Chapter 6 Seth

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Chapter 6 ~ Seth

During last night’s dinner, I learned that Aunt Lily, Uncle Aidan and Derek would all drive out early to Manhattan. There is no summer vacation for them anyway. They all did not want to get caught in the traffic jams when people pour into the Hamptons.  This means I will be left alone here with Jessie again.

Aunt Lily told me that I can call Andy, her driver, in case I wanted to be driven into the city or anywhere else. Jessie stopped driving after getting into a traffic altercation. She said she was traumatized.

I woke up late since I did not have to eat breakfast with anyone anyway. I went downstairs at about 10 o’clock to look for Jessie. My stomach is grumbling and I wanted to get something to eat. A guy with a disheveled dark brown hair was already seated at the kitchen counter, his back on me.

“Ehrm.” I cleared my throat to make my presence known. The guy steered, looked at me and went back to eating. “Morning, Cate Going.” I heard him say.

“I think you are in the wrong kitchen, topless boy.” I said, going to the refrigerator and taking out a carton of orange juice. “Your kitchen is right next door.” I reached out to get a glass. Jessie once caught me drinking straight from the carton and called me out on it. She said that was not very ladylike.

“I know, but the food in this kitchen is better than our kitchen.” Seth said looking up from his food, there was a slight pause.

I noticed him glance at my flat stomach which got slightly exposed when I reached for a glass. “The best food is always right in this kitchen.” He continued and dropped his gaze.

“Well, Seth, that is music to my ears.” Jessie said smiling as she entered the kitchen.

“You hungry, Cate?”, she turned to me. I nodded.  Jessie set a plate with a  stack of pancakes and bacon in front of me. “I saved this for you. I was afraid Seth would finish everything.” She said chuckling.

“Better prepare extra for lunch, Jess. I am staying. I am actually planning to live here.” Seth said chuckling, rubbing his stomach.

“No way!”, I protested in between chewing. “I don’t want you around here. I just might not be able to control myself. I might commit a crime and finish you off.”

“Fat chance. I’ll finish you off first.”  He said.” I’ll be in the game room, Jess.” Seth stood and left the room.

“Unbelievable. It is like he owns the place or something.” I said rolling my eyes and gesturing my hand towards the direction Seth took.

I heard Jessie laugh. “Seth is like the third O’Connor boy. His parents separated years ago. He has been attached to Lily, Aidan and the boys since then. His father remarried. Seth is also close to his step mom. The two families sometimes spend the holiday together. Your Aunt Lily is really fond of the girls. Seth has younger stepsisters.” She explained.

“Who lives with him next door now?” I asked Jessie, while chewing on a strip of bacon.

“He stays in a college dorm during the semester. He and his father’s second family are here during summers.” Jessie’s hands were busy chopping some vegetables.

“You need a hand?” I offered. I was almost done eating. I was so hungry that I ate too fast.

“I got this, Cate.” She said. “Go hang out with Seth at the game room.” She said shooing me away.

“I’d rather chill by the pool alone than hang out with topless boy.” I said. I have decided to do some laps.

Jessie raised an eyebrow. “Topless boy?" , she asked curiously. I told her yesterday’s events and she laughed but then turned serious.

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