An opportunity taken

By SamisWWE97

58.6K 589 70

After being accepted into the WWE and being in NXT for two years, its now Sam's time to shine. But being a ne... More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Authors note PLEASE READ!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note!
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 46

635 6 0
By SamisWWE97

Three weeks, three weeks until the biggest moment of my life. In three weeks I get to walk into Wrestlemania and battle it out for the right to be called champion.

Tonight on RAW though I had to team up with my opponents at Mania, Eva and Nikki.

Renee came walking up to me with a cameraman behind her, I got handed a script and quickly read through it.

"Sam! Sam, can I have your thoughts on your match tonight?"

"My thoughts you ask? Well I'm certainly not happy. Why an earth would I want to team up with the two women's asses I'm going to kick in just three weeks time? The WWE Universe doesn't want to see enemies team up and get along with each other, they want to see us go at it!" I said, but before I could continue Stephanie came over.

"Sam I know you're eager to get your hands on both Eva and Nikki, but you are going to have to wait till Wrestlemania. Because if you put your hands on either one of those ladies in the next three weeks, then you will be taken out of the match at Mania. Same goes for either one of them. Have fun tonight!" She said whilst walking away. There goes my plan for tonight then.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a six on six Divas tag team match scheduled for one fall!"

Oh yeah
Oh oh yeah
She's so fast
She's got me dreamin' lovin'
From her head to her toes now girl don't
Oh yeah
Oh oh yeah

"Introducing first, from Concord California, she is the Divas Champion, Eva Marie!"

You can look, but you can't touch
You keep dreaming on the stars above

"Her tag team partner first, from Scottsdale Arizona, Nikki Bella!" Nikki and Eva stared each other down until my music hit.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me, and I walk alone

"And from Warrington Unighted Kingdom, Sam!"

Paige, Summer and Charlotte then came down to the ring and did their entrances.




Eva pushed both me and Nikki out and shouted "WATCH HOW ITS DONE!" As soon as she turned round, Paige dropped kicked her. Me and Nikki just laughed.

Paige then dragged her over to her corner and stomped on her whilst Charlotte tagged herself in.

"WOO!" Charlotte shouted, but as she turned round to lock on the figure eight, Eva kicked her in the bottom of the back then crawled over to our corner and slapped Nikki on the arm.

Nikki and Charlotte then locked up, Nikki had her in a headlock then bounced off the ropes, Charlotte closelined her though.

Charlotte then bounced off the ropes and dropped her knee on her and went for the cover, Nikki kicked out at two though.

I started clapping to get the crowd going and they joined in, Nikki then started elbowing Charlotte in the stomach. Charlotte kicked her though, which put a stop to that.

Charlotte stayed on Nikki, preventing any attempt she made to get to her corner. As Charlotte put her in the figure eight, Nikki somehow managed to roll through and tag me in.

I ran at Charlotte and closelined her, then bounced her off to ropes and gave her a kick to her stomach. I then dropped my leg onto her, and did a few more of them before going for the cover. She kicked out at two though.

I dragged her to the corner and did a split legged moon salt onto her, but she moved out of the way. As Charlotte went and tagged Summer in, I was about to tag Nikki in but Eva pushed her out of the way and slapped my hand instead.

The next thing I hear is that we have won the match, "Ladies and gentlemen your winners, Sam, Nikki and the Divas Champion, Eva Marie!" I look up at the tron to see what happened.

Eva tagged herself in, as Charlotte was already down she pushed Paige off the apron the rolled Summer up for the win, the ran out of the ring.

Me and Nikki looked at Eva as she raised the title above her head, was this the sight that everybody was going to see come Mania? Not if I had anything to do with it.

I'm so sorry, I know I kept saying I was going to update, but college just took over my life!

No longer at college now, so lots of updates to come!

Going to update a chapter every night as we're getting closer and closer to the end of the story :(

Did anybody watch Slamm 15? Not sure if there are any TNA fans here to be honest, hahaa! I've got it recorded, going to watch it and see if it was any good!

RAW tonight! The go home show for Great Balls of Fire, never thought I would say that! Let's hope it's good! I think it's been great this past few weeks!

Anyway, see you all tomorrow night for another update! Enjoy and peace xo

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