Chapter 2 The First Boy of Summer

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 Chapter 2  ~ The First Boy of Summer

“Good morning, Cate! How did you sleep last night?”  Aunt Lily asked when she saw me enter the room. She was sitting by the breakfast nook, taking in my disheveled appearance.

I have on an old loose shirt and pajama bottoms. I do not have to look in the mirror to know that my hair looks like a bird’s nest. “Good morning too! And thanks, I slept well last night. You’re not working today?” I asked and sliding into my seat at the table and loading food onto my plate.

“No.” She said shaking her head. “I was thinking if you would like to go shopping with me today”. She asked smiling.

I must have looked too excited because I will be out of the villa for the first time this week.  I felt my mouth hanging open for about a minute that Aunt Lily started to laugh. “I take that as a yes then. We need to get you clothes. Lots of clothes.  Girly clothes .” She said. With emphasis on the ‘girly’.

“Erhm. Sure, I was thinking of getting some books and art supplies too while we are there.” I said making a mental note NOT to get any girly clothes. Whatever that means.

I have never been one to wear dresses and skirts unless it is a school uniform. I prefer wearing comfortable shirts , jeans and sneakers.  Tomboyish, sure.  But I go for comfort. I do not like suffering for fashion like other girls who continuously pull down their tight dresses when it hikes up or stumble because of their high heels. I suppressed a snicker at the images running thru my head.

“Oh, wait. Your new school will have a uniform.” Aunt Lily said pouting.

“So, Ian is really decided on making me stay here with you? Won’t that be much of a burden?”. I asked playing with my food. I suddenly lost my appetite.

“Ian thinks you need a change of environment after what happened in your past schools. I think he has a point and no, you will not be a burden.” She said, glancing at me and taking a sip of her coffee.

“I think it is time you experience a different style of education. You will be enrolled in a private school but it will not be as restrictive as your past boarding schools. I know how you feel, Cate. I have been there myself.  Those schools are boring unless you incite something fun and dangerous.” She winked at me but I had to turn my gaze down remembering the reason my brother decided to throw me across the Atlantic pond.

I had been kicked out of 4 different boarding schools. Each time, I got into trouble for something impulsive I did or something I thought was funny but the head mistress took them way too seriously. Not to mention my sneaking out during class hours, bringing in alcoholic beverages in the dorms, dating the head mistress’s son… I think that was the head mistress’s last straw. Me, dating her son.

“It will be a different kind of set up. You will not live within the confines of the school anymore. You will come home every day.  Have dinner with us, do your homework, watch T.V. once you are done. You get to attend proms, school fairs… Trust me, you will love it here.” She continued. “Eat up. We will go shopping the whole day. It will be fun!” She said excitedly.

Well, I am no longer excited to go out if I have to stay here and study for my senior year. I thought I was only on vacation. It turns out, I have been exiled here.


I have not seen anyone shop ‘til they drop but I feel like dropping now, literally. I need a mirror so I could watch myself drop. Aunt Lily is really a fashion maven, shopaholic machine. I could barely carry all the shopping bags.

The sales managers at all shops we went into knew her. They either gave her clothes or offered her clothes to purchase. I got ‘girly’ clothes because of them. I cringed. I hope I will not have to wear them.

We passed by the arts and crafts shop and I asked permission to go in and buy my supplies. Aunt Lily and I agreed to meet by the café outside the building in an hour.

After I had finished all my shopping, I walked toward the café. I spotted Aunt Lily by the corner table but she was not alone.  She was happily chatting with a young man. As I approached, Aunt Lily noticed me and motioned to the man, seemingly advising him that I have arrived. The man turned around and smiled at me. I felt my heart skip a beat.

“Cate, honey. Do you remember Derek?” Aunt Lily said. Her step son. A boy of my summers.

Sure, Aunt Lily I will never forget my first crush.

“Yeah, I remember him.” I actually managed to say with a half smile. I hope it does not look like a cross between a grimace and a smile. I suddenly felt so awkward.

“Hi Cate! Look at you! You’re all grown up. How have you been?” Derek asked still smiling at me. His eyes never left my face. I am hoping I looked presentable. I am wearing a long sleeved shirt paired with some skinny jeans and ballet flats.

“I..uh..good.” I croaked and looked down as I feel my face heat up.

“Derek will drive us home. Let’s order now, shall we?”. Aunt Lily interrupted our awkward interlude.


I survived the entire dinner conversation with Aunt Lily acting as my ‘wing man’. She effectively  verbalized my thoughts and explained them to Derek while I was trying to pick up my scattered brains.  I cannot think straight in front of this guy.

He seemed amused at our antics and kept saying Aunt Lily and me were so much alike.  I do not mind at all. My Aunt Lily is cool, elegant and sophisticated.

I sat in the back seat on the ride home. I kept sneaking glances at Derek while he was driving. I cannot believe how an awkward teenaged boy turns into this very masculine, elegant, handsome and articulate man.

Derek is the same age as Ian. I have seen how my brother has matured. How can I not believe Derek would mature as well? I smiled to myself.

I now see Derek in a whole new light.  I sneaked another peek thru the rearview mirror but he caught my gaze. I felt my face heat up when he  flashed me his dazzling smile.

Ooh, be still my heart.


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Meet Cate ====>

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