Chapter 37

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It had been a good few weeks since Dean had crushed me, Christmas and new year had been and gone and I was determined to make 2016 my year. No longer was I going to be hurt by a guy, I was now focused on my career. Wrestle Mania was in a few short months, and I was going to be on the show fighting for the title.


I answered my phone without looking at who it was.


"Hello Sam!"

"Oh hey Steph!" I said sitting up.

"How have you been?" She asked.

"Not too bad thanks! How about you?" I replied.

"Not too bad myself thank you. Anyways, I called to let you know we're ready to have you back on TV very soon"

"Really?!" I said excitedly.

"Yes! So make sure you're watching RAW tonight because you're going to know when I want you to return"

"Okay, thank you!" I said smiling.

"Not a problem, bye Sam!"

"Bye!" I said hanging up the phone.

I was now sat in front of the TV watching RAW excited to see what was happening. Stephanie was out there with a mic in her hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen the Royal Rumble is in three weeks time and every single superstar is getting ready at their shot at main eventing Wrestle Mania!" She said pointing at the sign whilst the crowd cheered. "But I'm not here to talk about the men of WWE, 2015 was a brilliant year for the women and 2016 I feel is going to be even better! And it all starts with one women getting to make history. We need to find a new number one contender for the Divas Championship, and that will all start at the Royal Rumble! So for all of the women in the back, down in NXT and any that might be sat at home" she said smiling. I smiled knowing she was on about me. "You will all get a chance to make history, but only one of you will get to go to Wrestle Mania to compete! In three weeks time you will all compete in the first women's Royal Rumble match! Good luck ladies" she smiled as she left the ring and the crowd were chanting "YES!"

Now I know why she told me to watch. I was going to make my return at the Royal Rumble and I couldn't be more excited!
I really enjoyed writing that chapter! Even though it's short it was still fun :)

Thanks for reading guys!

Also want to give a quick shoutout to TeresaSteveHarmon for the lovely comment! Also my first one, I really appreciate it so thank you!

Keep commenting and reading :)

See you all next Sunday for another chapter, peace xo

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