I Should Have Kissed You (A O...

By shockeychick614

138K 977 106

Brianna's ex, Matt, was abusive. After their breakup she's made high walls around her heart. But when her bes... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 28

3.1K 22 2
By shockeychick614

HI! I know I haven't updated in like forever. Don't hate me! This chapter's kinda a filler. I just wanted to get something uploaded (: I'm gonna try to upload again tomorrow since I don't have dance. Don't forget to comment, vote, fan and whatnot. I LOVE YOU GUYS xx Lindsay


Louis’s POV

                “Okay. Yeah we’ll be there later. I love you too. Bye.” Holly hung up her phone, her face looking more tired than she had when she’d woken up this morning.

                “So what’s the deal?” Brianna asked, munching on her toast.

                “Niall and Liam are at the hospital with Vanessa. She’s just got really bad migraines and passed out earlier. So we’re gonna go see her and the boys soon.”

                “I hope she’s okay…” Brianna mumbled. I reached out and squeezed her hand.

                “Don’t worry. I’ll bet she’s fine.” I said giving her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and turned back to her toast.

                “I’m gonna go wake up Harry and Zayn.” Holly said, leaving me and Brianna alone in the kitchen. Brianna kept munching on her toast, as if nothing had changed, except it had. I was almost positive she’d told me she loved me in her sleep last night. I tried to act nonchalant about it, but to be honest it was eating me up inside. Not in a bad way, just in the way of curiosity. And then Niall’s words came into my head. “… the fact of the matter is we’re leaving in two days to finish up our tour and will be gone for a month… what were you  planning on doing?” I had to tell her, but I desperately didn’t want to. She’d be crushed or at least I thought she would be. What if she got over me while we were gone? Louis she hasn’t even admitted to anything yet, you can’t be sure she even likes you like that.

                “Lou…? What are you thinking about?” Brianna snaked her arms around my shoulders, hugging me from behind. I turned around to face her, her eyes staring concernedly into mine.

                “Just… stuff.” I sigh. I can’t tell her now.

                “You wanna talk about it?”

                “Maybe later…” I shrug. She just nods and walks off towards her room. I run my fingers through my hair. Was I being an ass? Ugh I just don’t know what to do. I need to talk to Liam. I grabbed my phone off the counter and dialed him.


                “Hey Liam I need some more advice.” I sigh. He chuckles,

                “Alright, what do you need?”

                “Okay well I don’t know how to tell  Brianna that we’re leaving. And I think last night when we fell asleep she said she loved me but she was half asleep and so was I so I don’t even know and I just don’t know what to do.” I rambled.

                “Well I think we’re planning on doing something fun later, all of us to kick off our last day before the rest of the tour. Maybe you can tell her then. And just pretend you didn’t hear the love thing, you can’t be sure and that’s not something you just ask a girl ‘oh hey did I hear you correctly last night while we were half asleep that you loved me?’ yeah no. Not a good idea.” I nodded, then remembering that he couldn’t see me I said,

                “Yeah you’re right. Well thanks Li. We’ll see you in a bit.”

                “Alright mate.”

                “Bye.” I make my way upstairs to get changed, but stop short when I hear Holly and Brianna talking.

                “I think I let it slip last night.” Brianna says nervously.

                “Serioulsy!? Did he hear you?”

                “I don’t know, I was half asleep and I think he was asleep already.”

                “Well do you then?”

                “I don’t know, maybe. I know that I really like him. He’s so sweet and funny and caring.”

                “Oh my gosh you totally love him. I can tell the way you’re going on about him, plus you look like you’re imagining your wedding.” Holly giggles. I can hear her thump Brianna on the arm.

                “Ow.” She responds. The two of them laugh together and then begin talking about clothes and other girly things. I take that as my cue to stop eavesdropping. I turn to head to my room, only to run straight into Harry.

                “Oh hey.” I say sheepishly.

                “Eavesdropping I see?” Harry inquires. I nod, hanging my head like a scolded schoolchild. Harry grabs my hand and drags me into my room. “Well? Any juicy gossip?” I look at him appalled.

                “You have no idea how girly you just sounded.” I laugh.

                “Yeah I think I do, now tell me what did they say? Cuz you looked pretty happy about whatever it was.”

                “Well… Bri told Holly she thinks she loves me.”

                “Pshh old news. Now really what’s the gossip?”

                “Wha-?” I gaped at him.

                “It’s totally obvious mate. All I’m saying is you gotta do something.”

                “Well gee that was so helpful thanks.” I snip, getting off the bed and scavenging for a shirt.

                “Ooookayy then… I think we’re leaving in a bit. See ya downstairs.” I mumble a goodbye and pull on a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. I slip on my sneakers and head downstairs. Holly, Bri and Harry are all sitting and talking.

                “ZAYN! LOU- oh. You’re here. Okay. ZAYN HURRY UP!” Holly screams, cupping her hands to make herself louder. A minute later Zayn comes downstairs out of breath.

                “Geez Hol, you scared me. I’m lucky I came down with clothes on.” We all laugh and head out to the car. When we arrive at the hospital, Liam is waiting for us in the lobby. Holly runs in and smooches him on the lips, while the rest of us watch in mock disgust.

                “They’re right down here,” he says leading us to a room. We walk in to see Vanessa shaking the nurses hand, Niall’s arm around her waist as if they were about to leave.

                “Oh hey guys.” Niall says cheerily, “we were just leaving.”

                “Vanessa how are you?!” Holly and Brianna run to hug her. Niall comes over to me,

                “I already told her mate, now you just gotta break it to Bri. I told Vanessa not to bring it up around her, I didn’t want Bri freaking out and then you being pissed at me.” I nodded, as we all went back to the lobby.

                “You know I could really go for a nice roller coaster right about now.” Vanessa states.

                “What? You just got out of the hospital and you want to go on a roller coaster?” I ask. What the heck?

                “I just get migraines sometimes and I have meds. I’m fine. And yes I do want to go on a roller coaster.” She says crossing her arms and sticking her tongue out at me like a five-year old. I just laugh as we all agree to go to the amusement park. Liam, Niall, Vanessa and Holly all go in Liam’s car, while the rest of us take my car. We agree to meet at the entrance before we all split up in the parking lot.

                “This is going to be so much fun!” Brianna gushes, skipping to the car happily. I feel my stomach knotting up. I’m gonna ruin her day. I think to myself. Now I wish I’d told her already. I sigh, sliding in next to Brianna. Harry drives, Zayn takes shotgun so he can be the DJ, his iPhone plugged in and Stereo Hearts blasting out through the speakers. Brianna leans her head against my shoulder, softly humming along with the song. I smile out the window, knowing that soon enough she won’t want to be near me.

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