
By Keeleigh_Saunders

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"We're so hopelessly screwed in our own fucked up reality of a Shakespeare play" "That we are. Hopelessly sc... More

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By Keeleigh_Saunders

I was about to start getting ready to go when there was a knock on the door, I shouted for them to come in. It was one of the guards that normally dealt with Oliver, he apologised for interrupting. It didn't matter I was just leaving to go anyway. I told the guard that I was just about to head to see Oliver.

"You need to meet him in the dinner hall... He has visitors, he requested that you be there" The guard reeled off to me.

I nodded my head and watched as he turned and closed the door behind him, I took a deep breath. Oliver wanted me with him, I wonder who had come to see him. Family, friends maybe even previous lovers. I took my hair down only to put it straight back up, I found myself faffing with my outfit as I began to walk towards the dining hall. I walked slowly and turned into the dining hall, Oliver was sat on the bench looking down at his feet, he looked sad as I walked over to him. I put my hand on his shoulder, he jumped and looked up at me smiling as he did.

"What's up with you?" I asked him

He shook his head and took my hand in his "My mom and dad have come to see me"

Oddly I found relief knowing it wasn't a previous lover of his coming to confess their undying love for him, I smiled and squeezed his hand lightly "That's a good thing isn't it?"

Oliver shrugged "They've only ever seen me three other times since I've been sentenced... And each visit was only to say that another family member had wiped their hands of me"

I furrowed my brow, that was awful. His own parents coming to see him only to say that his family were slowly abandoning him. I could see now why he might have wanted me to come with him, I couldn't imagine how hard it must've been for him to hear that all these people, who are supposed to be family, have just cut him off like he's nothing. "I'm sorry, Oliver, that's not the way family is supposed to work."

He laughed and looked at me "That's how my family works, you're either a big success or you're cast off... Now I don't know about you but I don't think I'm a very successful CEO in this place"

"The way you spoke about your childhood, they don't seem like they could be like that" I questioned him, wondering if maybe he had played me at my own game

"That's because when you're a child you can't really become a filthy stinking rich billionaire" He laughed "Not a problem when you're a child and as long as you prove success as an adult their feelings towards you never change. But I ended up here framed for a murder I never committed"

He looked up at me as he said the last bit, it's not the first time I have heard him say this. I nodded "Tell me later, for now let's get this done"

He nodded and we walked out to the communal room where the inmate's got to see their family. As we reached the door the guards cuffed both of Oliver's wrists, he winced as they were tightened. The guard then walked through the door with us and stood at the back wall of the room, I watched as Oliver scanned the room for his parents. I stood behind him not saying anything until I saw him stop and take a step forward. I looked in the same direction and saw two people sat at the far end of the room, in the corner tucked away.

The woman had the same colour hair as Oliver except it fell in frizzy ringlets down the side of her face and back. The man wore a tight lipped expression, almost as if it was painful to be sat here, his hair was a dark blonde and poker straight. Both of them wore smart clothes, as we got closer I could see that the woman had perfectly manicured hands with nails painted a deep navy and the gentleman had his hands clasped firmly together on the table. Silver cufflinks glinted in the light from under his jacket sleeve. We finally approached them and I watched as Oliver sat down slowly, he placed his cuffed hands on the table. He was shaking as if he was afraid of what they were going to say.

I stood behind him and ran the back on my index finger down the top of his back, my attempt to comfort him as he sat in front of his parents. Their eyes bore deep into his, I could see anger, disappointment, fear and sadness in both of their expressions.

"Mother, father" Oliver finally spoke to them, breaking the harsh atmosphere

His mother's eyes flew up to me, her face expressionless "And who is this?"

I put my hand on his shoulder to speak but Oliver beat me to it "This is Taylor... She's paid to assist us prisoners if required for visitation"

I looked at him and held my hand towards them both, Oliver continued to look at his mother and father, I didn't understand the lie but I smiled at his parents "It's lovely to meet you both"

His mother turned her nose up "Yes, I'm sure" She sneered as she looked away and back to Oliver.

I was taken aback by just how rude she was, I watched as his father stood then "Well, I do believe your mother and I are the only members of this family that are left in your corner"

Oliver's head hung low, I put my hand on his shoulder again despite the scornful look I received from both his parents. I held firm and watched as Oliver reached round and put one of his cuffed hands over mine. He stood then and looked at them both "Well you won't need to worry much longer because in six months' time, I'm due to be executed"

He turned around and without another word walked away from his parents, I followed him in silence as he stormed through the doors, kicking it with his foot. I had to run to catch up with him, his wrists still cuffed he kicked over one of the benches in the dinner hall. I could see the guards speaking into the walkie-talkies.

