The Bad Boy's Journal

By HeyItsJovana

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"Have we met before?" Those were the words that seemed to echo through the very depths of our souls. Elena Sm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 6

289 40 54
By HeyItsJovana

"Hey hey its alright calm down." He says as he wraps his arms around me so tightly trying his best to comfort me. Rubbing my back in circles and removing my hair out of my face. Slowly wiping the tears away with his thumb as he stares deeply into my eyes. This is exactly what I need right now, a shoulder to cry on. Just who knew Diego would be the one to offer it first?

I'm trying my best to act strong and not to cry over people and their words like I used to. I never expected this from Zack, he was my childhood friend and lover of 2 years now. How could he? That's what hurt the most. The fact that all those years meant nothing.

"Elena look at me," Diego sighs as he lifts my chin up so that our eyes meet. "This isn't your fault, he never deserved you anyway. Now let's get you out of here. Princessa don't cry, I hate to see you like this. He's not worth a tear of yours."

I manage to give a little nod as I hug him tightly.

"Elena! I'm sorry! Please just listen to me. Hear me out." Zack runs out of the mansion and into the empty back yard corner. He freezes immediately when he sees Diego and I all wrapped up in each others arms.

"Princessa," Diego warns as he kisses my forehead and puts a strand of hair behind my ear. "Go to that chair and sit down, close your eyes and try to relax. Promise me you won't open them, this isn't going to get pretty." I nod at this as he takes me to the chair seating me and looking at me with great care in his eyes. He stiffens his muscles, jaw ticking and fists clenching before walking away. I obey and close my eyes not wanting to see what happens next.

"Oh you just made the mistake of your life. Nobody hurts her. Not again." I hear Diego shout as a yelp of pain escapes Zack. This wasn't what I wanted, I didn't want him beat up no matter how much he hurt me.

"Is that the best you can do Matthews?" I hear Zack spit. I cant resist the urge. I need to open my eyes and the second I do Zack throws a punch that Diego swiftly dodges.

"No, that's not the best I can do." And with that he throws a roundhouse kick aiming straight for his neck making Zack yelp in pain once again. He stumbles back trying to regain his balance before attempting another punch at Diego.

"That, that kick was from me," Diego retorts as he glares at Zack with muscles tensing more every second. "This, this is for Elena." He punches Zack square on the face initiating the bone crushing noise causing Zack to collapse on the ground in a second.

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands as I step forward to look at him once more. There he lay, blood trickling down his nose, spitting out blood. I gulp at the sight as tears silently make their way down my face.

"I told you not to open your eyes princessa." Diego growls taking both of my hands in his. "We need to leave, please."

I barely manage to nod. I remain mute as we take an exit on the far corner of the house, I don't know what I'm supposed to say. He is a big part of my life and he betrayed me.

"I'm sorry." My teeth clatter in the chilly midnight air whilst we make our way down the dimly lit street.

"Sorry for what?" Diego grabs me by the shoulders and turns me around with a look of confusion engraved in his face. He hands me his leather jacket which I gratefully accept and put on.

"I ruined your night," I say weakly. "You probably had other plans and more fun things to be doing rather than taking care of an emotionally unstable girl at the moment."

He glances at the pavement and motions for me to sit down at a bench nearby. He digs out his cellphone and speedily dials a taxi before hanging up.

Looking at me with those hazel-grey eyes he cups my cheek in his hand. "Elena, trust me when I tell you that you didn't ruin anything tonight. I'm taking us home and you're going to try and get some sleep. Tomorrow is a new day and we can talk about tonight, try and minimize your crying. Tears don't suit you, never have, never will."
Never have? You met me 2 days ago...

"Yeah thank you." I smile sadly and pull my knees to my chest. I dip my head on them as I wrap my arms around my legs, I can't belive what Zack did to me but I do know one thing for sure: he's not getting a second chance to trample over my heart.

We sit there in silence while Diego tries to make small talk to distract me from my thoughts.

