Nothing More, Nothing Less (A...

By CharlotteLuvs1D

5.3M 42.1K 4.8K

Maya Hartman was never into One Direction. The twenty-six year old girl, living alone in an apartment in New... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 *
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 *
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 *
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 *
Chapter 10 *
Chapter 11 *
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note :)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 *
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 *
Chapter 41 *
Chapter 42
Author's Note
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Author's Note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Author's Note
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Author's Note :)
Chapter 85

Chapter 65

45.6K 318 17
By CharlotteLuvs1D

ENJOY!!! :D comment, vote, and fan!!! thanks so much <333 luv youuuuu


            I had collapsed onto my bed when I got home from the taxi ride from the airport. I didn’t even bother getting changed, so I was still in my jeans and t-shirt when I woke up in the morning.

            I looked around for Harry but didn’t find him in bed next to me. My sheets looked like they weren’t even touched on his side of the bed. Where was he?

            I checked my clock on my night table and saw it said 9:17. Crap, I was going to be late for work! I jumped out of bed and scrambled to get in the bathroom to take a shower and get changed afterwards.

            I was ready in record timing and I stepped out into my apartment. I checked the clock again and saw it was 9:32. I’m late. I grabbed my bag, and walked out of my apartment, checking my phone for any messages. There was nothing. I stopped at the elevator and looked back to my door. I felt like Harry was going to walk out, but he didn’t. The elevator doors opened, but I didn’t step in. I ran back to Harry’s door and started banging on it.

            “Harry!” I yelled, but he didn’t open the door. “Harry!!” I yelled again. Where the hell was he?! First, he didn’t sleep with me, and second, he didn’t open his door. What was going on?

            I felt like I was going to start crying. I needed to see Harry. I know that sounds pathetic, but he’s the one who makes me want to start my day. Otherwise, I would just lie in bed all day and do nothing productive.

            He wasn’t home. My face dropped and I walked back over to the elevator, hoping that somehow he would show up and give me a kiss goodbye. He didn’t though. I made my way down to the lobby.

            “Hey Maya,” David said behind his computer.

            “Hey, have you seen Harry?” I asked.

            “Um, I think he left very early this morning and he looked like he was in a rush.”

            I nodded. I wasn’t getting my Harry kiss this morning. “Okay, thanks David,” I said and I walked out of my apartment building.


            I woke up at 6:30 and looked at Maya sleeping next to me. I didn’t want to, but I had to get up. I was having a huge surprise for her at the guys’ house and I needed to get ready. I rolled out of bed and fixed the sheets. I kissed her on her forehead and walked out of her room to get changed.

            Twenty minutes later, I was outside on the sidewalk waiting for the bus to come and drive me to the bus stop near the guys’ house. I tapped my foot impatiently and crossed my arms over my chest. I had my hood up and my sunglasses on in hopes of not attracting any attention.

            A little girl who looked around six sat down on the bench with her mother. Her feet didn’t touch the ground and she rocked them forward and back. She looked at me, but I just watched the cars drive by. She jumped out of her seat and stepped over to me.

            “Excuse me?” she asked pulling at my sweatshirt.

            I smiled, “Yes?”

            “Are you Harry Styles?” she said in her little girl voice.

            I kneeled down so I was eye level with her. She looked like a mini version of Maya. It was amazing really. “Yes I am, sweetie.”

            “Can I have a picture with you?” she asked looking at me and then back at her mother. She nodded and pulled out her camera phone. She took two pictures of us.

            “Thank you Harry,” the little girl said.

            “Any time sweetheart,” I said standing back up.

            She hugged me around my waist. “Can you tell Maya I say hi? I think she’s really pretty.”

            I smiled and nodded, “Me too, and guess what? You look like her.”

            She grinned, “Really?”

            “Yes, you have the hair and the eyes, I’m sure you’re going to grow up to be a very pretty young lady.”

            She giggled, “Thanks Harry.”

            I smiled at her and she went back to sit next to her mother. The bus pulled up and I sat in the first seat and looked out the window. I looked at the cars drive by and before I knew it, the bus stopped and I got out at my bus stop. I walked the fifteen minutes to the guys’ house and pressed the code into the control panel on the big gates. They opened and I walked up to the front door and was greeted by Louis.

            “Haz!” he exclaimed hugging me.

            “Hey Lou,” I said. He pulled away and we walked into the kitchen to find some very tired looking bandmates. “Hello lads,” I said smiling. They grunted in response and I sat down next to Niall and patted his back.

            “Do we have to go to work today?” he mumbled.

            “Yes,” Liam said, “We have an interview at 1 that’s a couple hours away from here.”

            Everyone groaned. We were never good in the morning.

            “Come on you guys, interviews are fun!” Liam said trying to act happy about this.

            “They’re all the same thing, ‘Harry is it true you’re dating Maya?!’ ‘Louis is it true you’re single?!’ ‘Niall do you really have a girlfriend?!’” Louis said impersonating the interviewers. I tried to hold back my smile because Liam looked pretty irritated.

            “Come on you guys, it’s too early for this,” he said suddenly turning serious. He could go from being extremely excited to full out intense in a heartbeat.

            “I don’t wanna go…” Niall whined.

            “Too bad,” Liam said still looking at Louis with his death glare.

            “What time are we getting back?” I asked.

            “Probably 5:30, 6 o’ clock. Why?”

            I cursed in my head. “I was… I was um, going to make this whole big dinner for Maya for Valentine’s Day.”

            “Wasn’t that like two weeks ago?” Zayn asked.

            “We both forgot,” I explained.

            Louis exaggerated a gasp, “Harry Styles forgets Valentine’s Day?! I am shocked.”

            I looked at him, “So now I don’t know…”

            “Take her out for dinner,” Liam suggested.

            “It’s not the same,” I said looking at the floor. “And I wanted it to be really special…” I was trying to guilt Liam into canceling the interview. Louis realized and jumped in to help me.

            “Come on Liam, wouldn’t you want to skip work if you were doing something for Danielle?”

            “I work around my schedule,” Liam said.

            “Liam!” Louis whined and I smiled at him.

            “Yeah Liam, please!”

            “We’re going you guys.”

            “Well I’m not,” Louis said. Liam raised his eyebrows.

            “Me too,” I jumped in.

            Zayn and Niall looked at us. “Same,” Zayn said. Niall grunted, so we assumed he was on our side also.

            “See Liam? You’re outnumbered,” I said.

            “Are you guys completely serious?” he asked, looking a bit shocked.

            “Unless you can schedule the interview for earlier, yes,” I said.

            “I’ll see what I can do,” Liam said taking out his phone and walking out of the room.

            “I’m going to be late!” I exclaimed in the car ride home from the interview. I kept looking at the clock, but time was not on my side today. The minutes felt like hours and Liam was trying to get back to my apartment building as fast as he could.

            “Do you have everything ready?” Liam asked.

            “Yeah, I just need to set it all up.”

            “What are you making for dinner?”

            “Pasta… it’s the only thing I had in my kitchen.”

            “That’s sooo romantic Harry,” Louis teased.

            I rolled my eyes. I would’ve said something, but I didn’t. What felt like two hours later, but in reality it was only thirty minutes, Liam was parking in front of my apartment building. I had around fifteen minutes until Maya got home from work. So, I had to get dinner started, get changed and look presentable. It was our first real Valentine’s Day.

            I hopped out of the car.

            “Good luck!” they all called after me. I turned around and thanked them quickly before I ran into the building in front of me and up to my apartment.

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