
By drunko2l

409K 10.8K 4.3K

Bad days are inevitable and sometimes they make you want to jump off a bridge. At times they happen because w... More

One: Bad Day
Two: The Punch
Three: Afterwards
Four: The Party
Five: Girls, Fights, and Cops
Six: The Explanation
Seven: Where it all Started
Nine: Important Call
Ten: The New Gang Members
Eleven: Big Deal
Twelve: The Kiss
Thirteen: Second Party
Fourteen: The Trade
Fifteen: Realizing
Sixteen: The Decision
Seventeen: Funeral
Eighteen: The Encounter
Nineteen: The Continous Battle
Twenty: Dreams
Twenty One: The War Zone
Twenty Two: Where it all seems to stop.
Twenty Three: The New Life in Progress
Twenty Four: Empty
Thank You

Eight: The Pit

18.4K 462 134
By drunko2l

"Grab on kids, cause here we go" said the driver. He then proceeded to hit the gas pedal and go almost fifty miles above the speed limit.

If I wasn't aware of the situation, I would've guessed Kian is trying to kidnap me. It wasn't until I turned around and saw three Black Chargers coming towards us. How did I know it was for us? Because I've seen movies, and this was serious shit going down. I guess the rumors of Kian being in gangs and illegal things wasn't a lie.

"Who's the girl" asked the driver.

"She's Mia"

"I'm Mia"

"Why is she here, Kian?" he asked again, he seemed pissed off, but he was calm about it.

"When Shawn's group of bimbos were chasing me, I bumped into her and they saw me talking to her. They would've killed her if she had stayed there."

"Why would that of been any of our problem or concern?" Sam then asked.

"Don't fucking question me, Sam." Kian was getting angry, I could tell. They were going back and fourth just arguing and I just stayed quiet and continued to peel my nail polish off, which is what I do when I was scared and/or nervous. I turned around and saw one of the Chargers on our ass, and the other two on either side of us. Getting closer to the driver and passenger side.

"um Kian" I whispered.

"Besides, it's not like it would be sanitary to just leave her on the ground"

"but you wouldn't have had to worry about it, Kian"

"Stop arguing, I did what was best for her, and me, and all of us"

"um, Kian?" I whispered again.

"For fucksake, since when do you care of anyone besides yourself?"

okay now they were too close, "SORRY TO INTERRUPT YOU GUYS BUT TWO CARS TO YOUR SIDES AND ONE OF YOUR ASS AND IF YOU DONT HIT THE GAS IM AFRAID WE ARE GOING TO DIE" I screamed. Kian and Sam looked on either side, and the driver literally drove off so fast I didn't know cars went that speed.

"Sam, Kian get the guns in the back. It's time to get busy." he said.

"Mia, look at me" he said. I was loosing my breath after I heard the word guns. "Mia, I need you to lay down on the floor, okay? Just, keep your head down and breath. It's going to be okay." I nodded and did as he said. I covered my face with my arms , but that didn't stop the sound I heard next.

Gun shots going off on either side of the car. I screamed, then I passed out.


"This is your fault"

"shut the fuck up, I tried doing what was best."

"can you two shut up? Just be glad Shawn's dudes are off our ass and now we can go to the Pit."

These strange voices in my head, I couldn't decide whether they were real or not. I tried opening my eyes, but it was so bright I couldn't dare to do that. A soft grunt left my lips, my neck hurt really bad, and my head was throbbing.

"Kitten? Are you okay?"


"It's okay, just stay calm" I felt someone stroking my hair and it felt like all the pain was being lifted off my body.

After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and was faced with the ceiling of a car. And Kian's face. He wasn't exactly in my face, but he was the one stroking my hair and looking out the window. My head was rested on his lap and I didn't want to get up. I don't think I ever noticed how complex his face is. He was calm, he wasn't yelling or had smoke coming out of his ears. But he didn't seem like he was relaxed either. He just seemed like he was aware of everything around him, paranoid I guess. The way his eyebrows are crunched up a little but his jaw isn't tightened. He bites hit lip when he's anxious, I've noticed. He had a pretty face, and his eyes were just to die for.

ok Mia enough sweet talk you're still in trouble and don't know what you're into, or were you're going.

I jolted up, sitting straight. I turned my head to face Kians', but he didnt even bother to look at me.

"hey" he said after a few seconds of me staring at him, and him staring out the window.

"hi" I managed to squeak out.

"You good?" he's still not looking at me.

"fine" I proceeded to swing my feet over and sit right in the seat. No one spoke, and when I saw outside I honestly had no idea where we were.

All you could see was endless and endless fields of dirt. No signs of anything anywhere, not even a car in sight.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"The Pit" Sam said. "Don't ask what it is or we'll have to kill you" I froze at the words he said. Kill you. I started feeling panicky again, loosing air from my lungs. He then turned around, a serious look on his face. "I'm kidding" he smirked. "It's our hang out place. Our family." No more questions were asked.

We drove for about five more minutes before a really big house started coming into view. It was huge from here, and it only became bigger as we drew closer to it. I was scared, for three reasons. One, it's getting dark outside. Two, I don't know where we are. And three, I might just be going into a drug dealing and man slaughtering house.

