he says no now.

“Already making plans with the boyfriend, huh. Hmmm.” He thought about it for a moment. “Yeah. I guess I could allow you to go. I mean you’ll be 18 soon and I trust Dylan will not do anything reckless. Or more like you can’t influence him to do anything reckless.” He rolled his eyes at me.

I have to admit I am pretty reckless. I do whatever I feel like doing so I get into trouble most of the time. With Dylan, I am more controlled. He is so overprotective, more protective than Ian even. He always oversees whatever I am doing and calls me out when I go overboard. He is the responsible one in our relationship now. Well, he has always been even when we were kids.

“I know.” I agreed with my brother. “Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve Dylan. He is too good for me. He is too gorgeous, too responsible, too smart …” I blabbered. I, on the other hand, am too irresponsible, reckless and uncaring, I thought. I sighed. I really need to be a better person to deserve him.

“Oh, he loves you, that’s all that matters.” Ian said, smiling. “I am now confident to leave you here with him. I know he’ll take care of you.”

“It is about time you stop thinking about me. Go look for a girl.” I teased him.” Did you get to meet someone at Rich’s wedding? A bridesmaid perhaps.”

He looked like he wanted to say something but was deciding if he would. I nudged him. “You met someone.” I declared. He chuckled and nodded.

“A maid of honor, actually. She is Charity’s good friend.” He said. “She is really beautiful, so enigmatic. No, enchanting?” he rambled. “But I don’t think she is interested. Besides, I live in Paris. She lives in California. It is not going to work.” He shrugged but he looked dreamy to me, like he is seeing this woman again as he speaks.

I have never seen my brother talk about a woman like this.

“Do you love her?” I inquired.

“Like. Sure. Love? It is too early to tell. ” He wasn’t able to elaborate because Aunt Lily and Uncle Aidan are calling us to follow them towards a lighthouse. We went in to inspect.

Everyone is already there. My eyes searched for the blue-eyed boy with disheveled brown hair. I found him. I wrapped my arms around Dylan’s waist from behind. “Ian said yes.” I said, triumphantly.

He turned around to face me, draping his arm on my shoulder. “You asked permission for us to travel alone?” I nodded. He smiled and looked excited.

“I told you he trusts you.” I said again.

“Hmm. Where should we go first?” He asked. “

"California.” I said, smiling wickedly.

Ian sent me back to New York to be with Dylan. Maybe I could be the one to find him the love of his life.

Dylan pinched my nose. “You have your wicked grin on. You are planning something. Spill.” He ordered.

I grinned wider and motioned with my pointer finger for him to come closer. I told him my plans about hijacking Ian’s love life. We plotted just like before.


We left the island after having an early dinner. We are all on the yacht deck as the sun was setting. It is a glorious scene. Uncle Aidan brought out the bubbly. He and Aunt Lily will leave on Monday for their flight to Greece. Ian flies back to Paris tomorrow night. Derek will fly to Chicago for work again. I am stuck with Dylan in the villa. I don’t mind that at all.

When we reached home, Jessie gave me a note to call back Kendall. “You have a message from Ken.” She said. “She sounds like a girl to me but how come her name is Ken?” I fought the urge to laugh. Maybe Jessie did not hear the last syllable.

I hurried upstairs to call my best friend. “Hey, Kendall.” I chirped when she picked up the phone. “Finally off from school, huh.”

“Yep and I’ll there on Tuesday!” She screamed on the phone excitedly. I had to pull it away from my ear for a second. I didn’t want to burst my eardrums. “And I have a surprise for you.” She said in a sing song voice.

“Kendall, you know I don’t like surprises.” I said flatly.

“Oh, but you’ll love this one. You love this one.” She said confidently.

“What time is your flight? I will pick you up from the airport.” She gave me her flight details and moved on to talk about the things that happened at the boarding school after I was let go. I was glad I left school early. It turns out I didn’t miss much.

“OK. See you Tuesday. Goodnight Ken!” I put the phone down smiling. I can’t wait to hang out with Kendall and introduce her to Dylan.

“Who’s Ken?” Dylan asked frowning. I didn’t notice him enter my room.

“Are you a ninja or something? I didn’t hear you come in.” I joked, chuckling.

He stepped towards the bed and sat beside me. “Who’s Ken?” He asked again when I didn’t answer his first question.

Should I prank him and make him believe my best friend is a guy named Ken? I smiled to myself. He obviously caught it because he raised an eyebrow.

“Ken is my best friend.” I said flatly keeping a straight face.

“Is there someone else?” I heard him say quietly. He wasn’t even looking at me. He is looking down at the carpeted floor. I stared at his gorgeous profile. “Caitlin.” He glanced up at me when I didn’t answer.

I love the way he says my name. I looked at his questioning eyes. I don’t think I could prank him. I shook my head, smiling.

“There is no one else.” I said biting my lip. I really want to tease him. He looks so adorable being jealous like this. I rested my chin on his shoulder. One turn and I get to kiss him again. “Ken is my best friend and she will be here on Tuesday.” I said smiling. He turned to look at me and a mesmerizing smile appeared in his face as realization hit him. I put emphasis on the word ‘she’.

I pinched his side and brushed my lips lightly to his. “Jealous much, Cranky Boy?” I shouldn’t have teased him because within a second, I am pinned underneath him while he tried to tickle me to death. “Stop! Stop!” I begged. I couldn’t breathe from laughing too hard.

