Chapter 34 My Cranky Valentine

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Chapter 34 ~  My Cranky Valentine

Dylan has been acting really weird. It will be Valentine’s Day in a few weeks. I am sure he is cooking up something. I wonder what it will be this time. He has been spoiling me a lot. He gives me so many things when all I really want is for him to be with me all the time.

I got him tickets to a film and comics expo which will feature Iron Man and other Marvel characters. He is crazy about comic books so I thought we should visit it once we are in California. I am actually skipping Valentine’s Day from my planning. I have already planned for his birthday in March which we will spend in Los Angeles.

“Cate, you have a package…” Jessie announced and entered my room holding a huge box. “…a gift and a letter.” She handed me the envelope after placing the huge box on a lounge chair. I opened the envelope and read thru it. It is an invitation for the Debutante Ball.

I sighed. I already told Aunt Lily that I didn’t want to go. She was trying to convince me to take part in it. I am just not buying it even if she says it will be good for the family business. Everyone will finally meet the younger Cerruti heiress, she said. I actually do not like being the center of attention (except Dylan’s).

I know that once I get out there, I would no doubt land on Page Six. My mother and Aunt Lily were always on those pages when they were younger. I heard I had been featured in those pages when I was born because my mother was a hot young socialite at that time.

Jessie has not left the room and is now curiously eyeing the huge box. I stood up from my perch on the window sill and walked over to the lounge chair where she placed the box. I carefully opened it and saw the most beautiful ball gown I have ever seen. It is white, a prerequisite for the ball. I would have wanted this as my wedding dress but then again, I have already designed my wedding gown last summer while I was daydreaming about marrying Dylan.

“Wow. Absolutely beautiful.” Jessie sighed. “Oh, there is another card.” She handed it to me. I recognized Dylan’s handwriting.

Cate Babe,

Meet me at The Waldorf Astoria. 2 o’clock. Bring your dancing shoes. We need to practice.



 Huh. Dylan got me the dress and he wants me to join the ball. What. The. Effy. It is definitely not my cup of tea and he knew that. I am curious to find out what is going on though. It is already a quarter past one in the afternoon. I hurriedly grabbed a pair of high-heeled shoes and a change of clothes.

I found him waiting for me by the hotel lobby, looking dapper as usual. “Mr. O’Connor, please explain what is going on.” I demanded, crossing my arms to my chest.

He just stared at me grinning. I pinched his side. “Oww. Cate…” He protested. “Lily made me do it...” He confessed. Hah! I knew it. He continued on. “…but I also think you should experience it. It is part of your family tradition.”

I huffed. “I don’t like it.”

“I know you don’t like it but it is also your chance to dance with me the whole night. I will be your escort.” He said smirking.

“Really?!” That got me thinking. He is not really letting me do this alone. He is willing to suffer it with me. “Why do we have to do this?” I would love to dance with him all night but it is also fun to just hang out at the apartment and do nothing.

He rolled his eyes. “I told you, it is tradition. Just do it for Lily. She would be really happy.” He is still trying to convince me.

“Fine.” I conceded. “So, there are rehearsals?”

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