Being named "The Pit" I was expecting a dirty old and rusty warehouse but it was everything but that. We hopped off the car and I just took in the beauty of it. The outside extravaganza didn't follow inside. Instead of the royalty, too good for me, magical-castle-feeling and vibe that was present outside, the inside was more of a home and welcoming feeling. There were shoes at the entrance, regular home couches in the living room with a regular family tv, dining table, I wasn't intimidated. But there was no one in sight.

The driver, who's name I still don't know, walked up to a big round plate on the wall. And I'm not talking about a plate for food, a ginormous round silver plate that filled up most of the wall. He grabbed a drum stick and started making a beat on it. Soon enough people started filing out. From upstairs from different doors. But they weren't regular people. Big, fat, scary men with tattoos and long bears and tall skinny women with black jet hair and pierced faces.

I wasn't in a home.

This isn't their real family.

I'm in a gang house, with gang members.

And they were all looking at me, some popping the gum in their mouths, others popping their fists-everyone's eyes were on me. No one else. Because I didn't belong here. And they knew it.

Mia-calm down, breath.


"Who's the girl" a guy spoke up. He had a long beard, and tattoos that filled every inch of skin on his arms and neck.

don't show weakness.


"Oh her? That's Mia," Kian spoke up. My knees are going week I can't stand still, and it's really hot in here I swear I'm dripping sweat.

no Mia you aren't dripping sweat.

you sure?

"Why is she here?" I stayed put. I couldn't move, I was frozen in place. I felt like everyone was about to dance on my face with their leather boots and this was the end of me. What am I supposed to do?

Suddenly as I felt like I was about to collapse, one of the ladies who was snapping her gum came towards me and put her arms around me saying, "Okay, enough staring down y'all are about to give this girl a heart attack. Honey come here. Sit down and calm down. These guys wouldn't hurt an innocent child now, would they?" She said looking around, no one answered her.

"Get back to work gentlemen!" She snapped.

And just like that, all of the mean men scattered to different parts of the house and acted as if they didn't just scare me to death. She walked me to a chair and I gradually took the seat.

"Would you like some water?" I nodded. "Calm yourself a little bit darlin', they ain't nothing but big scary lookin men. They won't hurt you" she said as she handed me a glass of water. I didn't respond because I'm still trying to figure out if this is a dream or not.

"Hey Mia, here" Kian said as he walked up to me with a house phone stretched out for me to grab.

"What's this?"

"A phone-so you can call home, and make sure your parents know you're not going home tonight."

"what? what do you mean not going home tonight? I have school tomorrow! I have to be home! What am I gonna say?! They aren't going to let me stay out on a school night?! are you crazy!?" I ranted on, the look on his face made it seem like he thought this was a joke. "I DEMAND TO GO HOME RIGHT NOW"

"You can't."

"And why is that?"

"because, Mia, if you go home. You'll die. If the guys that were chasing us find out where you live, your family will die. Do you want that?! I didn't think so. now call. now." he replied with so much sarcasm now I thought this was a joke, but I knew better.

"What am I supposed to say?"

"Say you're staying at your friend, what's her face, Sadie's house?"

"You mean Stephanie?"


"what if she calls Stephanie's mom?"

"Call Stephanie and tell her to play along"

I sighed and just agreed with it. I walked to a quiet corner of the house, which was a small hallway with other multiple doors that I did not dare come close too.

"Hello?" Stephanie's voice was heard.

"Hey, Steph-um-what's up?"

"nothing. painting my toes, why what's going on?"

"Oh nothing, why do you think something is going on?"

"Well for starters, this is an unknown number and you have a cellphone, and it's almost nine at night and you're usually studying or in bed right now. So what's going on?" Damn her for knowing me so well.

"Well, I'm sort of in a pickle"

"a pickle?"

"yes now listen. Um, I'm gonna need you to back me up on something." she didn't talk so I continued, "I'm going to need you to lie to my mom and dad if they call and ask if I'm sleeping over. Please don't ask questions because I won't be able to answer them. Just, please? I don't know where I am or who I'm with I just know I won't be going home tonight." she still didn't speak. "Steph?"

"Alright Mia! You're being a rebel for once! I'm upset your first sneak out isn't with me but whatever floats your boat! You could've just told me you were going with some guy-"

"STEPHANIE SHUT THE FUCK UP THIS INSTANT" she stopped talking "There is no guy. Just shut up and tell me you'll help me out? I'll try to explain everything tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'll see you. Have fun with your boo thang"

"Steph-" she hung up before I could explain myself. I sighed and called both my parents.

I walked back into the kitchen after a long argument with both mom and dad, who just had no choice but to let me go. I saw Kian talking to Sam by the kitchen island and walked up to them. I nodded to let Kian know it was done and sat down on a stool.

I looked around the house and noticed that it didnt seem any different from a home bar. There were men sitting on couches watching tv, others playing pool, some outside smoking, and others having dinner in the dinner table.

Hmm, I guess this was like a family.


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