"What came first the chicken or the egg?"
"Why is it called beauty sleep when you end up looking like a troll?"
"If tomatoes are technically fruits, then ketchup is just a smoothy!" My head goes up to that one and I look at him curiously. Huh never thought of it that way.

There's a spark of hope in his eyes. Maybe he feels happy he got me to face him. He sends me that signature smile of his that is just so perfect I'm at a loss for words.

"If James Bond is the world's most well known spy, doesn't it make him the world's worst spy?" He asks placing a finger on his chin pretending to be in deep thought.

"Maybe, that's pretty cool, these can't be yours where are you getting them Diego?" I chuckle before focusing my attention to the taxi that has just stopped in front of us.

"Ah that's a secret princessa, shh." He makes a hissy sound before doing a sassy hair flip with his imaginary long hair. I laugh out loud so hard that the streets echo. I cant contain myslef it's just too funny.

"I know I know I'm so awesome. Now will you please enter the taxi." He remarks in a sassy girls voice causing me to laugh once again. I glare at him in disbelief, he literally changed my mood so fast. It would've taken Mia and Kira days!

"Take a picture, it'll last longer princessa." He winks and opens the car door for me to go in. He sits next to me and places my head on his chest telling me to relax and stop stressing, gently caressing my hair.


"Well didn't think you'd actually fall asleep." I hear Diego muttering.

"What Diego where are we? Are you a serial killer and I don't know?" I question him curiously fully awakened from my slumber.

"We're in front of your house and serial killer really... well I do have a tendency to kill any doubts when it comes to." He shuts himslef up realising now is not the time to crack innuendos. "Sorry." He shakes his head searching through my purse to find the key.

"Hey! Didn't you ever hear not to search through a woman's purse before?" I snatch my purse and shake my head while he stands there smirking at me panicking over the fact that I can't find my keys. No no no! Dad is out at Rebecca's and I'm so totally locked out. Go life. Thanks universe.

I look up at the sky, "Thank you, fucking thank you!" I shout running my fingers through my hair. Diego looks amused whereas any other person would be encouraging me to visit a mental institution.

"Hey princessa I hate to be blunt and all but you're so locked out." Diego's face turns to form a large cheeky grin. How dare he laugh at my misfortune, as if I hadn't had enough for the night.

"No shit sherlock, I'll just ring Kira. Thanks for the ride home and well everything." I give him a tight hug and after we let go he snatches my phone.

"Elena you're welcome to stay in my place, it's really no problem." He smiles as a glint in his eyes appears.

"Are you sure?" I raise my eyebrows and he gives a reassuring nod. "Alright thank you! I owe you big time Diego." I say scurrying to his front porch, it's still cold outside despite the jacket.

"No princessa you don't owe me a thing." He says so faintly even I'm amazed as to how I hear it being 5 meters away.

"Well welcome to my place. Shit." He curses looking all alarmed.

"What's wrong?" I notice he's all agitated and scratching the back of his neck nervously chuckling.

"Nothing everything's fine, follow me." He flicks the light switch on revealing a living room filled with unpacked boxes. Loads and loads of them. Well makes sense since they just moved. I shrug and follow him upstairs to his bedroom. A combination of wood and white, his room is huge with a walk in closet! He even has a balcony overlooking the pool! I'm so jealous.

"You can take a shower in the guest rooms shower, just pick out something from my closet or you could totally sleep with that dress whatever works for you." He calls out from the closet rummaging through his shirts.

"Alright, can you pass me an oversized shirt please?" I yell as I flop down on his bed face front.

"Here, oh come on have enough energy to at least shower will you?" He shakes his head taking off my heels. I push myself up from the incredibly comfortable mattress and realise I had stained the white sheets with my makeup! Crap.

"Diego I uh." My finger drifts towards the stain. He just looks at me trying to see if I'm alright rather than worrying about his bedsheets. His eyebrows furrow and he sighs.

"Come here." He pulls me towards the bathroom placing me in front of the mirror. Holy crap. I look like a wreck. My mascara is everywhere and that smokey eye well let's just say it looks like more of a black eye now. He grabs a hold of my shoulders from behind, carefully wetting the cotton pad and removing the make up off my face.

