Chapter 19

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We were now in Brooklyn New York for the biggest event of the summer, Summerslam!

It was one of the biggest match of my career and I was determined to win.

My match wasn't until the very end just before Taker vs Brock, right now I was watching the other divas out there hoping my team was going to be the first ever female Tag Team Champs. Just at the last minute Steph had made it into an elimination match. Team B.A.D were the first team gone, now it was down to Team Bella vs Team PCS. Team Bella were dominating though.

Paige managed to stop Team Bella's motivation and tag Charlotte in.

From there Charlotte charged at Brie and got her in the figure 8. Eva was about to come and break it up, but Paige kicked her in the face. About 2 seconds later Brie tapped. Paige and Charlotte had won. Not only that, they had made history by becoming the first ever female Tag Team Champions!

They came backstage and were greeted with cheers and people congratulating them. They then made there way to the locker room and I gave them a hug.

"I'm so proud of you guys!"

"Now we have all of the gold!" Paige said.

"Well, unless I loose this" I said looking at my title.

"And you won't! Listen to me" Charlotte said grabbing my shoulders. "You are one of the best Divas ever! You deserve that championship after everything you've been through and done in this business so far. So I want you to go out there tonight with a huge smile on your face, and beat the holy shit out of Nikki and Naomi. Go it?" She said looking at me.

I smiled. "Got it!"

We watched the rest of the matches before it was time for me, I couldn't get Charlotte's speech out of my head. I was just worried about what was going to happen if I did loose.

"Good luck ladies!" Steph said before Naomi made her entrance.

"You ready?" Nikki said.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I replied.

Nikki then made her entrance and they both waited in the ring for me.

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I stood in the ring staring at my two opponents.

*DING* *DING* *DING* "This is a triple threat match and it is for the Divas Championship! Introducing the challengers. First from Orlando Florida Naomi!" She jumped around the ring. "And from Scottsdale Arizona Nikki Bella!" She pointed upwards and looked at me. "And from Warrington Unighted Kingdom, she is the current Divas Champion Sam!" I held my title in the air as the WWE Universe cheered me.

I handed the belt to the ref and looked at both Nikki and Naomi, this was their moment just as it was mine.

The ref signalled for the bell, time for playing games was over.

They both came charging at me. I got knocked to the floor and they both started stomping on my stomach. I rolled out of the ring in pain. As I started to stand up, it looked like Naomi was going to come diving at me but Nikki stood in front of her. They started shouting at one and other. I quickly grabbed Nikki's feet and pulled her out of the ring, I then smashed her into the steel steps. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Naomi come running at me, I quickly got out of the way and she went face first into the steps. "THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER LADIES!" I shouted. The audience cheered along.

I grabbed Naomi and pulled her into the ring and went for be cover, she kicked out at 2.

I got up and bounced off the ropes giving Naomi a leg drop. I went for the cover again, but once again she kicked out. I slapped the mat in anger.

I saw Nikki start to get on the ring apron, I ran up to her and gave her a drop kick watching her crash the the floor. Before I could do any thing else though, Naomi rolled me up to try and score the win.



Just before the ref hit down on three, I kicked out and put Namoi in the crossface. It looked like she was just about to tap, but I felt someone lift me up and drop me on my back. I rolled out of the ring in pain. Next thing I know Nikki's music is blaring through the arena.

I saw her grab the title and walk away with it. I had let myself down, but more importantly I had let the WWE Universe down.

I stood up and looked around at everyone, they were booing me. I walked backstage with my head held down.

I ignored everyone as I walked backstage and just left for the hotel.

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