"Oliver" I called, knowing he was going to get another beating. I rushed over to him, grabbing his arms and trying to get his attention "Oliver stop!"

He looked at me, breathing heavy as he finally stopped trying to destroy things. His eyes met mine and I put my hand on his cheek "Calm down okay, you need to calm down"

He nodded and closed his eyes, taking a few deep calming breathes. I smoothed my thumb over his cheek, waiting for him to calm down. I looked at the guards around me and shook my head, they backed away but kept their eyes on us. Oliver finally opened his eyes and looked at me, he brought his still cuffed hand up and placed it over mine in his face.

"Thank you" He whispered

I smiled at him, and slipped my hand out from under his, I looked at the nearest guard and waved him over. He walked over and I pointed to the cuffs around Oliver's wrists, he undone them and walked away. I watched as Oliver rubbed the spot where the cuffs were, his wrists slightly red from the irritation. I could understand his anger and frustration at his parents, they were so condescending and prejudice towards him. I still couldn't understand why he lied about who I was.

"So" I sat down on the bench in the dining hall "Taylor?"

Oliver smiled and sat the other side of the table, his hands rest on top, still rubbing them "If my parents knew your position, knew that me and you had any kind of positive relations, they would have found out everything on you and had you removed from the premises permanently. The can't stand the idea of someone actually thinking anything positive about me"

It made sense, but it didn't make sense how parents could have such a burning hatred for their own son. I sighed deep "So, they would've preferred that we had the same horrendous relationship that we started with?"

"Yep" He popped the 'p' "They seem to think that it's a punishment for me, telling me that bit by bit my family are turning their back on me. And some sort of trophy that they still visit me. So the thought of anyone other than them giving me any kind of time, they want it finished with for good"

I shook my head and reached out for his hand, pulling it away from continuously rubbing the other "That's awful, I'm sorry"

He shrugged and flipped his hand over so our hands were palm to palm "That's why I didn't tell them who you are, because you would've been taken from me... I know you're leaving next month anyway, but for now I still have you"

I frowned "What do you mean?"

He sighed and look at the ceiling "When I got that letter from the court, when you came and saw me like that. Despite how awful I treated you, you were still there. You still comforted me, you didn't try and make it seem like it was nothing more than I deserved, you didn't remind me that it was always going to come. You just held me, you calmed me down and you made me feel as though you cared"

"I did care" I lightly scratched my index finger on his palm that rest on mine "Seeing you like that, seeing you so hysterical made me realise you really are just like the rest of us. You know I've never been an advocate for the death penalty, seeing you react to the date of your execution was the rawest and most vulnerable I had ever seen you"

He sighed and moved his hand so they were up right, our palms still pressed together. He watched as his hands completely covered mine from his perspective, he then laced his fingers in mine. His hand was so warm; I could feel the rough callouses on the side of this fingers. I watched as his fingers rest on my knuckles, we didn't speak.

"You have been the biggest help in this place for me, every day now I wish I had met you sooner. I wish I could go back in time; I wish it was me that you originally fell for. Maybe you could've stopped this from happening to me, maybe it would be me and you moving away from everything next month" He didn't look at me as he said all this "You're good for me, Chloe"

I bit my lip hearing this, it's not what I was expecting from him. I looked over him as he stopped himself from looking at me, my heart ached hearing him say this. He really wasn't a bad guy; he really did want better for himself. He didn't want to be in here, he didn't want to be painted as the villain he has been. He really meant it, he really meant what he had just said to me.

Before I got the chance to speak one of the guards came over, he informed us that Oliver needed to return to his cell. We both acknowledged this and walked in silence with the guards escorting us towards his cell, I fobbed the door open and looked at the watch on my left wrist. It was three in the afternoon, Oliver stepped into his cell first as I hung back "Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes" He said quietly.

I nodded and thanked the guards before stepping into the cell and closing the door behind me. The heavy locking sound echoed throughout the cell in the silence between us, I sat on the bed as usual as Oliver still stood facing the back of his cell

"Oliver?" I questioned him "What's wrong?"

I saw his back heave with the heavy sigh he gave before turning round and sitting next to me on the bed "You need to just forget what I said back there, I only meant that you have been the biggest help since I got here. None of the others were any good"

I nodded "I wish I didn't have to leave you to finish this without me"

This was the truth; I sometimes did wish that I wasn't leaving in a few weeks. I wish I could be around to finish what I had started no matter how heart wrenching that finish will be. I couldn't do that to Ashton though, I couldn't just put on hold what we have been working towards for years. I couldn't be selfish and put myself before him.

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