"I look like shreks cousin." I chuckle at the sight.

"You look beautiful." He gives me a gentle kiss on the cheek, rubbing circles on my shoulders with his thumb before adding, "Take a shower here, I'll go to the guest room."


'Well this shirt is really comfy' I think to myself as I take a seat on his bed. I'm all cleaned up now and totally sleepy I can't wait to close my eyes and just-

"Crap I'm sorry, I thought you'd still be in the shower, most girls take twice as long and I forgot my clothes I-" He stands there with just a towel loosely draped around his waist. His dark brown hair still wet from his shower and his chest glistening with water droplets he hasn't dried yet. His well defined eight pack adding the finishing touches and his v line cascading impeccably. I'm absolutely awestruck.

"I -I it's alright no worries." I stutter falling backwards on the bed, facing the ceiling looking at the bright light. I dont stutter! Shit. Great move Elena great, you look like a teen girl who has just been kissed by her celebrity crush.

"Hey princessa," the light bulb gets obstructed by a Diego that has leaned in over the bed. My breath hitches and I glance awkwardly to the side. He cocks his head sideways and acknowledges, "Princessa you were totally checking me out over there. In fact I felt like I was being eye raped. Though don't worry I mean who can resist this."

He shoots a playful wink and I slap him on the shoulder.

"Hey is that how you say thank you to the oh so lovely guy lending you his bed tonight?" He rests his hand on his forehead imitating a perfect drama queen.

"I'm sorry you highness I'll make a note to be kinder next time." I send an angelic smile to which he smirks 'good'
I crawl into the bed while Diego changes in the bathroom. Wonder where he's sleeping? Oh crap. With me? Can't be right? He's a manwhore what did you expect he's going to seize every opportunity he gets.

"Night princessa." He turns off the lights before adding "Do you need anything before I go?"

"No, where are you sleeping Matthews?" I question.

"Uh well you see I know you've had a rough night so it's not like I'm getting in the same bed with you. I know you wouldn't prefer that, not right now. The house isn't fully furnished yet so the only two beds are this one and my dad's. It's not like I'm sleeping with him so I'll put some blankets and sleep on the floor I guess." He looks down sighing nervously.

The ground? He can't be serious. Is this some kind of prank to get into the same bed?

"Alright goodnight." I test to see if it is a prank or if he's genuinely that caring.

"Night, sweet dreams. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." He closes the door gently and takes a deep intake of breath.

"Diego! Wait come back." I shout from the bed. He actually cares, he's willing to sleep on the ground just so I can have the bed to myself.

"Yeah? You know they usually beg me to come back after we've spent the night and not before." He winks and then sits down on the bedside. "Princessa did you forget you suddenly needed a back massage because I'm not in the mood."

"No, I don't need a massage. Although we can save that for when you are in the mood." He chuckles and let's me continue, "I wanted to say thank you for being there tonight, beating him up and no matter how much it hurt to see him like that he deserved every bit, taking me home safely, offering me a place to sleep and giving me my space. It means a lot, you mean a lot. I also wanted to say that I'm not letting you sleep on the ground after what you did for me tonight. So hop in stupid and buenas noches."

He lets out a sigh of relief before plopping on the bed next to me.

"You weigh a ton!" I yawn sleepily. "Thank you."

"I'll always be there." He pulls my head closer to his chest and hugs me. I don't want to move away, I'm enjoying this proximity. I bring my arms up and lean them against his strong torso relaxing and melting into heaven. I lean my head into the crook of his neck. It's so relaxing, so safe. I can't bring myself to think about Zack whatsoever, I inhale Diego's scent as I drift into a slumber.

"I owe you Diego."

"No, I owe you the world." Are the last words I hear before drifting into the world of dreams...

Hey loves!
Aaaa they're in the same bed.
Maybe Diego isn't that bad? Ha. You think?
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always
Thanks for reading and giving this book a chance
Love you all lots

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