“You shouldn’t have pranked me.” He stopped momentarily, smirking. I took that opportunity to grab his hair and pull him down for a kiss. He was not prepared for that move but I felt him immediately respond to my kiss. He stroked my back and held my face. We pulled away at the same time to catch our breath. He rested his forehead on mine. “Your kisses get me every time.”

“You don’t like it?” I asked pouting.

He chuckled and shook his head. “I love your kisses but I don’t like forgetting why I was upset.”

“I am sorry.” I held his face, gazing at his blue eyes. “I just thought you looked adorable when you get jealous.” I smiled sheepishly. He chuckled and kissed me again.

“Why is your friend’s name Ken?” He asked, getting up to a sitting position. He pulled me up with him and draped his arm on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Her name is Kendall. “ He smiled nodding in understanding. He kissed the top of my head and chuckled. “You smile like the sea.”  I made a face and did the same to him. “So do you.”

“Hmm, I know. We should take a shower.” He suggested, wagging an eyebrow.

“We should.” I readily agreed at the same time that he said “Together.”

I was stunned when I realized I walked into a trap. He burst out laughing. “You should see your face.” I started hitting his arms playfully which he held up defensively.

I stopped and yawned, feeling so tired. He chuckled and ruffled my hair. “You’re so cute, little Rosie.” He teased.

I frowned. “Little Rosie? I could make a little Rosie, you know?” I retorted. He grinned widely. Oh crap, I mentally slapped myself. That statement opens to more teasing.

“When you are not tired, let’s make a little Rosie.” He declared, smiling. He stood up and held my face to kiss me again. “Good night, baby. I love you.”

“Good night, Cranky. I love you.”


“Call me when you arrive.” I ordered Ian like I were older than him. He is flying back to Paris. Derek has left earlier to fly to Chicago.

“Yes, granny.” He teased. He hugged me goodbye. “I’ll be back two weeks from now. I need to drive a certain high school senior to school.” He chuckled.

I smiled. “See you then. Take care. Don’t miss me too much.”

“You know I am actually thinking about moving back to the U.S.” He suddenly mentioned. His brows are furrowed which means he is really thinking about it.

“Are you moving here to be close to me or to Miss Maid of Honor?” I smiled, teasing him. He sighed. “Both”.

Oh, my brother is really in love. I need to do something about that.


I woke up early on Monday to send off Aunt Lily and Uncle Aidan for their trip to Greece and Turkey. They will be away for twelve days. All their bags are packed and they’re ready to go.

“Enjoy!” I said, kissing Aunt Lily goodbye. Uncle Aidan was giving last minute instructions to Dylan, I think. They were huddled in a corner.

“Take care, OK? And always stay with Dylan, Seth or Jessie.” Aunt Lily reminded me for the nth time today. “I have also asked Marie and Rick to check up on you and Dylan when they get back from Montauk.” I nodded.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ll be fine.” I told her and reminded her too that my friend will be arriving and that we will stay in the city for a few days.


I had dinner with Dylan, Seth and Jessie.  The big house felt so empty. I wonder how Jessie could stay here alone during school terms without anyone of us disturbing her. It must be pretty lonely. It is a good thing she agreed to stay with me at the apartment. We could all just go home here on Friday nights.

Seth suggested we watch a movie after dinner. They were showing X Men: First Class on HBO. I have watched the movie with Ian in the cinema but I went ahead and watched it again. I love James McAvoy as Professor X and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique.

I sat with Dylan on the couch. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arm on my shoulder. Once in a while, he would kiss the top of my head. I have never felt so loved. This guy is unreal. I am so lucky to have him.

I didn’t know when I fell asleep. I just felt being carried up to my room and being laid on my bed. Someone kissed my forehead. I partially opened my heavy eyelids.

“Dylan.” I called, I think it is him. I received another kiss on the forehead. “Stay here.” I mumbled, pulling an arm down. I heard a chuckle.

“You’re too sleepy to make a little Rosie.” I heard the smile in his voice.

I smiled sleepily and tugged his arm. He must have relented because I felt my bed dip on one side and warm arms embraced me. His steady breathing lulled me to sleep.


I woke up to find myself in Dylan’s arms. He is still sleeping. His breathing is even and he looks so peaceful in his sleep. His messy hair is now more disheveled than ever. I gently kissed the tip of his nose and brushed my lips against his. I couldn’t help myself. I gazed at his beautiful face for a long time.

“Stop staring.” He mumbled. He is smiling but his eyes were closed.

“How do you know I was staring?” I pinched his nose. “You haven’t even opened your eyes.”

He reached out to wrap his arms around me again. I am quite surprised that I fit in perfectly in his arms. I smiled and traced his features with my finger, stopping in his lips.

“Stop staring.” He mumbled again.

I chuckled. “Why?”

“It’s creepy.” He said smiling.

I kissed him gently. “I was going for romantic or sweet.” I said. His eyes flew open and I gazed at his sea blue eyes.

“I love you.” He said, gazing back at me and touching my face.

“I love you more.” I said smiling. I borrowed his favorite line. He opened his mouth to protest but we heard a knock on my door. He groaned instead.

“I bet that is Topless Boy again.” I said giggling.

“Who else?” He sighed. ”Do you think if we got him a girlfriend, he will leave us alone?”

“I highly doubt it but we could try.” We heard another knock and we got up and prepared to go to the airport.


Yay! I was able to update earlier hehhe.. Kudos to me!

Hope you like it! VOTE if you do :) Any comments? Tell me you love me?!!!  LOL


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